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messages through cables or satellites.

For example: In
telephone the voice is converted into wave signals and it
transmits through cables
Decoder : The reception place of the signal which converts
signals into message. A reverse process of encode
Note : The receiver converts those binary data or waves into
message which is comfortable and understandable for
receiver. Otherwise receiver cant receive the exact message
and it will affect the effective communication between
sender and receiver
Receiver : The destination of the message from sender
Note : Based on the decoded message the receiver gives their
feed back to sender. If the message distracted by noise it will
affect the communication flow between sender and receiver
Lasswells Communication Model
Noise: The messages are transferred from encoder to
decoder through channel. During this process the messages
Lasswell's communication model was developed by
may distracted or affected by physical noise like horn sounds,
communication theorist Harold D. Lasswell (1902-1978) in
thunder and crowd noise or encoded signals may distract in
1948. Lasswells model of communication (also known
the channel during the transmission process which affect the
as action model or linear model or one way model of
communication flow or the receiver may not receive the
communication) is regarded as one the most
correct message
influential communication models.
Note : The model is clearly deals with external noises only
Components Meaning Analysis
which affect the messages or signals from external sources.
Who the Control For example: If there is any problems occur in network which
communicator Analysis directly affect the mobile phone communication or distract
or sender or the messages
source of
Says What the content of Content
the message Analysis
In Which Media
Channel the medium Analysis
or media
To Whom the receiver of Audience
the message Analysis
or an
With What the feedback Effect
Effect of the receiver Analysis Schramm Model of Communication (1954)
to the sender
The model suggests that encoding and decoding are the two
most important part of a communication process.
Encoding assumes a critical part in starting the procedure of
correspondence by converting data into information.
Encoding is done by a sender (transmitter) and sent to a
receiver. When data reaches to the receiver, receiver
decodes and interprets the data. This data is called a
message, and it is transmitted through a medium.
This model shows how meaning is transferred from one
person or group to another. Schramm's model of
communication is used in both Intrapersonal and
Shannon and Weaver Model of Communication (1949) Interpersonal communication. The model takes
communication as a never ending process which constitutes
Sender : The originator of message or the information source messages and feedbacks. Each person is both sender and
selects desire message receiver, so there must be interpretation of the message on
Encoder : The transmitter which converts the message into each turn. The interpreted data is known as information. This
signals makes communication effective but might cause problems
Note: The senders messages converted into signals like too as the message sent after encoding might not be the
waves or Binary data which is compactable to transmit the same when decoded by the receiver. So, this model is not
conventional like other models that only talk about sender
and receiver. Feedback is also a very important component as
it lets the sender know if the receiver has interpreted the
message as required or not. The message becomes useless if
the receiver does not understand it making feedback
different than the expected outcome.

Barnlunds transactional model of communication reflects the

fact that we usually send and receive messages
simultaneously. It suggests that the communication process is
fluid and relational. The sender and receiver are mutually
responsible for the effect and the effectiveness of
In the transactional model, personal fields of experience still
Berlos SMCR Model of Communication exist but they overlap with each other. This is an important
addition to the understanding of the communication process
This model believes that for an effective communication to because it demonstrates the existence of an active process. In
take place the source and the receiver needs to be in the the linear model, meaning is sent from one person to
same level, only if the source and receiver are on the same another. In the interactional model, meaning is achieved
level communication will happen or take place properly. So through a feedback mechanism. The transactional model
source and receiver should be similar takes the meaning-making process one step further: it
For e.g. Communication skills on source side is good then the assumes that people build shared meaning in their
receiver should equally have good listening skills. communication.
We cannot say the entire message passed doesnt reaches
the receiver has it is because the receiver may not good in
listening, so only for the effective communication the source
and the receiver to be in the same level.
Note: Self image differs from person to person, for
communicating the person should consider the receiver. Keep
the receiver in mind, speak accordingly and give them what
they need.

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