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Lampiran 1 Data Berat Badan Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)

NO KELOMPOK BB Sebelum BB Setelah

Perlakuan Perlakuan
1 P0 - 1 230 gram 240 gram
2 P0 - 2 225 gram 262 gram
3 P0 - 3 227 gram 257 gram
4 P0 - 4 263 gram 290 gram
5 P0 - 5 257 gram 280 gram
6 P0 - 6 260 gram 278 gram
7 P0 - 7 280 gram 305 gram
8 P0 - 8 276 gram 299 gram
9 P0 - 9 300 gram 321 gram
10 P1 - 1 233 gram 217 gram
11 P1 - 2 241 gram 220 gram
12 P1 - 3 237 gram 207 gram
13 P1 - 4 273 gram 270 gram
14 P1 - 5 251 gram 237 gram
15 P1 - 6 282 gram 267 gram
16 P1 - 7 290 gram 268 gram
17 P1 - 8 303 gram 300 gram
18 P1 - 9 293 gram 273 gram
19 P2 - 1 239 gram 215 gram
20 P2 - 2 242 gram 210 gram Paparan ccl4 secara signifikan
21 P2 - 3 250 gram 225 gram menurunkan aktifitas karbohidrat dan
22 P2 - 4 268 gram 227 gram
23 P2 - 5 280 gram 249 gram protein sehingga menurunkkan berat
24 P2 - 6 259 gram 237 gram
25 P2 - 7 301 gram 282 gram badan tikus (Ishikawa et al., 2015).
26 P2 - 8 305 gram 271 gram
27 P2 - 9 289 gram 247 gram fenolat lavonoid dan berbagai unsur-
unsur aktif yang paling penting dalam propolis. Telah terbukti mampu radikal bebas,
dan dengan demikian melindungi lipid dan senyawa lainnya, seperti vitamin C, dari
yang teroksidasi atau hancur selama damage6 oksidatif. propolis Iran memiliki
tertinggi aktivitas anti-oksidatif, dengan jumlah tinggi fenolat dan poli fenolat
Lampiran 2 Data Berat Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)

NO KELOMPOK Skor glomerulus

0 1 2 3
1 P0 - 1 0
2 P0 - 2 0
3 P0 - 3 0
4 P0 - 4 0
5 P0 - 5 0
6 P0 - 6 0
7 P0 - 7 0
8 P0 - 8 0
9 P0 - 9 0
10 P1 - 1 2
11 P1 - 2 1
12 P1 - 3 2
13 P1 - 4 1
14 P1 - 5 3
15 P1 - 6 2
16 P1 - 7 2
17 P1 - 8 2
18 P1 - 9 1
19 P2 - 1 0
20 P2 - 2 0 Apa yang
21 P2 - 3 0
22 P2 - 4 0 membedakan
23 P2 - 5 0 normal ccl4
24 P2 - 6 0
25 P2 - 7 0 dengan norml
26 P2 - 8 0
27 P2 - 9 0 kontrol?
Lee et al.36
bukti yang terkumpul menunjukkan bahwa stres oksidatif meningkatkan ekspresi
beberapa faktor pertumbuhan, seperti transforming growth factor-, faktor
pertumbuhan jaringan ikat dan faktor pertumbuhan platelet diturunkan, di sel
glomerulus endotel, sel-sel mesangial, berbelit-belit sel epitel tubulus proksimal,

(200 mg / kg) dalam studi ini mungkin karena berkurangnya jumlah pembuluh darah,
sehingga mengurangi ketebalan membran basal glomerulus dan matriks mesangial.
Namun, ekstrak propolis (100 mg / kg) tidak mengubah luas permukaan glomerulus. Ini
akan menjadi sebagai akibat dari aktivitas tinggi podocytes atau pembuluh darah yang
tersisa. Mungkin waktu yang lebih lama akan diperlukan untuk mengamati hasil yang

Nasr A. Y., Saleh A. M ., 2014. Aged Garlic Extract Protects Against Oxidative Stress and
Renal Changes in Cisplatin-Treated Adult Male Rats. Cancer Cell International, 14(92), pp.
Hermenean A., Ardelean A., Stan M., Herman H., Mihali C. V., Costache M., Dinischiotu A.,
2013. Protective Effects of Naringenin on Carbon Tetrachloride-Induced Acute
Nephrotoxicity in Mouse Kidney. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 205(2), pp. 138-147.

Calado A., 2013. Introduction to The Renal Histopathology The Glomerular Evaluation by
Routine Optic Microscopy. Experimental Pathology and Health Sciences, 7 (1), pp. 19-24.

Sameni H. R., Ramhormozi P., Bandegi A. R., Taherian A. A., Mirmohammadkhani

M., Safari M., 2016. Effects of Ethanol Extract of Propolis on Histopathological
Changes and Anti-Oxidant Defense of Kidney in a Rat Model for Type 1 Diabetes
Mellitus. Journal of Diabetes Investigation, 7(4), pp. 506-513.

Ayala A., Muoz M. F., Argelles S., 2014. Lipid Peroxidation: Production, Metabolism,
and Signaling Mechanisms of Malondialdehyde and 4-Hydroxy-2-Nonenal. Oxidative
Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2014(2014), pp. 1-39.

Dimke H., Maezawa Y., Quaggin S. E., 2015. Crosstalk in Glomerular Injury and Repair.
Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 24(3), pp. 231-238.

Ishikawa, Ohashi K., Ogitsu N., Nagamura Y.., 2015. Effect of three major nutrients on
carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity in mice Hiroaki. International Journal of
Analytical Bio-Science, 5(2), pp. 25-32.
NO KELOMPOK Ginjal s Ginjal
1 P0 - 1 1 gram 1 gram
2 P0 - 2 1,15 gram1 1 gram
3 P0 - 3 1 gram 0,9 gram
4 P0 - 4 1,2 gram 1 gram
5 P0 - 5 0,9 gram 0,8 gram
6 P0 - 6 0,9 gram 0,9 gram
7 P0 - 7 1 gram 1 gram
8 P0 - 8 1 gram 1,2 gram
9 P0 - 9 1, 15 gram 1,2 gram Lampiran 3 Data Berat Ginjal Tikus Putih
10 P1 - 1 1,0 gram 1,19 gram (Rattus norvegicus)
11 P1 - 2 1,5 gram 1,5 gram
12 P1 - 3 1,3 gram 1,2 gram
13 P1 - 4 1,3 gram 1,2 gram
14 P1 - 5 1,2 gram 1,1 gram
15 P1 - 6 1,1 gram 1,2 gram
16 P1 - 7 1,4 gram 1,4 gram
17 P1 - 8 1,3 gram 1,1 gram
18 P1 - 9 1,3 gram 1,2 gram
19 P2 - 1 1,1 gram 1,2 gram
20 P2 - 2 1,15 gram 1 gram
21 P2 - 3 0,9 gram 0,9 gram
22 P2 - 4 1 gram 0,9 gram
23 P2 - 5 1,2 gram 1,1 gram
24 P2 - 6 1,1 gram 1,1 gram
25 P2 - 7 1,3 gram 1,2 gram
26 P2 - 8 1,2 gram 1,2 gram
27 P2 - 9 1 gram 1 gram

Analisis univariat
Rerata score patologis glomerulus kelompok po dan p1
kelompok Rerata score patologis
po 0
P1 2 (1-3)
Keterangan: nilai dalam median (minmaks).

Rerata berat badan tikus P0, P1, dan P2

Kelompok Rerata berat badan Rerata berat badan selisih P

sebelum perlakuan setelah perlakuan
P0 257,56 26,063 281,33 25, 515 0,000
P1 267,00 26,810 251,00 31,072 0,001
P2 270,00 24,789 240,33 24,449 0,000

Rerata berat ginjal tikus P0, P1, dan P2

Kelompok kontrol CCl4 CCl4+propolis P

Berat ginjal tikus 1 0,13229 1,232 0,11222 0,000
Berat ginjal tikus kiri 1,232 0,11222 251,00 31,072 0,001

Analisis bivariat

variabel p0 p1 p
Score patologis 0 2 (1-3)* 0,000**
Keterangan: mUji Mann Whitney, *nilai dalam median (minmaks), ***Bermakna/signifikan p < 0,05.

Lampiran p1



Statistic Std. Error

Perlakuan CCl4 Mean 1,78 ,222

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 1,27

Mean Upper Bound 2,29

5% Trimmed Mean 1,75

Median 2,00

Variance ,444

Std. Deviation ,667

Minimum 1

Maximum 3

Range 2

Interquartile Range 1

Skewness ,254 ,717

Kurtosis -,040 1,400

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

Perlakuan CCl4 ,297 9 ,021 ,813 9 ,028

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Lampiran uji...... menggunakan mann whitney

Rerata berat badan P0

Statistic Std. Error

kontrol Mean 257,56 8,688

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 237,52

Mean Upper Bound 277,59

5% Trimmed Mean 257,01

Median 260,00

Variance 679,278

Std. Deviation 26,063

Minimum 225

Maximum 300

Range 75

Interquartile Range 50

Skewness ,093 ,717

Kurtosis -,980 1,400

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

kontrol ,188 9 ,200* ,928 9 ,465

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction
Rerata P1


Statistic Std. Error

perlakuan CCl4 Mean 267,00 8,937

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 246,39

Mean Upper Bound 287,61

5% Trimmed Mean 266,89

Median 273,00

Variance 718,750

Std. Deviation 26,810

Minimum 233

Maximum 303

Range 70

Interquartile Range 53

Skewness -,067 ,717

Kurtosis -1,908 1,400

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

perlakuan CCl4 ,169 9 ,200 ,902 9 ,265

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Rerata P2


Statistic Std. Error

perlakuan CCl4+propolis Mean 270,33 8,263

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 251,28

Mean Upper Bound 289,39

5% Trimmed Mean 270,15

Median 268,00
Variance 614,500

Std. Deviation 24,789

Minimum 239

Maximum 305

Range 66

Interquartile Range 49

Skewness ,153 ,717

Kurtosis -1,553 1,400

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

perlakuan CCl4+propolis ,127 9 ,200* ,933 9 ,507

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Berat badan setelah perlakuan



Statistic Std. Error

kontrol Mean 281,33 8,505

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 261,72

Mean Upper Bound 300,95

5% Trimmed Mean 281,43

Median 280,00

Variance 651,000

Std. Deviation 25,515

Minimum 240

Maximum 321

Range 81

Interquartile Range 43

Skewness -,101 ,717

Kurtosis -,589 1,400

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

kontrol ,115 9 ,200* ,988 9 ,992

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction



Statistic Std. Error

CCl4 Mean 251,00 10,567

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 226,63

Mean Upper Bound 275,37

5% Trimmed Mean 250,72

Median 267,00

Variance 1005,000

Std. Deviation 31,702

Minimum 207

Maximum 300

Range 93

Interquartile Range 53

Skewness -,065 ,717

Kurtosis -1,303 1,400

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

CCl4 ,249 9 ,115 ,915 9 ,351

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction



Statistic Std. Error

CCl4 + Propolis Mean 240,33 8,150

95% Confidence Interval for Lower Bound 221,54

Mean Upper Bound 259,13

5% Trimmed Mean 239,70

Median 237,00

Variance 597,750

Std. Deviation 24,449

Minimum 210

Maximum 282

Range 72

Interquartile Range 40

Skewness ,571 ,717

Kurtosis -,634 1,400

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

CCl4 + Propolis ,152 9 ,200 ,944 9 ,629

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction

Uji T


Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval of t


Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Lower Uppe

Pair 1 BBSebelumPerlakuan -
-23,778 7,563 2,521 -29,591 -

Paired Samples Statistics


95% Confidence Interval

Statistic Bias Std. Error Lower Upper

Pair 1 BBSebelumPerlakuan Mean 267,00 -,05 8,64 250,12 283,44

N 9

Std. Deviation 26,810 -1,717 3,788 16,689 31,434

Std. Error Mean 8,937

BBSetelahPerlakuan Mean 251,00 -,14 10,21 231,33 269,66

N 9

Std. Deviation 31,702 -2,011 5,187 19,080 39,362

Std. Error Mean 10,567

a. Unless otherwise noted, bootstrap results are based on 1000 bootstrap samples


Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences

95% Confidence Interval of the


Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Lower Upper

Pair 1 BB_pre - BB_post 30,000 8,155 2,718 23,732 36,268

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