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Current System:

EP = Effort Points
GP = Gear Points
PR = EP / GP = Priority Ratio

Ways to earn EP:

Show up on time (150 farm, 250 progression)
Stay in raid (150/250 every 15 minutes)
Kill a progression boss (500 on first three kills)
Donate to guild bank (1500/week maximum 2 gold per EP)
Bonuses (at officer discretion typically 500)
Weekly decay 15%

Loot priority:
1. Raider rank, major upgrade, highest PR (pay full price)
2. *Raider rank, minor upgrade (+9 ilvls or fewer), highest PR (pay 10%)
3. Guild approved offspec (free)
4. Raider rank, offspec, highest PR (pay 10%)
5. Trial rank, major upgrade, highest PR full price
6. Trial rank, minor upgrade, highest PR 10%
7. Trial rank, offspec, highest PR 10%
8. Greed for transmog /roll if more than one person is interested, pay a shard instead of GP
For tier, if everybody who is eligible has the piece, we do a free /roll for chance at WF/TF
For BOEs, a raider can take it for mainspec, otherwise it goes to the guild bank for repair money.
* You can choose to roll mainspec for a piece of loot thats a minor upgrade, but you will pay full price for
it. However, if only one person rolls mainspec for a piece of loot and its really a minor upgrade, I like to
give it to them for 10% because theyre not leveraging their PR to take the loot from somebody else.
Proposed combination with LC:
Currently when loot drops, raiders select between mainspec, minor upgrade, offspec, greed, and
pass. The loot master sees everybodys roll and distributes loot based on PR and roll.
I propose adding an extra button, Loot Council, which means that you think you deserve the piece of
loot over the person with highest PR. People rolling on loot also have the option to add a note perhaps
they could add their justification. If the members of the loot council agree that this person should get
the loot, then they will get it and still pay for it with GP. I think that overriding EP/GP should only be
used in extenuating circumstances, as sort of a check in case theres an unexpected result. But we should
be wary of using the veto power lest the integrity of the EP/GP system be compromised.

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