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Health & Safety Hand Book

This policy book goes with the following contract:

____ Original Signed (Dated: __________________)

____ Renewal (Dated: __________________)
____ Transferring to Full Time (Dated: __________________)
____ Transferring to Part-Time (Dated: __________________)
____ Other: _______________________ (Dated: __________________)

Allergies......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Food Allergies............................................................................................................................................ 5
Allergies to Scents ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Environmental and Seasonal Allergies ...................................................................................................... 5
Smoking......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Amebiasis ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
Animal Bite/Rabies........................................................................................................................................ 6
Animal Bite ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Rabies ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Biting Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Biter's parents ........................................................................................................................................... 7
Victim's parents ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Campylobacter .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Candidiasis (Thrush, Diaper Rash)................................................................................................................. 8
Chicken Pox's Policy ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Cold Sores (Herpes)....................................................................................................................................... 8
Common Cold Policy ..................................................................................................................................... 9
If I or my children have a common cold.................................................................................................... 9
Crabs (Genital Lice) ....................................................................................................................................... 9
Croup............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Cryptosoridiosis ............................................................................................................................................ 9
Diarrhea Policy ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Constipation ................................................................................................................................................ 10
Doctor's Notes ............................................................................................................................................ 10
Sending your Child Home............................................................................................................................ 10
Ear Infections .............................................................................................................................................. 10
Escheruchia Coli 0157:H7 (Ecoli) ................................................................................................................. 11
Fever Policy ................................................................................................................................................. 11
Flu................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Fifth Disease. (Parvovorus B19, Erythema infectiosum, "Slapped Cheek Syndrome") .......................... 11
Gastroenteritis ............................................................................................................................................ 12
Giardiasis (Beaver Fever) ............................................................................................................................ 12

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (Coxsackie Virus) ...................................................................................... 12

Head Injury .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Head Lice Policy .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Hepatitis A, B & C ........................................................................................................................................ 13
Hepatitis A............................................................................................................................................... 13
Hepatitis B ............................................................................................................................................... 14
Hepatitis C ............................................................................................................................................... 14
HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS) .............................................................................................. 14
Injuries ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
Immunization Policy.................................................................................................................................... 14
Impetigo ...................................................................................................................................................... 15
Measles and Mumps ................................................................................................................................... 15
Rubella (German measles) ...................................................................................................................... 15
Mumps .................................................................................................................................................... 15
Medical Emergencies .................................................................................................................................. 16
Medication Policy........................................................................................................................................ 16
Meningitis ................................................................................................................................................... 17
Molluscum Contagiosum (Non-Planter Warts)........................................................................................... 17
Mononucleosis ............................................................................................................................................ 17
Paratyphiod Fever ....................................................................................................................................... 18
Pinworms .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Pink Eye and Conjunctivitis ......................................................................................................................... 18
Poison Ivy .................................................................................................................................................... 18
Rashes ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Ringworm (Tinea) ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Roseola ........................................................................................................................................................ 19
Respiratory Issues/infections ...................................................................................................................... 19
Salmonella ................................................................................................................................................... 20
Scabies ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
Seizures ....................................................................................................................................................... 20
Shigella ........................................................................................................................................................ 21
Shingles (Herpes Zoster) ............................................................................................................................. 21
Streptococcal Infections ............................................................................................................................. 22

Streptococcal Infections (Strep Throat, Scarlet Fever) ........................................................................... 22

Streptococcal Infection (Invasive Group A Strep) ................................................................................... 22
Teething ...................................................................................................................................................... 22
Tuberculosis ................................................................................................................................................ 23
Typhoid Fever.............................................................................................................................................. 23
Vomiting Policy ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Whooping Cough ........................................................................................................................................ 24
Yersinia ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Accident Reports ......................................................................................................................................... 25
Black Outs/No Power .................................................................................................................................. 25
Custody Arrangements ............................................................................................................................... 25
Dressing for Outdoor Play ........................................................................................................................... 26
Dressing for winter outdoor play ............................................................................................................ 26
Dressing for summer outdoor play ......................................................................................................... 26
Dressing for rainy outdoor play .............................................................................................................. 27
Hand Held Gaming Systems, cell phones, tablets, etc. ............................................................................... 27
Jewelery and Hair Ties ................................................................................................................................ 27
Outside Toys/Blankets/Soothers etc. ......................................................................................................... 27
Toilet Training ............................................................................................................................................. 28

Health Policies
All Health policies can be updated/added without notice at any time in order to protect the health and
safety of your child, the other children in my care, my family and myself. You will receive a written
notice at either drop off or pick up stating that the policy has started immediately.


Food Allergies
Many food allergies and sensitivities can result in severe or life threatening reactions, I require that you
indicate any allergies your child may have.
Every effort is made to prevent your child from coming into contact with the food in question.
This daycare is NOT NUT free.

Allergies to Scents
Due to a very serious allergy to most perfumes, fragrances, or cigarette/cigar smoke, parents and
children may not enter the daycare at any time wearing any kind of perfume, after shave, lotion, scents
or smelling of cigarette/cigar smoke.
PLEASE make sure your child does not have perfume or scents on them when coming to daycare. Please
do not smoke around your child before bring him/her into care. If I notice a scent/smoke upon arrival
we will request the child be taken home to remove the scent/smoke. If I notice scent/smoke after you
leave, you will be called to pick up your child.

Environmental and Seasonal Allergies

If a child comes to daycare with a runny nose, coughing, congestion, and the parent feels this is due to
allergies I must have a Doctor's note stating what the child is allergic to. Children will not be allowed to
attend the daycare if they have a fever, persistent non clear runny nose, persistent coughing or diarrhea
that coincides with allergies.

This Daycare is 100% smoke free, this applies to the yard and driveway. Please refrain from smoking
around your child before daycare. If your child smells of smoke you will be asked to take your child
home, bath and change your childs clothing before your child can return to care.
Please reframe form smoking before entering the daycare. If the daycare smells like smoke after you
have be in it you will no longer be allowed to enter. All drop offs/pick-ups will have to be done outside.
A reminder that it is against the law to smoke in a vehicle with a child 18 years of age and under, I am
required by law to report you if I witness you breaking this law.

Cause/Symptoms: Parasite. Abdominal distention and cramps, diarrhea or constipation, and rarely fever
or chills. May be symptom free.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route. Food and water contaminated by an infected food handler or sewage.

Return to daycare, your child must meet all the following criteria:
24 hours after diarrhea has stopped without the help of medication.
72 hours after completion of antibiotic treatment.
24 hours after bowl movements have started working properly again without the help of
Your child can participate in all the daycare activities

Animal Bite/Rabies

Animal Bite
Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
Child is allowed to attend if doesn't have rabies.
Any open wounds must be covered with a bandage
Cause/Symptoms: There is a risk of rabies from the bites of bats, cats, dogs, ferrets, groundhogs,
muskrats, racoons, skunks and other wild mammals. Bites of gerbils, hamsters, mice, moles, rabbits and
squirrels do not have to be reported unless the animals behaviour was very abnormal

Transmission: Animal saliva introduced by a bite or scratch

Your child can return to daycare, once the following criteria has been meet:
72 hours after completion of treatment.
you have a Dr.'s Note saying that the return of your child is 100% safe for all the children/adults
in the daycare.

Biting Policy
Biting is a natural developmental stage that many children go through. It is usually a temporary
condition that is most common between thirteen and twenty-four months of age. The safety of the
children at the daycare is my primary concern. However, biting will not be tolerated and dealt with
accorded and on a case by case basis.

Biter's parents
You will be informed of the incident either at pick up or phone call depending on the severity of
the bit.
You will be informed of the severity or mildness of the incident.
You will be informed of what discipline your child has already received and whether or not you
need to pick up your child immediately.
If this is a recurring problem, care can be terminated with or without notice depending on the
severity of the behaviour.
If your child is 2.5 years or older your child will need to be picked up immediately if he/she bits
more than once in the day or breaks the skin.
If your child is younger than 2.5 years old your child will be sent home if he/she bits more than
five (5) times during the day or breaks the skin.

Victim's parents
Inform parents that their child was bitten either at pick up or phone call depending on the
severity of the bite.
You will be informed of the severity or mildness of the incident.
You will be informed of what first aid your child has already received and whether or not you
need to pick up your child immediately.
If your childs skin has been broken, you will be called immediately and told either its up to you
to decide to pick up or that your child need to be picked up immediately and see a doctor.
Please note an accident report will be written up and a photo of the bite will be placed in your
childs daycare records.

Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting - may be mild to
severe. Stools may contain blood.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route. Ingestion of undercooked meat (especially poultry), unpasteurized milk
and contaminated water or by direct contact with fecal material from infected animals or people.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hrs symptom free without the help of medication

Candidiasis (Thrush, Diaper Rash)

Cause/Symptoms: Fungus. Thrush: Thin white layer on tongue and inside of cheeks. May cause difficulty
with feeding. Diaper rash or other skin rash: Well demarcated, red rash with white flaky border, usually
in skin folds. Painful when comes in contact with urine
Transmission: Person-to-person by direct contact,

Your child can return to daycare, once the following criteria has been meet:
If covered by a diaper or clothing: allowed in daycare
If in or around mouth or in another place that cannot be covered - 24 hrs after it is gone

Chicken Pox's Policy

If your child has the Chicken Pox please keep them at home.
Your child can return to care when ALL of the following apply:
All the spots have scabbed over and are no longer itchy (this includes the ones hidden under
clothing and diapers), this can take 7 to 10 days, some times longer.
your child has been fever free for at least 24 hours, from the time the fever broke
your child can participate in all actives

Cold Sores (Herpes)

Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Small blisters appear and then burst to form a crust. Sores are usually around
the mouth but can be around the nose and eyes.
With the first infection, sores may be accompanied by fever, flu-like illness, and painful irritation.

Transmission: Person-to-person by saliva. Hand hygiene is important in preventing transmission.

Your child can return to daycare, once the following criteria has been meet:
The lesions has crusted over and your child is not drooling.

Please note that if your child puts items in his/her month he/she will be separated from the other
children until the cold sore is gone.

Common Cold Policy

Your child can still come to care with a common cold as long as:
your child can still participate in all actives
your child can play outside
your child does not have a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea
your child brings a box of tissues for his/her noise (labeled)
your child is eating well
your child had a good night sleep

If I or my family have a common cold

I will still be open.
If I feel that I have to close, (cold turns into something else) then I will let you know as soon as
If I do have to close, it is your responsibility to find back up care.

Crabs (Genital Lice)

Cause/Symptoms: Small grey-brown insects and white eggs (nits) attached to pubic hairs. May spread to
other areas where there is hair (head, eyebrows, underarms). Intense itching and skin redness.

Transmission: Person to person by direct skin to skin contact, sexual contact, or indirect contact with
bedding, clothing, and towels.
Your child can return to daycare, once the following criteria has been meet:
Once all lice and eggs have been removed
48 hrs after the last treatment

Your child needs to stay home for 7 days after treatment has started. A doctor's note is required for
your child to return to daycare.

Cause/Symptoms: Parasite. Frequent, non-bloody, watery diarrhea with abdominal cramps and pain,
fatigue, vomiting, and weight loss. Loss of appetite and vomiting are relatively common among children.
May be symptom free.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route, including person to person, animal to person, waterborne (recreational
or drinking water) and foodborne transmission.

Your child can return to daycare, once the all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hrs diarrhea free without the help of medication
24 hrs vomiting free without the help of medication
your child is eating and drinking
your child can participate in all daycare activities

Diarrhea Policy
Diarrhea due to illness is highly contagious. If your child has diarrhea, for any reason, keep him/her
Your child can return to daycare after 24 hours from the last diarrhea bowel movement.
If your child has diarrhea at daycare, you will be called to come pick up your child.

If your child is in pain or simply cannot participate in the daily activates due to constipation. Your child
will need to remain home. Your child can return to daycare 24 hours after her bowel movements have
started working properly again. Please note that if you give a child a laxative or prune juice they must
stay home for 24 hours from the time it was given. I will not give your child a laxative or prune juice here
at daycare.
If your child is in pain or simply cannot participate in the daily activates once at daycare, I will send your
child home.

Doctor's Notes
I hold the right to ask for a Doctor's Note before your child can return to care.
I have the right to refuse a Doctor's Note if I feel that your child is not ready to participate in all
activates, or just isn't ready to return to care.

Sending your Child Home

I hold the right to send your child home upon arrival or during the day if at any time I feel that your child
cannot participate in all activates, is uncomfortable, or any other reason I feel is justified.

Ear Infections
Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hours after the first dose of antibiotics
There is no drainage coming from the ear
Your child must be able to participate in all activities

Escheruchia Coli 0157:H7 (Ecoli)

Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Bloody or non-bloody diarrhea, severe abdominal cramps, vomiting,
fatigue, malaise and dehydration. Symptoms usually last fewer than 5 days.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route, mainly by ingestion of contaminated food:

undercooked meat (especially hamburger) and poultry
unwashed raw vegetables ( lettuce, spinach, sprouts) and fruits
unpasteurized milk and apple juice/cider.
Contaminated drinking or recreational water.
Animal to person and person to person can occur.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
until 2 negative stool cultures are obtained, at least 24 hours apart.
until 48 hours after the completion of antibiotics.

Fever Policy
If your child has a fever, no matter the cause, your child MUST remain home. Your child can
return once he/she has been fever free for 24 hours without the help of medication.
If your child gets a fever while at daycare, you will be contacted to pick your child up.
If I find out that you have given your child medication to cover up a fever before sending your
child to daycare, I hold the right to terminate care immediately or once a replacement child can
be found.

If your child has the flu, please keep your child home until he/she has been symptom free, without the
help of medication, for 24 hours.

Fifth Disease. (Parvovorus B19, Erythema infectiosum, "Slapped Cheek

Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Fever, headache, malaise, anorexia, infrequent stools and possible rash on
Transmission: Person to person by direct or indirect contact with respiratory secretions; mother to

Your child can return to care, once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hrs. Fever free without the help of medication.
If your child has a rash he/she must get a doctors note stating that the rash is not contagious
and what the rash is.
Your child can eat and drink
Your child can participate in all the daycare activities
****** Infected children with sickle cell or other forms of chronic anemia and pregnant personnel are
advised to consult with their health care provider.

Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria, virus or parasite. Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, fever.

Transmission: Depends on cause. Usually fecal-oral route or through food and water contaminated with
bacteria, virus or parasite.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hrs diarrhea free without the help of medication.
24 hrs vomit free without the help of medication
your child can participate in all the daycare activities
your child is eating and drinking

Giardiasis (Beaver Fever)

Cause/Symptoms: Parasite. Chronic diarrhea, abdominal cramps, bloating, dehydration, fatigue and
weight loss. May be symptom free.
Transmission: Fecal-oral route, most commonly through the ingestion of contaminated water or by
direct person to person contact.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hours diarrhea free without the help of medication
your child can participate in all the daycare activities
your child is eating and drinking

Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (Coxsackie Virus)

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
They have been fever free for 24 hours, without the help of medication.
All sores/blisters are dried up, including the ones hidden under clothing and diapers.
your child can participate in all activities
your child is eating and drinking well

Head Injury
Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:

48 hours without a concussion. I will overturn any doctors note stating that the child can come
to care before the 48 hours is over.
If your child needs to be monitored over several days, you will need to keep your child at home.
24 hours with no concussion. Must have a doctors note stating there is no concussion before
returning to daycare. I will overturn any doctors note stating that the child can come to care
before the 24 hours is over.

***** I take head injuries very seriously.


Head Lice Policy

It is the responsibility of all parents to check their child's hair weekly for head lice and to provide
adequate treatment if head lice is found. If your child has head lice you need to inform me right away.
This way I can inform all other parents that head lice has been found in the Daycare. The sooner all
parents are aware of the lice the sooner they can check their children and we can stop the outbreak
before it gets too big.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
48 hours after the 2nd treatment has been done and that you have confirmed that all lice are
dead and the nits (eggs) have been removed.

The treatments can be done within 7 to 10 days from each other, depending on the treatment used.
It takes 10 days for an egg to hatch, if you miss just one then you will have a whole new outbreak. This is
why you need to keep your child home this long.
During a head lice outbreak my Daycare will remain open for all non-infected children. It is up to you
whether or not to bring your non-infected child or not. However, if I or any members of my family have
lice, I will have to close.
Payment will still be due in full.
All steps will be taken to remove any head lice from the Daycare/my home as quickly and safely as

Hepatitis A, B & C
Hepatitis A
Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Fever, fatigue, nausea, jaundice (yellowing of skin), abdominal discomfort, dark
urine, clay coloured stools. May be symptom free.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route, either by direct contact with an infected person or indirectly through
ingestion of contaminated water or foods.

Your child can return to daycare, once the following criteria has been meet:
15 days after onset of symptoms.
you have a Dr. 's note stating it is 100% safe for your child to be around other children/adults
your child can participate in all daycare activities
your child is eating and drinking

Hepatitis B
Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Anorexia, fatigue, vague abdominal discomfort, joint pain, fever and jaundice.
May be symptom free.

Transmission: Person to person by direct contact with infected body fluids, including sexual contact.

Your child can return to daycare, once the following criteria has been meet:
you have a Dr. 's note stating it is 100% safe for your child to be around other children/adults
your child can participate in all daycare activities
your child is eating and drinking

Hepatitis C
Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Most cases are usually asymptomatic or have mild illness; vague abdominal
discomfort, nausea, vomiting and fatigue.

Transmission: Person to person primarily through blood-to-blood contact.

Your child is allowed at daycare.

HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus/AIDS)

Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Most cases will develop a short-term flu-like illness several weeks to months
after infection. May lead to suppression of the immune system.
Transmission: Person to person by direct contact with infected body fluids, including sexual contact.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
Your child is allowed at daycare as long as he/she doesn't have any open wounds.

If your child is putting things in his/her mouth your child will be separated from the other children.

No matter how closely I watch and how careful I am, accidents do happen occasionally. Minor cuts and
bruises suffered while at daycare will receive proper care - they will be washed with soap and warm
water and properly bandaged.

Immunization Policy
Child MUST stay home for 24 hours after they get immunized. This is so a parent can see if there are any
side effects and take the child to be seen if necessary.
All children need to have their immunizations up to date. A updated copy of your child's immunization
record is required at time of signing the agreement as well as after each immunization. (I have a
photocopier if required)

Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Infection of the skin caused by Streptococcus or Staphylococcus bacteria;
can follow a scrape or insect bite. It usually appears on the face or exposed skin as a rash with a cluster
of red bumps or blisters, which may ooze or form a honey-coloured crust.

Transmission: Person to person by direct and indirect contact with fluid from blisters. It is very
contagious and should be treated at once.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
48 hours after the initiation of antibiotic treatment
All open sores have scabbed over (including the ones hidden under clothing and diapers)
There is no puss or fluids
You must send medical gloves (lg size) for the provider to wear until all the scores are gone.

Measles and Mumps

Rubella (German measles)

Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Low-grade fever, headache, malaise, runny nose, red eyes, enlarged tender
neck nodes. Rash starts on the face, spreads in 24 hours and lasts 3 days.

Transmission: Person to person by direct contact with respiratory secretions. Highly contagious.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
ten (10) days after onset of the rash.
24 hrs fever free without the help of medication
child is eating and drinking
child can participate in all daycare activities

Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Fever, swelling and tenderness of salivary glands slightly above the angle of the
jaw, on 1 or both sides.

Transmission: Person to person by direct contact with respiratory secretions or saliva.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
Seven (7) days from the onset of swelling
24 hrs fever free without the help of medication
child is eating and drinking
child can participate in all daycare activities

If your child puts things in his/her mouth he/she will have to be separated from the other children

Medical Emergencies
In case of serious accident or sudden illness requiring medical attention, the following procedures are
Call 911
Parents or emergency contacts are called.
Child will be sent to local hospital.
Parents will be responsible for all costs involved in emergency treatment including emergency
transportation and equipment if required.
I will authorize only medical care that is serious enough that it must be administered immediately and
cannot wait until the parent/emergency contact arrives.
The parent/emergency contact must meet the child at the hospital as I have other children in my care
and cannot go to the hospital.
These health policies are critical to ensuring the health of all children in my care , I appreciate your help
and support.

Medication Policy
Parents must notify the Daycare of any medications given to their child prior to arriving at daycare. This
will enable me to monitor their child for any side effects.
I will administer prescription medication and/or non-prescription medication (such as Tylenol) when it is
accompanied by a Doctors Note. Parents are responsible to cover all Dr.s fees.
All medication MUST be is the original container with the childs name clearly written on it, a medication
Record Form MUST be fully filled out.

Medication will only be administered if in the following forms:

~ Pills (chewable or dissolving only), Liquids, Ear Drops, EpiPens (EpiPen form must be completely filled
out) and Creams.

Medication will NOT be administered in, but not limited to, the following forms:
~ Injection (excluding EpiPens), Eye Drops, Depositories or Pills that need to be swallowed. If your child
requires the medication during daycare hours you can come at set times to administer it or give written
permission for another person (18 years old or older) at set times to administer it.

Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria or virus. Young children may show a cluster of symptoms such as irritability,
poor feeding, vomiting, fever, rash and excessive high-pitched crying. Older children and adults may
experience severe persistent headache,

Transmission: Varies depending on cause of meningitis.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
your case has been discussed with Ottawa Public Health.
you have a letter from Ottawa Public Health stating it is 100% safe for your child to be around
other children/adults
your child is eating and drinking
your child can participate in all daycare activities
24 hr vomit free without the help of medication
24 hrs after rash is gone
once your child is no-longer doing the excessive high-pitched cry.

Molluscum Contagiosum (Non-Planter Warts)

Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Skin infection with small flesh-coloured or translucent bumps with sunken
centre, most often on face, trunk, or limbs of children. Can be found on genitalia. May cause itchiness.

Transmission: Person to person by direct skin to skin contact or indirect contact, such as sharing clothes
or towels.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
your child is allowed in daycare as long as it is covered up

Cause/Symptoms: Epstein-Barr Virus. Fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes in neck, fatigue.

Transmission: Person to person by direct contact with saliva.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria have been meet:
24 hr fever free without the help of medication
your child can eat and drink
your child can participate in all daycare activities

If your child puts items in his/her month, your child will have to be separated from the other children

Paratyphiod Fever
Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Fever, headache, malaise, anorexia, infrequent stools and possible rash on

Transmission: Fecal-oral route, either by direct contact with an infected person or indirectly through
ingestion of contaminated water or foods.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hr fever free without the help of medication
your child can eat and drink
your child can participate in all daycare activities
your provide a Dr.'s note stating: your child has had three (3) consecutive stool specimens are

Cause/Symptoms: Worm. Itching around the anal area.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route or indirectly from contaminated items such as bedding, clothing, toilet
seats or toys.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:

24 hrs after the last treatment

all the worms are gone

Pink Eye and Conjunctivitis

Children are not allowed to attend daycare with eyes that are red and/or eyes that are weeping with
clear/yellow or cloudy drainage.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
Eyes must be completely free of drainage both running and dried drainage around their eyes
before they can return to daycare.
I do not accept Dr.'s notes allowing children to return to daycare after treating conjunctivitis if
the redness and drainage are still present.

Poison Ivy
Cause/Symptoms: Plant toxin. Redness and blisters in linear pattern, where skin was exposed.
Extremely itchy. Washing the exposed area immediately decreases the severity of symptoms.

Transmission: Direct skin contact with any part of the plant.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
your child is no longer itchy
all the toxins have been washed away from your child's skin.

You will need to provide a Doctor's note stating what the rash is and that the rash is not contagious. Any
rash that is contagious or cannot be diagnosed your child will not be able to attend daycare until it is
100% gone.

Ringworm (Tinea)
Cause/Symptoms: Fungus. Flat, well demarcated, red, circular patches with scaly or crusted border on
the skin or scalp. The patches are often itchy.

Transmission: Person to person by direct skin to skin contact or indirectly from contact with
contaminated objects or surfaces.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
the ringworm can be covered up (child cannot get to it)
48 hrs after treatment has begun

Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Sudden onset of fever lasting 3-5 days, followed by fine, pink rash on trunk and

Transmission: Person to person by direct contact with respiratory secretions.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hr fever free
your child is eating and drinking
your child can participate in all daycare activities
rash is gone

Respiratory Issues/infections
Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Can cause colds, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, croup, pneumonia, and ear
infections. Most common in children < 2 years old

Transmission: Person to person by direct or indirect contact with respiratory secretions.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
your child is breathing fine
you provide a dr.'s note stating: your child is 100% safe to be around other children/adults
your child can eat and drink
your child can participate in all daycare activities

Salmonella paratyphi (See paratyphoid fever)
Salmonella Typhi (See Typhoid fever).

Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Symptoms include sudden onset of headache, fever, abdominal pain,
diarrhea, nausea and sometimes vomiting.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route, either by direct contact with an infected person or indirectly through
ingestion of contaminated food.
Pets (iguanas, turtles, sometimes cats and dogs) and farm animals are another common source of

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hr fever free without the help of medication
24 hr diarrhea free without the help of medication
your child can eat and drink
your child can participate in all daycare activities
you have a Dr.'s note stating that it is 100% safe for your child to be around other

Cause/Symptoms: Caused by a mite burrowing under the skin. Rash appears as bumps, patches or tiny
red lines, usually between fingers and toes, and in skin folds. Intense itching, especially at night.

Transmission: Direct skin to skin contact or indirect contact by sharing clothes or towels.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
48 hrs after treatment has been completed.

I am not trained to handle seizures. For the safety of your child and the safety of the other children in
my care I cannot take/keep a child that is prone to having seizures.
If your child has never had a seizure at the time of enrollment but starts to get them afterwards, I will
have to terminate care for your child's safety and for the safety of the other children in my care.

Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Watery diarrhea, which may contain blood, fever, nausea, vomiting,
abdominal cramps. May be symptom free.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route, either by direct contact with an infected person or indirect contact with
contaminated surfaces, ingestion of contaminated water or food; or sexual contact.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
Dr.'s note stating: your child has had two (2) consecutive stool samples or rectal swabs are
24 hr diarrhea free without the help of medication
24 hr fever free without the help of medication
24 hr vomit free without the help of medication
your child is eating and drinking
your child is able to participate in all daycare activities

Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

Cause/Symptoms: Virus. Reactivation of latent varicella (chickenpox) infection in the nerve endings.
Characterized by pain and a blistering rash usually localized to one area of the body.

Transmission: It is only possible to get chickenpox from someone with shingles through direct contact
with vesicle fluid of the patient with shingles.

Your child can return to care once all the following criteria has been meet:
48 hrs after all blisters have crusted over
your child is eating and drinking
your child can participate in all daycare activities

Streptococcal Infections
Streptococcal Infections (Strep Throat, Scarlet Fever)
Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Strep Throat: Very sore and red throat, fever. Scarlet Fever: High fever,
vomiting, "sandpaper" skin rash, "strawberry tongue", red cheeks and whiteness around mouth. During
convalescence, skin on hands and feet may peel.

Transmission: Direct or indirect contact with respiratory secretions.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
48 hrs after the start of treatment
24 hr fever free without the help of medication
24 hr vomit free without the help of medication
your child is breathing fine
your child is eating and drinking
your child can participate in all daycare activities

Streptococcal Infection (Invasive Group A Strep)

Cause/Symptoms: Necrotizing fasciitis: Fever, localised redness, swelling, blister formation, and intense
pain. Redness spreads very quickly. Toxic Shock Syndrome: Sudden onset of high fever, vomiting,
diarrhea, rash, muscle pains, and shock. Can be fatal.

Transmission: Direct or indirect contact with respiratory secretions or with discharge from wounds.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
48 hrs after the start of treatment
24 hr fever free without the help of medication
24 hr vomit free without the help of medication
24 hr diarrhea free without the help of medication
your child is breathing fine
your child is eating and drinking
your child can participate in all daycare activities
all blisters most have cleared up
rash most be gone

About 90 percent of the time when children present with moderate illness symptoms the parents feel it
is either teething or an ear infection. These are two "illnesses" that are not contagious which would
allow the child to be in daycare despite symptoms that would otherwise exclude them from care.
It is a common misconception that children get fevers when they are teething. Children will not be
allowed to attend the daycare if they have a fever, persistent non clear runny nose, coughing, or
diarrhea that coincides with teething. Children will be allowed to attend daycare if they present swollen
gums and drooling associated with teething.

Cause/Symptoms: Mycobacterium tuberculosis. If TB disease is in the lungs: cough, loss of weight,
fever, night sweats, fatigue. If TB disease is outside of the lungs: symptoms vary depending on where
the disease is located.

Transmission: If TB disease is in the lungs: person to person via airborne bacteria. If TB disease is outside
of the lungs: not contagious.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
OPH manages all cases of TB disease and notifies schools and CCFs if exclusion is required. In
other words you will need a letter form OPH stating it is 100% safe for your child to be around
other children/adults

Typhoid Fever
Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Low grade fever, headache, malaise, myalgia, dry cough, anorexia, nausea,
and abdominal discomfort. Constipation is more common than diarrhea in adults but diarrhea is more
common in children.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route. Direct contact with contaminated water, shellfish, particularly oysters,
milk, ice-cream, raw fruit and vegetables grown in fields fertilized with fecal matter.

Your child can return to daycare, once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hr fever free without the help of medication
24 hr diarrhea free without the help of medication
your child can eat and drink
your child can participate in all daycare activities
you provide a Dr.'s note stating: your child has had three (3) consecutive stool specimens are

Vomiting Policy
If your child vomits while at daycare, you will be called immediately to pick him/her up.
If your child is vomiting he/she must stay home.
Your child can return to daycare 24 hour after the last time he/she vomits as long as he/she does not
have a fever or diarrhea and has not been given any anti-vomiting/anti diarrhea medication.

Whooping Cough
Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Repeated bouts of violent coughing, which may end with a high-pitched
inspiratory whoop and/or vomiting. May last 1 to 2 months.

Transmission: Person to person by direct contact with respiratory secretions.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria have been meet:
~ Three 3 weeks after onset of cough
~ five (5) completion of 5 days of antibiotic treatment.

Cause/Symptoms: Bacteria. Diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain, headache, and in some cases, a rash.

Transmission: Fecal-oral route. Direct contact with infected people or animals such as puppies or kittens
or indirect contact with contaminated food and water.

Your child can return to daycare once all the following criteria has been meet:
24 hours diarrhea diarrhea free without the help of medication
48 hours after completion of antibiotic therapy.
24 hr fever free without the help of medication
child is eating and drinking
child is able to participate in all daycare activities

Safety Policies
All Safety Policies can be updated/added without notice at any time in order to protect safety of your
child, the other children in my care, my family and myself. You will receive a written notice at either
drop off or pick up stating that the policy has started immediately.

Accident Reports
Accident reports will be written up on a case by case basis.
Reports will ALWAYS we written for head injuries, and bites that break the skin.
I will try to have the report ready for your signature at pick up. However, if the accident happens just
before pick up or I cannot safely sit down to write it, it will be written after I close that evening. Please
keep in mind the safety of the children comes before the report.

Black Outs/No Power

If the power goes out, during Spring, Summer, and Fall, I will remain open unless I feel it is unsafe to do
so. If I feel I need to close I will call/text you to come pick up your child.
If the power goes out, during the winter and the temperature is -10+ (including wind chill), I will close do
to safety.
I have battery operated lanterns, so we will have some light. If its nice out, we will go outside and play
all day.

Custody Arrangements
If you are in a situation where both parents are not living under the same roof please ensure that you
put in writing how you would like to handle making decisions regarding your childs best interests while
in care. For example how you want to handle payment of fees. Please note I will only accept payment
for one person. The sharing of information about your child. Who receives the distribution of written
information. Who can authorize the release of your child at departure time.
It is my recommendation that all separated/divorced parents provide a copy of the custody
arrangement. I would be UNABLE TO ENFORCE any custodial parents requests WITHOUT legal
This copy should include the following.
TITLE PAGE (this states who is involved),
CUSTODY PORTION (this clarifies the agreed upon arrangements), and
THE JUDGES SEAL & SIGNATURE (this confirms it has been reviewed by a Court of Law).
Parents need to work together to ensure that collectively there is consistently one set of directions, that
they are presenting a united front as far as decisions or issues that affect your little ones participating in
the program.
It is the responsibility of both parents to keep the lines of communication open. Unfortunately it is not
my role, nor do I have proper counseling background to mediate family disagreements. Should a family
be in a situation where their inability to provide a united front while in the program; and in my opinion;
this behaviour is affecting the well-being of their own child or others within the program, and I may be
required to discontinue services, this is until such a time that family harmony can be restored and if
there is still a spot open at that time. I hold the right to terminate the agreement without notice.

Dressing for Outdoor Play

Dressing for winter outdoor play

We will be going out daily, weather permitting. I decide if the weather is too bad or not, so make sure
you bring the following items daily.
We will not play outside if the temperature is -15+ with the wind chill. .
Please make sure that your child has the following on a daily basis:

Winter Jacket As the temperature drops and the wind chill becomes a daily occurrence, please be
sure to keep the spring/fall jacket in the closet and bundle your little one up in a winter coat. Outdoor
play will be reduced to shorter periods, but I still want to get some fresh air with the kids when its
safe to do so.

Winter hat that covers the ears make sure it has a Velcro fastening that works or straps that can be
tied under the chin to keep the hat secure and prevent it from falling off.

Snow pants Even if it isnt snowing I like to put these on the kids to keep them warm and from
getting their indoor clothes all muddy and wet. You dont have to put them on the kids to travel to
daycare but please make sure they come every day.

Gloves/Mittens Mittens fall off, gloves are hard to put on tiny fingers
Personally I find mittens are better than gloves at this young age, but if your older preschooler is
comfortable in gloves then feel free.
My only MUST is that mittens or gloves must be waterproof.
They must stay on and they must keep hands dry and warm. Please sew yarn or ribbon on or provide
clips to keep them attached to the coat at the wrists.
All children 3 years old or older, wearing gloves, must be able to put them on themselves. I do not have
the time to put all their fingers in the right spots.

Footwear Waterproof Snow Boots

When one child comes without appropriate clothing, that child remains under a blanket in the
stroller/wagon while the rest of the children play. Please make sure you have met each requirement.

If I notice that you did not bring a must-have-item I have the right to refuse your child care until you
have brought it.
All items MUST be labelled with your child's name. I do not take responsibly for any lost items.
Please keep in mind that these items will get dirty, so nothing fancy.
If your child is 3 years old or older he/she must be able to put these items on and take them off
him/herself or with very little help, as I will be helping the younger children.
Thanks for your co-operation and dont forget, theres no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong
Dressing for summer outdoor play
Please make sure that your child has the following on a daily basis:

- spring coat/sweater
- wind pants (spring and fall)
Foot wear:
good strap on shoes(so he/she can play on the climbers at the park. if the shoes slip, they will
not be able to play on the climber)
All foot wear MUST have Velcro straps. I will not due up laces or buckles.
No Crocs or Flip Flops
All items MUST be labelled with your child's name. I do not take responsibly for any lost items.
Please keep in mind that these items will get dirty, so nothing fancy.
If your child is 3 years old or older he/she must be able to put these items on and take them off
him/herself or with very little help, as I will be helping the younger children.

Dressing for rainy outdoor play

Yes in the spring/summer we will still be playing out in the rain.
- rain coat
- rubber boats
All items MUST be labelled with your child's name. I do not take responsibly for any lost items.
Please keep in mind that these items will get dirty, so nothing fancy.
If your child is 3 years old or older he/she must be able to put these items on and take them off
him/herself or with very little help, as I will be helping the younger children.
If you forget any of the items
If your child is not ready to play outside then you must take your child home. You can return once you
have all the items needed for a safe and warm day out.

Hand Held Gaming Systems, cell phones, tablets, etc.

Hand held gaming systems, cell phones, tablets, etc. are NOT allowed in the daycare. Leave them at
home. The daycare will NOT take responsibility for them.

Jewelery and Hair Ties

Jewelry: Please refrain from putting jewelry on your child. If you must have your child wear earrings they
MUST lock. If the jewelry falls off or your child removes it, it becomes a choking hazard.
Necklaces are NOT allowed to be warn at daycare. This includes Amber teething necklaces.
Hair Ties and other Hair Accessories: Your child can only use hair ties, clips etc that will not fall out or be
removed by your child. These items are choking hazards.
I will not take responsibility for any lost jewelry or hair accessories.

Outside Toys/Blankets/Soothers etc.

If your child needs a special toy, blanket or a soother to help him/her to fall asleep at quiet/nap time
they may have it as long as it is labeled.
The items must remain in their bags until quiet/nap time and go back in their bag after it is over.
This will help prevent the items from getting broken or lost.

I do not take responsibility for lost or broken items brought into the daycare. You bring them in at your
own risk.

*****Parents are required to check their child's pockets before entering the day care to make sure the
child does not bring anything into the daycare. If coins or small objects are found on your child on a
regular bases I have the right to terminate your child's care to protect the safety of the little ones. *****

Toilet Training
Please see your provider for a print out of the daycare toilet training policy.

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