Anda di halaman 1dari 1

1. JAVA is a programming language and also a platform.

2. JAVA is platform independent because of JRE and JVM.

3. It was released by SunMicrosystem and released in 1995.
4. Class key word use to declare class.
5. Public is access modifier, public is written because the JVM should access it
from outside the class.
6. Static says it does not belong to object, it belongs to class.
7. Void means no return.
8. Main is starting point.
9. Println is the method, static variable of printstream in the system class present
in java.lang.

10. JAVA is a case sensitive languge.

11. Scope
12. Static Block
13. Non Static Block
14. In main method all the methods declared inside should be of static reference.
15. You cannot have a nested methods in java.
16. An Abstract class can contain 0 to N (Abstract Methods) and 0 to N(Concrete
17. For abstract classes->Object classes cannot be created.
18. If any method is abstract in your class then the class has to be declared as
abstract method.
19. Interfaces is used to implement multiple inheritance.
20. Interface is a collection of abstract methods.
21. it uses implements keyword.
22. By default the method declared in interface is abstract and variable as static
and final.
23. Titile case keyword represents a class, and method is in lower case.
24. Example System is a class in (system.out.println()).
25. When ever we are using scanner to scan the input, an waring pops us to as
resource remove that simply use num close();
26. All the variables declared in the main method should be of local type, that is
we cannot go with public static modifier.
27. All the methods declared in main method should be of static type.

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