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Model Pembelajaran Teks REVIEW (SMA)

Helena I. R. Agustien
Universitas Negeri Semarang

A. Pendekatan Pembelajaran Berbasis Literasi:

Sesuai dengan PP No 10. 2005, pembelajaran bahasa diharapkan mengembangkan empat keterampilan berbahasa dengan penekanan pada reading dan
writing. Ini berarti pembelajaran mencakup oracy (listening dan speaking) untuk komunikasi sosial, tetapi dengan menekankan fungsi bahasa untuk belajar,
yakni literacy (reading dan writing). Maka, setiap rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis teks memiliki target yang sama, yakni membuat siswa
sampai mampu menulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

Untuk mencapai kompetensi komunikatif tersebut semua kegiatan guru dan pengalaman pembelajaran siswa diatur dalam skenario yang membantu guru
mengintegrasikan pembelajaran keempat skills. Skenario ini berupa dua siklus (lisan dan tulis) dan empat tahap ( Building Knowledge of the Field,
Modelling of Text, Joint Construction of Text, dan Independent Construction of Tex t) (lihar bagian B). Dalam pendekatan berbasis literacy, guru diharapkan
menyusun kegiatan untuk memberi pengalaman pembelajaran ( learning experiences) untuk mencapai kompetensi. Dalam menyusun pengalaman
pembelajaran tersebut guru memperhatikan tujuh prinsip literacy (The New London Group, 1998) yakni: interpretation (interpretasi), convention (konvensi),
collaboration (kolaborasi), cultural knowledge (pengetahuan budaya), reflection (refleksi), dan language use (penggunaan bahasa).

B. Metode Pembelajaran

Yang menjadi dasar pengembangan sebuah rencana pengembangan pembelajaran berbasis teks adalah tujuan komunikatif sebuah teks. Misalnya,
tujuan komunikatif sebuah teks review adalah memberi penilaian, pendapat, komentar dll. Dengan alasan ini, maka tindak tutur maupun materi ajar yang
digunakan untuk mengembangkan pembelajaran dipilih berdasarkan kriteria memberi penilaian, pendapat, komentar dll. Berikut adalah contoh skenario
pelaksanaan pembelajaran berbasis teks review yang tujuan komunikatifnya adalah memberi penilaian, pendapat, komentar dll.

I. Siklus Lisan
a. Building knowledge of the Field (tata bahasa, kosa kata, ungkapan dll.)
b. Modelling of text (Listening)
c. Joint Construction of Text (Speaking: dialogues, conversations)
d. Independent Construction (Speaking: Monologue)
II. Siklus Tulis
a. Building Knowledge of the Field (tata bahasa, kosa kata, ungkapan dll.)
b. Modelling of Text (Reading)
c. Joint Construction of Text (Writing, berkelompok)
d. Independent Construction of Text (Writing, individual)

C. Teknik Mengajar:

Teknik mengajar apapun yang telah dipelajari dan dimiliki guru selama ini dapat digunakan dalam skenario metode di bagian B di atas. Misalnya, guru
bebas mengadakan latihan membuat kalimat menggunakan modality, kosa kata yang biasa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan perasaan, pendapat
(berbagai adjectives) dll. pada tahap BKOF sebab siswa tidak akan mungkin mampu menulis sebuah review tanpa kemampuan tata bahasa. Teknik
mengajarnya diserahkan kepada guru. Di sini terlihat bahwa tata bahasa memperoleh tempat yang penting dalam pendekatan berbasis literacy. Tata-
bahasa, kosa kata dll. adalah modal utama untuk mengembangkan keterampilan. Namun demikian, perlu diingat bahwa tujuan pendidikan bukan hanya
untuk memperoleh pengetahuan tata bahasa dll., melainkan untuk maju ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi, yaitu merespon dan menciptakan teks mulai
dari listening sampai writing.

D. Materi Ajar dan Media

Bahan ajar dan media mencakup semua resources yang berguna untuk mengembangkan kompetensi tindak bahasa, linguistik, sosio-kultural, strategi dan
kompetensi berwacana.

E. Penilaian

Penilaian dilakukan dengan teknik tes biasa maupun dengan menggunakan lembar observasi untuk portofolio (lihat lembar-lembar observasi berdasarkan
Brown 2004, OMalley dan Pierce 2000). Prinsip-prinsip, teknik penilaian serta scoring yang terdapat dalam D. H. Brown, 2004 sangat sesuai untuk
diterapkan dalam pengajaran bahasa berbasis literacy (lihat Modul Penilaian).

Model Pembelajaran Teks REVIEW (SMA)

Helena I. R. Agustien
Universitas Negeri Semarang

Siklus Tahap Kegiatan Scaffolding Guru Kegiatan Siswa Keterangan

LISAN BKOF Membangun konteks Guru membangun
(Grammar, konteks agar siswa
vocabulary, Good morning dsb. mengetahui
cultural Let me ask you something. Did anyone of you go to Gramedia Yes, I did, Maam! hubungan teks
knowledge dll) bookshop on the sixteenth of July about a month ago? dengan tata bahasa,
What happened? What was so special about that date? Harry Potter! Harry Potter kosa kata serta
Prinsip Literasi: sixth! membuat pelajaran
Right. Did you see many people in the bookshop? Yes. Many people. menjadi interaktif.
Interpretation Was it easy to get the book? Well sort of I ordered
Collaboration So, you ordered the book, didnt you? Why? the book.
Convention Cheaper, Maam. Make
Cultural- sure I get one.
Knowledge Thats clever. Cheaper and to make sure you get one. But we had to queue,
Reflection Maam.
Language- use Did you? Was it a long queue? Pretty long. But Okay.
So how much did you pay for it? Two hundred thousand,
Wow, Thats a lot of money, isnt it? Yes. Very expensive.
But why did you buy it? Its good. I love Harry
So, you think its good, right? Yes.
How do you know its good? After reading it.
Good. After reading something, you can say that something is good,
or not very good, or bad depending on what you think about
something. Yes. Of course!
Do you watch Harry Potter films too? Yes. Awesome!
What do you think? Are they good? Very much.
Awesome! Great! So you like them, dont you?
Listen When you say that a book or a film is good very good
awesome cool and so on you actually evaluate something. And
evaluation is an important part when you review something. Not really.
Do you understand what I mean by REVIEWING?
When you review a Harry Potter film, for example, you say what is
good or what is not good about it so that other people learn
something about the film. When you say that a film or a book is good,
people will be interested and then they buy or watch it. Have you seen Yes.
such a review on newspaper? Resensi Buku, Maam.
What do they call it here?
Yes. Exactly.
The purpose of Resensi Buku is to review or to give critique on a
work or event. When doing so, the writer evaluates the work or the Yes, Maam.
event. Do you understand?

Now let me hear your personal comments about Harry Potter 6.

Everyone can give me one word, JUST ONE WORD to give me ideas Good
about Harry Potter 6. Funny
Okay. What else? Scary
Right. What else? Awesome
Good. Anything else? Exciting
Anything else? Interesting
More ideas, please Boring
Boring? Anything worse? Disappointing
Right. You came up with a negative comment.
Yes. Another critique, you see.
So you have mentioned at least 8 adjectives. Those adjectives
represent your opinion, your evaluation about a book.

Now you see that you need to know many adjectives so that you will
be able to express your opinions or what you think about something.
Adjectives convey your feelings. So you need to be careful in using
adjectives because people can find out about your feelings just by
hearing the adjectives you use.
For example, when you say This is a stupid book! people will know
that you do not like the book. But, if you want to let your feelings out
you have adjectives to do the job, for example This book is
awesome. Siswa mencoba memberi
adjective yang tepat untuk
Now, look here. I have got some nouns, and you are supposed to put kata benda tertentu.
some adjectives before the nouns. Make sure the combinations make
sense. Siswa mengucapkan noun
phrase dengan dua
Now you can have another try. This time, you put more than one adjectives atau lebih.
adjective to the nouns. For example, This is a cheap boring story. Siswa mencoba latihan
yang lain.
Good. Now lets try to add more words to express more feelings of
yours. For example This is the most disgusting boring story Ive read
in my life.

You see You can express your strong feelings and opinions through
adjectives. To review something you need to use all kinds of adjective.

Once you know how to create noun phrases with different adjectives,
you can create a REVIEW text.

To review something you can do it in different ways. Sometimes you

only need one word, few words or many words. A complete review
has a structure involving ORIENTATION, INTERPRETATIVE

At the orientation stage, you introduce the thing you want to review
to put your review in a context. Then you can go on by summarizing
the whole or the parts of the book that interest you. This is called an
interpretative recount. And then you give your comments on that
recount, and this is called evaluation. This is where you use a lot of
adjectives. And, finally, you give a punch line of emphasis on your Membaca contoh-contoh
evaluation. This is called evaluative summation. pendek.

Lets have a look at some short examples here by Lianna B. She uses
many words. Try to indicate the structure the text. Siswa mengidentifikasi
struktur teks.
Komentar pendek (boleh ada, boleh tidak)

Shocking Revelations!

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince was the much anticipated
book of the summer. And, really, of the last two years since Book 5
came out. I waited to read it while I was on vacation this past week
and I have to admit, I could not put it down. I read it at the beach, by
the pool, in the condo, during meals, everywhere!

The beginning I found to be a little slow, but the drama did pick up
towards the 10th chapter and from then on I couldn't put it down. It
was shocking and intriguing all at once.

Evaluative summation Siswa menggaris bawahi

I cannot wait for the final installment now! One recommendation, adjectives yang banyak
make sure you've read all the preceding books first, because there digunakan dalam
are a lot of references to previous events that were in books 4 and 5
in this one and if you haven't read them you may be a little lost. evaluation.

Now try to find some adjectives used in the text. In which part does
the writer use adjectives most?

In the evaluation part you can find two verbs that end with ing.
Shocking and intriguing. They end with ing, but they function as Siswa menambahkan ing
adjective. So you can use true adjectives such as good, excellent - confusing
and so on, but you can also use verb plus ing to create adjectives. - amusing
- boring
Lets try to make adjectives from verbs plus ing. Look at these verbs. - surprising
They are usually used as adjectives when you put ing. - frightening
- exhausting
Now think about things that bear those adjectives. - interesting
Right. Confusing news amusing film boring lesson surprising
gift frightening situation exhausting exercise interesting movie Siswa membuat penilaian
and so on. terhadap sesuatu
menggunakan adjektiva
participle ing dan
To make people know that you are expressing your own feelings you menggunakan gambits
can also use some gambits such as I think, in my opinion, to my pada awal kalimat secara
mind, I personally feel, l would say that and so on. Now lets use lisan.
both gambits and adjectives together. For example:
I think the book is interesting
In my opinion the game was exciting
To my mind it was a surprising party
I personally feel that it was an exhausting game.

Okay now before you go I want you to read a story any story
it can be a story for children, a novel, a comic, news or whatever you
can find. Then you will tell me what you think about it.

Modeling of Good morning dst. Guru memilih

Text Today we are going to listen to conversations and see how well you percakapan-
(LISTENING) understand them. In the conversations you will learn how people percakapan yang
criticize or complain in English. Now, listen to this: mendemonstrasikan
Prinsip Literasi: berbagai tindak tutur
(1) Siswa mendengarkan, seperti mengkritik,
Interpretation Toni: Hi Jane. What are you doing here? merespon pertanyaan guru, menyalahkan, tidak
Collaboration Jane: Nothing. Just getting some fresh air. Its so stuffy inside. menirukan dsb. menyalahkan, dan
Language- use T: Yeah. Youre right. I think so too. Thats why I went out here. sebagainya.
Convention J: What do you think of the party?
Reflection T: Its pretty boring theres nothing much to do.
J: Youre right They could have made it more exciting, though
with games, dances
T: Yeah all we can find here is food.
J: Thats true and not good food either
T: I dont think the party is well planned.
J: Youre right. No.

Prita: Hi Bayu May I borrow your Harry Potter, please ?
Bayu: Sure. Ive just finished reading it. I read until midnight last night.
P: Did you?
B: I did. I couldnt stop until I finished it. It was so exciting.
P: Really? I cant wait to read it.
B: You should read it. There are a lot of surprises there you know
things that you didnt expect to happen.
P: Wow it sounds interesting.
B: I think its more than just interesting. Some parts are so frightening,
intriguing, surprising, amusing but certainly not boring.
P. Oh please please dont tell me more about it. I want to find out
myself when I read it.
B: Fair enough. Ill bring it for you tomorrow.
P: Thanks.
B: My pleasure.

Andre: Sari Come here! Look whats happened!
Sari: Oh my God! My budgie is dead!
A: Poor bird who could have done this?
S: Yeah who did this?
A: I think maybe its a cat.
S: How could a cat get here?
A: I have no idea Oh there it is! I think somebody had left the
door open.
S: What did you say?
A: We forgot to lock door.
S: Yes but why? Why didnt anyone of us notice that?
A: Right You shouldnt have left your budgie here. You should have
brought it home. I am so sorry
S: I cant blame anyone, can I? Oh my sweet budgie
A: Lets get another budgie at the bird market. And dont leave it at
school next time.
S: Thank you, Andre.

Monolog Guru dapat juga
membaca teks
Hey I tell you what. We went on a trip last Sunday to Kopeng. secara langsung dan
Twenty of us going together and we spent the night in a villa. It was tidak harus dengan
quite cheap because we paid only three hundred thousand rupiahs tape recorder.
for four bedrooms. But things didnt turn quite good during the night, Disarankan agar guru
you know It was freezing cold and there were only eight blankets memeriksa ucapan
for twenty people. There was no room heater and the worst was setiap kata dalam
that the water heaters did not work. None of them did. So we had kamus sebelum
very cold showers and some of us did not dare to have shower. It was membaca nyaring.
horrible! Staying in a cheap place is not always a smart decision.
Joint Good morning dst.
of Text Today we are going to practice our conversations. I am going to give Yes, Maam.
(SPEAKING you some situations and try to figure out what kind of dialogues you
IN GROUPS) are likely to have. Now we are going to work in groups of three.
Please make groups of three and Ill give you the assignments.
Prinsip Literasi:
Problem- You and your friends were joining a cooking competition at your Siswa membuat Assignments
solving school. However, one of your friends came late, and he forgot to bring percakapan yang semacam ini melatih
Cultura-l a cooking utensil you need. In such an emergency, you had to use mengandung tindak tutur siswa melakukan
knowledge whatever you had. The food did not turn out good and your team lost. menyalahkan, mengkritik, problem solving,
Convention meminta maaf, mengeluh, reflection, dan
Interpretation (2) mengakui kesalahan, language use.
Reflection You and your class organized a trip to Bali. Many of you wanted the menyesali dll.
Collaboration cheapest way to go there, so you chose the cheapest package tour.
Language-use However, you had to spend some nights in the bus, many of you got
sick and tired, you could not enjoy your days there because you were
sleepy, and the hotel did not have enough bathrooms for so many
people. Plus, the buss air conditioning didnt work well. Some of your
friends were not punctual. They always came back to the bus late
every time you had a stop at a tourist spot.

You organized a fund-raising activity for a trip. Your group had to go to
some companies to sponsor a film show at the movies. Some
companies were good, but many of them were not cooperative. These
companies didnt give money; they said that students didnt want to
work hard. All they wanted to do was asking for donation. You were
upset. You didnt make enough money from the show, in fact you lost
money. Siswa diingatkan akan
tugas membaca buku yang
All right everyone I think you did a great job here. Your diberikan dua minggu
conversations sound interesting. Next week we are going to talk about sebelumnya.
the books you have read and see what you think about them.

Independent Morning everyone I think you are ready to say something about the Siswa diarahkan untuk
Construction books. Use some adjectives that best describe the books. Mention bermonolog dengan tujuan
of Text 1. the name of the book mereview. Review dapat
(SPEAKING 2. what the book is about direalisasikan dalam lima
IN 3. what you think about the book, and kalimat atau lebih.
MONOLOGUE 4. summarize your opinion in one sentence


TULIS BKOF Hello everyone

(Grammar, Today we are going to talk about the differences between facts and
vocabulary opinions.
Last week we talk about the books that you read, right? So, when
Prinsip Literasi: somebody asks you about the story, you can tell her or him the story.
But, it would be very difficult for you to tell the story using the exact
Interpretation same words as you find in the book. Do you think it would be possible
Collaboration at all to do it? No. Impossible.
Convention Right. So you tell the story in a summary form. Its shorter than the
Cultural- original kind of to cut the story short. When retelling the story, you
Knowledge are talking about facts, the things that are really there in the story.
Reflection You do not make things up; you do not give your opinion. When you
Language- use do this you actually give an interpretative recount. Interpretative
recount sometimes occur in a review text, but not always.

When your friends ask you what you think about the story, you can
say I THINK the story is good (or bad). Once you say I THINK, you
actually give your opinion or evaluation about the book. So, in order to
distinguish an interpretative recount from an evaluation, try to put I
THINK before the sentence. This can be a good test. When you say I
THINK, then, you are not talking about facts; you are talking about
opinion, about evaluation.
Ari menceriterakan kembali
Now, Ari, could you retell your story to the class, please? isi buku yang dibacanya
secara singkat.
Very good, Ari.
Siswa lain menjawab:
Now what do you think about the story? Anyone can tell me? Interesting, Maam.
Good, Maam.
Funny, Maam

You see now you can make your evaluation. Those words are yours
and you can put I THINK before the adjectives. You can say I THINK

Look at the following short reviews. They go straight to the point, to

the evaluation, because evaluation is the heart of a review.

Paul R.:Very poor ending
Siswa mendiskusikan dan
I did not enjoy the sixth installment of the harry potter series.
JK Rowling really dissapointed me with her horribly low mengidentifikasi berbagai
creative skills. I will not spoil the ending, but why did he have to pendapat mengenai buku
die? I think that the book chain is now just trying to get money, Harry Potter 6.
and not please her fanbase.
Siswa membuat daftar
The writer uses I as Subjects to show that the things said are seen
from his/her point of view. Lets have a good look at some more.
pembaca Harry Potter 6.
Linda P.:Excellent Book!

I am a big fan!! The first chapter starts with all this history and
the oo's and aah's of how other branches of the stories comes
into place. I was just dying to get a copy of the book from my
library but it was all taken. A co-worker lent me his copy and the
book has kept me reading on the subway. Rowling has a knack
of bringing a sense of humor in her writing and this book is no
exception. There is also some serious drama in the story and
seems to have been building in each of her books.
Love this book!

Rachel G: I know youve been wondering

Pros: Exciting, readable, surprising

Cons: Doesnt answer questions from previous books

So was it really up to?

I think that Rowling might have tried to tone with book down compared
to the emotionally turmoil in book 5: The Order of the Phoenix.
It was entirely entertaining, but I'm not sure it answered quite as many
questions as I would have liked. It does draw you into the conclusion,
however, by riling you up against a certain Half-Blood Prince, but I'll let
you find out why on your own.

I give it four stars because it was a good read, but I do not give it five
stars because there was just too much that was left out and
unanswered. I'm still trying to figure out what happened to the Weasley
family member named Charlie.

Now, you can go to the Internet and find more short reviews of Harry
Potter 6. I want you to share the comments with your friends.

Try to find a long review that has ORIENTATION, INTERPRETATIVE


Modeling of Okay class Today we are going to look at a complete type of Sesuai petunjuk guru,
Text review. Look at the text written by Raj. I think he is a big fan of Harry siswa mengidentifikasi
(READING) bagian dan struktur teks.

Prinsip Literasi: By Raj S: The long awaited book Siswa menjawab

comprehension questions.
Interpretation After nearly two years of waiting the anticipation alone is
Collaboration enough to ruin Harry Potter before it even gets published. Fans Dengan pancingan dari Latihan ini
Language- use of the wizarding boy and his adventures are often so strung out guru siswa mendiskusikan dimaksudkan untuk
Convention for a new book that they tend to build up the greatness of the fungsi adverbs, adjectives menyadarkan siswa
writing and it has to be hard to continuously live up to those
Reflection high expectations time and again. Well, J.K. Rowling has lived
dalam teks. Jenis-jenis kata tentang pentingnya
up to the expectation for the 6th time in her newest addition to ini menunjukkan sikap adverbs dan
the series " Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" . penulisnya. adjectives dalam teks
Secara berkelompok siswa
I have to admit I was immediately thrown for a loop as the new mencoba manghapus
novel was presented in a different way. Previously every single adverbs yang ada dalam
book started and basically concluded the same way.
tiap paragraph. Siswa
INTERPRETATIVE RECOUNT diminta pendapatnya
Each book starts out as Harry is miserably surviving the tentang kualitas teks
summer at the Dursley's. He has a problem and they move on setelah adverbsnya hilang.
to school the main story always takes place here and then after
the conflict is resolved it peacefully concludes with all the kids
promising to write over the summer as they head off once more Secara berkelompok, siswa
to spend the summers at home. This book didn't even get to diminta menghlangkan
Harry or the Dursley's house until the second chapter. adjectives yang ada dalam
teks. Siswa diminta
The reader immediately found them selves thrown into a pendapatnya apa yang
tumultuous time in both Britain and the Wizarding world. This terjadi jika adjective
change hooked you for sure , which is the ultimate goal, but at dihilangkan.
the same time set an uncomfortable feeling of change where
that predictability from the other novels was gone.

This book finds the characters turning 16 so they are getting up
there in age and their behavior is starting to reflect it. They are
suddenly interested in the opposite sex and spend time
"snogging" which is kissing.

Of course this is behavior today seen in 12 year olds but still I
found it quite pathetic and unsettling as an adult reading the
book . I have no doubt a certain population of youngsters at the
right age will be begging for more "snogging". But, whatever!
This book answers a lot of questions and goes deep into the
past to help Harry understand his opponent better so that he
may learn how to defeat him. The book also progresses into
what I feel is the creepiest scenes by far. Even as an adult , I
found my self uncomfortably scared reading some of the trials
Harry had to go through in this book . And yes, someone very
important dies. This has changed the face of Harry Potter
forever and the book takes a decidedly different turn.

The reader is left not knowing who to trust and even whether
Hogworts will exist for the next school year. In any event Harry
and his faithful Friends don't intend to return for their final year!
Yes , they will become drop outs in their mission to ultimately
end the rein of terror brought about by Lord Voldemort and his
following. Some one has to do it .

So that sets the stage for book 7. Just in case you are a robotic
machine and were not all ready hooked, this book leaves you
no other choice but to continue when book 7 is issued to
actually find out how it all ends , because this book offers no
real conclusion. That is most unsettling to have that feeling of
no conclusion knowing it will most likely be another long two
year wait for the next book.

In conclusion , although drastically different this is no
exception to the wonderful work of J.K. Rowling. You will not
put this book down and wish you had taken longer to read it
once your done because it is a long wait we are looking at for
the next Harry Potter!

Joint Good morning dst. Siswa menulis Latihan ini

Construction berpasangan dengan membiasakan siswa
of Text Today we are going to write small texts and you can work in pairs. I teman di sebelahnya. untuk berani
(WRITING IN am going to give you the assignments. You are supposed to write a berpendapat, baik
GROUPS) short review about different events. Dont forget to use adjectives and nagatif maupun
adverbs. positif.
Prinsip Literasi:
Collaboration Your school band won the first prize in a competition. You watched
Problem- them perform in the event.
Reflection (2)
Convention Your friends perform an English drama at an ENGLISH NIGHT in your
Interpretation school theatre. The audience fell asleep.
Language- use
Your class has just displayed a wall magazine at your school. It invites
a lot of readers.

Your friend wrote a short story. It was published in a national

You ate in a new restaurant and you enjoyed the meals a lot.
However, you paid a lot too.

Independent Good morning dst. Siswa mencoba menulis Process writing

Construction I think you did a great job last week with your small reviews. Now its berdasarkan: dilakukan pada tahap
of Text time for you to try a bigger one. ini.
INDIVIDUALL Lets watch a Harry Potter film. I have with me Harry Potter number 1.
Y) So, watch it very closely and think which parts are interesting or INTERPRETATIVE
boring or disappointing or whatever you think. RECOUNT
Prinsip Literasi:
I giving out these sheets and you can see that you are supposed to EVALUATION
Interpretation write according to the text structure available in the sheet. Are you
Language- use

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