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A place with a few houses in the country. ‘The ninth month of the year. A small house in the country. The day after today. onene People send these to tell other people when and where their wedding is taking place. 6. This season comes before summer. 7. It's usually very cold then, 8, The first month of the year. Natalie is flying to London on 25 April. [Beomet tne catogue wth ho sontonces in the bax a, How are you going to get there? b, Wow! How exciting! But wait a minute, can you afford that? e. Im jealous! A: Next week is my husband's birthday and I'm arranging a surprise for him. B: That's a nice place. A: Just for the day. A: By helicopter. B: A: Well, actually, I'm not paying, ‘Tom's brother is a helicopter pilot and that's going to be his birthday gift to Tom, A: No. I want to do something different this year. I'm taking him to the Isle of Wight. . Are you going to organise a party like last year? d. How long are you going to stay there? [channel your Engish Lesson Two Ba age cg geen node ale shar 1 Atls here? B: Hello, How can I help you? You're in luck today! 2 : Are you going to Felicia's party tomorrow? B: Is Felicia having a party? es, 's cn A: Hii, Jeff. What are you doing? B: I'm looking for A: What? B: My sunglasses. I can't find ‘son going to be there. I think them sale. about fifty people! A: Come on, let's look for them ‘A: Well, I'd like to ut together. match with a green skirt. told me B: I'm telling you theyre B: What about this white blouse? _ about it. in this A:No, it's too formal. Do you A: Really? Maybe Felicia forgot to house. have invite you. A: Maybe else? Well, Ican't come anyway. I'm took them, No, I'm sorry. I have going B: Who? else else. A: Your brother, maybe. to match with a green Call him on his mobile. skirt. B: Good idea. ‘Thanks, anyway. Bikreas and choose the correct answer. 1, What's that? 4, Diane, I'm short of cash. Could you give mo £5? a. It's no one. a. Ask everyone else. b, It's something for you. b. Ask something else, c. There isn't anything for you. c. Ask somebody else. 2, Excuse me, where's the post office? 5. What are you doing next Saturday? a. It's nowhere near here. a. Anything special. b. There's nothing here. b. Nothing special. . It isn't anywhere. . Everything special. 3. When are you going to send the invitations? 6. I'm leaving for New York but I don't know when a, Right on time. b. Long time no see. c. As soon as possible. ‘Chann your English exactly. a. OK, let me know. b. Tell me about it. c. Why don't you go? UNIT 12 (Gi rear the greeting cards and the mobile phone messages and complete them with appropriate wishes. Dear Siw and Jenny, 1 wish You a lifetine of love and happiness! on Your wedding! christie Dear Cathy, pe you cat! walk a come back £0 gait de, a our colleagues ‘Channel your English Bs Lesson Three [El vero the waren the swo cols. 1. take rides 2, full performance 3. light place 4, folk display 5. dance moon 6. fireworks together 7. fairground a candle 8. have dance 9. get fun DB svsver tne questions. 1. What are you going to do this summer? 2. How are you going to celebrate your birthday? 3. When are you going to invite some friends to your house? [Gy 100% at Ron's diary for next week and complete the paragraph on the left using the Present Progressive, Then, ‘complete the other diary for yourself and write a similar paragraph. June gs Sees =e +t0 cinema. with Sean fox cates Odom SUEDE cook tunch for mtn and dad MES watch footéatt natch (Joe's house) ee OI MR C0 cay of schoo HEED celedvate on of schoot year | Sloe Ron cs with Sean on Monday. They outside the Odeon Cinema at - On Wednesday Ron for his parents. On Thursday evening he the football match at . Friday is a big day! It’s the ! Ron and his friends the end of on Saturday. Channel your Engish pina x= = @=——tes cro ml : Dil reas tne texts and match them with the pictures. Write a. Wedding Morocco A traditional Morocean wedding lasts four to seven days. On her wedding day, the bride has a milk bath. After that, the women in het family paint her hands and feet with henna, This is called 'Beberiska’, After the wedding, the couple go to their new home and the bride walks around the outside of her new house three times. Poland Tn Poland, the wedding reception usually includes polka music and dancing, The ‘money dance’ is always popular at a traditional reception, Wedding guests pin money to the wedding dress because they want to ‘buy’ a dance from the bride. The couple usually use the money on their honeymoon. L [Taiwan In Taiwan, families usually visit an astrologer because they want to know the best date for the wedding. On-the wedding day, the groom goes to the bride's house and they have a farewell meal there, the last meal the bride has at home. Then, the |groom takes the bride to his house, After a large meal, family and friends give the couple money in small red envelopes. | Bells Wor und lhe groom couple [Sweden Ey In Sweden, just before the wedding, the bride's mother gives the bride a gold coin to put in her right shoe. The bride’s father gives her a silver coin to put in her left shoe. This way, they know that she’s always [sis to have moncy. Hawaii Ey | At Hawaiian weddings, the bride and | groom wear flowers around their necks called ‘leis'. Each ‘le’ consists of about 40 or 50 fresh flowers. Both the bride and the groom wear white and the groom wears | something red around his waist. Best mates [rewrite the sntoncasby using the word in brackets to make requests. 11, I want to borrow your discman. Is that OK with you? (can) 2, I'd like a cup of coffee, please. (could) 3. I'm late. Why don’t you drive me to work? (will) 4, Ican't take these clothes to the dry cleaner's. Can you do it for me? (would) 5. [want to use your computer. Is that OK? (may) [Bh vook at the pictures and complete the dialogues. FO) creme your Engin [Bisck ot ne prompts and complote the note asking member of your fmt run some erands fo you. ST” Neal's train leaves at 9.200% My coat is ready 3 letters Neat's books > Mum anives at 12:30pm \ fo We ee een \ J. Leon y Joven | need you. Fawours. For tre. Firs could you dfive Neal to the troun stotion?. t13:trasn leaves at #300%, Then, ee Thos all Thanks, iicomplete the dialogue with the sentences in the box. Shella Sam! Finally, you're home. I expected you back two hours ago! Listen, I need a favour. Sam Alright, little sister. 2 a Shella Well, I need to go shopping. vouldoins tances favour Sam Oh, I'm sorry, but I can't. That's why I was two ae Nice Athan. oak hours late. d. Could you Sriveimaitoahe au Shella Oh no! Now, what do we do? al iio ov: sue! Sam Ican help you carry the shopping bags home. pent onset ig BE Let's go. How Oa cam Shella OK. But, listen. Can you lend me some money? Sam ‘How much do you need? ‘chenne yourEnaish 7 Lesson Two [BQ voor at tne fotowing situations. write sentences with have to using the prompts given. buy sit be 1, __ You have to buy a ticket. 2 4 EXAM WEEK © ‘Ast 5th June go every day listen take 4, __ Students 5. 6. Weanesday . a on™ et _ ' - eat edly eine aay eiberoes fevecy Seherday 7. A football player 8. 9 [El Pees tne wtoenes and comeloe the lana, Tavera AH TmecgaIny > Lake Milzwe.newt weekend, vt us? liz I'd to, but I can't. I study. I have an exam next week. im" May aoowher une bi »Sare:Tisten! an © Go outer GAT SIME, why now? Whar ? liz At around 9:00. Sue Could we make it 2 Liz Sure, what about 9:30? Sue OK. with me and my friends tomorrow night? ‘Chenne your Enon UNIT 12 2. Dave Hey, Mark, Are you this afternoon? Mark No, I help my mum at home. mate. Dave Never . Are you Mark Not really. Why? tomorrow afternoon? swimming with Judy and me? Mark Why not? That sounds ! Dave OK then. Mark Sure. Cheers. at the beach at 1:00 pm. Is that all right with you? [hts0x tsar caty schedule and wo sentenes, Ten, wnt what ou have todo each dy. SAM'S DAY YOUR DAY q ee aaa get wp / 730 leave howe / 8:30 work untfl / 4130 40 / Spanish lesson / 5100 make dinner / evening pick wp 7 wife / work / $100 Mbdiieididdddd ld td t [Bi recs and complete tne logue wth he sentences inthe box. Bill Danny Nothing special. Why? Bill Would you like to come with us? Danny Sorry, Bill, but I have to get up early tomorrow so I can't go to bed very late Bill Danny My sister is coming to visit and I'm going to pick her up from the train station at 6:00am. Bil We're going to be at the club all night. You can go straight to the station from the club. ‘Channe! your Ergin as Lesson Three [Bl comsite the sentences with the word nthe nox. honest kind clever selfish sby funny serious 1, My daughter is very She's only four but she can read! 2. Is he always so 2 Doesn't he ever laugh? 3. My best friend is really He always makes people laugh. 4. You're ! You never think of anyone else! 5. We like Mrs Wright because she’s and friendly to everyone. 6. Look, Harry, I have to be with you. I hate your shirt! 7. Don't be ‘Tommy. Say ‘hello’ to Mr Walters. [Eh reas tn catogues and complet thor withthe sontones inthe bo. a. Not at all. b, Can you change the time of your appointment? c. Ihave to go to the dentist's. d, Would you like to come to my party? e. I just have to go to a business lunch tomorrow. £, Could I do something to help? Tava to aera nt ta te alzport ai 2:09pm, but I can come later ‘h, Would you like to come with me? Hey, Nor Of, course, what is it? jould I ask you a question? Nothing serious, I know, you told me. I'm sorry, Brian, I can't. Thave an appointment at 1:00pm. Brian I see. I really need somebody to come with me. Nora OK sure, Brian. I can do that for you. 2. Chloe Hey, Luke. Luke When is it? Chloe Next Saturday. Luke Oh, let me see. Chloe Great Luke Chloe Are you sure you don’t mind? Luke Chloe OK, then, can you make some tuna sandwiches? Luke Certainly. PTA! rene yourengen UNIT 12 [Gi read ine text and the statements 4-4 below and decide who probably sald these things. Choose a, b orc. CHINESE HOROSCOPES 1948/60/72/84/96 Rats love going to parties and being with their friends. They don't tell other people their problems cand they can be selfish, Rats are not good at keeping ‘money. 1949/61/73/85/o7 Ox people are patient, clever and hard-working. They are close to their families and make great hey are good at remembering names and places. fiends 1950/62/74/86/o8 Tigers are kind and friendly, but a bit selfish at times. They are very positive and love adventure. Tigers are harchwworking and make money easily. 1951/63/75/87/99 Rabbits do well at work, are usually kind and calm and enjoy quiet places. They offen wear nice, expensive clothes. rx ragons tell you exactly what they are thinking. They become angry easily and are very selfish. They are good at their jobs and are quite successfi. 1953/85/77/89/2001 veryone enjoys having snakes around. They are ssually clever; beautiful and lucky. They abvays get money when they need it, but they don't lend money casily. Be carefll Some of the things they tell you may not be true! 1. “I don’t really need a new coat but this one is so beautifull It's expensive, but I don't mind. I'll take it.” a. rat b. tiger ©. snake 1954/66/78/90/2002 Horses are very clever and work hard to get what they meant: Sometimes, they're a bit selfish. They care carefull with money and they work hard. They love travelling and leave home at an earky age. PPB 1955/67/79/01/2003 Sheep are artistic, they pay attention to their appearance and are friendly to others. They don't usually like working, that's why they prefer to marry a rich parson so that they can relax for the rest of their lives. 1956/68/80/92/2004 ‘Monkeys are funny and artistic people. They make good friends and they are very kind, but they ‘always want to know what other people are doing. They love food and eat ots of snacks, especially bananast 1957/69/81/93/2005 With chickens what you see is exactly what you get. They spend a lot of money on clothes and accessories and they love entertainment. You rary see a relaxed chicken. 1058/70/82/04/2006 Dogs are clever; honest and serious people, but they complain all the time. They are good listeners but they get angry very easily. 1959/71/83/95/2007 When you fist meet pigs, they seem too good to be true. Pigs are the people everyone likes and they usually make good fitends. They are honest and giving and ‘they rarely ask for help. They love food and chovolatel 2. “My wife has lots of money so I don’t have to work.” a. ox b. rabbit c. sheep 3. “Let's go to the theatre, then out for dinner and after that let’s go clubbing.” chicken _b. horse ©. rabbit 4, “I’m going to tell my friends what happened but I’m going to change a few things.” a. dog b. snake ©. pig cmnretour Enon 75 Revision 9-12 BQ circte the correct words. 1. Tm meeting some friends at the basketball coach / court. Do you want to join / attend us? 2. I'm sorry, you can't borrow / lend my car this afternoon. I have a doctor's meeting / appointment at 4pm and I need it, Loften play computer games with my brother but he always beats / wins. 4, Jack and I invited / invented all our adults / relatives to our wedding. There were over / up 500 people altogether. 5. Nick Knowles has a degree / course in computer science so I explain / believe that he's the best person for the job. 6, Last year I took place / part in a table tennis match / race but I lost / failed. 7. I can't stand Tony. He gets angry / selfish very easily. 8. We were very crowded / disappointed when the waiter brought us the bill / ticket. We didn't expect / hope to pay so much! Biloire the correct answer. Jane What (1) (2)___ Saturday? Let's do (3) ____ together in the evening. Cindy I can't. I'm going (4) away next weekend. Jane Really? Cindy Yes, 1 (5) my uncle. He lives on a farm in Glenville. Jane Where's that? Cindy I's (6) near Toronto. Jane Is (7) going with you? Cindy My sister. Hey, why don't you come with us? Jane I can't. 1 (8) at home this weekend and help my mum. You see, she isn’t feeling very 19) and she (10) to stay in bed for a few days. Cindy Oh, I see. Jane Maybe next time. (11) a nice trip! 1. a. doing b. are you doing c. are doing 2. a. next c. last 3. a, everything b. something . anything 4, a. to be b. to being ©. be 5. a. visit b. going to visit c. 'm visiting 6. a. anywhere b. something c. somewhere 7. a, somebody b. anyone c. no one 8. a, has to stay b. stay ©. have to stay 9. a. good b. badly c. well 10. a. has b. going ©. can 11. a. Get b, Have ©. Be Chanel your Engh [Bcomiets win the Past simple o the vera in brackets, It____ (be) Saturday evening and Howard __ (be) late for Sylvia's costume party. He (put) on his fish costume and (want) to leave but he (not can) find the invitation with the address to Sylvia's new house. He (can) remember the name of the road but not the number. He (not know) what else to do so he (leave). It (not be) easy to drive his car in the fish costume, but he (find) Sylvia's road quite easily. He (drive) down the road and (park) his car. When he (get) out of his car, he (see) a house with lots of candles in the garden. He (can) also hear music. So, he (walk) across the road and (go) around to the back of the house. There (be) many guests thore. Howard (run) into the garden and (call) out: "Super fish is here!" Everyone (stop) talking and (look) at him, He (feel) really awful. It (be) the wrong party! "Can I help you?" a man (ask). Howard (not can) think of anything to say, so he just (run) back to his car. Finally, he (find) Sylvia's house and his friends (not can) stop laughing when he (tell) them the story. [compete te siategues with the sentences inthe bos. Then match the dlalogues with the correc lta, ‘Sure, what is it? 1 owe you one. I'm afraid I'm short of cask Good for you! ‘That's a shame. Im sorry, but I’m. 1, A: Could you lend me £5? 4. A: Would you like to come to my party tomorrow? B: B: 2. A: I passed all my exams! 5. A: Here are my car keys. B B: Thanks. 3, A: I can't afford to go on holiday this year. 6. A: Will you do me a favour, dear? B: B: ‘Channel your English a?

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