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EXAMEN INGLS Completar las oraciones con la palabra correspondiente

Alumno:__________________________________ a cada enunciado.

1.Write the colors in English:
___________________________________________ TAKE ME BACK TO MY SAN ANDRES
In the , the very best
is the island of San Andrs
2. Write the name of 10 animals:
__________________________________________ / On Johnny Cay and Sound Bay
__________________________________________ The sands are like golden peach /
__________________________________________ (Chorus)
3. Complete these lists with the numbers: me back to my San Andres
One ____ Three _____ Five _____, ______Eight
_____ten ________Twelve _____Fourteen _______ To the and the coral reefs
Sixteen________ Eighteen ________Twenty ______
4. Cul de las siguientes frases es incorrecta: Back to be where the bright
a. The balls five is orange where the sea changes colors day and
b. The ball eight is black (Chorus)
c. The ball fourteen igray
5. Lee el siguiente texto corto en ingls:
"Carlos doesn't like soccer. He likes baseball and he San Andres is like a
loves swimming."
With the trees and the fireflies
Lo anterior quiere decir:
Seleccione una: / Underneath the blue sky
a. a Camilo no le gusta el ftbol. a l le gusta el
beisbol y le encanta la natacin. The lovely go passing by /
b. a Carlos le gusta el ftbol. a l no le gusta el (Chorus)
beisbol y le encanta la natacin.
c. a Carlos no le gusta el ftbol. a l le gusta el
me back to my San Andrs
beisbol y le encanta la natacin
6. Teniendo en cuanta la imagen Cul de las To the wave and the coral
siguientes afirmaciones es correcta?
a. This is a grey ruler Back to be the sunshine bright

b. Those are blue rulers where the sea changes day and night
c. That is a red ruler
(So !, so nice San Andres I love you)
7. Cul grupo de palabras se refiere slo a lugares de
la ciudad?
The tall brown , the strapping boys
Seleccione una:
the rolling waves and the light bright
a. Street - Mechanic - School - Park
/ And anywhere in the we'll be
b. Taxi driver - Hospital - Restaurant - Street
San will be in our memories /
c. Park - School - Bank - Street (Chorus)

Grado:____ Institucin:________________________
Write and match the words with the pictures. ____________________________________

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