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kickstarter BONUS CRYPTID

Mark Plemmons


This special PDF item for the Corporia tabletop role-playing game features a
Knightwatch report on the Lagomorphed cryptida reach goal inspired by Monty
Python and the Holy Grail, and provided free for backers of the successful Kick-
starter campaign that funded the Corporia RPG core rulebook.
Because cryptids are intended for the Directors eyes only, this reach goal is
provided separately from the other reach goals (which also appear in the New Hires
expansion). So, if youre a player you can stop reading hereotherwise you might
spoil a surprise that your Director has in store for you.


INTERIOR ART: Pixattitude

Copyright 2014 Brabblemark Press
All rights reserved.

First Digital Printing, March 2014

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, logos, businesses, institutions, organizations, corporations, products,
incidents, and locales either are coincidental products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously. Pop culture
references are included to help readers capture the look and feel of Corporia. No violation of copyright or trademark own-
ership is intended.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photo-copy-
ing, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the
case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.
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Phylogenetic analysis of DNA sequences from LAGOMORPHED humans strongly suggests
that these cryptids are the result of a rare Flux manifestation that targets persons
with transplanted organ tissues engineered from rabbit cells. Research with current
specimens is ongoing.
MORPHOLOGY. Though they retain a humanoid form, Lagomorphed individuals
sport newly elongated ears, lightly furred skin, and large, powerful legs. The head
and cranium may be slightly or severely altered to resemble a true lagomorph (i.e., a
hare, rabbit, or pika). Like true lagomorphs, Flux-altered females often have a
proportional increase in height and weight, making them larger than an average
male. Also like true lagomorphs, their incisors grow continuously. However,
Lagomorphed lack the instinctual knowledge of how to keep these shortened
(gnawing on hard vegetation) and may resort to more desperate measures including
metal grinders and other various forms of self-dentistry.
BEHAVIOR/TRAITS. Many Lagomorphed persons suffer from headache, paranoia, and
self-hatred that leads to depression. When cornered or frustrated, they can become
extremely aggressive.
SENSES. Lagomorphed have improved vision that allows them to notice sudden
movements easily. However, they also suffer from reduced depth perception and
cannot see well close-up. They have a keen sense of smell and avoid areas with
irritating chemicals and dust. Their large ears detect acoustics so well that they can
navigate their surroundings even when blinded.
COMMUNICATION. Mildly-affected persons can speak in a high-pitched, whining voice,
though in severe cases the ability to speak may be restricted to strange hissing noises
and teeth gnashing. The lack of ability to communicate effectively is clearly frustrat-
ing, and has been seen to push affected individuals from mild aggression into a
violent rage.
DIET/EATING HABIT. Despite the physical change in appearance, the Lagomorphed
are not restricted to a diet of plant matter. In fact, roughly 10% of Lagomorphed
actually suffer new cravings for animal matter.
ECOLOGY. The Lagomorphed would thrive in isolated cabins in woodlands or flat
grassy areas, but these are obviously lacking inside the urban environment. Those
who are wealthy enough to remain in seclusion may attempt to leave The City for
such a new home, but poorer Lagomorphed forfeit their jobs (unless they are
teleworkers) and usually end up as homeless hooded vagrants lurking in under-
ground tunnels near The Citys parks.
ASSETS. An individual typically has Lady Luck, Prudent, and two or more
purchases of Traceur as general assets. Horror 7 or 8 is typical, and they usually
have at least two cryptid assets from the following list: Alertness, Bite, DFT bonus,
Infravision, Nightvision, Speed Boost, and Wit Bonus.
SPECIAL ABILITIES. Lagomorphs sleep with their eyes open, allowing them to
remain on the alert for sudden movements.
COMBAT/TACTICS. Having gained no natural offensive capabilities, the Lagomor-
phed prefer flight over fight, though their keen eyesight makes them particularly
dangerous when equipped with firearms. If forced into melee and unable to flee from
a fight, a Lagomorphed strikes out with its fists or biting incisors (a successful
Fisticuffs check for either).
THREAT LEVEL. Standard classification is Knightwatch Threat Level 2 (Incident).


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Dont call
me Bugs.

QR: INIT +10 (14 surprise); Move 240; ATK +5 unarmed [2 STR + 1d3 bite], +4 melee [2 +
1D8 improvised], +7 ranged [1d63d6 shotgun]; DEF +10 dodge; DR 0/0/0; WD 4
Abilities: STR 2, Fisticuffs 3, Getting Medieval 2; DFT 4, Athletics 6 (8 for Move distance),
Firearms 3; MTL 2, Valor n/a; KNO 2, Business 2, Crime 2; WIT 4 (8 for surprise), Influence 2,
Instinct 6; MGK 4
Assets: Lady Luck, Prudent, Traceur 4; Alertness, Bite, Horror 8, Speed Boost 2x
Augments: none (lost EyeOS devices)
Traits: Aggressive, Easily Frustrated, Paranoid; Self-Hatred/Depression

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