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The Fall of the House of Usher

In the work of Edgar Allan Poe can be founded both elements of gothic and
romantic literary movement . Both time and space are dark , mysterious and
The whole story is devided in five distinct parts : first , the description of the
house and description of relationship between the narrator and Usher ; second, the
meeting with Usher and his sister , Madeline ; third, description of the days spent
in the house of his friend and the activities made with him ; fourth, the death of
Madeline and her funeral and fifth , description of the storm and the reading of
The Mad Trist collaped with the death of the brothers and the distruction of
house reflected in tarn.
In the beginning of the short story is described the house of Usher . The narrator
makes the observation that the house had only one fissure inspite of old bricks
which its was constructed . The image of house was refected in the dark lake , an
other gothic element .
The narrator make a parallel between the description of the house and the
description of Usher . He notices that all things appear alive and Usher and his
sister appear dead . Usher with his large, liquid and luminous eyes and pale face
gave him a cadaverous appearance . His madness sister is a shadow in house who
appears for remaind of an old imprecation .
An other description which appears in the beginning of the work is related with the
relation between the narrator and Usher . Their old friendship is which forced the
narrator to arrive in house of his friend .
The narrator try to explain every strange thing with a rational reason . In the case
can be analysed the character and the behavior of Usher . His behavior can be
interpreted like behavior of an artist which is passionate of his work and dedicated
its whole being . Like this can be explain the abstract picture, music and the
recitation of the poem The Haunted Palace and the description of the library . The
second perspective is unexplained anxieties and undefinied premonition which
sustain the disease of Usher.
An other example is the sounds which the narrator heared in the time of storm but
try to banish of his mind not believing that these sound were made by Ushers
sister .
In the final of the tale the narrator makes an other parallel between the house of
Usher and the House of Usher , an old dynasty both of them destroyed .
Consacreted as a lyric poet , Poe uses imagination for create unrealistic or romantic
elements . He uses the power of images , the suggestion , color ( violet , red ,
black) and atmosphere to evoke emotions and to created emotional effects . His
best important aim is to evoke fear as central emotion .
His work can be interpretated on many levels : symbolical , allegorical ,
supernatural and detective one .

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