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Educational system in Mexico
The Mexican Constitution establishes that all citizens have the right to receive
education. The State is in charge of imparting the basic level, which is composed of
preschool, primary and secondary. According to the law, this public education must
be secular, compulsory, free and of quality. There are also private schools, usually
linked to the Catholic Church, which can provide religious education but do not
receive public funds.
The education system is regulated by the Ministry of Public Education and is divided
into three large blocks.
It is free and mandatory for all Mexicans and consists of three levels.
Preschool education. There are three courses for children of 3, 4 and 5 years whose
aim is to boost their creativity and skills.
Primary education. It consists of six courses ranging from 6 to 12 years. It focuses
on literacy, basic calculus and learning elementary cultural concepts. At the end of
this level, a certificate is obtained that allows access to secondary education. In
some states it is possible to study in bilingual schools with a second language as a
foreign language or an indigenous language.
Secondary Education. They are three courses from 12 to 15 years in which the
student is trained to pursue higher education and expand their knowledge on various
subjects. Upon completion you also get a certificate that allows access to the next
This level, generally known as Baccalaureate or High School, is the last stage of
compulsory education. It is studied from 15 to 18 years and is divided into six
semesters. There are three types of specialization:
General Bachillerato. Prepares students to continue with higher education. It is a
general formation with scientific, technical and humanistic contents.
Baccalaureate It is a technical training that allows graduates to jump to the job
market or study a technical career.
Technical professional. It offers technical training in various specialties to prepare
students to hold various positions in the professional world.
Mexican higher education is taught in universities, technological institutes, normal
schools and technological universities, which may be public or private. Public
schools have state funding, but it is still necessary to pay a part of the tuition.
The universities follow a similar model to the American in which the following titles
are taught:
Bachelor's degree. Generally, they are four-year degrees of training in a given
Master's degree. They are usually two-year degrees in which major specialization is
acquired. You must have completed a bachelor's degree to study it.
Doctorate. It is the last level of education offered by universities. To finish it, it is
necessary to finish a master previously. It is a research project that usually lasts
three years.
Educational system in USA
In the United States, the exercise of government is fairly decentralized and control
of many public functions, such as school education, depends primarily on states and
local communities. They have retained control of the content of curricula and
educational methods; In fact, federal law prohibits the US government from
interfering in these areas. However, the federal government creates and implements
legislation related to education and has an impact on the implementation of laws and
regulations through state funds for public education
Broadly speaking, we can say that the American educational system comprises 12
years or "grades" (from 1 to 12) of education prior to entry to higher education. These
are divided into three stages:
Elementary school. Five grades from 6 to 11 years
Middle school. Three grades from 12 to 14 years old
High school. Four grades from 14 to 18 years old
After completing grade 12, students can continue with higher education, which can
be vocational and / or technical (2 years), professional and university (4 years).
Some careers such as law or medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, etc ... require
postgraduate studies in professional faculties.
At universities (also called colleges) students can earn a bachelor's degree, and
students who earn it are considered undergraduates. Post-graduate studies are
masters, and students who do so are considered graduates. Then, you can also do
a PhD, which usually lasts three years or more and is based on the research and
presentation of a doctoral thesis (thesis) the result of research in a specific and
specialized area.
Educational system in UK
When we speak of England, more specifically its educational system, it is inevitable
that we come to mind Oxford or Cambridge, or celebrities of knowledge as Stephen
Hawkins, but in this post I will specify a little about what is beyond the prestigious
English colleges and what to know before going to them.
1. As in Spain, education is compulsory from 5 to 16 years of age.
2. The school year begins in September, ends in July, and is divided into 3 quarters
(terms).Autumn Term is from September to Christmas, Spring Term from January to
Easter, and Summer Term from April to July, with an average of 12 weeks each. In
the middle of each term a vacation of about a week is made.
3. Its educational system focuses more on the practical field than on "knee elbows"
of all life. English teachers have the idea that it is important that what is learned is
useful in the future, and that it is something that the kids will forget about going out
into the yard.
4. In addition, it also counts as a difference the schooling system. In Spain, it may
be common for two students to be 12 months apart in a single class, but in the UK
classes are organized according to the academic year, not the year of birth. That is:
The child born in July will be in the course before the one born in August, despite
being both from 2004.
5. The school uniform, unlike Spain, is usually mandatory in most schools, whether
public or private. The most common you can buy them in supermarkets, department
stores or even directly at school. They are usually quite cheap.
There are 2 types of educational centers: Public schools (State Schools) and private
schools (Independent Schools or Public Schools).
In the Independent Schools there are more teaching hours, some Saturdays are
taught class, and their vacations are longer than those of the State Schools.
Recently the students of the Independent Schools have increased, since the parents
think that in the competitive world in which we live today, a more personalized
education is advisable, although that implies considerable amounts of money per
school year.
The core subjects and also trunks in all cycles are English, math and science.
The rest of them are the subjects that depend on whether you are "science or letters",
called fundation subjects. These are:
Design and technology, communication and computer technology, history,
geography, art and design, foreign language, music, physical education and civic
In addition, there are 3 options: P.S.H.E (personal, social and health education),
Religious Education (in which other world religions are studied) and Sexual
The Spanish school cycle is divided into cycles, whose English equivalent would be
called Key Stages. Key Stages range from 5 years old to 18.
Here is the English organization of the Key Stages:
Key Stage 1 and 2: It would be the equivalent of Spanish primary education, but
instead of counting 6th grade primary, it counts 3 of Children. The KS1 are the first
2 years, and the KS2, the next 4 years.
Key Stage 3 and 4: It would be the equivalent of secondary education. Here it would
count from 6 of Primary to 4 of the ESO. The KS3 are the first 3 years, and the
KS4, the next 2 years.
Key Stage 5: It is the equivalent of two years of Bachillerato.

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