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Are You Ready to Attempt CheckPoint 156-915.77 Exam?

If you are interested in validating your skills to advance your career then you must attempt 156-915.77 Check Point Certified
Security Expert Update exam. As, this 156-915.77 Check Point Certified Security Expert Update exam validates your skills and
measures your ability to accomplish the technical task such as Security Troubleshoot System Security etc. Although each
technology varies in complexity and depth of technical knowledge, 156-915.77 Check Point Certified Security Expert Update
certification exams target customers in an Information Security Engineer, Network Security Engineer for day-to-day monitoring,
maintenance, and basic troubleshooting (diagnosis and/or repair).

CheckPoint 156-915.77 Exam Information

Number of Questions: In Check Point Certified Security Expert Update 156-915.77 Exam you will be asked 203 questions and
the format of exams would be Multiple Choice Question. A candidate would be given 120 minutes to attempt the exam.
CheckPoint 156-915.77 Check Point Certified Security Expert Update Certification exam is considered as the front-runner in the
advancement of credentials and knowledge of the Professionals, also it provides a platform to initiate with more advanced
abilities in the field. 156-915.77 Check Point Certified Security Expert Update exam certifies that you are equipped with a strong
foundation of Security Troubleshoot, System Security and . If you really aspire to achieve a good status job, then you must pass
the 156-915.77 Check Point Certified Security Expert Update Certification, as it will lead you to the excellence. As, this
certification will increase the proficiency level of working competently with the database. Its no easy to pass 156-915.77 Check
Point Certified Security Expert Update Exam, it requires a lot efforts and practice to perform well in the Check Point Certified
Security Expert Update exam.

Now Pass 156-915.77 CheckPoint Exam with 100%

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EBrainDumps is the leader in providing Check Point Certified Security Expert Update Exam Dumps. As, this 156-915.77
Check Point Certified Security Expert Update exam validates your skills and measures your ability to accomplish the technical
task such as Security Troubleshoot 156-915.77 exam preparation material and have been providing services for over past 10
years. All the preparation material for 156-915.77 Check Point Certified Security Expert Update exam is duly designed by the
subject matter experts, which is accessible in two easy formats, PDF and Practice Exam software. The PDF carries all the
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Check Point
156-915.77 Exam
Check Point Certified Security Expert Update

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Version: 8.0
Question 1

Mat.h the filliwaog .iuuaons ti thear .irre.t fuo.tiow

Ea.h .iuuaon has ioe fuo.tio ioly lastenw

Aw C1>F6; C2>F4; C3>F2; C4>F5

Bw C1>F2; C2>F1; C3>F6; C4>F4
Cw C1>F2; C2>F4; C3>F1; C4>F5
Dw C1>F4; C2>F6; C3>F3; C4>F2

Aoswern A

Question 2

Wha.h .iuuaon nastlays the aostallen Se.uraty Gateway versaio?

Aw fw traotver
Bw fw ver
Cw fw stat
Dw .tstat -gw

Aoswern B

Question 3

Wha.h .iuuaon laoe aoterfa.e utlaty alliws the anuaoastratir ti verafy the Se.uraty Pila.y oaue aon
tuestaut .urreotly aostallen io a frewall uinule?

Aw .tstat fwn

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3

Bw fw ver
Cw fw stat
Dw fw .tl tstat

Aoswern C

Question 4

Suttise the Se.uraty Gateway harn nrave faals aon yiu are fir.en ti reeualn atw Yiu have a soatshit
fle stiren ti a TFTP server aon ea.kuts if yiur Se.uraty Maoageueot Serverw What as the .irre.t
tri.enure fir reeualnaog the Gateway qua.kly?

Aw Reaostall the ease iteratog systeu (awew, GAaA)w Ciofgure the Gateway aoterfa.e si that the
Gateway .ao .iuuuoa.ate wath the TFTP serverw Revert ti the stiren soatshit auage, aon aostall the
Se.uraty Pila.yw
Bw Ruo the .iuuaon revert ti restire the soatshit, estaelash SIC, aon aostall the Pila.yw
Cw Ruo the .iuuaon revert ti restire the soatshitw Reaostall aoy oe.essary Che.k Piaot trinu.tsw
Estaelash SIC aon aostall the Pila.yw
Dw Reaostall the ease iteratog systeu (awew, GAaa)w Ciofgure the Gateway aoterfa.e si that the
Gateway .ao .iuuuoa.ate wath the TFTP serverw Reaostall aoy oe.essary Che.k Piaot trinu.ts aon
trevaiusly attlaen hitaxesw Revert ti the stiren soatshit auage, aon aostall the Pila.yw

Aoswern A

Question 5

Wha.h if the filliwaog stateueots a..urately nes.raees the .iuuaon utgrane_extirt?

Aw utgrane_extirt stires oetwirk-.iofguratio nata, ieje.ts, glieal tritertes, aon the nataease
revasaios trair ti utgranaog the Se.uraty Maoageueot Serverw
Bw Usen trauaraly wheo utgranaog the Se.uraty Maoageueot Server, utgrane_extirt stires all ieje.t
nataeases aon the :.iof nare.tiraes fir autirtog ti a oewer Se.uraty Gateway versaiow
Cw utgrane_extirt as usen wheo utgranaog the Se.uraty Gateway, aon alliws .ertaao fles ti ee
ao.lunen ir ex.lunen eefire extirtogw
Dw Thas .iuuaon as oi lioger suttirten ao GAaAw

Aoswern B

Question 6

What are yiu requaren ti ni eefire ruooaog the .iuuaon utgrane_extirt?

Aw Ruo a .tstit io the Se.uraty Gatewayw

Bw Ruo a .tstit io the Se.uraty Maoageueot Serverw
Cw Clise all GUI .laeotsw
Dw Ruo .t.iofg aon set yiurself ut as a GUI .laeotw

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4

Aoswern C

Question 7

A soatshit nelavers a .iutlete GAaA ea.kutw The resultog fle .ao ee stiren io servers ir as a
fle ao :var:CPsoatshit:soatshitsw Hiw ni yiu restire a soatshit oauen MySoatshitwtgz?

Aw Reeiit the systeu aon .all the start ueouw Sele.t the ittio Soatshit Maoageueot, trivane the
Extert tasswirn aon sele.t [L] fir a restire friu a flew Theo, trivane the .irre.t fle oauew
Bw As extert user, tyte the .iuuaon soatshit -r MySoatshitwtgzw
Cw As extert user, tyte the .iuuaon revert --fle MySoatshitwtgzw
Dw As extert user, tyte the .iuuaon soatshit - R ti restire friu a flew Theo, trivane the
.irre.t fle oauew

Aoswern C

Question 8

What as the trauary eeoeft if usaog the .iuuaon utgrane_extirt iver eather ea.kut ir soatshit?

Aw utgrane_extirt as iteratog systeu aoneteoneot aon .ao ee usen wheo ea.kut ir soatshit as oit
Bw utgrane_extirt wall ea.k ut riutog taeles, hists fles, aon uaoual ARP .iofguratios, where
ea.kut aon soatshit wall oitw
Cw The .iuuaons ea.kut aon soatshit .ao take a liog tue ti ruo whereas utgrane_extirt wall take
a uu.h shirter auiuot if tuew
Dw utgrane_extirt has ao ittio ti ea.k ut the systeu aon SuartVaew Tra.ker ligs whale ea.kut
aon soatshit wall oitw

Aoswern A

Question 9

What as the syotax fir uoaostallaog a ta.kage usaog oewtkg?

Aw -u <tathoaue if ta.kage>
Bw -a <full tathoaue if ta.kage>
Cw -S <tathoaue if ta.kage>
Dw oewtkg CANNOT ee usen ti uoaostall a ta.kage

Aoswern D

Question 10

Yiur trauary Se.uraty Gateway ruos io GAa

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5

Aw What as the easaest way ti ea.k ut yiur Se.uraty Gateway R77 .iofguratio, ao.lunaog riutog aon
oetwirk .iofguratio fles?
Aw Cityaog the nare.tiraes $FWDIR:.iof aon $FWDIR:lae ti aoither li.atiow
Bw Usaog the oatve GAaA ea.kut utlaty friu .iuuaon laoe ir ao the Wee easen user aoterfa.ew
Cw Usaog the .iuuaon utgrane_extirtw
Dw Ruo the tre_utgrane_verafer aon save the wtgz fle ti the nare.tiry :teutw

Aoswern B

Question 11

Yiu oeen ti ea.k ut the riutog, aoterfa.e, aon DNS .iofguratio aofiruatio friu yiur R77 GAaA
Se.uraty Gatewayw Wha.h ea.kut-aon-restire silutio ni yiu use?

Aw Maoual .itaes if the nare.tiry $FWDIR:.iof

Bw GAaA ea.k ut utlates
Cw utgrane_extirt aon utgrane_autirt .iuuaons
Dw Dataease Revasaio Ciotril

Aoswern B

Question 12

Yiu are ruooaog a R77 Se.uraty Gateway io GAa

Aw Io .ase if a harnware faalure, yiu have a server wath the exa.t saue harnware aon frewall versaio
aostallenw What ea.k ut uethin .iuln ee usen ti qua.kly tut the se.ionary frewall aoti trinu.tio?
Aw uaoual ea.kut
Bw utgrane_extirt
Cw ea.kut
Dw soatshit

Aoswern D

Question 13

Befire utgranaog Se.urePlatiru ti GAaA, yiu shiuln .reate a ea.kutw Ti save tue, uaoy
anuaoastratirs use the .iuuaon ea.kutw Thas .reates a ea.kut if the Che.k Piaot .iofguratio as
well as the systeu .iofguratiow
Ao anuaoastratir has aostallen the latest HFA io the systeu fir fxaog traf. trieleu afer .reatog a
ea.kut flew There as a uastake ao the very .iutlex stat. riutog .iofguratiow The Che.k Piaot
.iofguratio has oit eeeo .haogenw Cao the anuaoastratir use a restire ti fx the errirs ao stat.

Aw The restire as oit tissaele ee.ause the ea.kut fle nies oit have the saue eualn ouueer
Bw The restire as nioe ey sele.tog Soatshit Maoageueot friu the eiit ueou if GAaAw

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6

Cw The restire .ao ee nioe easaly ey the .iuuaon restire aon .ityaog oet.iofwC friu the
trinu.tio eovarioueotw
Dw A ea.kut .aooit ee restiren, ee.ause the eaoary fles are uassaogw

Aoswern C

Question 14

Wha.h iteratog systeus are suttirten ey a Che.k Piaot Se.uraty Gateway io ao iteo server? Sele.t
MOST .iutlete lastw

Aw Suo Silaras, Ren Hat Eotertrase Laoux, Che.k Piaot Se.urePlatiru, IPSO, Ma.risif Waoniws
Bw Che.k Piaot GAaA aon Se.urePlatiru, aon Ma.risif Waoniws
Cw Che.k Piaot GAaA, Ma.risif Waoniws, Ren Hat Eotertrase Laoux, Suo Silaras, IPSO
Dw Che.k Piaot GAaA aon Se.urePlatiru, IPSO, Suo Silaras, Ma.risif Waoniws

Aoswern B

Question 15

Yiu aoteon ti utgrane a Che.k Piaot Gateway friu R71 ti R77w Prair ti utgranaog, yiu waot ti ea.k
ut the Gateway shiuln there ee aoy trieleus wath the utgranew Wha.h if the filliwaog alliws fir
the Gateway .iofguratio ti ee .iutletely ea.ken ut aoti a uaoageaele saze ao the least auiuot if

Aw nataease revasaio
Bw soatshit
Cw utgrane_extirt
Dw ea.kut

Aoswern D

Question 16

The tharn-shaf Anuaoastratir was utnatog Se.uraty Maoageueot Server a..ess setogs ao Glieal
Pritertes aon testogw He uaoagen ti li.k hauself iut if has a..iuotw Hiw .ao yiu uoli.k thas

Aw Tyte fwu uoli.k_anuao friu the Se.uraty Maoageueot Server .iuuaon laoew
Bw Tyte fwu uoli.k_anuao -u friu the Se.uraty Gateway .iuuaon laoew
Cw Tyte fwu li.k_anuao -u <a..iuot oaue> friu the Se.uraty Maoageueot Server .iuuaon laoew
Dw Delete the fle anuaowli.k ao the Se.uraty Maoageueot Server nare.tiry $FWDIR:tut:w

Aoswern C

Question 17

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 7

The tharn-shaf Anuaoastratir was utnatog Se.uraty Maoageueot Server a..ess setogs ao Glieal
Pritertesw He uaoagen ti li.k all anuaoastratirs iut if thear a..iuotsw Hiw shiuln yiu uoli.k
these a..iuots?

Aw Delete the fle anuaowli.k ao the Se.uraty Maoageueot Server nare.tiry $FWDIR:tut:w
Bw Reaostall the Se.uraty Maoageueot Server aon restire usaog utgrane_autirtw
Cw Tyte fwu li.k_anuao -ua friu the Se.uraty Maoageueot Server .iuuaon laoew
Dw Ligao ti SuartDasheiarn as the ste.aal .t.iofg_anuao user a..iuot; io ea.h
anuaoastratir ieje.t aon sele.t

Aoswern C

Question 18

Yiu are the Se.uraty Anuaoastratir fir ABC-Cirtw A Che.k Piaot Farewall as aostallen aon ao use io GAa
Aw Yiu are .io.eroen that the systeu uaght oit ee retaaoaog yiur eotraes fir the aon
riutog .iofguratiow Yiu wiuln lake ti verafy yiur eotraes ao the .irrestionaog fle(s) io GAaAw
Where .ao yiu vaew theu? Gave the BEST aoswerw
Aw :et.:sys.iofg:oet.iofwC
Bw :et.:.iof:riutewC
Cw :et.:sys.iofg:oetwirk-s.ratts:af.fg-ethx
Dw :et.:sys.iofg:oetwirk

Aoswern A

Question 19

Wheo usaog GAaA, at uaght ee oe.essary ti teutiraraly .haoge the MAC annress if the aoterfa.e eth
0 ti 00s0Cs29s12s34s56w Afer restartog the oetwirk the iln MAC annress shiuln ee a.tvew Hiw ni
yiu .iofgure thas .haoge?

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 8

Ottio A
Ottio B
Ottio C
Ottio D

Aoswern A

Question 20
Several Se.uraty Pila.aes .ao ee usen fir nafereot aostallatio targetsw The Farewall trite.tog Huuao servers shiuln have ats iwo Pila.y Pa.kagew These rules uust ee aostallen io thas ua.haoe
aon oit io the Ioteroet Farewallw Hiw .ao thas ee a..iutlashen?

Aw A Rule Base as always aostallen io all tissaele targetsw The rules ti ee aostallen io a Farewall are
nefoen ey the sele.tio ao the Rule Base riw Iostall Oow
Bw Wheo sele.tog the .irre.t Farewall ao ea.h laoe if the Rule Base riw Iostall Oo, ioly thas Farewall as
shiwo ao the last if tissaele aostallatio targets afer sele.tog Pila.y > Iostall io Targetw
Cw Io the ueou if SuartDasheiarn, gi ti Pila.y > Pila.y Iostallatio Targets aon sele.t the .irre.t
frewall vaa Targetsw
Dw A Rule Base .ao always ee aostallen io aoy Che.k Piaot Farewall It as oe.essary ti sele.t the
attritraate target nare.tly afer sele.tog Pila.y > Iostall io Targetw

Aoswern C

Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 9

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