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fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2585963, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

Cost-friendly Differential Privacy for Smart Meters:

Exploiting the Dual Roles of the Noise
Zijian Zhang, Member, IEEE, Zhan Qin, Member, IEEE, Liehuang Zhu, Member, IEEE Jian Weng, Member, IEEE
and Kui Ren Fellow, IEEE

AbstractSmart meters have been widely installed to monitor Therefore, the real energy consumption is hidden from the
residential electricity usage worldwide. This brings a serious meter readings.
privacy challenge for the customers, because the meter readings Besides privacy protection, the battery can also play a
are possible to expose their activities in the house. To address
this privacy issue, battery-based privacy preserving schemes have role of saving the customers cost under Time-of-Use (TOU)
already been studied for several years. In these schemes, a pricing policy. Specifically, TOU pricing policy has been used
rechargeable battery can both prevent the meter readings from to alleviate the electricity production and transmission pressure
leaking the customers energy consumption and play a role of for the electricity companies [15]. The main idea of TOU
saving the cost. However, to the best of our knowledge, none of pricing policy is to set the unit price at peaks time higher
the existing schemes can achieve differential privacy and cost
saving simultaneously. In this article, we first propose a battery- than that at the other times, in order to encourage customers
based differential privacy-preserving (BDP) scheme. We further to reduce the electricity demand at peak times. There are two
present two cost-friendly differential privacy-preserving (CDP) kinds of pricing policies in smart grid. One is to stipulate
schemes by extending BDP scheme. Simulation analyses show all the unit prices in advance. Since the unit price at each
that the privacy loss of both CDP schemes are smaller than the time period is nonadjustable, it is named as static policy.
existing work. Meanwhile, both CDP schemes stably save the cost
under multiple pricing policies. The other just publicizes the lowest and highest unit price to
the customer [16]. The electricity company can autonomously
Index TermsDifferential Privacy, Cost Saving, Smart Meter, adjust the unit price at any time, due to the total energy
Battery, Pricing Policy.
consumption. This policy is regarded as dynamic policy [17].
Obviously, customers bill can be reduced when the battery
I. I NTRODUCTION charges under a lower unit price and discharges under a higher
LECTRIC companies have been installing smart meters unit price. Following this principle, several schemes have
E all around the world, with the development of smart grid.
In the United States, more than eight million smart meters
been proposed to save the cost for both static and dynamic
policies [16], [18].
have already been installed [1]. In Europe, at least 80% of In recent years, the method of differential privacy is applied
all consumers are estimated to install smart meters by 2020, to define the customers privacy in smart grid [13], [14]. This
according to the current national roll-out plans [2]. These method supports formal proof to the privacy, when compared
smart meters monitor residential electricity usage information with the traditional information-theoretical methods, such as
at minute-level or second-level incessantly [3]. On one hand, relative entropy [19] or mutual information [20]. In addition,
this information is necessary for the electricity companies to customers privacy can be guaranteed at about the same level
provide a secure and efficient power supply. For example, it is if differential privacy is achieved. Unfortunately, to the best
useful to notify outage [4] and reckon the total amount of ener- of our knowledge, none of the existing battery-based privacy
gy consumption [5]. On the other hand, this information causes preserving schemes can achieve differential privacy and save
a serious threat to the customers [6] at the same time. The the cost simultaneously.
meter readings are possible to expose what types of electrical We summarize our contributions as described below:
appliances are being used, thereby inferring the customers (1) We propose a battery-based differential privacy-
behavior in the house [7]. The threat has led the customers to preserving (BDP) scheme and formally prove its privacy.
boycott smart meters. In California, nine cities have voted to (2) By extending BDP scheme, we present two cost-friendly
make smart meters illegal in their communities [8]. differential privacy-preserving (CDP) schemes under static and
To address the privacy issue, a rechargeable battery is dynamic pricing policies. Both CDP schemes are formally
installed to prevent the meter readings from leaking the proved to achieve differential privacy and cost saving simul-
customers real energy consumption [9]. Specifically, after taneously.
the battery is installed in the house, the meter readings only (3) Using REDD dataset, we quantitatively evaluate the
represent the total energy consumption from the electrical privacy leakage and cost for both CDP schemes under static
appliances and the battery. Since the charge-discharge rate of and dynamic pricing policies in the experiments.
the battery is adjustable, the meter readings can be flatten [10] The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2
[12] or randomized [13], [14] by selecting an appropriate rate. reviews the related work. Section 3 briefly recalls the definition
of differential privacy and multi-armed bandit problem. In
Manuscript received April 19, 2005; revised August 26, 2015. section 4, we describes the system model and the formal goal.

1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2585963, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

Section 5 proposes the BDP scheme and two CDP schemes Roughly, and are two parameters that quantitatively
under static and dynamic pricing policies. In section 6 both represent the privacy loss. The closer and approach to
CDP schemes are proved to achieve differential privacy and 0, the better privacy preserves.
cost saving simultaneously. Section 7 evaluates the privacy Differential privacy can be achieved by adding a stochastic
loss and cost saving for both CDP schemes and the existing noise drawn from a Laplace distribution to the result of the
work. Section 8 draws the conclusion. query function [21]. Here the probabilistic density function of
Laplace distribution is as follows [22].
pdf (x) =
e , x (, +) (2)
Some studies focus on the battery-based privacy protection 2
in smart grid. Kalogridis et al. [10] are first to propose a Here the parameter is often set to 0, and parameter
best effort (BE) scheme. This scheme tries to set the meter has to be determined by the sensitivity which stands for the
readings as a fixed value. In this scheme, the rechargeable biggest impact of any element in the dataset on the result of
battery is used to bridge the gap between the customers real the query function f [21]. The sensitivity is formally defined
energy consumption and the fixed value. Unfortunately, BE as below [22]:
scheme is inevitable to expose the customers privacy, because Definition 2. For f : D Rd , the sensitivity of f is
all the batteries have limited capacity and charge-discharge
rate [11]. For example, the meter reading has to equal the f = max f ( D1 ) f ( D2 ) (3)
D1 ,D2
energy consumption, when the energy left in the battery is too
low or too high to make up the gap [11]. for all D1 and D2 differing in at most one element.
To resolve the problem, McLaughlin et al. [11] present a To achieve differential privacy, should be no more than
non-intrusive load leveling (NILL) scheme. In this scheme, f / [21].
the battery is set to charge/discharge when the capacity is too
low/high to keep the fixed value. Yang et al. [12] introduce
B. Multi-Armed Bandit Problem
three lazy stepping (LS) schemes. The meter reading can be
flexibly adapted, when the battery cannot keep the fixed value. Multi-armed bandit (MAB) problem has been widely s-
Although NILL and LS schemes alleviate the exposure for the tudied in game theory, machine learning and economics.
customers energy consumption, both schemes cannot achieve This problem formulates a strategy that allocates a sequential
differential privacy or cost saving [13]. actions (arms) to maximize the total payoff in a series of
Koo et al. [18] propose a wallet friendly privacy protection experiments [23]. A famous dilemma in MAB problem is how
(PRIVATUS) scheme. This scheme uses dynamic program- a player chooses a proper arm to balance the exploitation and
ming to preserve privacy and reduce the bill under static the exploration in the experiment, because the former performs
policy. Yang et al [16] design an optimal privacy preserving well in the past, while the latter could bring more profit in
energy management (OPPEM) scheme. In OPPEM scheme, the future [24]. To resolve this dilemma, the design of regret
the variance of all the meter readings is minimized by using mechanism is critical and indispensable [23]. This mechanism
Lyapunov optimization. This scheme protects privacy and evaluates the distance between the chosen arm and the optimal
reduces the bill under dynamic policy [16]. However, both one. Formally, assume there are K arms. The payoff of each
OPPEM and PRIVATUS schemes cannot achieve differential arm at time i is defined by Xj,i , where j {1, ..., m}. If the
privacy [14]. arm Ij is chosen at time i, the corresponding profit XIj ,i can
Recently, Zhao et al. propose a multitasking-BLH-exp3 be earned. After we choose an arm for n times, the regret is
(MBE) scheme. This scheme is proved to achieve differential defined as:
privacy [13]. However, the proof is not complete when the n n

limited capacity and charge-discharge rate of the battery are Rn = max Xj,i XIj ,i (4)
considered. In addition, MBE scheme cannot cut down the i=1 i=1

A. System Model
The system model comprises (1) a smart meter, (2) a
A. Differential Privacy rechargeable battery, (3) a power controller that connects the
We follow the definition of differential privacy in [21] as smart meter, the battery and the electrical appliances such as
below. television, microwave or refrigerator in the house, and (4) a
TOU pricing policy.
Definition 1. A randomized function gives (, ) differential Here the notations of all the parameters in the system model
privacy, if for all datasets D1 and D2 differing on at most are summarized in Table I. For the smart meter, i represents the
one element, and all S Range( ) , time when the ith report is sent. o(i) is denoted as the meter
Pr[ ( D1 ) S] exp( ) Pr[ ( D2 ) S] + (1) reading at time i. For the rechargeable battery, the charge-
discharge rate and the capacity of the battery at time i are
where Range( ) denoted the range of the function . represented by n(i) and c(i), respectively. Here n(i) ,

1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2585963, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

TABLE I: Summary of notations Algorithm 1 The specification of BDP scheme

Smart Meter Input: , , , , C, c(i 1), {dij |j [1, M ]}.
i Time point. Output: n(i).
o(i) Meter readings at time i. M
Rechargeable Battery 1. (Di ) = j=1 (dij )
n(i) Charge-discharge rate of battery at time t 2. For all k, l [1, M ], f = max dik dil
Maximal discharge rate of battery.
Maximal charge rate of battery.
3. = 0, = f /
+(Di ) +(Di )
C Capacity of the battery 4. T = 12 e + 12 e 1
c(i) Energy left in the battery at time i.
Power Controller 5. pdf (x) = e 2T
j The sequence number for each electricity appliance. 6. Do
dij The energy consumption for the j th appliance at time i.
(Di ) Customers electricity consumption at time i.
7. n(i) pdf (x)
The minimal consumption in all the electricity appliances. 8.While(n(i) + c(i 1) > C||n(i) + c(i 1) < 0)
The maximal consumption in all the electricity appliances. 9. c(i) = n(i) + c(i 1)
Pricing Policy
10. Return n(i)
p(i) Unit electricity price at time i.
pmax The highest unit electricity price.
pmin The lowest unit electricity price.
Goal 2. For all i, develop
a scheme that achieves differ-
i ential privacy, and E( i (p(i) n(i))) 0, due to , , ,
0 c(i) C, and c(i) = c(0) + j=0 n(j). For the power , C, c(i 1), (Di ), pmin , and pmax .
controller, j stands for the sequence number of each electricity
appliance in the house. Since each appliance may consume V. C OST- FRIENDLY D IFFERENTIAL P RIVACY- PRESERVING
different energy at different time, dij means the specific energy S CHEMES
consumption for the j th appliance at time i. (Di ) denotes the
In this section, we first design a battery-based differential
customers real energy consumption, and (Di ) . In
privacy-preserving (BDP) scheme, when considering the limit-
general, 0, because (Di ) is 0, when all the appliances
ed charge-discharge rate and capacity of battery. By extending
are turned off. For the pricing policy, p(i) represents the unit
BDP scheme, we further propose two cost-friendly differential
price at time i. pmax and pmin denotes the highest and lowest
privacy-preserving (CDP) schemes under static and dynamic
unit price respectively. pmin p(i) pmax . Finally, we have
policies, respectively.
o(i) = (Di ) + n(i).
A. The Battery-based Differential Privacy-preserving Scheme
B. Adversarial Model
Since the charge-discharge rate and capacity of the battery
The adversary is curious-but-honest. More precisely, adver- are limited ( n(i) , 0 c(i) C), the range of n(i)
saries can obtain all the smart meter readings by eavesdrop- cannot be drawn from the Laplace distribution, because the do-
ping. With curiosity piqued, the adversary will attempt to infer main of Laplace distribution is (, +), due to Equation 2.
customers behavior through analyzing the meter readings. But Thus, we have to design a new distribution to replace Laplace
the adversary will not insert, delete or modify those readings, distribution in smart grid. Formally, the probability density
because of the honesty. Furthermore, the adversary is assumed function of the new distribution is presented as follows:
to get , , , , p(i), pmax and pmin . |x|
pdf (x) = , + (Di ) x + (Di )
C. System Goals 2T
0 , Otherwise
Our goal is to design cost-friendly privacy-preserving (5)
schemes which can protect the customers privacy and reduce where
the cost simultaneously under static and dynamic policies, 1 +(Di ) 1 +(Di )
respectively. T = e + e 1 (6)
2 2
For static policy, the unit electricity price during each time
We prove that pdf (x) is always nonnegative, and its integral
period is announced by the electricity company in advance. In
from to equals 1 in the Appendix. Hence, Equation 5
this case, our first goal is defined as Goal 1.
satisfies the mathematical requirements for the probability
Goal 1. For all i, develop
a scheme that achieves differ- density function. In addition, by choosing an appropriate
ential privacy, and E( i (p(i) n(i))) 0, due to , , , battery, we have + < 0 and + > 0.
, C, c(i 1), (Di ), and p(i). Assume that there are M electricity appliances in the house.
We now propose the specification of BDP scheme as below.
For dynamic policy, only the maximal and minimal unit
electricity prices are publicized, and the electricity company
can adjust this unit price autonomously, according to the global B. The Cost-friendly Differential Privacy-preserving Scheme
energy usage. Therefore, the real-time unit price is uncertain under Static Pricing Policy
for the customer [16], [17]. In this case, our goal is shown as Since the unit electricity price during each time period is
Goal 2. fixed, an intuitive method to save the cost is charge the battery

1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2585963, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

Algorithm 2 The specification of CDP1 scheme

Input:, , , , C, c(i 1), {dij |j [1, M ]}, {p(i)}. Turning back after getting Turning back after getting
local maximal price local minimal price
Output: n(i).
1. (Di ) = j=1 (dij ) Price
2. For all k, l [1, M ], f = max dik dil Local Maximal Price
3. If(p(i) > p(i + 1)) Local Minimal Price
4. tmp1 = tmp2 = i 0 Time
5. While(p(tmp1 ) > p(tmp1 + 1)){+ + tmp1 }
6. p(tl ) = p(tmp1 )
7. While(p(tmp2 ) <= p(tmp2 1)){ tmp2 } Discharge b + g - k ( Di ) (
a +h ) + ( b + g )
- k ( Di ) a + h - k ( Di ) Charge
8. p(th ) = p(tmp2 ) 
9. Else If(p(i) <= p(i + 1)) Fig. 1: Charge-discharge Rate of Battery under Static Policy
10. tmp1 = tmp2 = i
11. While(p(tmp1 ) < p(tmp1 + 1)){+ + tmp1 }
12. p(th ) = p(tmp1 ) Equation 7 cannot be used to save the cost any more. Since the
13. While(p(tmp2 ) >= p(tmp2 1)){ tmp2 } customer cannot predict whether the unit price during the next
14. p(tl ) = p(tmp2 ) time period will be higher or lower than the current unit price,
15. = w ((p(i) p(tl )) (+)(+)
p(th )p(tl ) + + (Di ))
we cannot decide to charge or discharge the battery for saving
16. = f / the cost. Here we apply the regret mechanism from MAB
+(Di ) +(Di ) problem to settle this problem. To attain our goals, privacy pre-
17. T = 21 e + 21 e 1 serving and cost saving can be regarded as two kinds of profits.

18. pdf (x) = e 2T From the point of privacy preserving, the optimal strategy is to
19. Do set = 0, because is 0 [22]. The privacy loss is the smallest
20. n(i) pdf (x) in this case. From the point of cost saving, greedy strategy has
21.While(n(i) + c(i 1) > C||n(i) + c(i 1) < 0) to be used as the price cannot be predicted. Following this
22. c(i) = n(i) + c(i 1) strategy, chooses the maximal discharge rate from all the
23. Return n(i) possible arms. Then we set a weight w, (w [0, 1]) to balance
the privacy preserving and cost saving. Finally, the regret Rn
is shown as Rn = w |Armj | + (1 w) (Armj Arm0 ).
in the lower price and discharge it in the higher price. But this Here Armj represents the j th arm, and Arm0 is the arm that
method violates the definition of differential privacy, because has the maximal possible discharge rate.
the charge-discharge rate has to be stochastic. To settle this Assume that all the charge-discharge rates are divided into
problem, we choose to charge the battery with a higher prob- m parts, and there are M appliances. We design the cost-
ability for the lower unit price, and discharge the battery with a friendly differential privacy-protection scheme under dynamic
higher probability for the higher unit price. More specifically, policy (CDP2 scheme, for short), as shown in Algorithm 3.
in order to charge battery with higher probability, is moved
towards + (Di ), till the price reaches a local minimal Algorithm 3 The specification of CDP2 scheme
price p(tl ). Similarly, is moved towards + (Di ) to Input: , , , , C, c(i 1), {dij |j [1, M ]}, pmin , pmax
discharge battery with higher probability, till the price arrives Output: n(i).
at a local maximal price p(th ), as shown in Figure 1. Besides 1. (Di ) = j=1 (dij )
cost, privacy has also to be considered under static pricing 2. For all k, l M , f = max dik dil
policy. The parameter of Laplace distribution is best equal 3. For all j m
to 0, in order to preserve privacy [21], [22]. Therefore, we 4. Armj = + (Di ) + j(+)
assume that the weight of cost is set to w, (0 w 1). Then 5. Pr[Armj ] = 1/m, Rj = 0

we have 6. Armi {Pr[Armi ]|i [1, m]}

( + ) ( + ) 7. = Armi , = f /
= w((p(i)p(tl )) ++(Di )) (7)
p(th ) p(tl )
+(Di ) +(Di )
8. T = 12 e + 12 e 1

Assume there are M appliances. We design the cost-friendly 9. pdf (x) = e 2T
differential privacy-protection scheme under static pricing pol- 10. Do
icy (CDP1 scheme, for short). The specification of CDP1 11. n(i) pdf (x)
scheme is shown in Algorithm 2. 12.While(n(i) + c(i 1) > C||n(i) + c(i 1) < 0)
13. c(i) = n(i) + c(i 1)
C. The Cost-friendly Differential Privacy-preserving Scheme 14. Ri = w|Arm
m i | + (1 w)|Armi Arm0 |
under Dynamic Pricing Policy 15. T R = j=1 (Rj )
16. For all j m, Pr[Armj ] = (T R Rj )/T R
The real-time unit electricity price is uncertain to the
17. Return n(i)
customer under dynamic pricing policy [16], [17]. Hence,

1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2585963, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

VI. T HEORETICAL A NALYSIS Therefore, (, ) differential privacy is achieved in this case.

In this section, we prove the BDP scheme achieves differen- Step 2. For all i, we show that the probability of c(i) <
tial privacy, and prove both CDP1 and CDP2 schemes achieve or c(i) > (C ) is bounded.
differential privacy and save the cost simultaneously. (1) For the probability of c(i) < :
Since n(i) = c(i) c(i 1) and 0 c(i 1) C, we
have Pr[c(i) < ] = Pr[n(i) < c(i 1) ] Pr[n(i)
A. Privacy Analysis D(n(i))
E(n(i)) < E(n(i))] [+E(n(i))] 2

Theorem 1. BDP scheme achieves differential privacy. (2) For the probability of c(i) > (C ):
Pr[c(i) > (+)] Pr[n(i) > C +(C )] = Pr[n(i)
Proof. The proof contains two steps. The first step is to prove D(n(i))
the BDP scheme achieves (, ) differential privacy at time i, E(n(i)) > E(n(i))] [+E(n(i))] 2
D(n(i)) D(n(i))
when c(i) (C ). In this case, the energy left in We set = [+E(n(i))]2 + [+E(n(i))]2

the battery c(i) must meet the requirement of all the possible In the Appendix, we prove that E(n(i)) and D(n(i)) are
charge/discharge rates, because n(i) . Then we prove two fixed numbers, given ,,,,, and (Di ).
the probability of c(i) < or c(i) > (C ) is bounded In sum, we have
for all i. Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n(i)] = (1 ) Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n(i)]
Step 1. For c(i) (C ): + Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n(i)]
Assume that Di and Di consist of all appliances where only
one appliance is different. Since o(i) = (Di )+n(i), we have (1 ) (e Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n (i)] + ) + 1
e Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n (i)] + ( + )
Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n(i)]
Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n (i)] Therefore, (, + ) differential privacy is achieved in this
o(i)(Di )+x e |x 1|

o(i)(Di ) 2T1 dx
= lim , We next prove both CDP schemes achieve differential
x0 o(i)(Di )+x |x2 |
e privacy.
o(i)(Di ) 2T2 dx
Theorem 2. CDP1 and CDP2 schemes achieve differential
1 +(Di )1 1 +(Di )1
T1 = e e 1 Proof. The only difference between CDP1/CDP2 scheme and
2 2
1 +(Di )2 1 +(Di )2 BDP scheme is the selection of . Owing to the Equation 7,
T2 = e e 1 is always bounded in CDP1 and CDP2 schemes, because
2 2
Here l 1 = 2 = 0 u , and l is the minimum of (Di ) is bounded. Consequently, the proof for BDP scheme
is also valid for the CDP1 and CDP2 schemes as well.
all the . u is the maximum of all the . f =
max dik dil for all the possible k, l and i, = f /, and
B. Cost Saving Analysis
T1 , T2 > 0. Since = |1 2 | = 0 |l h |, we have
We first prove CDP1 scheme saves the cost in this section.
o(i)(Di )+x e
|x1 |
|o(Di )1 |

o(i)(Di ) 2T1
= 2T1 Theorem 3. Given ,,,, C, c(i 1), (Di ), and {p(i)}
x0 o(Di )+x e
|x2 |

|o(D )2 |
i CDP1 scheme satisfies E( i (p(i) n(i))) 0 for all i.
dx e

o(i)(Di ) 2T2 2T2
Proof. Since + < 0 and (Di ) 0, we have E( i (p(i)
T2 |(Di )(Di )+2 1 | T2 |(Di )(Di )|+|2 1 |
= e e n(i))) i {p(i) w ((p(th ) p(tl )) (+)(+)
p(th )p(tl ) + +
T1 T1
+l (Di ))} = i {p(i) w ( + (Di ))} 0
1 +
T2 2e
+ 21 e
ee e e We then indicate that CDP2 scheme also saves the cost.
T1 1 l 1
2e + 2e

Note that which arm is chosen does not rely on the price,
Since because Ri is independent with p(i), for all i.
1 +
u l
+ 12 e Theorem 4. Given ,,,,C,c(i1),(D
i ), pmin and pmax ,

1 l 1
ee CDP2 scheme satisfies E( t (p(i) n(i))) 0 for all i.
+ 2e 1
1 + u
+ 12 e

Proof. m expectation of cost is E( i (p(i)
The math n(i))) =
2e 1

=e + e ( l e 1) E( i (p(i) j=1 ((1 Rj /T R) Armj )) E( i (p(i)
2e + 12 e 1 Armj )) = E( i p(i)) E(Armj )
For Armj 0, Rj = w|Armj |+(1w)(Armj Arm0 ) =
we assume that = Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n (i)], where
(Armj Arm0 ) + w Arm0 , so Rj is the minimum when
1 + u
+ 12 e
1 Armj = 0. Additionally, for Armi < 0, Rj = (Armj

= e( u
e 1) (8) Arm0 )w(2Armj Arm0 ), thus Rj is the minimum when
1 l
2e + 12 e 1 Armj = Arm0 0. Since the probability to chose Armj
We have Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + n(i)] = e Pr[o(i) = (Di ) + is based on Ri and E(Armj ) 0, we have E( i (p(i)
n (i)] + . n(i))) 0.

1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2585963, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

TABLE II: Default value of all the parameters Square Price Sine Price
0.025 0.025
t 0.25 Hours 0.1
6.081 kWh 0 kWh
-8 kW 8 kW 0.02 0.02

Price ($)

Price ($)
C 4 kWh c(0) 0 kWh
w 0.5 m 100 (Arms) 0.015 0.015
pmax 0.02109 $/kWh pmin 0.00704 $/kWh
0.01 0.01

0.005 0.005
VII. E XPERIMENTAL A NALYSIS 0 50 100 0 50 100
Time (0.25 Hour) Time (0.25 Hour)
Although differential privacy maintains the privacy loss Triangle Price Random Price
at about the same level, we still need to quantitatively e- 0.025 0.025
valuate the total privacy loss. Therefore, we first apply the
traditional mutual information metric to compare the global 0.02 0.02

Price ($)

Price ($)
privacy leakage of CDP1 and CDP2 schemes with MBE, 0.015 0.015
PRIVATUS and OPPEM schemes in this section. Since CDP1
and CDP2 scheme achieves differential privacy, we then show 0.01 0.01
the relationship between and for CDP1 and CDP2 scheme.
0.005 0.005
We next compare the cost saving for CDP1 and CDP2 schemes 0 50 100 0 50 100
Time (0.25 Hour) Time (0.25 Hour)
under different pricing policies. Finally, we also compare the
cost saving for different weights of cost in CDP1 and CDP2 Fig. 2: Different pricing policies
We first compare the global privacy loss of CDP1 and CDP2
Mutual Information with Square Price Mutual Information with Sine Price
schemes with MBE, PRIVATUS, OPPEM schemes. To show 6 6
the stability of both CDP schemes, multiple experiments are MBE OPPEM PRIVATUS MBE OPPEM PRIVATUS
Mutual Information

Mutual Information
conducted with different capacities of battery and different
4 4
TOU pricing policies. Here, we use the dataset REDD [25]
from MIT. We extract the average electricity consumption at
2 2
the interval of 15 minutes for three different houses as the
customers electric consumption information. The minimum
power that the adversary can distinguish is assumed to be 0 0
H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3
0.001 kW. The lowest and highest price is from Salt River Houses Houses

Project TOU price plans [16]. The default values of all the Mutual Information with Triangle Price Mutual Information with Random Price
parameters are specified in Table II. 6 6
Mutual Information

Mutual Information

Since all the delta values of two adjacent meter readings CDP1 CDP2 CDP1 CDP2
and all the values of meter readings are both useful to the 4 4
adversaries [13], we define two kinds of mutual information
M I0 and M I1 as follows. Assume that (Di ) = (Di ) 2 2
(Di1 ), and o (i) = o(i) o(i 1), we have
Pr( (i), o (i)) 0 0
M I0 = Pr( (i), o (i)) log H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3

Pr( (i) Pr(o (i))) Houses Houses
(i) o (i)
(9) Fig. 3: Maximal privacy loss in three houses
Pr((i), o(i))
M I1 = Pr((i), o(i)) log
Pr((i) Pr(o(i)))
(i) o(i)
(10) We then show the relationship between and for CDP1
50 experiments are run to compute the average for all the and CDP2 schemes in Figure 4. We can see that the larger
schemes. Figure 2 shows four pricing policies (square, sine, is, the smaller is. Besides, the value of is always less
triangle and random). The first three pricing policies belong than 0.1 in our schemes. This guarantees that the privacy is
to static policy, while the random pricing policy simulates the protected about the same level in our experiments.
dynamic policy. For each policy, there are 24/0.25 = 96 unit Next, we compare the cost saving of CDP1 and CDP2
prices in a day. schemes with MBE, PRIVATUS and OPPEM schemes. The
Figure 3 shows maximal privacy loss for all the schemes parameters are the same as that in Table II. A negative
in three different houses, respectively. The smaller M I0 and value indicates that the customer earns money by charging or
M I1 are, the less the privacy loss is. Moreover, we choose the discharging the battery. From Figure 5, both CDP1 and CDP2
higher value between M I0 and M I1 as the final privacy loss. schemes truly save the cost during in all the experiments.
From the results, we can see that the privacy loss of CDP1 Finally, the customers cost saving is compared under differ-
and CDP2 schemes are no bigger than that of the other three ent weights for both CDP1 and CDP2 schemes. Specifically,
schemes. the weight of cost changes from 0 to 1, as shown in Figure 6.

1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TSG.2016.2585963, IEEE
Transactions on Smart Grid

Epsilon and Delta with Square Price Epsilon and Delta with Sine Price Weight and Cost with Square Price Weight and Cost with Sine Price
0.06 0.06 0.4 0.2
0.2 0.1
0.04 0.04



0.02 0.02 0
0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.2
Epsilon Epsilon 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Weight Weight
Epsilon and Delta with Triangle Price Epsilon and Delta with Random Price
0.06 0.06 Weight and Cost with Triangle Price Weight and Cost with Random Price
CDP1 CDP1 0.2
0.04 0.04 CDP2 CDP2



0.02 0.02 0
0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 1
Epsilon Epsilon 0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Weight Weight
Fig. 4: The relationship between and in the house 1
Fig. 6: The weight of cost in the house 1
Cost Saving with Square Price Cost Saving with Sine Price
CDP1 CDP2 CDP1 CDP2 CDP2 schemes were smaller than that for the existing schemes.
0 Additionally, our schemes supports both static and dynamic


pricing policies. Future efforts will focus on investigating

5 the batterys capacity loss and customers electricity usage
habit, in order to precisely depict the battery and reduce
4 10 more cost. Besides, more strategies, such as epsilon-greedy or
H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3
epsilon-decreasing strategy, of solving multiple-armed bandit
Houses Houses problem [23], [24] will be tried to decrease privacy leakage.
Cost Saving with Triangle Price Cost Saving with Random Price
0 The corresponding author is Liehuang Zhu. This paper
is supported by National Science Foundation grants CNS-


5 1 1262275, CNS-1262277 and CNS-1318948, National Natural

Science Foundation of China No.61271512 and No.61300177.
H1 H2 H3 H1 H2 H3
Houses Houses
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We first show that pdf (x) is a valid probability density
function here. Since T 0, we have pdf (x) 0. In addition, Jian Weng ( is a professor in College of Information
Science and Technology, Jinan University. He is selected into the Program for
+ +(Di ) |x| New Century Excellent Talents in University from Ministry of Education, P.R.
e T China. His research interests include Cryptography and Information Security.
F (x) = f (x)dx = dx = =1
+(Di ) 2T T
Next, we compute the expected value E(x) of the probabil-
ity distribution, given ,,,,, and (Di ).
+ +(Di )
E(x) = xf (x)dx = xf (x)dx Kui Ren ( is an associate professor and the director of
+(Di ) the Ubiquitous Security and Privacy Research Laboratory (UbiSeC) in the
+(Di ) Computer Science and Engineering Department of the State University of New
x x x x York at Buffalo. His current research interests focus on Data and Computation
= e dx + e dx Outsourcing Security in the context of Cloud Computing, Wireless Systems
+(Di ) 2T 2T
Security inspired by Physical-layer Properties, and Crowdsourcing-based
+(D i)
Large-scale Information Infrastructure Building.

e x e x

= (x 1)e + (x 1)e
2T +(Di ) 2T

1949-3053 (c) 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

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