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Course: EL099 - Session: 6102 / 6103 Tutor: Huda Bin Seddeeq Center: Dammam-Female Year: Fall 2013-2014

Compare and Contrast composition

Pros and Cons
Draw the below diagram to organize your ideas:
1-Think of at least 3-4 similarities between topic A & topic B
2- Think of at least 2-3 advantages for topic A and 2-3 disadvantages.
3- The advantages of topic A can be used to indicate the disadvantages of
topic B, and the disadvantages of topic A can be used to indicate the
advantages of topic B

Topic A Topic B

Course: EL099 - Session: 6102 / 6103 Tutor: Huda Bin Seddeeq Center: Dammam-Female Year: Fall 2013-2014
Compare and Contrast composition - Pros and Cons
Paragraph 1 \ Itroduction
1- Topic sentence : Refer to both topics that you are comparing and contrasting .
(Topic A) and (Topic B) are two (kinds\ ways\ ...) of (classification). Although they are similar in ( ), they differ in many aspects.
2- Give a brief definition of the two topics. answering the question WHAT?
3- State the goal of the essay

Paragraph 2 \ Compare 3 points at least with details and examples

1. Suggested topic Sentences for comparing:

2. Linking words for Comparing: 3. Structures used for comparing to emphasize similarities:
Both of (Topic A) and(Topic B)....
First of all, ... A (linking verb) as (adj/adv) as B:
Another similarity is......
Compared to (Topic A), (Topic B)...
Also,............. E-Learning is as beneficial as traditional learning.
Moreover,..... well
In comparison,
Furthermore,.. I am going to Paris and my brother is going as well
In the same way,..........
In addition,... ... Too
In like manner,........
Finally, ........ There were people from all over Europe, and America too

Paragraph 3 \ Contrast 3 points at least, with details and examples

1. Suggested topic Sentences for contrasting:

2. Linking Words for comparing: 3. Structures used for comparing to emphasize differences:
Another difference is......
Comparative and superlative adjectives:
Contrasted with (Topic A), (Topic B).....
Check Unit 6 in your student book- Grammar reference p. 135
In contrast to A, B........
Unlike A, B ..........
E-Larning is more convenient than the traditional learning
A is ......... .However, B is ............
On the one hand,........... On the other hand,............ Vancouver has a mild winter, but Halifax has a cold one.
On the contrary, Although
While/Whereas ..... Although the Middle East produced 100 tons oil, Japan produced
Paragraph 4 \ Conclusion Linking Words
1- Give a summary: for conclusion:
To sum up, Although these two types seem to be similar in -----, ----- and ....... , they are in fact different from each In brief ,
other in ............., ........., and ......... In short,
2-Give your opinion : In summary,
In conclusion, I think that the benefits of learning massively outweigh those of the traditional learning.
(You can be neutral)
E-Learning can be as beneficial as the face-to-face learning environment. On the whole,
Before studying, students should choose the best type of learning for their convenience and lifestyle. In conclusion ,
3- Give a suggestion : To conclude,
Therefore, I suggest/ recommend to join the two features of A & B to get the benefits of both. (explain)

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