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the instructor or teacher chances to

expose students to unpublished or not
readily available material, the students
plays a passive role w hich may hinder
learning. While this method facilitates large-
convenient and usually makes the most
class communication, the lecturer must since the know ledge is spoon-fed, it is likely
Lecturing facilitates large-class communication sense, especially w ith larger classroom
make constant and conscious effort to easily sent to great oblivion
become aw are of student problems and
engage the students to give verbal
feedback. It can be used to arouse interest
in a subject provided the instructor has
effective w riting and speaking skills.
the teacher must takes heed if the students
it is advantageous especially if the students
The teacher of the assigned student/s or are show ing the right skill, the audiences
DEMONTRATION are the that is demonstrating, this allow s
group demonstrates the process as the show s the process of a certain subject might acquire w rong information if the
METHOD them experience their ow n learning and
other students. teaching is not w ell-versed of the skill
apply it practically
being presented
the answ ers or the products acquires are
genuine products of their ow n efforts; deep most of the slow learners usually get more
allow the students to think and create their
INQUIRY METHOD Spontaneous and self-directed exploration sense of responsibility is developed w hen confused w hen asked to a question that is
ow n answ er
learners are left to manage their ow n beyond their capacity
effective in employing science process;the
this strategy gives opportunity to students
PROBLEM SOLVING it employs scientific method in searching for studeudents are engage in meaningful it requires long time and great
to explore their ow n ideas and see more
METHOD information experience and higher level of thinking resourcefulness
possibilities in the given subject
is an inductive teaching strategy designed
encourage students to think freely;trains
CONCEPT to help the students reinforce their ow n designed to help the students reinforce it is delivered in a traditional w ay of
students to develop hypothesis and trains
ATTAINMENT understanding of concepts and practice their ow n understanding of concepts teaching
students to create their generalization
hypothesis testing

Teachers are the main authority figure in

this model. Students are view ed as empty
vessels w hose primary role is to
passively receive information (via lectures
and direct instruction) w ith an end goal of
convenient and usually makes the most it id deliivered in a traditional w ay of
TEACHER-CENTERED testing and assessment. It is the primary
facilitates large-class communication sense, especially w ith larger classroom teaching w hich long bores most of the
APPROACH LEARNING role of teachers to pass know ledge and
sizes students
information onto their students. In this
model, teaching and assessment are
view ed as tw o separate entities. Student
learning is measured through objectively
scored tests and assessments.
The teaching process brings the learner to
METACOGNIVE the process of thinking about thinking. The allow s the learner reflect on w hat he it gives venue for higher order thinking
APPROCH learner reflect on w hat he learned and on learned skills
his/her w ays of learning
effective in employing science process;the
As the name implies,the teaching learning
PROBLEM-BASED students are engage in meaningful it requires long time and great
process is focused in problems. Time is let the students solve given problems
APPROACH experience and higher level of thinking resourcefulness
spent in solving and analyzing problems.
Cooperative Learning refers to a method of
teaching and classroom management that
emphasizes group w ork and a strong
sense of community. This model fosters
students academic and social grow th and
includes teaching techniques such asThink- it is believed that students learn best w hen
rules must be clear and concise, the
COOPERATIVE Pair-Shareand reciprocal teaching. emphasize group w ork w hich encourages they are directly involved the activity or
classroom management should be
LEARNING Cooperative learning falls under thestudent- students to w ork and learn w ith peers learning process. This approach fosters
centered approachbecause learners are academic and social grow th
placed in responsibility of their learning and
development. This method focuses on the
belief that students learn best w hen
w orking w ith and learning from their
An interactive classroom w ill students talk
it requires higher order thinking skill and
INTERACTIVE more and the teacher less. The students this approach gives opportunity to students
it causes students to think critically the slow learners are at their
APPROACH are given more opportunities to interact to construct their ow n meaning
w ith the teacher and other students
the students are expected to construct their
most of the slow learners usually get more
CONSTRUCTIVIST ow n know ledge and meaning base on w hat to motivate the students to think, w onder it gives venue for higher order thinking
confused w hen asked to a question that is
APPROACH they are taught by connecting them to prior and ponder skills
beyond their capacity
It makes the teacher connects w hat he or
she teaches to other lesson of the same
it connect the prior and new know ledge
INTEGRATED subject( intradiciplinary)or connect his/her to apply the prior know ledge
w hich makes the neurons links together
APPROACH lessons to the other subject thus making intradiciplinarily amd interdiciplinarily
as the students recall
his/her approach interdiciplinary and
it w ill be advantageous for the indendent
INDIVIDUALISTIC It w ants the students to w ork by it develops responsibility, self decipline and
to let the students w ork individually learners, but this approach might box the
APPROACH themselves independence
student on w hat he know s
effective in employing science process;the
this strategy gives opportunity to students
RESEARCH-BASED As the name implies, teaching and learning studeudents are engage in meaningful it requires long time and great
to explore their ow n ideas and see more
APPROACH are anchored in reasearch findings experience and higher level of thinking resourcefulness
possibilities in the given subject
The learning process itself take into account
not only the academic needs of the learner, the teacher w ill understand the student
WHOLE-CHILD let the teacher understand the students it w ill be laborous on thhe part of the
but also their emotional,creative, better and w ill identify the appropriate
APPROACH better teacher
psychological, spiritual, and developmental activities/ subjects for the student
is a method w herein students are given
problems and solve them w ithin a given financial aspect is usual concern in this
PROJECT METHOD allow s student to show case their skill it develops the creativity of the students
time or students are to present a concrete matter especially in public school
form result of research assigned to them
In game based learning, students compete to
it is most effective in low er grade levels. It rules must be clear and concise, the
learn material. Included in this resource are
GAME-BASED METHOD learn by playing allow s the students to engage in their ow n classroom management should be
tips for making a meaningful game, making
learning w ith fun and healthy competition maintained
rules fair, and grading.
Educators present thoughtful questions for
students to discuss w hich cause them to it requires higher order thinking skill and
SOCRATIC this strategy gives opportunity to students
think critically about a topic or issue. The it causes students to think critically the slow learners are at their
QUESTIONING to construct their ow n meaning
educator then requires students to justify disadvantage
their responses.
Connecting students w ith community
members to conduct science in areas
similar to w hat you are teaching in the
classroom can be a very pow erful lesson the students w ill be able to make meaning
CIVIC ENGAGEMENT there are a lot of things to be considered
to students that w hat they are learning is to integrate the science concept in the on their prior know leddge and skill. They
AND SERVICE such as: safety, parental consent, financial
relevant and useful to their future careers community see the importance of it in their future
LEARNING resources and human resources.
and lives as informed citizens. This careers
resource provides more information about
this approach and offers many examples
you can use in your class.
When students link a learning project w ith
community service, they are conducting
service learning. This resource presents
service learning allow s the students to be there are a lot of things to be considered
information onw hy service learning is
SERVICE LEARNING to conduct service learning expose in the community and apply their such as: safety, parental consent, financial
valuable, tips onhow to starta service
prior skills and know ledge resources and human resources.
learning component in your classroom, and
how toassess students' learning and get
students toreflecton their w ork.

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