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Although and But

Both can be used to introduce a statement that make your

main sentence surprising.

But for unexpected or different information.

Although , for unexpected or different information.

It's an old car, but it's very reliable

Although it is an old car, it's very reliable.

Although it was raining, we went for a walk.

We decided to buy the car although it was very expensive.

Shed like to go but she cant.

I am poor, but I am happy.

Although it is hot outside, it is cold in the office.

Although the weather is bad, I love London.

I love London, although the weather is bad.

Because So
Because , for giving reasons,

So , for talking about results or purposes.

We need to arrive early so we can get a good place.

We cancelled the picnic because it was raining.

Because it was raining, we cancelled the picnic.

I failed the exam so I have to repeat the course.

I couldnt buy that smartphone because I didnt have

money .

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