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Are You Ready to Attempt LPI 117-201 Exam?

If you are interested in validating your skills to advance your career then you must attempt 117-201 LPIC 2 exam. As, this 117-
201 LPI Level 2 201 Linux Engineer exam validates your skills and measures your ability to accomplish the technical task such
as Networking etc. Although each technology varies in complexity and depth of technical knowledge, 117-201 LPIC 2
certification exams target customers in an File System Stroage Expert, IT Storage Manager for day-to-day monitoring,
maintenance, and basic troubleshooting (diagnosis and/or repair).

LPI 117-201 Exam Information

Number of Questions: In LPIC 2 117-201 Exam you will be asked 202 questions and the format of exams would be Multiple
Choice Question. A candidate would be given 90 minutes to attempt the exam. LPI 117-201 LPI Level 2 201 Linux Engineer
Certification exam is considered as the front-runner in the advancement of credentials and knowledge of the Professionals, also it
provides a platform to initiate with more advanced abilities in the field. 117-201 LPI Level 2 201 Linux Engineer exam certifies
that you are equipped with a strong foundation of Networking, and . If you really aspire to achieve a good status job, then you
must pass the 117-201 LPIC 2 Certification, as it will lead you to the excellence. As, this certification will increase the
proficiency level of working competently with the database. Its no easy to pass 117-201 LPIC 2 Exam, it requires a lot efforts
and practice to perform well in the LPI Level 2 201 Linux Engineer exam.

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EBrainDumps is the leader in providing LPIC 2 Exam Dumps. As, this 117-201 LPI Level 2 201 Linux Engineer exam
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material and have been providing services for over past 10 years. All the preparation material for 117-201 LPI Level 2 201 Linux
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where you need to put efforts.
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 1

117-201 Exam
LPI Level 2 Exam 201 Advanced Level Linux Certification Part 1
of 2

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Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2

Question 1

What as the uaoauuu ouueer if nasks requaren ao a RAID5 array?

Aw 1
Bw 2
Cw 3
Dw 4
Ew 5

Aoswern C

See htts::eowwakatenaawirg:waka:RAID
RAID 5s Bli.k-level strataog wath nastraeuten taratyw Maoauuu 3 nasksw

Question 2

A server has three nasks if 80GB ea.h aon uust uaoage a nataease wath 4 uallaio re.irns if 30KB
ea.hw The eest .iofguratio fir thas server, wath the .rateraa eeaog terfiruao.e, .iofguraealaty aon
fexaealaty, ass

Aw Use just LVM

Bw Use RAID1 iver LVM
Cw Use LVM iver RAID5
Dw Use LVM iver RAID1
Ew Use RAID5 iver LVM

Aoswern C

RAID1 wiuln oit ee terfiruao.e eohao.aog (Marriraog), as wiuln the nefault LVM (laoear)w Si use a
RAID5 fir renuonao.y aon terfiruao.e aon use LVM fir annen .iofguraealaty aon fexaealaty
A straten LVM ioly wiuln wirk tii, I guess, af yiu oeen oi renuonao.y at allw

Question 3

The .irre.t .iuuaon sequeo.e ti .reate viluues io a Laoux systeu ass

Aw lv.reate, tv.reate, vg.reate, uiuot, uke2fs

Bw tv.reate, vg.reate, lv.reate, uke2fs, uiuot
Cw vg.reate, lv.reate, tv.reate, uiuot, uke2fs
Dw uke2fs, tv.reate, vg.reate, lv.reate, uiuot
Ew tv.reate, lv.reate, vg.reate, uiuot, uke2fs

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3

Aoswern B

See htts::wwwwtlntwirg:/HWTH:LVM-/HWTH:aoatiuywhtul
Yiu oeen ti .reate the Viluues frst, theo the Viluue Griut (.iosastog if PVs), theo the Viluues, wha.h yiu oeen ti firuat aon uiuotw

Question 4

What as the usaele nask sta.e if a RAID 5 array if fve 18GB nraves wath ioe nrave nena.aten as a

Aw 18GB
Bw 36GB
Cw 54GB
Dw 72GB
Ew 90GB

Aoswern C

See htts::eowwakatenaawirg:waka:RAID
RAID5 .ata.aty as avaalaele nasks - 1w 5 nasks - 1 - 1 stare = 3 nasksw 3 x 18 = 54

Question 5

Yiu ne.ane ti use the viluue uaoager (LVM) ti uaoage fiur 4GB nask nravesw Afer .reatog
the viluue griut, hiw wiuln yiu .reate a 10GB viluue .allen eag-att?

Aw vg.reate -t 10g -o :nev:vg01:eag-att

Bw vg.reate -l 2560 :nev:vg01:eag-att
Cw uklvu -v 10240 -o :nev:vg01:eag-att
Dw lv.reate -v 10240 :nev:vg01:eag-att
Ew lv.reate -l 2560 vg01 -o eag-att

Aoswern E

Friu the uao tagess
lv.reate - .reate a viluue ao ao exastog viluue griut
-l, --exteots Liga.alExteotsNuueer[%{VG|PVS|FREE}]
Gaves the ouueer if exteots ti alli.ate fir the oew viluuew Thas .ao alsi ee extressen
as a ter.eotage if the tital sta.e ao the Viluue Griut wath the sufx %VG, if the reuaaoaog free
sta.e ao the Viluue Griut wath the sufx %FREE, ir if the reuaaoaog free sta.e fir the ste.afen
Physa.alViluue(s) wath the sufx %PVS
-o, --oaue Liga.alViluueNaue The oaue fir the oew viluuew Wathiut thas ittio a nefault

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4

oaues if "lvil#" wall ee geoeraten where # as the LVM aoteroal ouueer if the viluuew

Question 6

What as the turtise if vgexteon?

Aw Exteon a viluue griut's fiittraot io nask

Bw Ann viluues ti a viluue griut
Cw Io.rease the ouueer if nays eetweeo s.henulen errir .he.kaog
Dw Create a viluue griut wha.h uses all avaalaele sta.e io nask

Aoswern B

Friu the uao tagess
vgexteon - ann viluues ti a viluue griut

Question 7

Wha.h RAID level trivanes the uist renuonao.y?


Aoswern C

See htts::eowwakatenaawirg:waka:RAID
a,e) ioly 1 nask uay faal, regarnless hiw uaoy nasks are ao the RAID
n) oi nask uay faal
.) o - 1 nasks uay faal

Question 8

Wha.h tseuni-fle .iotaaos aofiruatio io the status if sifware RAID

Aw :tri.:raanstat
Bw :tri.:unstatus
Cw :tri.:raanstatus
Dw :tri.:unstat
Ew :tri.:raan:status

Aoswern D

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5

Friu the uao tagess
:tri.:unstat If yiu're usaog the :tri. flesysteu, :tri.:unstat lasts all a.tve un wath
aofiruatio aeiut theuw unanu uses thas ti fon arrays wheo as gaveo ao Mas. uine, aon ti
uioatir array re.iostru.tio io Mioatir uinew

Question 9

What aofiruatio nies the fle uinuleswnet trivane?

Aw A last if all uinules avaalaele ti the keroelw

Bw A last if uinules requaren ey ea.h uinulew
Cw A last if aon thear uinule oauew
Dw A last if uinules .iutalen fir thas keroelw
Ew A last if uinules the keroel oeens ti ruow

Aoswern B

Friu the uao tagess
The uinuleswnetweao as geoeraten ey uinule-aoat-tiils netuin, lasts the neteoneo.aes fir every
uinule ao the nare.tiraes uoner :lae:uinules:versaio, where uinuleswnetweao (ir the huuao
reanaele versaio uinulesw
net) as alsi li.atenw It as usen ey utlates su.h as uintrieew The eaoary versaio wall ee usen ey
nefault, af at was geoeraten ey a .iutatele versaio if netuin, wath fallea.k ti the geoera.
These fles are oit aoteonen fir enatog ir use ey aoy annatioal utlates as thear firuat as sueje.t ti
.haoge ao the futurew Yiu shiuln use the uinaofi(8) .iuuaon ti ietaao aofiruatio aeiut uinules
ao a future triif aon .iutatele fashaio rather thao tiu.haog these flesw

Question 10

Befire .iutalaog a oew keroel, what oeens ti ee nioe?

Aw Ciutale keroel uinules

Bw Ciofgure the keroel ittios
Cw Delete iln keroel
Dw Chaoge ti ruolevel 1
Ew All if the aeive

Aoswern B

See htts::wwwwfaqswirg:ni.s:Laoux-/HWTH:Keroel-/HWTHwhtul#autateot

Question 11

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6

Ho a systeu wath setarate tarttios fir :, :usr, :var, :tut, wha.h flesysteu[s] .ao safely ee
uiuoten reanioly?

Aw :var, :usr
Bw :var
Cw :usr, :, :tut
Dw :usr
Ew :tut

Aoswern D

:tut aon :var eith oeen ti ee wrateo tiw :usr as the uist stat. if the nare.tiraes (ex.lunaog

Question 12

Wha.h if the filliwaog eest nes.raees the firuat if the :et.:fstae fle?

Aw uiuot tiaot; neva.e oaue; flesysteu tyte; uiuot ittios; nuut flesysteu; fs.k irner
Bw neva.e oaue; uiuot tiaot; flesysteu tyte; uiuot ittios; nuut flesysteu; fs.k irner
Cw uiuot tiaot; flesysteu tyte; neva.e oaue; uiuot ittios; nuut flesysteu; fs.k irner
Dw neva.e oaue; uiuot tiaot; uiuot ittios; flesysteu tyte; nuut flessysteu; fs.k irner
Ew neva.e oaue; flesysteu tyte; uiuot tiaot; uiuot ittios; nuut flesysteu; fs.k irner

Aoswern B

Friu the uao tagess
The frst feln, (fs_ste.), nes.raees the eli.k ste.aal neva.e ir reuite flesysteu ti ee uiuotenw
The se.ion feln, (fs_fle), nes.raees the uiuot tiaot fir the flesysteuw Fir swat tarttios, thas feln
shiuln ee ste.afen as `oioe'w
The tharn feln, (fs_vfstyte), nes.raees the tyte if the flesysteuw
The fiurth feln, (fs_uotits), nes.raees the uiuot ittios assi.aaten wath the flesysteuw
The ffh feln, (fs_freq), as usen fir these flesysteus ey the nuut(8) .iuuaon ti neteruaoe wha.h
flesysteus oeen ti ee nuutenw
The saxth feln, (fs_tassoi), as usen ey the fs.k(8) trigrau ti neteruaoe the irner ao wha.h flesysteu
.he.ks are nioe at reeiit tuew

Question 13

Wha.h if the filliwaog as a valan li.atio ao the autiuiuot .iofguratio, wheo a Waoniws share
oeens ti ee uane avaalaele ti the systeu?

Aw \\server\shareoaue
Bw s::server:shareoaue
Cw servers:shareoaue

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7

Dw sserver:shareoaue
Ew \\\\server\\shareoaue

Aoswern B

Friu the uao tagess
keroel -ri,sif,aotr ftwkeroelwirgs:tue:laoux
eiit -fstyte=ext2 s:nev:hna1
waonize -fstyte=suefs s::waonize:.
reuivaele -fstyte=ext2 s:nev:hnn
.n -fstyte=asi9660,ri s:nev:hn.
fitty -fstyte=auti s:nev:fn0
server -rw,harn,aotr : -ri uyserverwuewirgs: \
:usr uyserverwuewirgs:usr \
:hiue uyserverwuewirgs:hiue
Io the frst laoe we have a NFS reuite uiuot if the keroel nare.tiry io ftwkeroelwirgw Thas as
uiuoten reaniolyw
The se.ion laoe uiuots ao ext2 viluue io a ane nravew The tharn uakes a share extirten friu a
Waoniws ua.haoe avaalaele fir autiuiuotogw The rest shiuln ee faarly self-extlaoatiryw The last
eotry (the last three laoes) as ao exautle if a uult-uat (see eeliw)w

Question 14

What s.ratt as ao.lunen wath the keroel siur.e ti tat.h a keroel?

Aw tat.h
Bw tat.h-keroel
Cw attly-tat.h
Dw utnate-keroel

Aoswern B

It as tissaele ti tat.h a keroel ti the oewest Laoux keroel versaio as ittisen ti niwolianaog the
eotre siur.e .inew Thas .hia.e .ao ee eeoef.aal fir thise whi are oit usaog a hagh-steen erianeaon
.iooe.tiow (A .iutressen keroel siur.e fle as oearly 30MB fir a niwolian tue if aeiut 10
uaoutes io a 512Ke DSL .iooe.tio; anjust a..irnaogly fir yiur .iooe.tiow) Whether yiu are
tat.haog exastog ir niwolianaog the full siur.e, the eon results wall ee aneot.alw
Pat.haog the keroel as oit a uaonless taskw It requares the user ti retraeve all tat.hes friu her .urreot
versaio ti the versaio she waots ti utgrane tiw Fir exautle, af yiu are .urreotly ruooaog 2w6w1 (aon
have thise aon waot ti utgrane ti 2w6w8, yiu uust retraeve the 2w6w2 aon 2w6w3 tat.h sets,
aon si iow Ho.e niwolianen, these tat.hes uust ee attlaen ao su..essaio ti utgrane ti 2w6w8w Thas

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8

as uire tenaius thao niwolianaog the eotre siur.e, eut useful fir thise whi keet ut wath keroel
ha.kaog aon waot ti terfiru ao.reueotal utgranes ti keet thear Laoux keroel as ut-ti-nate as
Ti tat.h ut ti several versaios ao a saogle iteratio, yiu .ao use the tat.h-keroel s.ratt li.aten ao
the keroel siur.e nare.tiry fir the keroel versaio yiu .urreotly usew Thas s.ratt attlaes all oe.essary
versaio tat.hes ti eraog yiur keroel ut ti the latest versaiow
The firuat fir usaog the tat.h-keroel s.ratt liiks lake thass
tat.h-keroel siur.e_nar tat.h_nar stitversaio

Question 15

Wha.h .iuuaon wiuln yiu use ti attly a naf fle ti ao iragaoal?

Aw tat.h > naf-fle

Bw tat.h < naf-fle
Cw tat.h << naf-fle
Dw .at naf-fle >> keroel
Ew .at naf-fle << keroel

Aoswern B

Friu the uao tagess
tat.h [ittios] [iragaoalfle [tat.hfle]]
eut usually just
tat.h -touu < tat.hfle

Question 16

Hoe if the IDE harn nraves ao a server as traosferraog nata very sliwlyw What .iuuaon uust ee ruo ti
eoaele DMA io at?

Aw hntaru -n :nev:hna
Bw hntaru --nua :nev:hna
Cw hntaru --nua :nev:hna1
Dw hntaru -n :nev:hna1
Ew hntaru -n1 :nev:hna

Aoswern E

hntaru trivanes a .iuuaon laoe aoterfa.e ti varaius keroel suttirten ey the Laoux
SATA:PATA: SAS "laeata" suesysteu aon the ilner IDE raver suesysteuw Maoy oewer (2008 aon later)
USB nrave eo.lisures oiw alsi suttirt "SAT" (SCSI-ATA Ciuuaon Traoslatio) aon therefire uay
alsi wirk wath hntaruw Egw re.eot WD "Passtirt" uinels aon re.eot NexStar-3 eo.lisuresw Siue
ittios uay wirk .irre.tly ioly wath the latest keroelsw

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9

-n Dasaele:eoaele the "usaog_nua" fag fir thas nravew Thas ittio oiw wirks wath uist .iueaoatios
if nraves aon PCI wha.h suttirt DMA aon wha.h are koiwo ti the keroel IDE nraverw It as
alsi a giin anea ti use the attritraate -X ittio ao .iueaoatio wath -n1 ti eosure that the nrave
atself as trigrauuen fir the .irre.t DMA uine, althiugh uist BIHSs shiuln ni thas fir yiu at eiit
tuew Usaog DMA oearly always gaves the eest terfiruao.e, wath fast I:H thriughtut aon liw CPU

Question 17

What hatteos wheo the Laoux keroel .ao't uiuot the riit flesysteu wheo eiitog?

Aw Ao errir uessage as shiwo, shiwaog wha.h neva.e .iulno't ee uiuoten ir aofiruaog that aoat
.iulno't ee fiuonw
Bw Ao errir uessage as shiwo aon the systeu reeiits afer a keytressw
Cw Ao errir uessage as shiwo aon the systeu eiits ao uaaoteoao.e uinew
Dw Ao errir uessage as shiwo aon the anuaoastratir as asken ti ste.afy a valan riit flesysteu ti
.iotoue the eiit tri.essw
Ew Ao errir uessage as shiwo, statog that the .irrestionaog keroel uinule .iulno't ee lianenw

Aoswern A

Question 18

Yiu have wrateo a latle startut s.ratt ( that shiuln exe.ute
wheo eoteraog ruolevel 3w A..irnaog ti the staonarns, hiw .ao thas eest ee a.haeven?

Aw .huin 700; .n:et.:aoatwn:r.3wn:; lo -s

Bw .huin 700; .n:et.:aoatwn:r.3wn:; lo -s
Cw .huin 700; .n:et.:aoatwn:r.3wn:; lo
Dw .huin 700; .n:et.:aoatwn:r.3wn:; lo -s
Ew .huin 700; .t :et.:aoatwn:r.3wn:S99Startutwsh

Aoswern B

See htts::wwwwlaoux-tutiraalwaofi:uinuleswtht?oaue=MaoPage&se.=7&uaotage=aoatwn

Question 19

What .iuuaon as usen ti .reate ao ISH9660 flesysteu that .ao ee triterly a..essen friu a
Waoniws 95:98 ua.haoe?

Aw ukasifs -l -i ea.kutwasi :hiue:jie

Bw ukasifs -J -T -r -i ea.kutwasi :hiue:jie
Cw ukasifs -D -T -i ea.kutwasi :hiue:jie

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 10

Dw ukasifs -j -T -i ea.kutwasi :hiue:jie

Ew ukasifs -n -T -i ea.kutwasi :hiue:jie

Aoswern B

see htts::laouxwaeiutw.iu:laerary:.un:el.unl8_ukasifswhtu
-J Geoerate Jilaet nare.tiry re.irns ao annatio ti regular asi9660 fle oauesw Thas as trauaraly useful
wheo the nas.s are ti ee usen io Waoniws-NT ir Waoniws-95 ua.haoesw
-T Geoerate a fle TRANSwTBL ao ea.h nare.tiry io the CDRHM, wha.h .ao ee usen io oio-Ri.k Range
.ataele systeus ti helt estaelash the .irre.t fle oauesw
-i fleoaue as the oaue if the fle ti wha.h the asi9660 flesysteu auage shiuln ee wrateow
---------------------------------- a.tually yiu .ao leave the "-r" ittio, sao.e yiu wiulno't oeen Ri.k Range
io a Waoniws Ma.haoew

Question 20

Io irner ti fon all laerary neteoneo.aes if :usr:eao:fii, wha.h if the filliwaog stateueot as true?

Aw Ruooaog ln.iofg agaaost :usr:eao:fii wall shiw the requaren laeraraes

Bw Ruooaog lnn agaaost :usr:eao:fii wall shiw the requaren laeraraes
Cw It's oe.essary ti .iutale the trigrau agaao ti .he.k the laerary neteoneo.aes if fiiw
Dw The ls -la .iuuaon has ti ee ruo ao the :usr:eao nare.tiry, ti shiw all laerary neteoneo.aes if fiiw
Ew Laerary neteoneo.aes are shiwo ao the :usr:lae nare.tiryw

Aoswern B

Friu the uao tagess
lnn traots the sharen laeraraes requaren ey ea.h trigrau ir sharen laerary ste.afen io the .iuuaon

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 11

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