Anda di halaman 1dari 78

lq= lj= ;]jf cfof]u

v'Nnf k|ltof]lutf cGtu{t k|zf;lgs kbxsf] lnlvt / k|of]ufTds k/LIffsf]


sDKo'6/ k|of]u ;DjGwL 1fgsf] k|of]ufTds k/LIffsf] kf7\os|d

! ;xfos nfO{j|]l/og
@= ;xfos k|zf;s
#= n]vf clws[t
$= e08f/ clws[t
% :6fkm g;{
^= :kLr y]/fkL ;xfos
&= cl;i6]06 d]l8sn /]s8{/
*=Nofj cl;i6]06
(= x]Ny cl;i6]06
!)=x]8 cl;i6]06
!#= sDKo'6/ ck/]6/
!$= lNslgsn cl;i6]06
!%=;xfos n]kfnkfn
!^= ;xfos e08f/kfn
!&=;xfos sDKo'6/ ck/]6/
!(= c=x]=j=
@)= kmfd]{;L cl;i6]06
lq= lj= ;]jf cfof]u
k|zf;lgs kbx?sf] sDKo'6/ k|of]u ;DjGwL 1fgsf] k|of]ufTds k/LIff
;""rgf k|ljlwsf] If]qdf ljZjn] 7"nf] km8\sf] dfl/;s]sf] 5 . ljZjdf ePsf] ;"rgf k|ljlwsf] ljsf;
k|lt hfu?s xF'b} o;nfO{ b|'t ultdf cjnDjg ug'{ g]kfn h:tf] ljsf;f]Gd'v b]zsf] nflu clgjfo{
eO{s]sf] 5 . cjsf] ;do k/Dk/fut sfo{z}nLdf kl/dfh{g ub}{ j}1flgs k4ltsf] cjnDjg ug'{ xf] .
o;} j:t'tYonfO{ b[li6ut u/L lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] b}lgs k|zf;lgs sfo{nfO{ ;d;flos
kl/dfh{g ub}{ r':t b'?:t / cem k|efjsf/L / j}1flgs jgfpb} n}hfg cfjZos ePsf]n] cl;i6]06
jf ;f] ;/x / ;f] eGbf dflysf kbx? -k|fljws kbjfx]s_ sf nflu v'Nnf k|ltof]lutf cGtu{t :yfoL
kbk"lt{ ubf{ sDKo'6/ k|of]u ;DjGwL 1fgsf] k/LIf0f ug{ sDKo'6/ k|of]u ;DjGwL kf7\os|dsf] Joj:yf
ul/Psf] 5 . k|:t't kf7\os|dsf] k|of]u kl5 ljZjljBfno k|zf;gdf sfo{ ;Dkfbsf gljgtd
k|ljlwsf] k|of]u ug{ ;Ifd hgzlQmsf] pknJwtf x'g]5 . t;y{ k|:t't kf7\os|dnfO{ s|dzM ;]jf
k|j]zsf] k"j{zt{ -Pre-requisite_ sf] ?kdf /flvPsf] 5 .

o; Joj:yf cg';f/ sDKo'6/ k|of]u ;DjGwL 1fgsf] k/LIf0f ul/ of]Uo 7xl/Psf pDd]bjf/nfO{ dfq
lnlvt k/LIffdf ;lDdlnt u/fOg]5 . o; lsl;dsf] k/LIffdf sDo'6/ k|of]u ;DjGwL cfwf/e"t
1fgsf] If]qjf6 @) ldg]6 b]lv ! 306f;Ddsf] k/LIff pDd]bjf/n] sDKo'6/jf6} lbg' kg]{5 . sDKo'6/
k|of]u ;DjGwL 1fgsf] k/LIffsf] k"0ff{ ;j} kbsf lgldQ %) / plQ0f{f @) x'g]5 . sDKo'6/
k|of]u;DjGwL 1fgsf] k/LIffdf @) c k|fKt u/]sf ;j} pDd]bjf/nfO{ lnlvt k/LIffdf ;lDdlnt
u/fOg]5 . sDKo'6/ k|of]u;DjGwL 1fgsf] k/LIffdf k|fKt u/]sf] c cGoq st} k|of]u x'g] 5}g .

lq= lj= ;]jfdf cl;i6]06 jf ;f] ;/x / x]8 cl;i6]06 jf ;f] ;/xsf kbsf]
sDKo'6/ k|of]u ;DjGwL 1fgsf] k|of]ufTds k/LIffsf] kf7\os|d
1. Operating systems and their installations
- introduction, Types and functions of operating system
Microsoft windows
- Elements of windows
- Desktop, taskbar, My computer, Recycle bin, Briefcase
- Starting and shutting down windows
- folders and file managements with Windows Explorer
- Customizing windows-Installing Fonts, Display setting, Installing and
Un-stalling software.
- Windows Application
- Notepad, Word Pad, Ms-paint, Ms dos prompt, calculator
2. Application Programs and installation
(a) Microsoft office
Ms Word
Introduction, Creating Saving and Opening the document.
Ms Word Environment ( Menu, Toolbars, Status bar, Rulers,
Scroll Bar etc.)
Coping, Moving, Deleting and Formatting Tex
Using Various Nepali Fonts
Ms Excel
Ms Excel concepts,
Organization of Excel spreadsheet (Cells, Rows, Columns
Elements of Ms Excel Environment (Menu, Tools bars, Status
bar, Rulers, Worksheet)
Formatting, Edition Coping Moving Deleting cell contents, in-
serting Header and Footer Sorting and Filtering data using
formulae, Simple, Calculation and creating charts from excel
data and graphic presentation
Page setting

Ms Power Point
Concept and use of power point
slide show
Background, Auto Content Wizard and Auto Clipart
Custom Animation

(b) Simple Photo Editing software

Toolbar Shortcut Platte, Prepare Image, JPEG Files, Printing

(c) Email/Internet
Concept and use of internet E-mail in daily work.
Sending & Receiving Mail
(d) Antivirus Programs
Concept of virus and Antivirus Program
Antivirus Program Installation, Use and Update
3. Typing Speed
Formatting Tools,
Using various Devenagari fonts / changing
Colors (Foreground color / Background color)
Insert of Objects, Images and Graphs etc.

4. Printer and Scanner

Printer/Scanner Installation : Printer /Scanner Driver, Default Printer Printing
of Documents using different types of printers, Scanning of documents,
photographs and use of scanned documents and photos.

Evaluation methods
Practical test of all the topics

Essential computer knowledge and skill for TU Staffs (Officer Level)

General Administration

Basic Knowledge of operating systems

eg. Microsoft Windows and their versions .

Detail knowledge of essential application programs

eg. (a) Microsoft office package (Ms Word, Ms excel, Ms Power point)
and Ms Access.
(b) Data Base programs (DBase or FoxPro)
(c) Essential Photo editing programs
(Point brass, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia freehand package

Should have the knowledge to backup data and store them for further uses .
Printing and scanning knowledge.

Evaluation methods

Practical test of all the topics

Typing letters using word

Maintain the database of TU staffs using Ms Excel
Design a cover page of a magazine to be published by TU using your desire
TU is planning to replace conventional Type ID card of staffs and students by
PVC laminated card. So using any software design the card to discuss and
modify them it necessary.
Make a small program to search the individual data in a computer. The data of
staff is in dbase system.
You are asked to prepare slides of TU structure and present in a seminar, so
prepare necessary slides.
Design a calendar of TU of an academic year .

Essential computer knowledge and skill for TU Staffs (Officer Level)

Courses for Account Officer

Basic Knowledge of operating systems

eg. Microsoft Windows and their versions .

Detail knowledge of essential application programs

eg. (a) Microsoft office package (Ms Word, Ms excel, Ms Power point) and Ms
(b) Data Base programs (DBase or FoxPro)
(c) Essential Photo editing programs
(Point brass, Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia freehand package etc.
Should have the knowledge to backup data and store them for further uses .
Printing and scanning knowledge.
Should be able to generate the balance sheet, using computer.
Should have the knowledge of statistical analysis package.
Should be able to check any financial data prepared by sub-ordinate staffs.
should be able to make small programs (Proprietary type package) using

(a) Ms Access
(b) Ms excel
(c) DBase
(d) FoxPro, etc
Which will be helpful for checking and searching the individual data of any one quickly . eg. salary
status, service years, provident fund, loan etc.

Printing and scanning knowledge.

Evaluation methods
Practical test of all the topics

Using Ms Excel prepare the list of staffs of any campus and arrange them in (a)
Alphabetical order (b) their status (c) salary d) sex and (e) Phone number .

Type an invitation letter to VC, Rector and Registrar to attend the campus day ceremony.
You are asked to make a statistical data of the current financial condition of
your campus. Use any program to generate the statistical data and essential
Make a salary sheet of a campus.
Develop a small program to quarry the salary sheet and get a person's detail
;xfos nfO{j|]l/og kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
;xfos nfO{j|]l/og kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %) %) k"0ff{sf
tLg kqx /xg] 5g\ . tLg} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !%) df Go"gtd\ %) c -cyf{t &%
c_ k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf] of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kqM ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
1. Sources and Types of information

a. Documentary sources
b. Non-Book materials.
c. A/v and Electronics sources
d. Human and institutional sources

2. Library and Society

a. History and development of libraries and their role in modern
b. Types of libraries, their aims, objectives and functions.
c. Laws of Library Science
d. Library activities of UNESCO & IFLA
e. Book Publisher's Association & Books Development Council.

3. Library Management
a. Definition of library management, nature, purpose and functions.
b. Planning
1. Library Building
2. Library Space
3. Library Furniture
4. Library Staff
5. Library Budget
c. Library House Keeping Functions
1. Collection Development
2. Book Selection & Acquisition
3. Maintenance: Book Binding (Book Preservation)
4. Book Circulation and Charging System
5. Library Committee & Library Rule
4. Library Cataloguing & Indexing Systems
a. Need, Purpose and Functions of Library
b. Types of Catalogue & Physical Forms of Catalogue
c. Data elements in different types of entries
d. Indexing Systems: Chain Procedure, PRECIS and POPSI
e. Card Filing:
5. Library Classification & Information Processing
a. Definition, Need, Purpose & Functions
b. History & Theory of Classification
c. Knowledge of DDC, CC & UDC
Analytic - Synthetic scheme of classification
- Postulation Approach
- Fundamental Categories
- Call Number

6. Information & Services

a. Reference & Information Services

b. Definition and Types of Reference Services
c. Current awareness services
d. Selective dissemination of information (SDI)

k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
! k|Zg x !) c !)
@ k|Zg x % c !)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

;xfos nfO{j|]l/og kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z

bf];|f] kqM ljifout 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
1. Bibliography and Documentation
a. Needs, Functions and Types of Bibliographies
b. Bibliographic Service
c. Definition Scope, Functions of Documentation
d. Abstracting Techniques and Types of Abstracts
e. Tools and Techniques of Indexing & Abstracting
2. Library automation
a. Definition, Need, Purpose and Functions
b. Designing Bibliographic Databases
c. Integrated Library Automation Software and different modules
e. MARC and OCLC
3. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
a. Need and Purpose of ICT in Libraries
b. Online Database, Webpage Design
c. Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
d. Open Access and Digitization
4. Role of Libraries in Research & Education
a. Academic libraries and Formal Education
b. Informal Education and Role of Public Libraries
c. Research Methodology and Library Science Education
d. Role of user education in research
e. Open Access and Research

5. Library and Information Service of Nepal

a. History of libraries and library Science Education in Nepal.
b. National Library and Academic Libraries of Nepal
c. Bibliographic Control Mechanism in Nepal
- National Union Catalogue
- Nepalese National Bibliography
- ISBN System in Nepal
d. Information Literacy in Nepal
e. Copy Right Act implementation in Nepal .
6. E. Libraries
a. Need, Importance and justification of e. libraries
b. Different Component needed to establish e. libraries
c. State of e. libraries in Nepal.
d. Free e-resources
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
! k|Zg x !) c !)
@ k|Zg x % c !)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{
jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
;xfos nfO{j|]l/og kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
t];|f] kqM pRrlzIff / ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DaGwL 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= lzIff / z}lIfs k|zf;g
s= lzIffsf] kl/ro, p4]Zo tyf lzIffsf] ;fdflhs,cfly{s / /fhg}lts e"ldsf
v= g]kfnsf] z}lIfs Oltxf; / dxTjk"0f{ z}lIfs 36gfx
u= z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL 1fgM kl/ro tyf kl/efiff, p2]Zo / sfo{If]q
3= lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] z}lIfs k|zf;gsf] 1fgM s]Gb|Lo k|zf;g, SofDk; k|zf;g,

@= pRr lzIffsf] Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIfM

-s_= u'0f:t/, ;fGble{stf, kx'r / sfo{s'zntf
-v_= ;fj{hlgs, lghL, ;fem]bf/L
-u_= :jfoQtf / hafkmb]lxtf
-3_= pRrlzIffsf] tfTko{ / g]kfndf pRr lzIffdf b]lvPsf r'gf}tLx
-_ g]kfndf pRr lzIffsf] ljsf;sf] Oltxf; .
-_ g]kfndf ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgfsf k|of;x? / ljsf;
-r_ g]kfndf :jLs[t ljZjljBfnox? / ltgLx?sf] jt{dfg cj:yf .

$= z}lIfs cg';Gwfg / ljljw

s= z}lIfs cg';Gwfgsf] cjwf/0f / p2]Zo
v= gLlt lgdf{0f tyf of]hgf / sfo{s|dsf] ljsf;df cg';Gwfgsf] k|of]u / dxTj .
u= ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkgdf tYof / ;"rgfsf] dxTj / pkof]u
3= ;"rgf k|ljlw ;DaGwL /fli6o gLlt jf/] hfgsf/L
= k':tsfno tyf ;"rgf ;DjGwL /fli6o gLltjf/]sf] 1fg .
r= ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo, st{Jo tyf pQ/bfloTj
5== lzIff dGqfno, cy{ dGqfno, ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u / ljZjljBfno
jLrsf] ;DaGwsf ljljw cfofdx
%= ;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod tyf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;+u7g;DaGwL
-s_=;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod / sfo{Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] cy{ / logLx jLrsf] leGgtfx
-v_= lq=lj P]g @)$( -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
-u_ lq=lj ;+u7g tyf z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @, #, $ ^, &, !), !^ b]lv %%, && / &* dfq _ .
-3_ lq=lj lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ jf/] hfgsf/L
-_= lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L
-r_ lq=lj=sf] ljs]Gb|Ls/0f / :jfoQtf ;DaGwL lglt / lgod jf/] hfgsf/L
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)

;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t
b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
;xfos k|zf;s kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf]
lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
;xfos k|zf;s kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %) %) k"0ff{sf tLg
kqx /xg] 5g\ . tLg} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !%) df Go"gtd\ %) c -cyf{t &% c_ k|fKt
u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf] of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / ;+u7g ;DaGwL 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ff
s= kl/ro tyf kl/efiff
v= p2]Zo, sfo{If]q / dxTj
u= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] ljsf; s|d
3= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / lglh -Jofkfl/s_ k|zf;gsf] ;dfgtf / leGgtf
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cGo ljwf;Fusf] ;DaGw

@=;+u7g / o;sf k|d'v kIfx

s= ;+u7gsf] kl/ro
v= ;+u7gsf] lsl;d / :jk
u= ;+u7g u7gsf cfwf/x
3= lq=lj=sf] ;+u7gfTds :jk

#= sd{rf/LtGq -Bureaucracy_ / sd{rf/L k|zf;g

s= sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / cfwf/e"t k|s[lt -Nature_
v= sd{rf/LtGqsf b'j{n / ;jn kIfx
u= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
3= sd{rf/L k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0f
= sd{rf/L k|zf;gsf] ljljw kIf
r= sd{rf/L 6]8 o'lgogM k|hftflGqs zf;g Joj:yfdf sd{rf/Lsf] ;+u7Lt x'g] clwsf/ / o;sf
;sf/fTds tyf gsf/fTds kIfx
5= sd{rf/Lsf cfr/0f, cg'zf;g / lq=lj=df /x]sf o;;DaGwL Joj:yfx

$= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] ;+rfng ljlwx

s= ;dGjoM cy{, dxTj / ;dGjosf tl/sfx
v= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg -Delegation of power_ tyf ljs]Gb||Ls/0f -Decentralization_ Pj+ clwsf/
lgIf]k0f -Devolution of Power )
u= ;'kl/j]If0f, cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg
3= clen]v Joj:yfkg
= lg0f{o lng] k|s[of -Decision Making Process_ M lg0f{o k|s[of / o;sf l;4fGt
% s]xL k|zf;lgs ljlwx
-s_= sfo{ ljZn]if0f - Job Analysis _
-v_= sfo{ ljj/0f - Job Description _
-u_= sfo{ d"Nof+sg - Job Evaluation _
-3_= sfo{ lj:t[tLs/0f- Job Enlargement_
-_ ;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg - Organization and Management _ k4lt
-r_ sfof{no ;dosf] nrstf - Flexi Time _
-5_ u'0f rs| - Quality Circle _
-h_ 5l/tf] Joj:yfkg - Lean management _
-em_ pTk|]/0ff -Motivation_

^ k|zf;lgs pQ/bfloTj
-s_= kl/ro tyf kl/efiff
-v_= ;fj{hlgs pQ/bfloTjsf ljlwx
-u_= ;fj{hlgs pQ/bfloTjsf r'gf}lt
-3_= pQ/bfloTj a9fpg] pkfox
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !%c #)
@ k|Zg x !)c @)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _


;xfos k|zf;s kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z

bf];|f] kqM ljifout 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= lzIff / z}lIfs k|zf;g
s= lzIffsf] kl/ro, p4]Zo tyf lzIffsf] ;fdflhs,cfly{s / /fhg}lts e"ldsf
v= g]kfnsf] z}lIfs Oltxf; / dxTjk"0f{ z}lIfs 36gfx
u= z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL 1fgM kl/ro tyf kl/efiff, p2]Zo / sfo{If]q
3= lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] z}lIfs k|zf;gsf] 1fgM s]Gb|Lo k|zf;g, SofDk; k|zf;g,
@= pRr lzIffsf] Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIfM
-s_= u'0f:t/, ;fGble{stf, kx'r / sfo{s'zntf
-v_= ;fj{hlgs, lghL, ;fem]bf/L
-u_= :jfoQtf / hafkmb]lxtf
-3_ g]kfndf pRr lzIffsf] ljsf;sf] Oltxf; .
-_= g]kfndf pRr lzIffdf b]lvPsf r'gf}tLx
-r_ g]kfndf ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgfsf k|of;x? / ljsf;
-5_ g]kfndf :jLs[t ljZjljBfnox? / ltgLx?sf] jt{dfg cj:yf
#= z}lIfs of]hgf / Joj:yfkg
s= z}lIfs of]hgfsf] cjwf/0f cy{ p2]Zo, z}lIfs of]hgfdf cfly{s, ;fdflhs tyf
/fhg}lts, ;dembf/L -Considerations_,
v= z}lIfs of]hgf lgdf{0fsf k|lqmofx? -cfjZostfsf] klxrfg, p2]Zo lgdf{0f, gLlt lgdf{0f,
k|fyldstf lgwf{/0f / ;+efJotf cWoog .
u= lzIff of]hgf lgdf{0f, sfof{Gjog, d"Nof+sg / ;'wf/
3= z}lIfs Joj:yfkgsf] cjwf/0ff, dxTj, If]q / l;dfx?
;]jfu|fxLnfO{ k'ofpg' ;]jf -Service Delivery)

$= z}lIfs cg';Gwfg / ljljw

s= z}lIfs cg';Gwfgsf] cjwf/0f / p2]Zo
v= gLlt lgdf{0f tyf of]hgf / sfo{s|dsf] ljsf;df cg';Gwfgsf] k|of]u / dxTj .
u= ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkgdf tYof / ;"rgfsf] dxTj / pkof]u
3= ;"rgf k|ljlw ;DaGwL /fli6o gLlt jf/] hfgsf/L
= k':tsfno tyf ;"rgf ;DjGwL /fli6o gLltjf/]sf] 1fg .

% ;'zf;g / gful/s clwsf/

-s_= ;'zf;g / gful/s clwsf/sf] cjwf/0ff
-v_ e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g @)%( sf] hfgsf/L
-u_ g]kfnsf] clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u Pj+ ;ts{tf s]Gb|sf] sfd,
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .
-3_ k|zf;gdf ;+rf/ / ljB'tLo zf;g - e- governance_ sf] cjwf/0ff / dxTj .
^ cfly{s k|zf;g / n]vf;DaGwL 1fg
-s_= cfly{s k|zf;gsf] cy{ / If]q
-v_= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf cfly{s k|zf;gsf] dxTj
-u_ cfly{s k|zf;gdf k|zf;sLo k|d'vx?sf] lhDd]jf/L / hjfkmb]xL .
-3_ cfly{s cg'zf;gM ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf pkfo .
-_ jh]6sf] kl/efiff / lsl;d
-r_= n]vf k|0ffnLsf] l;4fGt / ;/sf/L ;|]:tf k|0ffnLsf] 1fg
-5_ ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf cfGtl/s / clGtd n]vf k/LIf0fsf] cfjZost
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !%c #)
@ k|Zg x !)c @)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
- ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{
jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

;xfos k|zf;s kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z

t];|f] kqM z}lIfs ;+:yf / ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DaGwL 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!= ;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod tyf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;+u7g;DaGwL #)

-s_=;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod / sfo{Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] cy{ / logLx jLrsf] leGgtf
-v_= lq=lj P]g @)$( -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
-u_ lq=lj ;+u7g tyf z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @, #, $ ^, &, !^ %%, && / &* dfq _ .
-3_ lq=lj lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ jf/] hfgsf/L
-_= lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @ (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
-r_ lq=lj=sf] ljs]Gb|Ls/0f / :jfoQtf ;DaGwL lglt / lgod jf/] hfgsf/L
@= lzIff;+u ;DjlGwt ljljw !)
s= lzIff dGqfno, cy{ dGqfno, ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u / ljZjljBfno jLrsf]
;DaGwsf ljljw cfofdx
v== g]kfnsf] k|rlnt ;+ljwfgdf tyf rfn' / ;f] eGbf cl3Nnf] k~rjlif{o of]hgfdf
lzIff ;DjGwL k|fjwfg .
u= ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo, st{Jo tyf pQ/bfloTj
3= pRr dfWolds lzIff kl/ifb :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo, st{Jo tyf pQ/bfloTj
= k|fljlws lzIff tyf Jofj;flos tflnd kl/ifb ( CTEVT ) :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo,
st{Jo tyf pQ/bfloTj

# jf]wcleJolQm ;d:of;dfwfg !)
;+If]kLs/0f, lj:t[tLs/0f, a"Fbf l6kf]6, ;f/f+z, l6Kk0fL n]vg, cg'R5]b n]vg jf af]w
k|Zgx?sf] dfWodjf6 uxgtd\ 9+un] af]w / cleJolQm Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f jf s'g} klg ;d:of
a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .
k|Zg of]hgf
!= ;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod tyf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;+u7g;DaGwL c+zaf6 @ k|Zg x !%c #)
@= lzIff;+u ;DjlGwt ljljwaf6 ! k|Zg x !)c !)
# jf]wcleJolQm jf ;d:of;dfwfg;DaGwL c+zaf6 ! k|Zg x !)c jf @ k|Zg x % c !)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

- ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{
jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
n]vf clws[t kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf]
lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
n]vf clws[t kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %) %) k"0ff{sf tLg kqx
/xg] 5g\ . tLg} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !%) df Go"gtd\ %) c -cyf{t &% c_ k|fKt u/]sf
pDd]bjf/xsf] of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / ;+u7g ;DaGwL 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ff
s= kl/ro tyf kl/efiff
v= p2]Zo, sfo{If]q / dxTj
u= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] ljsf; s|d
3= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / lglh -Jofkfl/s_ k|zf;gsf] ;dfgtf / leGgtf
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cGo ljwf;Fusf] ;DaGw
@=;+u7g / o;sf k|d'v kIfx
s= ;+u7gsf] kl/ro
v= ;+u7gsf] lsl;d / :jk
u= ;+u7g u7gsf cfwf/x
3= lq=lj=sf] ;+u7gfTds :jk

#= sd{rf/LtGq -Bureaucracy_ / sd{rf/L k|zf;g

s= sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / cfwf/e"t k|s[lt -Nature_
v= sd{rf/LtGqsf b'j{n / ;jn kIfx
u= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
3= sd{rf/L k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0f
= sd{rf/L k|zf;gsf] ljljw kIf
r=sd{rf/L 6]8 o'lgogM k|hftflGqs zf;g Joj:yfdf sd{rf/Lsf] ;+u7Lt x'g] clwsf/ /
o;sf ;sf/fTds tyf gsf/fTds kIfx
5= sd{rf/Lsf cfr/0f, cg'zf;g / lq=lj=df /x]sf o;;DaGwL Joj:yfx
$= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] ;+rfng ljlwx
s= ;dGjoM cy{, dxTj / ;dGjosf tl/sfx
v= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg -Delegation of power_ tyf ljs]Gb||Ls/0f -Decentralization_ Pj+ clwsf/
lgIf]k0f -Devolution of Power )
u= ;'kl/j]If0f, cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg
3= clen]v Joj:yfkg
= lg0f{o lng] k|s[of -Decision Making Process_ M lg0f{o k|s[of / o;sf
% s]xL k|zf;lgs ljlwx
-s_= sfo{ ljZn]if0f - Job Analysis _
-v_= sfo{ ljj/0f - Job Description _
-u_= sfo{ d"Nof+sg - Job Evaluation _
-3_= sfo{ lj:t[tLs/0f- Job Enlargement_
-_ ;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg - Organization and Management _ k4lt
-r_ sfof{no ;dosf] nrstf - Flexi Time _
-5_ u'0f rs| - Quality Circle _
-h_ 5l/tf] Joj:yfkg - Lean management _
-em_ pTk|]/0ff -Motivation_
^ k|zf;lgs pQ/bfloTj
-s_= kl/ro tyf kl/efiff
-v_= ;fj{hlgs pQ/bfloTjsf ljlwx
-u_= ;fj{hlgs pQ/bfloTjsf r'gf}lt
-3_= pQ/bfloTj a9fpg] pkfox
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !%c #)
@ k|Zg x !)c @)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

- ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{
jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
n]vf clws[t kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z

bf];|f] kqM kbut ljifo;Fu ;DalGwt 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
! cfly{s k|zf;g;DaGwL 1fg
-s_= cfly{s k|zf;gsf] cy{ / If]q
-v_= cfly{s k|zf;gsf k|d'v sfo{x
-u_ ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf cfly{s k|zf;gsf] dxTj
-3_ cfly{s k|zf;gdf lhDd]jf/L / hjfkmb]xL .
!= cfly{s sf/f]jf/df ljQLo tyf k|zf;gsLo hjfkmb]xLsf] cfjZostf .
@= cfly{s k|zf;gdf k|zf;sLo k|d'vx?sf] lhDd]jf/L / hjfkmb]xLsf] Joj:yf
#= cfly{s cg'zf;gM ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf pkfo .

@= cfly{s k|zf;g;+u ;+nUg lgsfox?

-s_ g]kfn ;/sf/, cy{ dGqfno, /fli6o of]hgf cfof]u
-v_ dxfn]vf lgoGq0f sfof{nosf] sfd st{Jo / clwsf/
-u_ ;fj{hlgs n]vf ;ldltsf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/
-3_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g / lgodfjnLsf] 1fg

#= ah]6 th'{df, sfof{Gjog / d"Nof+sg Joj:yf

-s_= ah]6sf] ;}4flGts hfgsf/L,
-v_= ah]6sf] lsl;d M ;Gt'lnt ah]6, 3f6f ah]6, art ah]6, k/Dk/fut ah]6,
cfw'lgs ah]6 / z'Go ah]6 .
-u_ ;fwf/0f jh]6 / k"Flhut jh]6sf] cGt/ ;DjGw .
-3_ lq=lj= sf cfDbfgLsf ;|f]tx? / ltgsf] juL{s/0f .
-_ lq=lj= sf] ah]6 lgdf{0f, :jLs[lt / lgsf;f Joj:yf

$= n]vfk|0ffnL
-s_ n]vf k|0ffnLsf l;4fGt
-v_ ;/sf/L >]:tf k|0ffnL
-u_ lq= lj= >]:tf k|0ffnL
-3_ gubL sf]if ;+rfng
-+ j}s lx;fj ;dfof]hg
%= n]vfk/LIf0f Joj:yf
-s_ n]vfk/LIf0fsf] cfwf/e"t l;4fGt .
-v_ n]vfk/LIf0fsf] ;+j}wflgs Pj+ sfg"gL cfwf/x? .
-u_ cfGtl/s afXo n]vfk/LIf0fsf] dxTj / pkfb]otf .
-3_ sfo{d"ns n]vfk/LIf0fsf] dxTj
-_ cfly{s cg'zf;g / n]vfk/LIf0f .
-r_ j]?h' km5\of}{6 ug]{ tl/sf .
-5_ lhG;L n]vf k/LIf0f

^= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / Joj:yfkg

-s_= ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkgsf l;4fGt
-v_= k|zf;gdf lhDd]jf/L / pQ/bfloTj
-u_ ;'zf;g / gful/s clwsf/
-3_ e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g @)%( sf] hfgsf/L
-_ g]kfnsf] clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u Pj+ ;ts{tf s]Gb|sf] sfd,
st{Jo / clwsf/ .
-r_ k|zf;gdf ;+rf/ / ljB'tLo zf;g - e- governance_ sf] cjwf/0ff / dxTj .
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !%c #)
@ k|Zg x !)c @)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\
- ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{
jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

n]vf clws[t kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z

t];|f] kqM pRrlzIff / ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DaGwL 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= lzIff / z}lIfs k|zf;g
s= lzIffsf] kl/ro, p4]Zo tyf lzIffsf] ;fdflhs,cfly{s / /fhg}lts e"ldsf
v= g]kfnsf] z}lIfs Oltxf; / dxTjk"0f{ z}lIfs 36gfx
u= z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL 1fgM kl/ro tyf kl/efiff, p2]Zo / sfo{If]q
3= lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] z}lIfs k|zf;gsf] 1fgM s]Gb|Lo k|zf;g, SofDk; k|zf;g,
+@= pRr lzIffsf] Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIfM
-s_= u'0f:t/, ;fGble{stf, kx'r / sfo{s'zntf
-v_= ;fj{hlgs, lghL, ;fem]bf/L
-u_= :jfoQtf / hafkmb]lxtf
-3_= pRrlzIffsf] tfTko{ / g]kfndf pRr lzIffdf b]lvPsf r'gf}tLx
-_ g]kfndf pRr lzIffsf] ljsf;sf] Oltxf; .
-_ g]kfndf ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgfsf k|of;x? / ljsf;
-r_ g]kfndf :jLs[t ljZjljBfnox? / ltgLx?sf] jt{dfg cj:yf .
#= ;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod tyf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;+u7g;DaGwL
-s_=;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod / sfo{Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] cy{ / logLx jLrsf] leGgtf
-v_= lq=lj P]g @)$( -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
-u_ lq=lj ;+u7g tyf z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
-3_ lq=lj lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ jf/] hfgsf/L
-_= lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @ (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
-r_ lq=lj=sf] ljs]Gb|Ls/0f / :jfoQtf ;DaGwL lglt / lgod jf/] hfgsf/L
$= lzIff;+u ;DjlGwt ljljw
s= g]kfnsf] k|rlnt ;+ljwfgdf tyf rfn' / ;f] eGbf cl3Nnf] k~rjlif{o of]hgfdf lzIff
;DjGwL k|fjwfg .
v= ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo, st{Jo tyf pQ/bfloTj
u= pRr dfWolds lzIff kl/ifb :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo, st{Jo tyf pQ/bfloTj
3= k|fljlws lzIff tyf Jofj;flos tflnd kl/ifb ( CTEVT ) :yfkgfsf] p2]Zo, st{Jo
tyf pQ/bfloTj
== lzIff dGqfno, cy{ dGqfno, ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u / ljZjljBfno jLrsf]
;DaGwsf ljljw cfofdx
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !%c #)
@ k|Zg x !)c @)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
- ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{
jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
e08f/ clws[t kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf]
lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
e08f/ clws[t kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %) %) k"0ff{sf tLg kqx
/xg] 5g\ . tLg} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !%) df Go"gtd\ %) c -cyf{t &% c_ k|fKt u/]sf
pDd]bjf/xsf] of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / ;+u7g ;DaGwL 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ff
s= kl/ro tyf kl/efiff
v= p2]Zo, sfo{If]q / dxTj
u= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] ljsf; s|d
3= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;g / lglh -Jofkfl/s_ k|zf;gsf] ;dfgtf / leGgtf
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cGo ljwf;Fusf] ;DaGw

@=;+u7g / o;sf k|d'v kIfx

s= ;+u7gsf] kl/ro
v= ;+u7gsf] lsl;d / :jk
u= ;+u7g u7gsf cfwf/x
3= lq=lj=sf] ;+u7gfTds :jk

#= sd{rf/LtGq -Bureaucracy_ / sd{rf/L k|zf;g

s= sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / cfwf/e"t k|s[lt -Nature_
v= sd{rf/LtGqsf b'j{n / ;jn kIfx
u= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
3= sd{rf/L k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0f
= sd{rf/L k|zf;gsf] ljljw kIf
r= sd{rf/L 6]8 o'lgogM k|hftflGqs zf;g Joj:yfdf sd{rf/Lsf] ;+u7Lt x'g] clwsf/ / o;sf
;sf/fTds tyf gsf/fTds kIfx
5= sd{rf/Lsf cfr/0f, cg'zf;g / lq=lj=df /x]sf o;;DaGwL Joj:yfx

$= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] ;+rfng ljlwx

s= ;dGjoM cy{, dxTj / ;dGjosf tl/sfx
v= clwsf/ k|Tofof]hg -Delegation of power_ tyf ljs]Gb||Ls/0f -Decentralization_ Pj+ clwsf/
lgIf]k0f -Devolution of Power )
u= ;'kl/j]If0f, cg'udg tyf d"Nof+sg
3= jftf{ ug]{ tl/sf tyf l;kjf/] ;}4flGts 1fg
= clen]v Joj:yfkg
r= lg0f{o lng] k|s[of -Decision Making Process_ M lg0f{o k|s[of / o;sf l;4fGt
% s]xL k|zf;lgs ljlwx
-s_= sfo{ ljZn]if0f - Job Analysis _
-v_= sfo{ ljj/0f - Job Description _
-u_= sfo{ d"Nof+sg - Job Evaluation _
-3_= sfo{ lj:t[tLs/0f- Job Enlargement_
-_ ;+u7g tyf Joj:yfkg - Organization and Management _ k4lt
-r_ sfof{no ;dosf] nrstf - Flexi Time _
-5_ u'0f rs| - Quality Circle _
-h_ 5l/tf] Joj:yfkg - Lean management _
-em_ pTk|]/0ff -Motivation_

^ k|zf;lgs pQ/bfloTj
-s_= kl/ro tyf kl/efiff
-v_= ;fj{hlgs pQ/bfloTjsf ljlwx
-u_= ;fj{hlgs pQ/bfloTjsf r'gf}lt
-3_= pQ/bfloTj a9fpg] pkfox
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !%c #)
@ k|Zg x !)c @)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t
b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
e08f/ clws[t kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
bf];|f] kqM ljifout 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= lzIff / z}lIfs k|zf;g
s= lzIffsf] kl/ro, p4]Zo tyf lzIffsf] ;fdflhs,cfly{s / /fhg}lts e"ldsf
v= g]kfnsf] z}lIfs Oltxf; / dxTjk"0f{ z}lIfs 36gfx
u= z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL 1fgM kl/ro tyf kl/efiff, p2]Zo / sfo{If]q
3= lqe'jg ljZjljBfnosf] z}lIfs k|zf;gsf] 1fgM s]Gb|Lo k|zf;g, SofDk; k|zf;g,
@= pRr lzIffsf] Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIfM
-s_= u'0f:t/, ;fGble{stf, kx'r / sfo{s'zntf
-v_= ;fj{hlgs, lghL, ;fem]bf/L
-u_= :jfoQtf / hafkmb]lxtf
-3_ g]kfndf pRr lzIffsf] ljsf;sf] Oltxf; .
-_= g]kfndf pRr lzIffdf b]lvPsf r'gf}tLx
-r_ g]kfndf ljZjljBfnosf] :yfkgfsf k|of;x? / ljsf;
-5_ g]kfndf :jLs[t ljZjljBfnox? / ltgLx?sf] jt{dfg cj:yf
#= z}lIfs of]hgf, cg';Gwfg / ljljw
s= z}lIfs of]hgfsf] cjwf/0ff cy{ p2]Zo, z}lIfs of]hgfdf cfly{s, ;fdflhs tyf
/fhg}lts, ;dembf/L -Considerations_,
v= z}lIfs of]hgf lgdf{0fsf k|lqmofx? -cfjZostfsf] klxrfg, p2]Zo lgdf{0f, gLlt
lgdf{0f, k|fyldstf lgwf{/0f, ;+efJotf cWoog / lzIff of]hgf lgdf{0f_
u= z}lIfs cg';GwfgM cjwf/0ff / p2]Zo Pj+= gLlt lgdf{0f tyf of]hgf / sfo{s|dsf]
ljsf;df cg';Gwfgsf] k|of]u / dxTj .
3= ;fj{hlgs Joj:yfkgdf tYof / ;"rgfsf] dxTj / pkof]u
== ;"rgf k|ljlw ;DaGwL /fli6o gLlt jf/] hfgsf/L
r= k':tsfno tyf ;"rgf ;DjGwL /fli6o gLltjf/]sf] 1fg .
$ lhG;L Joj:yfkg ;DalGw 1fg
-s_ lhG;L Joj:yfkgM cy{, k|sf/, cfjZostf / cf}lrTo
-v_ e08f/ zfvfsfof{nosf sfdx
-u_ sfof{nodf d;nGb / cfk"lt{ Joj:yf
-3_ lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf ;fdfg vl/b ;DaGwL Joj:yf
-_ lqe'jg ljZjljBfnodf ;DklQsf] lhDdf, To;sf] nfut / ;+/If0fsf] Joj:yf
-r_ ;fdfgsf] lnnfd ljs|L / ldgfxf;DaGwL Joj:yf
-5_ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] ;fj{hlgs vl/b P]g / lgodfjnLsf] 1fg

% ;'zf;g / gful/s clwsf/

-s_= ;'zf;g / gful/s clwsf/sf] cjwf/0ff
-v_ e|i6frf/ lgjf/0f P]g @)%( sf] hfgsf/L
-u_ g]kfnsf] clVtof/ b'?kof]u cg';Gwfg cfof]u Pj+ ;ts{tf s]Gb|sf] sfd,
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .
-3_ k|zf;gdf ;+rf/ / ljB'tLo zf;g - e- governance_ sf] cjwf/0ff / dxTj .
-_ ;]jfu|fxLnfO{ k'ofpg' ;]jf -Service Delivery)
^ cfly{s k|zf;g / n]vf;DaGwL 1fg
-s_= cfly{s k|zf;gsf] cy{ / If]q
-v_= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf cfly{s k|zf;gsf] dxTj
-u_ cfly{s k|zf;gdf k|zf;sLo k|d'vx?sf] lhDd]jf/L / hjfkmb]xL .
-3_ cfly{s cg'zf;gM ;d:of / ;dfwfgsf pkfo .
-_ jh]6sf] kl/efiff / lsl;d
-r_= n]vf k|0ffnLsf] l;4fGt / ;/sf/L ;|]:tf k|0ffnLsf] 1fg
-5_ ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf cfGtl/s / clGtd n]vf k/LIf0fsf] cfjZostf
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !%c #)
@ k|Zg x !)c @)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t
b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

e08f/ clws[t kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z

t];|f] kqM z}lIfs ;+:yf / ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DaGwL 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!= ;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod tyf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;+u7g;DaGwL @)

-s_=;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod / sfo{Joj:yfkg k|0ffnLsf] cy{ / logLx jLrsf] leGgtf
-v_= lq=lj P]g @)$( -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
-u_ lq=lj ;+u7g tyf z}lIfs k|zf;g ;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @, #, $ ^, &, !), !^ %%, && / &* dfq _ .
-3_ lq=lj lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ jf/] hfgsf/L
-_= lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @ (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
-r_ lq=lj=sf] ljs]Gb|Ls/0f / :jfoQtf ;DaGwL lglt / lgod jf/] hfgsf/L

@= lzIff;+u ;DjlGwt ljljw !)

s== lzIff dGqfno, cy{ dGqfno, ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u / ljZjljBfno jLrsf]
;DaGwsf ljljw cfofdx
v= g]kfnsf] k|rlnt ;+ljwfgdf tyf rfn' / ;f] eGbf cl3Nnf] k~rjlif{o of]hgfdf lzIff
;DjGwL k|fjwfg .
u= ljZjljBfno cg'bfg cfof]u
3= pRr dfWolds lzIff kl/ifb
= k|fljlws lzIff tyf Jofj;flos tflnd kl/ifb ( CTEVT )

+# jf]wcleJolQm;d:of;dfwfg !)
;+If]kLs/0f, lj:t[tLs/0f, a"bf l6kf]6, ;f/f+z, l6Kk0fL n]vg, cg'R5]b n]vg jf af]w k|Zgx?sf]
dfWodjf6 uxgtd\ 9+un] af]w / cleJolQm Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f, s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf]
;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .

k|Zg of]hgf
!= ;+ljwfg, P]g, lgod tyf lqe'jg ljZjljBfno ;+u7g;DaGwL c+zaf6 @ k|Zg x !%c #)
@= lzIff;+u ;DjlGwt ljljwaf6 ! k|Zg x !)c !)
# jf]wcleJolQm ;d:of;dfwfg;DaGwL c+zaf6 ! k|Zg x !)c jf @ k|Zg x % c !)
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t
b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

:6fkm g;{ kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

:6fkm g;{ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx /xg]
5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg k"0ff{ %)

;do !=#) 306f
1. Fundamentals of Nursing:
Basic needs of clients
The nursing process
Stress and coping mechanism
First aid treatment
Administration of drugs
Infection prevention
Methods of collecting different specimen for routine and culture test
-Cardinal signs and their assessment
-Laboratory test of blood, urine, Stoop & sputum and nursing role
-Physical needs
-Comfort measures
-Safety measures
-Nutritional need
-Meeting elimination needs
-Hot and cold application
-Active and passive exercise
-First aid care

2. Integrated Sciences Applied to Nursing

- Anatomy and Physiology of all body systems
- Body mechanisms, Friction, Gravity, Newton's Law, Force, Transfer of heat, Fluid and
electrolyte, Osmosis, Difussion, Acid base balance, Rehydration therapy, Common
investigation and its significance, parasites and micro organses effecting human body
Common drugs, its action and side effects.

3. Adult Nursing
- Developmental tasks, needs and life style of young adult, middle age adult and elderly
adult, Common diagnostic procedures
- Medical and surgical nursing care of patient with different body system disorders
including their causes signs & symptom , complication and therapeutic management
- Operation theatre technique
- Care of patient with psychiatric disorders like psychosis, neurosis, epilepsy,
alcoholism drug dependency and special treatment
4. Community Health Nursing
Health indicators
Nutrition, deficiency diseases and management
Communicable diseases and management
Health education
Family planning

5. Midwifery and Gynaecological nursing

- Anatomy and Physiology of male and female reproductive systems
- Physiological change during pregnancy, labor and puerperium
- Diagnosis of pregnancy
- Antenatal examination and care
- Minor and major disorders of pergnancy
- Medical disorders
- Malpresentation and malposition
-Drugs used in midwifery
- Care of women in labor
- Episiotomy and repair
- Obstetric emergencies
- Abnormal labor
- Normal puerperium
- Minor disorders of puerperium
- Care of postnatal mother and newborn
- New born problems
-Disorder of Uterine Bleeding
-Cystocele and Rectocele
-Uterine Prolaps
-Vesico Vaginal Fistula

6. Pediatric Nursing
Major developmental characteristics and milestones
Promoting optimum development of children
Adolescent changes and problems
Major killer diseases
Common health problems in children and their nursing management
Common health hazards in children in Nepal and their prevention
Congenital disorders/disabilities
Role of nurses in reduction of mortality rate of children
Nursing care of critically ill children
k|Zg of]hgf
! k|Zg x !% c !%
@ k|Zg x !) c @)
# k|Zg x % c !%
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{
jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short
notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
:6fkm g;{ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfsf] kf7\oqmd

bf];|f] kq M ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+z / k]zf;+u ;DjlGwt 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL
-s_ lq=lj= ;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb\, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\, ljBf kl/ifb\sf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] 1fg
-v_ lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
-u_ lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @( / #) dfq _ .
@= Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg
-s_ g]kfn :jf:Yo ;]jf P]g @)%# / lgodfjnL @)%% jf/] cfwf/e"t 1fg
-v_ cfkm\gf] Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt kl/ifb / cfrf/;+lxtf jf/] 1fg .
. -u_ :jf:Yo ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt sfg"gx
- Medico legal case
- Disposal of dead body
- dfgj c k|Tof/f]k0f (Organ transplantation )
- nfu' cf}ifb (Narcotic Drugs )
- ue{ktg, (Abortion )
# gl;{ Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIfM
-s_= gl;{ k]zfsf] cfbz{tf / Jojxfl/s kIf;+u ;DalGwt 1fg
-v_= g]kfndf gl;{ k]zfsf cj;/ / r'gf}ltx?
-u_= k|sf]k ;fd'lxs b'3{6gf Joj:yfkgdf gl;{sf] e"ldsf
-3_ c:ktfn k|zf;g / Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIf
-_= lq=lj= lzIf0f c:ktfnsf] ;~rfng k|s[of;DaGwdf 1fg
-r_ c:ktfn ;~rfngdf d]6f]gsf] e"ldsf
$ ;d:of / ;dfwfg
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f - o; leq
pDd]bjf/sf] cfgf] k]zfut zLk, gLltut 1fg / ;d:of ;dfwfgsf a}slNks
pkfox? ;'emfpg ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] hfr ul/g] 5 _+ .
k|Zg of]hgf
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+z / k]zf;+u ;DjlGwt 1fgsf] c+zjf6
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
! k|Zg x !) c !)
@= ;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6
! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

:kLr y]/fkL ;xfos kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

:kLr y]/fkL ;xfos kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx
/xg] 5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg k"0ff{ %)

;do !=#) 306f
1. Introduction
a. Define speech language and communication
b. Define speech and language disorders (with example)
c. Job description of speech therapy assistant
d. Modes of Communication
e. Importance of per-verbal skills.
2. Normal Speech and Language development
a. Different stage of speech development
b. Different stage of language development
3. Introduction on brief Knowledge about.
a. Respiratory System
b. Phonatory Stysten
c. Resonatory
d. Articulatory
4. Assessment (informal )
a. Brief knowledge about
-taking case history
-perceptual evaluation of different disorders
5. Intervention
I. Speech and language therapy for difficult disorders
a. Articulation
b. Hearing disorder
c. Mental retardation
d. Autism
e. Cerebral Palsy
f. learning disability
g. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD)
II. Demonstration therapy for home training
III. Counseling
k|Zg of]hgf
! k|Zg x !% c !%
@ k|Zg x !) c @)
# k|Zg x % c !%
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
:kLr y]/fkL ;xfos kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
bf];|f] kqM ljZjljBfno ;+u7g / k]zf;+u ;DjGwL 1fg
bf];|f] kq M k]zf;Fu;DaGwLt 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL

-s_= lq=lj= ;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb\, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\, ljBf kl/ifb\sf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] 1fg
-v_ lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
-u_ lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @( / #) dfq _ .
-3_ c:ktfn k|zf;g / Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIf
-_= lq=lj= lzIf0f c:ktfnsf] ;~rfng k|s[of;DaGwdf 1fg
@= Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg
-s_ g]kfn :jf:Yo ;]jf P]g @)%# / lgodfjnL @)%% jf/] cfwf/e"t 1fg
-v_ cfkm\gf] Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt kl/ifb / cfrf/;+lxtf jf/] 1fg .
. -u_ :jf:Yo ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt sfg"gx
- Medico legal case
- Disposal of dead body
- dfgj c k|Tof/f]k0f (Organ transplantation )
- nfu' cf}ifb (Narcotic Drugs )
- ue{ktg, (Abortion )
$ ;d:of / ;dfwfg
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f - o; leq
pDd]bjf/sf] cfgf] k]zfut zLk, gLltut 1fg / ;d:of ;dfwfgsf a}slNks
pkfox? ;'emfpg ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] hfr ul/g] 5 _+ .
k|Zg of]hgf
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+zjf6 / k]zf;Fu;DaGwLt c+zsf] 1fg
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
! k|Zg x !) c !)
@= ;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6
! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

cl;i6]06 d]l8sn /]s8{/ kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

cl;i6]06 d]l8sn /]s8{/ kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{
kqx /xg] 5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf
pDd]bjf/xsf] of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg k"0ff{ %)

;do !=#) 306f
1. Introduction to Statistics
1.1 Origin and various definitions of statistics
1.2 Historical background of statistics
1.3 Importance and limitation of statistics
2. Collection of Data
2.1 Source of data collection
2.2 Choice between primary and secondary data
2.3 Methods of collection primary and secondary data
3. Classification and Tabulation of Data
3.1 Meaning objectives and types of classification
3.2 Statistical tables (Individual, discrete and continuous)
4. Sampling Survey and Census
4.1 Introduction (sample, sampling and Sample size)
4.2 Principal steps in a Sample survey)
4.3 Types of Sampling (simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systemic sampling,
cluster sampling, multistage sampling)
4.4 Limitations of sampling
4.5 Merits & demerits between sampling survey and census
5. Set Theory and Real Number System
5.1 Introduction and various examples of sets
5.2 Notations and use of set theory
5.3 Various types of sets
5.4 Numbers: Real natural, whole, integers, rational, irrational etc
6. Hospital Management
6.1. Introduction and types of hospitals in Nepal, section in a hospital, services
given by a general hospital (or function of hospitals)
6.2. Present HMG \ University recording and reporting system in a hospital
6.3. Meaning and importance of Health Management Information System (HIMS)
6.4. Hospital defined indicators used by Ministry of Health & Population
6.5. Hospital based HMIS tools
6.6. Legal aspect of medical records
6.7. Use and importance of medical records
6.8. Confidentiality & safety of patient information

7. Utility of Data Information

7.1. Use of data/information in various areas i.e. planning, monitoring,
evaluation, supervision and feedback system
7.2. Present PME cycle of health service under Ministry of Health & Population
k|Zg of]hgf
! k|Zg x !% c !%
@ k|Zg x !) c @)
# k|Zg x % c !%
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg
cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
cl;i6]06 d]l8sn /]s8{/
bf];|f] kq M ljZjljBfno ;+u7g / Joj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL
-s_= lq=lj= ;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb\, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\, ljBf kl/ifb\sf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] 1fg
-v_ lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
-u_ lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @( / #) dfq _ .
-3_ c:ktfn k|zf;g / Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIf
-_= lq=lj= lzIf0f c:ktfnsf] ;~rfng k|s[of;DaGwdf 1fg

@= Joj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg

-s_ g]kfn :jf:Yo ;]jf P]g @)%# / lgodfjnL @)%% jf/] cfwf/e"t 1fg
-v_ cfkm\gf] Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt cfrf/;+lxtf jf/] 1fg .
. -u_ :jf:Yo ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt sfg"gx
- Medico legal case
- Disposal of dead body
- dfgj c k|Tof/f]k0f (Organ transplantation )
- nfu' cf}ifb (Narcotic Drugs )
- ue{ktg, (Abortion )
- Nepal Statistics Act, 2015
- Evidence Act, 2031

#= ;d:of / ;dfwfg
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f - o; leq pDd]bjf/sf] cfgf] k]zfut
zLk, gLltut 1fg / ;d:of ;dfwfgsf a}slNks pkfox? ;'emfpg ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] hfr ul/g] 5 _+ .

k|Zg of]hgf
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+zjf6 / Joj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fgjf6
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
! k|Zg x !) c !)
@= ;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6
! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{
jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short
notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
Nofj cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
Nofj cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf tLg kqx /xg]
5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c -cyf{t %)c_ k|fKt u/]sf
pDd]bjf/xsf] of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
1. Health and safety in laboratories
a. Accident in the laboratories
b. Common laboratory hazards
c. Code of safe laboratory practice
d. Personal safety measures and safety precaution
2. Quality control in laboratory
a. Quality assurance in laboratories
b. Standard operation procedure (SOP)
c. Quality control in laboratories
3. Most important responsibilities of laboratory Assistant.
a. Assist in the establishment, integration , and management of laboratories.
b. Prepare, apply, and update standard operating procedures for (SOPs) for
c. Implement and monitor safe working practices and investigate
laboratory accidents.
d. Inspection for equipment and reagents
e. Help students in practical
4. Importance of laboratory practice in Nepal .
a. Quality
b. Efficiency
c. cost-effectiveness
d. Planning and management of health care.
5. Code of professional conducts of laboratory Assistant.
a. Quality and integrity of laboratory services
b. Professional judgment, skill, and care.
c. Good student relationship .

k|Zg of]hgf
! k|Zg x !% c !%
@ k|Zg x !) c @)
# k|Zg x % c !%
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
Nofj cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
bf];|f] kqM ljZjljBfno ;+u7g / k]zf;+u ;DjGwL 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL

-s_= lq=lj= ;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb\, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\, ljBf kl/ifb\sf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] 1fg
-v_ lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
-u_ lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @( / #) dfq _ .
@= k]zf;+u ;jlGwt 1fg
-s_ k|of]uzfnf;+u ;Dj4 k]zfsf] cfbz{tf Jojxfl/s kIf;+u ;DjlGwt 1fg
-v_ g]kfndf k|of]uzfnf ;DjlGw k]zfsf cj;/ / r'gf}ltx?
-u_ sfof{no Joj:yfkg ;DjGwL cfwf/e"t 1fg M btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{,
kmfOln, kq Jojxf/, l6Kk0fL / hg;Dks{
-3_ sd{rf/LtGq M sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / kl/efiff, sd{rf/LtGqsf
k|sf/x, ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
# ;d:of / ;dfwfg
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f - o; leq
pDd]bjf/sf] cfgf] k]zfut zLk, gLltut 1fg / ;d:of ;dfwfgsf a}slNks
pkfox? ;'emfpg ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] hfr ul/g] 5 _+ .
k|Zg of]hgf
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+z / k]zf;+u ;DjlGwt 1fgsf] c+zjf6
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
! k|Zg x !) c !)
@= ;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6
! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{
jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short
notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

x]Ny cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z

x]Ny cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx /xg]
5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg k"0ff{ %)

;do !=#) 306f
1. Anatomical structure and function of the different organs of the body system,
A. Digestive system
B. Respiratory system
C. Cardiovascular system
D. Reproductive system
E. Endocrine system
F. Nervous system
G. Skeletal system
H. Sense organ system

2. Community Health
(A) Epidemiology
i. Definition of Epidemiology
ii. Scope of Epidemiology
iii. Vitalstatistic
iv. Epidemiological investigation
v. Epidemiological trends
vi. Disease prevention
vii. Basic principle of disease transmission
(B) Environmental sanitation
i. Environmental sanitation
ii. Scope of environmental sanitation
iii. Water (Source, Water purification)
iv. Excreta disposal and faecal born disease
v. Solid waste method of termination
vi. Disposal of waste water
vii. Health & Disease spectrum
viii.Food sanitation
ix. Insects and rodents and their importance in public health
x. Milk hygiene & Milk born disease.
3. (A) Basic Medical Procedures and First Aid Treatment
- First aid:- Shock, Bleeding, burn/scalds fracture, Ear, Throat, Nose
and Eye injuries, Poisoning, Snake bite, Insect bite and Animal bite &
Frost bite
- First aid treatment of electrical injury
- Drawing, Choking, High fever fit and convulsion
(B) Basic Medical Procedures
- Vital signs
- Investigation process and Importance of urine, Stool, Blood, Sputum
pus and throat swab collection
- Bandage (Importance, types & application)
- Technique of giving injection
- Sterilization process, importance, type and methods.

4. Vector Borne Disease (VBDs):

i. History and Epidemiology of VBDs- Mode of transmission, causative agent,
host, vector and evironment, Life cycle of vectors and parasites/viruses.
ii. Rationale and Tools and techniques for the Prevention and control of VBDs.
iii. Clinical features, Diagnosis and Case Management of VBDs
iv. Nepal's National Goal, objectives, prevention and control strategies,
approaches, methods and activities, National Treatment Protocl of VBDs.
Trends of transmission, geograpical distribution, epidemiological situation.

5. Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning and Nutriton

A. Maternal and Child Health
i. Antenatal care
ii. Physiological Change during pregnancy
iii. Danger signs
iv. High risk group (mother)
v. Delivery care
vi. Stages of labor
vii. Difference between false and true labour
viii. Postnatal care
ix. New born Care
x. Complication of pregnancy
xi. Abortion
xii. Ectopic pregnancy
xiii. Toxemia
xiv. Mal Presentations
xv. Ante Partum haemorrihage
xvi. Poat partum haemorrihage
xvii. Post partum haemorrihage, retained placenta
xviii. Definition, signs and symptoms; and management of pelvic infection
xix. Uterince prolapsed
xx. Leucorrhoea, Trichomonosis
xxi. Growth and development of baby
xxii. Milestone development
xxiii. Definition, causes, signs symptoms and management of Ante
Respiratory Infection (ARI), Diarrheal Diseases
xxiv. Six killer desease (Tuberculosis, Teatunus, Polio, Purtusis, Diphtherial
(B) Family Planning
i. Population education
ii. Population pyramids
iii. Consequences of population growth
iv. Mea rures to slove population problem.
v. Family planning methods
vi. Temporary method
vii. Permanent method
(C) Nutrition
i. Source of nutrients
ii. Nutritional status measurements
iii. Breast feeding, Weaning and supplementary foods
iv. PEM (Protein Energy malnutrition) sign/symptoms, prevention and
v. Vitamins, Minerals, sources, deficiency disease, sign/symptom of
deficiency disease and management

6. Communicable Disease and Microbiology

A. Microbiology
i. Micro-orgnisms (Bacteria, virus, parasities fungus, protozoa,
B. Communicable Diseases
Communicable disease and non communicable disease, causes, clinical features,
treatment, compliation and prevention of:
i. Amoebic, bacillary, dysentery, giardiasis
ii. Cholera, Tuberculosis, Malaria
iii. Parasitic Siseases
iv. Viral Sisease (AIDS, Chicken pox, measles, influenza and common
cold, mumps, Rabies, infective, hepatitis, polomyelitis, trachoma)
v. Bacterial Disease
vii. Leprosy, pertusis, tetanus, gastro-enteritis
vii. Enteric fever, diphtheria, syphilis, gonorrhea.
7. Medicine & Surgery:
A. Medicine:
1. Hitory taking/physical examination
2. Causes, signs and symptoms, type, prevention, treatement, complication
and investigation of
a. Deficiency disease
i. Anemia, Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM), Vitamin deficiency
b. Digestive System
i. Gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis
ii. Appendicitis
iii. Dysentery
iv. Gastroenteritis
v. Hepato-splenomegaly
c. Respiratory system
i. Common cold
ii. Tonsillitis
iii. Pharyngitis
iv. Rhinitis
v. Sinusitis
vi. Bronchitis
vii. Pheumothorax
d. Cardiovascular System
i. Hyper Tension
ii. Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF)
iii. Rheumatic fever
e. Genito Urinary System
i. Nephritis
ii. Renal Colic
iii. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
f. Endocrine System
i. Diabetes
ii. Hypothyroidism
iii. Hyperthyroidism
g. Nervous System
i. CVA (Cerebro Vascular Accident
ii. Convulsion
iii. Meningitis
iv. Epilepsy
v. Unconsciousness
h. Skin Problem
i. Scabies
ii. Ringworm
iii. Impetigo
iv. Eczema
v. Allergies

B Surgery:
1. Definition Clinical Features and appropriate treatment of:
i. Boils
ii. Carbuncles
iii. Ulcer
iv. Piles
v. Wound
vi. Burn and scales
vii. Fracture
viii. Dislocation and sprain
ix. Head and spinal cord injuries
x. Bleeding
xi. Foreign body in eye, ear, nose and throat
xii. Conjunctivitis, iritis, trachoma, cataract, stye. Otitis externa
xiii. Common problem of teeth and mouth
xiv. Acute abdominal problem
xv. Acute appendicitis
xvi. Acute cholecystitis
xvii Instinal obstnection
xviii. Hydrocele
xix. Hernia
xx. Tumor

8. Pharmacy and Pharmacology

A. Pharmacy
i. Terminology used in pharmacy
ii. Simple pharmaceutical calculation according to Indian pharmacopoeia
(IP) and British pharmacopoeia (BP) and formulatory
iii. Inventory management
iv. Dispensing
v. Narcotic drugs management
vi. Banded drugs
B. Pharmacology
i. Terms used in pharmacology
ii. Meaning and types of Antibiotic
iii. Action, use, dose, general side effects and contradiction of the drugs used in
different systems:
1. Digestive systems
2. Respiratory system
iv. Condition
1. Pain
2. Fever
3. Inflammation
4. Locally used preparations
5. Antihypertensive drugs
6. Nutritional Supplementory Drugs
7. Vaccines
8. Hormones
9. Oral rehydration therapy
10. Parental solution

k|Zg of]hgf
! k|Zg x !% c !%
@ k|Zg x !) c @)
# k|Zg x % c !%
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

x]Ny cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z

bf];|f] kq Mk]zf;+u ;DjGwL1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL

-s_= lq=lj= ;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb\, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\, ljBf kl/ifb\sf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] 1fg
-v_ lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
-u_ lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @( / #) dfq _ .

@= Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg

-s_ g]kfn :jf:Yo ;]jf P]g @)%# / lgodfjnL @)%% jf/] cfwf/e"t 1fg
-v_ cfkm\gf] Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt kl/ifb / cfrf/;+lxtf jf/] 1fg .
. -u_ :jf:Yo ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt sfg"gx
- Medico legal case
- Disposal of dead body
- dfgj c k|Tof/f]k0f (Organ transplantation )
- nfu' cf}ifb (Narcotic Drugs )
- ue{ktg, (Abortion )

#= ;d:of / ;dfwfg
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f - o; leq
pDd]bjf/sf] cfgf] k]zfut zLk, gLltut 1fg / ;d:of ;dfwfgsf a}slNks pkfox?
;'emfpg ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] hfr ul/g] 5 _+ .
k|Zg of]hgf
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+z, Joj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod k]zf;+u ;DjlGwt 1fgsf] c+zjf6
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
! k|Zg x !) c !)
@= ;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6
! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t
b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
x]8 cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
x]8 cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx
/xg] 5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ;fdflhs cWoog

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!=;fdflhs cWoog #)
-s_ ef}uf]lns cfwf/df g]kfnsf] ljefhg / k|To]s efusf ljz]iftfx .
g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, hn;|f]t, vfgL / hnjfo' .
-v_ g]kfnsf] Oltxf;M k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxb]lv xfn;Ddsf dxTjk"0f{ 36gfx .
-u_ g]kfnsf k|d'v rf8kj{ / wd{ / ;+:s[lt
-3_ g]kfndf pRr lzIff / lqe'jg ljZjljBfno .
-_ jftfj/0f k|b'if0f, hg;+Vof j[l4 / zx/Ls/0f M sf/0f / lgjf/0fsf pkfo .

@= ;d:of / ;dfwfg !)
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f

# jf]w / cleJolSt M !)
;+If]kLs/0f, lj:t[tLs/0f, a"bf l6kf]6, ;f/f+z, l6Kk0fL n]vg, cg'R5]b n]vg jf af]w k|Zgx?sf]
dfWodjf6 uxgtd\ 9+un] af]w / cleJolQm ljifosf Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f
k|Zg of]hgf
;fdflhs cWoogsf] c+zjf6 @ k|Zg x !% c #)
;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
jf]w / cleJolQmjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
x]8 cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
bf];|f]kqM ;]jf ;DaGwL
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

! ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ffM cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q .

@== sd{rf/LtGq M sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / kl/efiff, sd{rf/LtGqsf k|sf/x,
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
# sfof{no Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfwf/e't 1fg M btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{, kmfOln,
kq Jojxf/ -lr7L n]Vg] tl/sf / k|sf/ ;d]t_, l6Kk0fL / hg;Dks{ .
$= z}lIfs k|zf;g jf/] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L M cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q
%= sfof{no ;+rfng :t/sf] ah]6, n]vf / lhG;L ;|]:tf;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
^= lq=lj=;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb, ljBf kl/ifb / ;]jf cfof]usf] sfd st{Jo
/ clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .
& =lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %, ^, &, *, ( / !) dfq _ .
*= cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~rosf]if;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b ^, &, *, (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)=
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

n]vfkfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

n]vfkfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx /xg]
5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq
;fdflhs cWoog
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!=;fdflhs cWoog #)
-s_ ef}uf]lns cfwf/df g]kfnsf] ljefhg / k|To]s efusf ljz]iftfx .
g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, hn;|f]t, vfgL / hnjfo' .
-v_ g]kfnsf] Oltxf;M k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxb]lv xfn;Ddsf dxTjk"0f{ 36gfx .
-u_ g]kfnsf k|d'v rf8kj{ / wd{ / ;+:s[lt
-3_ g]kfndf pRr lzIff / lqe'jg ljZjljBfno .
-_ jftfj/0f k|b'if0f, hg;+Vof j[l4 / zx/Ls/0fM sf/0f / lgjf/0fsf pkfox? .

@= ;d:of / ;dfwfg !)
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .

# jf]w / cleJolSt M !)
;+If]kLs/0f, lj:t[tLs/0f, a"bf l6kf]6, ;f/f+z, l6Kk0fL n]vg, cg'R5]b n]vg jf
af]w k|Zgx?sf] dfWodjf6 uxgtd\ 9+un] af]w / cleJolQm ljifosf Ifdtfsf]
k/LIf0f .
k|Zg of]hgf
;fdflhs cWoogsf] c+zjf6 @ k|Zg x !% c #)
;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
jf]w / cleJolQmjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf
b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -
Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

n]vfkfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

bf];|f] kqM ;]jf ;DaGwL
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ff M cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q

@= z}lIfs k|zf;g jf/] ;fdfGo hfgsf/L M cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q
#= sfof{no Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfwf/e't 1fg
- btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{, kmfOln, kq Jojxf/, -lr7L n]Vg] tl/sf / k|sf/ ;d]t_ l6Kk0fL
/ hg;Dks{ _
$= jh]6sf] cy{ / dxTj
%= n]vf / n]vf k/LIf0fsf] cy{ p2]Zo / dxTj
^= lhG;L ;|]:tf;DaGwL 1fg .
&= dxfn]vf k/LIfs kmf/d g+= % -j} gubL lstfj_, kmf/d g+= * -ah]6 lx;fj_, kmf/d
g+= !) -uf]Zjf/f ef}r/_ / kmf/d g+= @@ - k]ZsL n]h/_ sf] 1fg .
*= lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
(= cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~rosf]if;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b ^, &, *, (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
!)= lq=lj=;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb, ljBf kl/ifb / ;]jf cfof]usf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .

k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)=
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ . _
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O
jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short
notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

e08f/kfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

e08f/kfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx /xg]
5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq
;fdflhs cWoog
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!=;fdflhs cWoog #)
-s_ ef}uf]lns cfwf/df g]kfnsf] ljefhg / k|To]s efusf ljz]iftfx .
g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, hn;|f]t, vfgL / hnjfo' .
-v_ g]kfnsf] Oltxf;M k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxb]lv xfn;Ddsf dxTjk"0f{ 36gfx .
-u_ g]kfnsf k|d'v rf8kj{ / wd{ / ;+:s[lt
-3_ g]kfndf pRr lzIff / lqe'jg ljZjljBfno .
-_ jftfj/0f k|b'if0f, hg;+Vof j[l4 / zx/Ls/0fMM sf/0f / lgjf/0fsf pkfox? .

@= ;d:of / ;dfwfg !)
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .

# jf]w / cleJolSt M !)
;+If]kLs/0f, lj:t[tLs/0f, a"bf l6kf]6, ;f/f+z, l6Kk0fL n]vg, cg'R5]b n]vg jf
af]w k|Zgx?sf] dfWodjf6 uxgtd\ 9+un] af]w / cleJolQm ljifosf Ifdtfsf]
k/LIf0f .
k|Zg of]hgf
;fdflhs cWoogsf] c+zjf6 @ k|Zg x !% c #)
;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
jf]w / cleJolQmjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf
b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -
Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

e08f/kfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

bf];|f]kq M ;]jf ;DaGwL
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

! ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ffM cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q

@= sd{rf/LtGq M sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / kl/efiff, sd{rf/LtGqsf k|sf/x,
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
# sfof{no Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfwf/e't 1fg M btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{, kmfOln,
kq Jojxf/, l6Kk0fL / hg;Dks{
$= sfof{no ;+rfng :t/sf] ah]6, n]vf / lhG;L ;|]:tf;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
%= e08f/ Joj:yfkg;+u ;DalGw 1fg M
-s_= e08f/sf] cy{, k|sf/, cfjZostf / cf}lrTo
-v_ e08f/ zfvfsfof{nosf sfdx
-u_ sfof{no d;nGb / cfk"lt{
-3_ dfn ;fdfgsf] cfDbfgL / vr{ /fVg] tl/sf
-_ lhG;Lsf] cy{, vKg] / gvKg] ;fdfgsf] leGgtf
^= lq=lj=;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb, ljBf kl/ifb / ;]jf cfof]usf] sfd st{Jo
/ clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .
& =lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %, ^, &, *, ( / !) dfq _ .
*= cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~rosf]if;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b ^, &, *, (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .

k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)=
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ . _
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O
jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short
notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
sDKo'6/ ck/]6/ kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
sDKo'6/ kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx /xg]
5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

What is Computer ?
History of Computer
Characteristics of Computer System
Basic Applications of Computer
Components of Computer System
Central Processing Unit
Input devices
Output devices
Computer Memory
Concept of Hardware and Software
Application Software
Systems software

Operation system
Popular operating system (WINDOWS)
The User Interface
Task Bar
Start Menu
Running an Application
Operating System Simple Setting
Changing System Date And Time
Changing Display Properties
To Add Or Remove A Windows Component
Changing Mouse Properties
Adding and Removing Printers
File and Directory Management
Types of Files

Word Processing Basics
Opening Word Processing Package
Menu Bar
Using the Help
Using the Icons Below Menu Bar
Opening and closing Documents
Opening Documents
Save and Save as
Page Setup
Print Preview
Printing of Documents
Text Creation and manipulation
Document Creation
Editing Text
Text Selection
Cut, Copy and Paste
Font and Size selection
Alignment of Text
Formatting the Text
Paragraph Indenting
Bullets and Numbering
Changing Case
Table Manipulation
Draw Table
Changing cell width and height
Alignment of Text in cell
Delete/ Insertion of row and column
Border and Shading

Elements of Electronic Spread Sheet
4Opening of Spread Sheet
Addressing of Cells
Printing of Spread Sheet
Saving Workbooks
Manipulation of cells
Entering Text, Numbers and Dates
Creating Text, Number and Data Series
Editing Worksheet Data
Inserting and Deleting Rows, Column
Changing Cell Height and Width
Function and Charts
Using Formulas


Local Area Network (LAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Concept of Internet
Basics of internet Architecture
World Wide Web and Websites
Internet Service
ISPs (Broadband/Dialup/WiFi
Internet Access Techniques

Data and database and DBMS
Concept of tables, fields, records, relationship and indexing
Database applications such as data types, creating modifying, deleting

Opening A PowerPoint Presentation
Saving A Presentation
Creation of Presentation
Creation a Presentation Using a Template
Creating a Blank Presentation
Entering and Editing Text
Inserting and Deleting Slides in a Presentation
Inserting Word Table or An Excel Worksheet
Adding Clip Art Pictures
Inserting other Objects
Resizing and Scaling an Object
Enhancing Test Presentation
Working with Color and line Style
Adding Headers and Footers
Printing Slides and Handouts
Running a Slide Show
Transition and Slide Timings
Automating a Slide Show

k|Zg of]hgf
! k|Zg x !% c !%
@ k|Zg x !) c @)
# k|Zg x % c !%
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

sDKo'6/ ck/]6/ kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

bf];|f]kqM ;]jf ;DaGwL
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
! ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ffM cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q .
@== sd{rf/LtGq M sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / kl/efiff, sd{rf/LtGqsf k|sf/x,
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
# sfof{no Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfwf/e't 1fg M btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{, kmfOln,
kq Jojxf/, l6Kk0fL / hg;Dks{ .
$= sfof{no ;+rfng :t/sf] n]vf / lhG;L ;|]:tf;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
%= lq=lj=;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb, ljBf kl/ifb / ;]jf cfof]usf] sfd st{Jo
/ clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .
^ =lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %, ^, &, *, ( / !) dfq _ .
&= cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~rosf]if;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b ^, &, *, (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)=
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
lq= lj= ;]jf cfof]u
lSnlgsn cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
lSnlgsn cl;i6]06kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx /xg
5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .
k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts / Jofjxfl/s 1fg
1. Anatomy and physiology (Anatomical structure and function of the different organs of the
body system)
A. Digestive system
B. Respiratory System
C. Cardiovascular system
D. Reproductive system
E. Endocrine system
F. Nervous system
G. Skeletal system
H. Sense organ system

2. Health education and Community health

A. Health education
- Health education, importance and method
- Communication and barrier of communication

B. Community health
a. Epidemiology
- Definition of Epidemiology
- Epidemiological investigation
- Disease prevention
- Basic principles of disease transmission
b. Environmental sanitation
I. Environmental sanitation
II. Scope of Environmental sanitation
III. Water (source, water purification)
IV. Excreta disposal and faecal born disease
V. Solid waste method of termination
VI. Disposal of waste water
VII. Health and disease spectrum
VIII. Food sanitation
IX. Insects and rodents and their importance in public health
3. Basic medical procedure and First aid treatment

A. First aid treatment

- First aid:- Shock, bleeding, burn/scalds, fracture, Ear, throat, Nose and Eye injuries,
poisoning, Snake bite, Insect bite and Animal bite and Frost bite
- Firt aid treatment of electrical injury
- Drawing, choking, high fever fit and convulsion
B. Basic medical procedures
- Vital signs
- Investigation process and importance of urine, stool, blood, sputum, pus and throat
swallow collection
- Bandage (Importance ,types and application)
- Technique of giving injection
- Sterilization process, importance, type and method

4. Maternal and Child health, Family planning and Nutrition

A. Maternal and child health
I. Antenatal care
II. High risk group (mother)
III. Delivery care
IV. Stages of labor
V. New Born care
VI. Abortion
VII. Six killer diseases (Tuberculosis. Tetanus, Polio, Pertusis, Diphtheria
VIII. Measles
B. Family Planning
I. Population education
II. Measures to solve population problems
III. Family planning methods
IV. Temporary method,
V. permanent method
C. Nutrition
I. Source of nutrients
II. Nutritional status measurements
III. Breast feeding, Weaning and supplementary foods
IV. PEM (Protein Energy Malnutrition) sign /symptoms, prevention and treatment
V. Vitamins, Minerals, sources, deficiency, disease, sign/symptom of deficiency disease and

5. Communicable disease
A. Microbiology
I. Micro organisms (Bacteria, Virus, parasites, fungus, protozoa, helminthes)
B. Communicable Diseases
Communicable Disease and non communicable disease, causes, clinical features, treatment,
complaints and prevention of:
i. Amoebic, bacillary, dysentery, giardiasis
ii. Cholera, Tuberculosis, malaria
iii. Parasitic diseases
iv. Viral disease (AIDS, Chicken pox, measles, influenza, and common cold, mumps,
Rabies, infective hepatitis, poliomyelitis, trachoma)
v. Bacterial disease
vi. Leprosy, pertusis, tetanus, gastro-enteritis
vii. Enteric fever, diphtheria, syphilis, gonorrhea.

6. Medicine & Surgery

A. Medicine
a. Deficiency disease

I . Anemia, Protein Energy Malnutrtion (PEM), Vitamin deficiency disease

b. Digestive system
i. Gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis
ii. Appendicitis
iii. Dysentery
c. Respiratory system
i. Common cold
ii. Tonsilitis
iii. Pharyngitis
d. Cardiovascular system
i. Hypertension
ii. Rheumatic fever
e. Genito Urinary System

i. Urinary tract infection (UTI)

f. Endocrine system:
i. Diabetes
g. Nervous system:
i. CVA (Carebo Vascular Accident)
ii. Epilepsy

h. Skin problems:
i,. Scabies,
ii. Ring worm
iii. Allergies

B. Surgery:
Definition, clinical features and appropriate treatment of:
i. Wound
Ii Burn and scales
iii. Fracture
iv. Bleeding
v. Foreign body in eye, ear, nose and throat
vi. Common problem of teeth and mouth
vii. Acute abdominal problem
viiii. Acute appendicitis

7. Pharmacy:
i. Inventory management
ii. Dispensing
iii. Narcotic drugs management
iv. Banded drugs
8. Health management:
i. Health care system in Nepal
ii. Job description of Auxiliary health worker (AHW)

k|Zg of]hgf
! k|Zg x !% c !%
@ k|Zg x !) c @)
# k|Zg x % c !%
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
lSnlgsn cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

bf];|f] kqM ;]jf ;DaGwL

!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL
-s_ lq=lj= ;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb\, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\, ljBf kl/ifb\sf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] 1fg
-v_ lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
-u_ lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @( / #) dfq _ .

@= Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg

-s_ g]kfn :jf:Yo ;]jf P]g @)%# / lgodfjnL @)%% jf/] cfwf/e"t 1fg
-v_ cfkm\gf] Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt kl/ifb / cfrf/;+lxtf jf/] 1fg .
. -u_ :jf:Yo ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt sfg"gx
- Medico legal case
- Disposal of dead body
- dfgj c k|Tof/f]k0f (Organ transplantation )
-3_= :jf:Yo ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt k]zfsf] cfbz{tf / Jojxfl/s kIf;+u ;DalGwt
-_ c:ktfn k|zf;g / Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIf
-r_ c:ktfnsf] alx/ ;]jf, cGt/ ;]jf, cfsl:ds ;]jf / zNols|of ;]jf
;~rfng ;DalGwt 1fg
-5_ g]kfndf :jf:Yo ;'/Iff;DalGw Joj:yf -Healthcare system in Nepal_
-h_ g]kfndf w'd|kfg, nfu'kbfy{ / dfbs kbfy{ ;]jgM k|efj, ;ts{tf /
lgoGq0fsf] cj:yf jf/] 1fg
k|Zg of]hgf
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+zjf6 @ k|Zg x !) c @)
@= Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg # k|Zg x !) c #)

;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf
b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -
Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
;xfos n]vfkfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
;xfos n]vfkfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx
/xg] 5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq
;fdflhs cWoog
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!=;fdflhs cWoog #)
-s_ ef}uf]lns cfwf/df g]kfnsf] ljefhg / k|To]s efusf ljz]iftfx .
g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, hn;|f]t, vfgL / hnjfo' .
-v_ g]kfnsf] Oltxf;M k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxb]lv xfn;Ddsf dxTjk"0f{ 36gfx .
-u_ g]kfnsf k|d'v rf8kj{ / wd{ / ;+:s[lt
-3_ jftfj/0f k|b'if0f, hg;+Vof j[l4 / zx/Ls/0fMM sf/0f / lgjf/0fsf pkfox? .

@= ;d:of / ;dfwfg !)
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .

# jf]w / cleJolSt M !)
;+If]kLs/0f, lj:t[tLs/0f, a"bf l6kf]6, ;f/f+z, l6Kk0fL n]vg, cg'R5]b n]vg jf
af]w k|Zgx?sf] dfWodjf6 uxgtd\ 9+un] af]w / cleJolQm ljifosf Ifdtfsf]
k/LIf0f .
k|Zg of]hgf
;fdflhs cWoogsf] c+zjf6 @ k|Zg x !% c #)
;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
jf]w / cleJolQmjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
;xfos n]vfkfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
bf];|f] kqM ;]jf ;DaGwL
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!= sfof{no Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfwf/e't 1fg

- btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{, kmfOln, kq Jojxf/, l6Kk0fL / hg;Dks{ _
@= jh]6sf] cy{ / dxTj
#= n]vf / n]vf k/LIf0fsf] cy{, p2]Zo / dxTj
$= lhG;L ;|]:tf;DaGwL 1fg .
%= dxfn]vf k/LIfs kmf/d g+= % -j} gubL lstfj_, kmf/d g+= * -ah]6 lx;fj_, kmf/d
g+= !) -uf]Zjf/f ef}r/_ / kmf/d g+= @@ - k]ZsL n]h/_ sf] 1fg .
^= lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
&= cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~rosf]if;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b ^, &, *, (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
*= lq=lj=;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb, ljBf kl/ifb / ;]jf cfof]usf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .

k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)=
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ . _

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
;xfos e08f/kfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
;xfos e08f/kfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{
kqx /xg] 5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf
pDd]bjf/xsf] of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ;fdflhs cWoog

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!=;fdflhs cWoog #)
-s_ ef}uf]lns cfwf/df g]kfnsf] ljefhg / k|To]s efusf ljz]iftfx .
g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, hn;|f]t, vfgL / hnjfo' .
-v_ g]kfnsf] Oltxf;M k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxb]lv xfn;Ddsf dxTjk"0f{ 36gfx .
-u_ g]kfnsf k|d'v rf8kj{ / wd{ / ;+:s[lt
-3_ jftfj/0f k|b'if0f, hg;+Vof j[l4 / zx/Ls/0fMM sf/0f / lgjf/0fsf pkfox? .

@= ;d:of / ;dfwfg !)
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f

# jf]w / cleJolSt M !)
;+If]kLs/0f, lj:t[tLs/0f, a"bf l6kf]6, ;f/f+z, l6Kk0fL n]vg, cg'R5]b n]vg jf af]w k|Zgx?sf]
dfWodjf6 uxgtd\ 9+un] af]w / cleJolQm ljifosf Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f
k|Zg of]hgf
;fdflhs cWoogsf] c+zjf6 @ k|Zg x !% c #)
;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
jf]w / cleJolQmjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
;xfos e08f/kfn kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
bf];|f]kq M ;]jf ;DaGwL
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

! ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ffM cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q

@= sd{rf/LtGq M sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / kl/efiff, sd{rf/LtGqsf k|sf/x,
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
# sfof{no Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfwf/e't 1fg M btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{, kmfOln,
kq Jojxf/, l6Kk0fL / hg;Dks{
$= sfof{no ;+rfng :t/sf] n]vf / lhG;L ;|]:tf;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
%= e08f/ Joj:yfkg;+u ;DaGwL 1fg
-s_= e08f/sf] cy{, k|sf/, cfjZostf / cf}lrTo
-v_ e08f/ zfvfsfof{nosf sfdx
-u_ sfof{no d;nGb / cfk"lt{
^= lq=lj=;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb, ljBf kl/ifb / ;]jf cfof]usf] sfd st{Jo
/ clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .
& =lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %, ^, &, *, ( / !) dfq _ .
*= cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~rosf]if;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b ^, &, *, (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .

k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)=
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ . _

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx /xg]
5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ;fdflhs cWoog

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

!=;fdflhs cWoog #)
-s_ ef}uf]lns cfwf/df g]kfnsf] ljefhg / k|To]s efusf ljz]iftfx .
g]kfnsf] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf, hn;|f]t, vfgL / hnjfo' .
-v_ g]kfnsf] Oltxf;M k[YjLgf/fo0f zfxb]lv xfn;Ddsf dxTjk"0f{ 36gfx .
-u_ g]kfnsf k|d'v rf8kj{ / wd{ / ;+:s[lt
-3_ jftfj/0f k|b'if0f, hg;+Vof j[l4 / zx/Ls/0fM sf/0f / lgjf/0fsf pkfo .

@= ;d:of / ;dfwfg !)
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f .

# jf]w / cleJolSt M !)
;+If]kLs/0f, lj:t[tLs/0f, a"bf l6kf]6, ;f/f+z, l6Kk0fL n]vg, cg'R5]b n]vg jf af]w k|Zgx?sf]
dfWodjf6 uxgtd\ 9+un] af]w / cleJolQm ljifosf Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f
k|Zg of]hgf
;fdflhs cWoogsf] c+zjf6 @ k|Zg x !% c #)
;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
jf]w / cleJolQmjf6 ! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
bf];|f]kqM ;]jf ;DaGwL
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

! ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ffM cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q .

@== sd{rf/LtGq M sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / kl/efiff, sd{rf/LtGqsf k|sf/x,
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
# sfof{no Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfwf/e't 1fg M btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{, kmfOln,
kq Jojxf/, l6Kk0fL / hg;Dks{ .
$= sfof{no ;+rfng :t/sf] n]vf / lhG;L ;|]:tf;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
%= lq=lj=;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb, ljBf kl/ifb / ;]jf cfof]usf] sfd st{Jo
/ clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .
^ =lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %, ^, &, *, ( / !) dfq _ .
&= cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~rosf]if;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b ^, &, *, (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)=
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O
jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short
notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
;xfos sDKo'6/ ck/]6/ kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
;xfos sDKo'6/ kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx
/xg] 5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f

What is Computer ?
History of Computer
Characteristics of Computer System
Basic Applications of Computer
Components of Computer System
Central Processing Unit
Input devices
Output devices
Computer Memory
Concept of Hardware and Software
Application Software
Systems software

Operation system
Popular operating system (WINDOWS)
The User Interface
Task Bar
Start Menu
Running an Application
Operating System Simple Setting
Changing System Date And Time
Changing Display Properties
To Add Or Remove A Windows Component
Changing Mouse Properties
Adding and Removing Printers
File and Directory Management
Types of Files

Word Processing Basics
Opening Word Processing Package
Menu Bar
Using the Help
Using the Icons Below Menu Bar
Opening and closing Documents
Opening Documents
Save and Save as
Page Setup
Print Preview
Printing of Documents
Text Creation and manipulation
Document Creation
Editing Text
Text Selection
Cut, Copy and Paste
Font and Size selection
Alignment of Text
Formatting the Text
Paragraph Indenting
Bullets and Numbering
Changing Case
Table Manipulation
Draw Table
Changing cell width and height
Alignment of Text in cell
Delete/ Insertion of row and column
Border and Shading

Elements of Electronic Spread Sheet
4Opening of Spread Sheet
Addressing of Cells
Printing of Spread Sheet
Saving Workbooks
Manipulation of cells
Entering Text, Numbers and Dates
Creating Text, Number and Data Series
Editing Worksheet Data
Inserting and Deleting Rows, Column
Changing Cell Height and Width
Function and Charts
Using Formulas


Local Area Network (LAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)
Concept of Internet
Basics of internet Architecture
World Wide Web and Websites
Internet Service
ISPs (Broadband/Dialup/WiFi
Internet Access Techniques

Data and database and DBMS
Concept of tables, fields, records, relationship and indexing
Database applications such as data types, creating modifying, deleting

Opening A PowerPoint Presentation
Saving A Presentation
Creation of Presentation
Creation a Presentation Using a Template
Creating a Blank Presentation
Entering and Editing Text
Inserting and Deleting Slides in a Presentation
Inserting Word Table or An Excel Worksheet
Adding Clip Art Pictures
Inserting other Objects
Resizing and Scaling an Object
Enhancing Test Presentation
Working with Color and line Style
Adding Headers and Footers
Printing Slides and Handouts
Running a Slide Show
Transition and Slide Timings
Automating a Slide Show

k|Zg of]hgf
! k|Zg x !% c !%
@ k|Zg x !) c @)
# k|Zg x % c !%
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6}
k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf
a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
;xfos sDKo'6/ ck/]6/ kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
bf];|f]kqM ;]jf ;DaGwL
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
! ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gsf] cjwf/0ffM cy{ p2]Zo / sfo{If]q .
@== sd{rf/LtGq M sd{rf/LtGqsf] cjwf/0f / kl/efiff, sd{rf/LtGqsf k|sf/x,
= ;fj{hlgs k|zf;gdf sd{rf/LtGqsf] :yfg
# sfof{no Joj:yfkg;DaGwL cfwf/e't 1fg M btf{, rnfgL, /]sl8{, kmfOln,
kq Jojxf/, l6Kk0fL / hg;Dks{ .
$= sfof{no ;+rfng :t/sf] n]vf / lhG;L ;|]:tf;DaGwL ;fdfGo hfgsf/L .
%= lq=lj=;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb, ljBf kl/ifb / ;]jf cfof]usf] sfd st{Jo
/ clwsf/jf/] hfgsf/L .
^ =lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %, ^, &, *, ( / !) dfq _ .
&= cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~rosf]if;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf]
hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b ^, &, *, (, @), @!, @( / #) dfq _ .
k|Zg of]hgf
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
@ k|Zg x !) c @)=
;a} k|Zgx clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .
-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O
jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short
notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
c=x]=j= kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
c=x]=j= kbsf] v'nf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %)%) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx /xg] 5g\ .
b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c k|fKt u/]sf pDd]bjf/xsf]
of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kfl/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts 1fg

k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
I) Pharmacy and Pharmacology
A. Pharmacy
i. Terminology
ii. pharmacodynamics
iii. pharmacokinetics oeia
iv. Rote of drug administration
- External route-Internal route.
v. Dispensing
-Ways of Dispensing
- Importance of Dispensing
v. Inventory management
-Physical management of drug inventory

B. Pharmacology
1. Antimicrobial agent
2. Penicillin
-Classification of Penicillns
-Mechanism of action
-Benzyl penicillin
-Procaine penicillin fortified
-Benzithine penicillin
3. Mircolides
4. Rephaloxerine
5. Anti-tubercular drugs
6. Anti chelmintics
7. Anti filariasis
8. Anti protozol
9. Anti fungal drugs
10. Antivirus drugs
11. Drugs used in digestives system
-Drugs used for peptic ulcer
-locative and purgative
12. Anti emetics
13. Anti spasmodic agent
14. Drugs used in respiratory system
15. Drug for cough
16. Antihistaminic
17. Anti lnflamatory drugs
18. Hormonal drugs
19. Drugs used in Nervous system
20. Nutritional Supplement
-fat soluble vitamin
-water soluble vitamin
21. Anti Hypertension drugs
22. Rehydration Therapy

II) Anatomy and physiology

1. Anatomical structure and function of the different organs of the body system,
a. Digestive system
b. Respiratory system
c. Cardiovascular system
d. Reproductive system
e. Endocrine system
f. Nervous system
g. Skeletal system
h. Sense organ system
2. Anatomical structure & function of the sense organ
A. Eye
B. Nose
C. Tongue
D. Ear
E. Skin

III) Basic Medical procedures & Aid treatment

First Aid
Ear, Throat, Nose and Eye injuries
-Snake Bite
-Animal Bite
-Frost Bite
-First aid treatment of Electrical injury
-Drowning, Chocking, lit and Convulsion
Basic medical procedures :
-vital signs
Bandage (Importance, types & application)
-technique of giving injection
-sterilization process its importance, types and methods

IV). Maternal and Child Health, Family

Planning and Nutriton

A) Maternal and Child Health
-Antenatal care
-Physiological Change during pregnancy
-Danger signs
-High risk group (mother)
-Delivery care, Stages of labor
-Difference between false and true labour
- Postnatal care
-New born Care
-Complication of pregnancy
-Mal Presentations
-Poat- partum haemorrihage
Post partum haemorrihage, retained placenta
-Definition, signs and symptoms and management of public infection
-Uterine prolapsed
-Leucorrhoea, Trichomoniasis
-Six killer desease (tuberculosis, teatunus, polio, pertussis, piptherial measles)
(B) Family Planning
-Temporary method
- Permanent method
-Family planning methods
(C) Nutrition
-Source of Nutrients

V. Medicine & Surgery:

A. Medicine:
1. Hitory taking/physical examination
2. Causes, signs and symptoms, type, prevention, treatment, complication and
investigation of:
a. Deficiency disease (Protein Energy Malnutrition)
b. Digestive System(Gastritis, Peptic ulcer, Cholecystitis )
c. Respiratory system (Common cold ,Tonsillitis , Pharyngitis , Rhinitis,
Sinusitis, Bronchitis , Pheumothorax )
d. Cardiovascular System
- Hyper Tension , congestive cardiac failure (CCF),Pneumatic fever

e. Genito-urinary System
-Nephritis , Renal Colic Urinary tract Infection
f. Indocrine System - Diabetes , Hypothytoidism
g. Nervous System
-CVA (Cerebro Vascular Accident )
-Convulsion , Meningitis , Epilepsy , Unconsciousness
h. Skin Problem
-Scabies , Ringworm , Impetigo , Eczema

B Surgery:

1. Definition Clinical Features and appropriate treatment of :

- Boils, Carbuncles Ulcer , Piles , Wound
- Bleeding , foreign body in eye, ear, nose
-Conjunctivitis, Iritis, trachoma, Glaucoma , cataract stye, otitis external.
- Abdominal pain (problem )
-Acute appendicitis
- Acute cholecystitis
-Instinal obstnection

VI. Epidemiology & Communicable Disease

A. Epidemiology
1. Introduction definition & aim of Epidemiology
2. vital statics
3. Population pyramids
4. Epidemiological period
5. Disease Prevention
(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary prevention)
6. Basic principles of disease transmission
7. Immunity

B. Communicable Diseases
1. Viral Sisease
2. Bacterial Disease
3. STD (Sexual Transmitted Disease )
4. Protozal Disease
5. Intestinal Worms
c=x]=j=kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\of+z
bf];|f] kqM ljZjljBfno ;+u7g / k]zf;+u ;DjGwL 1fg
bf];|f] kq M k]zf;Fu;DaGwLt 1fg
k"0ff{ %)
;do !=#) 306f
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL

-s_= lq=lj= ;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb\, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\, ljBf kl/ifb\sf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] 1fg
-v_ lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
-u_ lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @( / #) dfq _ .
-3_ c:ktfn k|zf;g / Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIf
-_= lq=lj= lzIf0f c:ktfnsf] ;~rfng k|s[of;DaGwdf 1fg

@= Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg

-s_ g]kfn :jf:Yo ;]jf P]g @)%# / lgodfjnL @)%% jf/] cfwf/e"t 1fg
-v_ cfkm\gf] Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt kl/ifb / cfrf/;+lxtf jf/] 1fg .
. -u_ :jf:Yo ;]jf;Fu ;DalGwt sfg"gx
- Medico legal case
- Disposal of dead body
- dfgj c k|Tof/f]k0f (Organ transplantation )
- nfu' cf}ifb (Narcotic Drugs )
- ue{ktg, (Abortion )

$ ;d:of / ;dfwfg
s'g} klg ;d:of a'em\g / To;sf] ;dfwfg ug{ ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] k/LIf0f - o; leq
pDd]bjf/sf] cfgf] k]zfut zLk, gLltut 1fg / ;d:of ;dfwfgsf a}slNks
pkfox? ;'emfpg ;Sg] Ifdtfsf] hfFr ul/g] 5 _+ .
k|Zg of]hgf
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+zjf6 / k]zf;Fu;DaGwLt c+zjf6 1fg
@ k|Zg x !% c #)
! k|Zg x !) c !)
@= ;d:of / ;dfwfgjf6
! k|Zg x !) c !)
;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) jf !% csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) jf !% csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf
Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t
b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _
lq= lj= ;]jf cfof]u
kmfd]{;L cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd
kmfd]{;L cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIff lngsf lgldQ %) %) k"0ff{sf b'O{ kqx
/xg] 5g\ . b'j} kqsf] s"n c hf]8\bf s"n k"0ff{ !)) df Go"gtd\ %) c -cyf{t %) c_ k|fKt u/]sf
pDd]bjf/xsf] of]Uotf;"rL tof/ kf/L tf]lsPsf] ;+Vofdf cGt/jftf{sf nflu 5gf}6 ul/g] 5 .

k|yd kq M ljifout ;}4flGts / Jofjxfl/s 1fg

1. Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical production and quality control-
Pharmaceutical dosage forms; pharmaceutical excipients and their selection; manufacturing of
various dosage forms; conventional drug delivery system; Pharmaceutical packaging;
Packaging materials and their selection; Quality control tests of various dosage forms

2. Dispersing and hospital pharmacy:-

Prescription, types and parts of prescription; handling prescription; Good pharmacy practice;
drug supply management; pharmaceutical posology; calculations for extemporaneous
preparations; rational and irrational drug use; patient compliance/ non compliance, counseling
and guidance in a community, Role of pharmacist in community health care and education;
communication skills; incompatibilities and their correction; dispersing of pharmaceutical
preparations; standard treatment schedule; patients medication history; organization and
structure of a hospital and hospital pharmacy; responsibilities of a hospital pharmacist;
hospital formulary; drug store management and inventory control; drug distribution systems
in hospitals; central sterile and non- sterile products and their quality control; records and
reports; Surgical and medical devices

3. Pharmacognosy:-

Classification of crude drugs; Collection, cultivation, drying, storage and deterioration of

medical plants; Adulteration and substitution; Quality control and WHO guidelines for the
assessment of crude drugs; Pharmacognostical study of the drugs of biological origin (Volatile
Oil, Fixed Oil, Resins, Tannin, Alkaloid, Glycosides, Tumor, inhibitors, Hallucinogens,
phytotoxins and phyllo allergens, Natural pesticides); Separation technique & their application
to isolation of constituent; Renounced medicinal plants of Nepal; Plant based drugs in modern

4. Pharmacology:-
Pharmacokinetics, Mechanism of action, adverse effects, therapeutic uses, precaution,
contraindication, drug interaction of drugs of various classes; adverse drug reactions; gene
therapy; various routes of drug administration; special techniques of drug administration;
5. Management:-
Fundamentals of management; Role of a manager; Functions of management; planning
organizing staffing; directing; controlling and evaluating, budgeting.

kmfd]{;L cl;i6]06 kbsf] v'Nnf k|ltof]lutfsf] lnlvt k/LIffsf] kf7\oqmd

bf];|f] kqM ;]jf ;DaGwL

!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL

-s_ lq=lj= ;ef, k|fl1s kl/ifb\, sfo{sf/L kl/ifb\, ljBf kl/ifb\sf] u7g, sfd
st{Jo / clwsf/jf/] 1fg
-v_ lzIfs sd{rf/L ;]jf;DaGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _ sf] hfgsf/L
- kl/R5]b %,^,&,*,( / !) dfq _ .
-u_ lq=lj cfly{s Joj:yfkg / ;~ro sf]if ;DjGwL lgod @)%) -;+zf]wg ;lxt _
jf/] hfgsf/L - kl/R5]b @( / #) dfq _ .

@= Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg

-s_ c:ktfn k|zf;g / Joj:yfkgsf ljljw kIf
-v_= lq=lj= lzIf0f c:ktfnsf] ;~rfng k|s[of;DaGwdf 1fg
-u_ c:ktfnsf] alx/ ;]jf, cGt/ ;]jf, cfsl:ds ;]jf / zNols|of ;]jf
;~rfng ;DalGwt 1fg
-3_ Professional and acts, regulations and others
Drug act 2035 and various regulations an codes therein ; national drug policy ;narcotic
(control) act; pharmacy council act and regulation; pharmacopeia and formulary; essential
drug list; clinical trial; generic versus brand products; GMP,GPP,GLP; national drug
regulatory bodies and related activities; health care system in Nepal

k|Zg of]hgf
!= ljZjljBfno ;+u7g ;DjGwL c+zjf6 @ k|Zg x !) c @)
@= Jofj;fo;+u ;DjlGwt P]g, lgod / cGo 1fg # k|Zg x !) c #)

;j} k|Zgx? clgjfo{ x'g]5g\ .

-ljifout k|Zgsf nflu tf]lsPsf] !) csf k|Zgxsf] xsdf !) csf] Pp6f nfdf] k|Zg jf Pp6} k|Zgsf b'O{ jf
b'O{ eGbf a9L efu - two or more parts of a single question _ jf Pp6f k|Zg cGtu{t b'O{ jf a9L l6Kk0fLx -
Short notes _ ;f]Wg ;lsg] 5 . _

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