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Animal Classification Names **

Phylum Protozoa G. "first animal"

Class Sarcodina (amoebas, foraminifera, radiolaria)
Class Ciliata L. Cilium...eyelid (paramecium)

Phylum Porifera L. pore bearer

Class Demospongia G. people sponge (common bath sponge) Class
Hexactinellida G. six rays (glass sponges)
Phylum Coelenterata G. hollow gut
Cnidarians G. stinging cell
Class 'Anthozoa G. flower animals (sea anemones)
Class Hydrozoa G. hyrda animals (fresh water hydra)
Class Scyphozoa G. cup animals (jelly fish)

Phylum Platyhelminthes G. flat stem (planaria, flukes, tapeworms)

Phylum Annelida L. little rings

Class Polychatea G. many bristles (sea worms)
Class OligochateaG. few bristles (earth worms)
Class Hirudinea L. leech (leeches)

Phylum Mollusca G. soft body

Class Pelecypoda G. hatchet foot (oysters, clams)
Class Gastropoda G. belly food (snails)
Class Cephalopoda G. head-footed (octopus, squid, nautilus)

Phylum Arthropoda G. jointed foot

Subphylum Chelicerata: G. chele, claw; keros, horn
Class Arachnida G. Arachne (spiders, mites)
Class Merostomata G. thigh mouth (eurypterids,
horseshoe crabs)
Class Pycnogonida G. closely packed gonidia (sea spiders)

Phylum Echinodermata G. hedgehog skin

Class Crinoidea G. like a lily (sea lilies)
Class Holothuroidea L. like a water polyp (sea cucumbers)
Class Echinoidea G. like a spine (sea urchins)
Class Asteroidea G. like a star (star fish)
Class Ophiuroidea G. like a snake (brittle star)

Phylum Chordata G. string

Subphylum Vertebrata G. vertebra
Class Pisces

Phyllis Pottish-Lewis (all rights reserved) 2015

Class Amphibia
Order Urodela G. oura...tail
G. delos...visible
(salamander, newts)
Order Apoda G. a...without
G. podos...foot
Order Anura G. a...without
G. oura...tail
(toads and frogs)
Family Ranidae L. rana...frog true frogs
Family Pelobatidae L. pelo...mud (spade-foot toads)
Family Hylidae G. hyle...wood forest (tree toads)
Family Bufonidae L. bufo...toad (true toads)
Class Reptilia
Class Aves
Class Mammalia

Group Names in Plant and Animal Kingdoms

Plant Animal
Kingdom Kingdom
Division Phylum
Branch Subphylum
Class Class
Sub-Class Order
Family Family
Genus Genus
Species Specie

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