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Unit English Word n, v, Croatian English definition Example Sentence
er No. adj, Hrvatski

a 1 accident n nesrea something bad which happens that a car/traffic accident

is not intended and which causes
injury or damage

a 1 accidental adj sluajan not intended accidental damage

a 13 ache n bol a feeling of pain over an area of There's a dull ache in my right
your body which continues for a shoulder.
long time

a 8 act v glumiti to perform in a play or film He's acted in a number of

successful Hollywood films.

a 8 action film n akcijski film a film in which a lot of exciting Hes starred in several action
things happen, such as people films.
fighting or chasing each other

a 8 actor n glumac someone whose job is to perform Russell Crowe is a famous

in plays and films actor.

a 8 actress n glumica a woman whose job is to perform Nicole Kidman is a famous

in plays and films actress

a 1 Actually Zapravo used when you are saying what is He didn't actually say anything
the truth of a situation; used when important; She sounds English
you are saying something but she's actually Spanish.
surprising; used when you are
disagreeing with someone or
saying no to a request

a 14 addicted ovisan liking something very much and He's addicted to

doing or having it too often chocolate/football.

a 14 addiction n ovisnost when you cannot stop doing or I have a terrible addiction to
taking something because you are chocolate.
addicted to it

a 6 adult n odrasla osoba ili a person or animal that has I'm going to be a doctor when
ivotinja finished growing and is not now a I'm an adult.

a 11 advice n savjet suggestions about what you think She asked me for advice about
someone should do or how they writing a book.
should do something

a 13 afford v priutiti if you can afford to do something, I cant afford a new car.
you have enough money to buy
something or enough time to do

a 6 age limit n dobna granica the age at which a person is The lower age limit for buying
allowed or not allowed to do cigarettes in the UK is sixteen.

a 8 agree v sloiti se, suglasiti se to have the same opinion as I agree with you.

a 16 airport n zrana luka, aerodrom a place where planes take off and Which airport are you flying
land, with buildings for passengers from?
to wait in

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a 12 album n album several songs or pieces of music Have you heard their new
on a CD, a record, etc album?

a 9 alive adj iv living, not dead Are your grandparents still


a 11 all of them svi each of a group Are some of our friends coming
to the cinema or all of them?

a 6 allow v dopustiti to give someone permission for Smoking is not allowed in the
something restaurant.

a 5 already ve before now, or before a particular I've already told him.

time in the past

a 13 ambulance n kola hitne pomoi a vehicle that takes people to She was rushed away in an
hospital when they are ill or hurt ambulance.

a 1 ancient adj drevan, star from a long time ago ancient Greece/Rome

a 2 angry adj ljut, srdit having a strong feeling against He's really angry at/with me for
someone who has behaved badly, upsetting Sophie.
making you want to shout at them
or hurt them

a 13 ankle n zglob the part of your leg that is just Fred hurt his ankle when he fell
above your foot off his bike.

a 13 antiseptic n antiseptik, sredstvo za a substance that you put on an Fred cut his leg, so his mum put
sprjeavanje infekcija injury to prevent infection antiseptic on the cut.

a 5 apartment n stan a set of rooms for someone to live We live in an apartment on the
in on one level of a building or 10th floor of a block.

a 16 apologise v ispriati se to tell someone that you are sorry If you are rude to someone, you
about something that you have should apologise.

a 15 archaeologist n arheolog someone who studies archaeology Archaeologists have discovered

a new type of dinosaur.

a 15 archaeology n arheologija the study of ancient cultures by I want to study archaeology at

looking for and examining their university.
buildings, tools, and other objects

a 11 architect n arhitekt someone who designs buildings My father is an architect he

designed our house.

a 16 arrange v dogovoriti, utanaiti to make the necessary plans and Ive arranged a meeting with
preparations for something to them.

a 15 artist n umjetnik someone who creates art, Picasso was a famous artist.
especially paintings and drawings

a 9 ash n pepeo the soft, grey powder which cigarette ash

remains when something has

a 13 aspirin n aspirin a common drug used to reduce If you have a headache, take an
pain and fever aspirin.

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a 3 athlete n atletiar someone who is very good at a My brother wants to be an
sport and who competes with athlete he's best at the 100m.
others in organised events

a 4 atmosphere n atmosfera the air inside a room or other place a smoky atmosphere

a 1 attack v napasti to use violence to hurt or damage He was attacked and seriously
someone or something injured by a gang of men.

a 9 avalanche n lavina when a large amount of snow falls An avalanche destroyed a

down the side of a mountain village in the mountains

b 6 baby n beba, dojene a very young child a baby girl/boy

b 16 bad luck loa srea likely to cause problems for People say its bad luck to walk
yourself under a ladder.

b 3 badly adv loe in a way that is of low quality or in to behave badly

an unpleasant way

b 2 baggy adj irok, vreast baggy clothes are big and loose I like wearing baggy trousers
because they are comfortable.

b 6 bamboo n bambus a tall plant with hard hollow stems, A lot of bamboo grows in China.
often used for making furniture

b 10 barbecue n zabava s rotiljem na a party at which you cook food In the summer we have a
otvorenom over a fire outdoors barbecue at our house every

b 1 barefoot adj bosonog not wearing any shoes or socks They ran barefoot along the wet

b 5 baseball n bejzbol a game in which two teams try to The New York Yankees are my
win points by hitting a ball and favourite baseball team.
running around four fixed points

b 2 beads n kuglice, perlice small round balls of glass, wood or I bought my sister some beads
plastic that are used for making for Christmas.
jewellery or for decorating things

b 7 big deal velika stvar, vrlo vano important Its no big deal (=it is not
important) if he doesnt come.

b 2 binoculars n dalekozor a piece of equipment for looking at a pair of binoculars

things that are far away, made
from two tubes with glass at the

b 2 biro n keramiko pero a type of pen that has a very small I always write with a biro.
metal ball at its end and a thin
tube of ink inside

b 10 block of flats n stambena zgrada a large building containing many I live on the 20th floor of a block
apartments of flats in London.

b 1 bloke n deko, mladi a man Jake seems like a nice bloke.

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b 9 blow off v otii, otpuhnuti if something blows off, or if the The shed roof blew off in the
wind or an explosion blows storm.
something off, it is removed from
its position by the wind or the

b 11 body n tijelo the whole physical structure of a the human body

person or animal

b 1 bottom adj dno the lowest part of something Click on the icon at the bottom
of the page.

b 12 boy band n pop-grupa sastavljena a group of young men who I used to like Boyzone, but now
od mladia perform pop songs together and my favourite boy band is Blue.
dance as a group

b 11 brain n mozak the organ inside your head that Peter is very intelligent he
controls your thoughts, feelings, must have an enormous brain!
and movements

b 3 break a record v sruiti rekord to do something faster, better, etc He broke the world record for
than anyone else the 200m.

b 4 breathe v disati to take air into and out of your breathe in/out

b 1 brilliant adj odlian, sjajan very good We saw a brilliant film.

b 3 brilliantly adv odlino, sjajno in a way that is very good She performed brilliantly.

b 9 building n zgrada a structure with walls and a roof, an office building

such as a house, school, etc

b 10 bungalow n prizemnica a house that has all its rooms on I'd like to live in a bungalow.
the ground floor

b 6 bungee jumping n bungee (skakanje s the sport of jumping from a very When I was in New Zealand, I
mosta pri emu su high place with a long elastic rope went bungee jumping it was
skakaeve noge tied to your leg, so that the rope so exciting!
privrene gumenim pulls you back before you hit the
konopom) ground

b 14 burn v zapaliti, spaliti to destroy something with fire, or I burnt all his letters.
to be destroyed by fire

b 2 button n gumb a small, round object that you to do up/undo your buttons
push through a hole to fasten

c 16 calculate v raunati, izraunati, to discover an amount or number to calculate a cost/percentage

kalkulirati using mathematics

c 16 calculation n raunanje, kalkulacija when you use mathematics to I did some quick calculations to
discover a number or amount see if I could afford to buy it.

c 8 cameramen n kamerman, filmski a man who operates television My dad is a cameraman for the
snimatelj cameras or film cameras as a job BBC.

c 8 can't stand v ne podnositi if you cant stand something or Julia thinks shes all right but I
someone, you hate them cant stand her.

c 10 caravan n kola za putovanje i a vehicle which people can live in a caravan site
stanovanje, stambena on holiday and which is pulled by a
prikolica car

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c 5 career n karijera a job that you do for a long period a successful career in marketing
of your life and that gives you the
chance to move to a higher
position and earn more money

c 1 carry v nositi to hold something or someone He was carrying my bags.

with your hands, arms, or on your
back and take them from one
place to another

c 7 cash n gotovina, (gotov) novac money in any form She's a bit short of cash at the

c 2 casual adj leeran, sportski casual clothing is comfortable and I don't like wearing casual
not suitable for formal occasions clothes I always wear a suit.

c 1 catch v uhvatiti to get on a bus, train, etc in order You can catch the bus from the
to travel somewhere top of the hill.

c 4 cause v uzrokovati to make something happen The hurricane caused

widespread damage.

c 2 cave n pilja a large hole in the side of a cliff Thousands of years ago, people
(=straight, high rock next to the lived in caves.
sea), mountain, or under the

c 14 CD drive n ureaj na raunalu u koji a place on a computer where you The CD drive in my computer is
se stavlja CD put a CD broken.

c 1 century n stoljee a period of 100 years, especially the twentieth century

used in giving dates

c 13 ceramic adj keramiki made by shaping and heating clay a ceramic pot

c 6 ceremony n ceremonija, sveanost a formal event that is performed a wedding/marriage ceremony

on important social or religious

c 14 change something for promijeniti neto za bolje to improve something I want to change my computer
the better for a better one.

c 14 chat v avrljati, brbljati to talk with someone in a friendly I wanted to chat to you about
and informal way the party on Saturday.

c 14 chat n avrljanje, brbljanje a friendly, informal conversation I had a nice chat with my friend

c 14 chat room n prostor za interaktivni a place on the Internet where you I spent two hours in chat room,
razgovor vie korisnika can use email for discussions with talking to a boy from Argentina.
preko interneta other people

c 13 chemical n kemijski preparat, a basic substance that is used in I don't like food that has lots of
kemikalija chemistry or produced by chemicals in it.

c 13 chest n prsa the front of your body between a hairy chest

your neck and your waist

c 6 child n dijete a young person who is not yet an an eight-year-old child


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c 10 chimney n dimnjak a wide pipe that allows smoke Our house has two chimneys.
from a fire to go out through the

c 1 cholera n kolera a serious disease that affects the 100 years ago, lots of people
stomach and bowels, usually died of cholera.
caused by dirty water or food

c 8 cinema n kino a building where you go to watch There's a great cinema in my

films town I watch a film every

c 15 civilisation n civilizacija human society with its developed We're studying ancient
social organisations, or the culture civilisations especially the
and way of life of a society at a Greeks and the Romans.
particular period of time

c 12 clarinet n klarinet a musical instrument like a long, I play the clarinet in our school
black tube, that you play by orchestra.
blowing into it and pressing metal

c 12 classical adj klasian traditional in style classical dance/music

c 9 cliff n litica, stijena an area of high, steep rocks From the top of the cliffs in the
beside the sea south of England, you can see

c 4 climate change n klimatska promjena a permanent change in the Climate change is going to be a
weather conditions, especially the big problem in the next 50
change towards warmer, wetter years.

c 1 climb v popeti se to go up something, or onto the to climb a ladder/tree/mountain

top of something

c 7 clown n klaun a performer who has special We had a clown at our school
clothes and a painted face and disco he was funny!
makes people laugh

c 4 coal n ugljen a hard, black substance that is dug a lump of coal

from under the ground and burnt
as fuel

c 9 coast n obala the land beside the sea The island lies off the North
African coast (=in the sea near
North Africa).

c 4 coastal adj obalni situated on or relating to the coast a coastal town/resort

c 13 cold adj hladan having a low temperature I don't like cold weather I want
to move from Finland to the
south of Spain!

c 6 come of age v postati punoljetan to reach the age when you are In Britain, you come of age
legally recognised as an adult when you're 21.

c 11 Come on! Hajde! used to encourage someone to do Come on! We're going to be
something, to hurry, to try harder, late.

c 8 comedy n komedija entertainment such as a film, play, The film is described as a

etc which is funny romantic comedy.

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c 13 comic n strip a magazine with stories told in I usually read comics and
pictures magazines, not books.

c 13 common adj uobiajen happening often or existing in Injuries are common in sports
large numbers such as hockey.

c 16 communicate v komunicirati to share information with others by We can now communicate

speaking, writing, moving your instantly with people on the
body, or using other signals other side of the world.

c 16 communication n komunikacija the act of communicating with The school is improving

other people communication between
teachers and parents.

c 1 competition n natjecanje an organised event in which to enter a competition

people try to win a prize by being
the best, fastest, etc

c 2 concert n koncert a performance of music and a pop concert


c 3 confident adj samouvjeren, pouzdan, certain about your ability to do a confident grin
samosvjestan things well

c 13 congratulations estitam something that you say when you Congratulations on doing an
want to congratulate someone outstanding job!

c 14 connect v povezati, spojiti to join two things or places A small bridge connects the two
together parts of the building.

c 14 connection n veza something that joins things Many companies now offer free
together connection to the Internet.

c 1 control v kontrolirati to make a person, organisation, or A board of directors controls the

object do what you want company.

c 16 conversation n razgovor, konverzacija a talk between two or more a telephone conversation

people, usually an informal one

c 2 cook n kuhar someone who prepares and cooks I love cooking I'd like to be a
food professional cook.

c 1 coral n koralj a hard, usually pink or white a coral reef

substance produced by a type of
very small sea animal

c 8 cosmetic surgery n plastina kirurgija any medical operation which is Lots of American teenagers
done to improve a persons have cosmetic surgery.

c 10 cottage n koliba a small house, usually in the When I'm old, I'd like to live in a
countryside pretty cottage in the country.

c 12 country n zemlja, drava an area of land that has its own Russia is the biggest country in
government, army, etc the world.

c 14 crash v razbiti se, pokvariti se if a computer or computer system My computer crashed and I lost
crashes, it suddenly stops working all my homework!

c 13 cruel adj okrutan extremely unkind, or causing a cruel joke

people or animals to suffer

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c 4 cut down v odsjei, posjei to make a tree or other plant fall to My dad's going to cut down the
the ground by cutting it near the tree in our garden, because it's
bottom too close to the house.

c 4 cycle lane n biciklistika staza a part of the road which is for There are lots of cycle lanes in
people who are riding bikes my town.

c 15 cyclist n biciklist someone who rides a bicycle There aren't many cyclists in my
town everyone has a car.

d 9 damage n teta, oteenje harm or injury There was a lot of damage after
the storm.

d 1 dangerous adj opasan if someone or something is a dangerous chemical

dangerous, they could harm you

d 9 dead adj mrtav not now alive She's been dead for 20 years

d 2 decorated adj ureen, dekoriran made to look more attractive or We've moved into a new house
special, having had things added it's beautifully decorated.

d 15 decorator n dekorator someone whose job is to paint My brother's got a summer job
rooms in houses and buildings as a decorator, painting
people's houses.

d 3 deep adj dubok having a long distance from the The water is a lot deeper than it
top to the bottom seems.

d 2 denim adj dins, traper thick, strong, cotton cloth, usually a denim jacket
blue, which is used to make

d 13 dentist n zubar someone who examines and I've got an appointment at the
repairs teeth dentist's tomorrow.

d 8 designer clothes dizajnerska odjea expensive clothes designed by I cant afford designer clothes.
people who are famous for
designing clothes

d 9 destroy v unititi to damage something so badly Many works of art were

that it does not exist or cannot be destroyed in the fire.

d 9 destruction n unitenje when something is destroyed We are all responsible for the
destruction of the forest.

d 10 detached adj odvojen, samostalan a detached building is not joined to We live in a large detached
another building house.

d 16 devil n sotona, vrag an evil spirit There's a painting of the devil in

my local church.

d 1 die v umrijeti to stop living At least 3,000 people have died

in the earthquake.

d 8 director n redatelj someone who tells the actors in a Steven Spielberg is a famous
film or play what to do film director.

d 4 disappear v nestajati, nestati to become impossible to see; to She watched him disappear into
stop existing the crowd; These flowers are
disappearing from our

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d 9 disaster n velika nesrea, propast, something that causes a lot of floods and other natural
katastrofa harm or damage disasters

d 12 disco n disko, diskoteka a place or event where people We sometimes have a disco at
dance to pop music our school.

d 15 discovery n otkrie when someone discovers There was a story in the paper
something about the discovery of bones in
the garden.

d 1 disease n bolest an illness caused by an infection heart disease

or by a failure of health and not by
an accident

d 14 disk drive n ureaj za spremanje a piece of computer equipment My computer has two disk
podataka na disk te za that allows information to be drives.
itanje istih stored on and read from a disk

d 7 doctor n lijenik a person whose job is to treat I have to go to the doctor's for a
people who have an illness or check-up.

d 8 don't mind v ne brinuti, ne mariti if you dont mind something, you I dont mind the cold but I do
are not worried or annoyed by it mind the dark evenings.

d 10 Down Under Australija, u Australiji Australia, or in Australia My uncle lives down under
we're going to visit him this

d 14 download v elektroniki snimati to copy computer programs or You can download this software
raunalne programe ili information electronically, usually free from their website.
informacije from a large computer to a small

d 8 drama n drama plays and acting generally modern drama

d 3 dramatic adj dramski, dramatian very sudden or noticeable; full of a dramatic change/improvement
action and excitement

d 8 dream n san a series of events and images that I had a bad dream.
happen in your mind while you are

d 6 dress up v dotjerati se, obui se (za to wear special clothes in order to He dressed up as Superman for
igru ili zabavu) change your appearance, usually the party.
for a game or party

d 15 driver n voza someone who drives a vehicle a bus/train driver

d 4 drop litter v bacati smee to drop paper and other bits of You mustn't drop litter in the
rubbish on the ground street.

d 3 drummer n bubnjar someone who plays a drum I want to be the drummer in a

rock band

d 12 drums n bubnjevi round, hollow musical instruments He plays the drums in a band.
that you hit with your hands or with

d 2 dye n boja a substance that is used to I used dye to make my hair

change the colour of something green.

e 3 early adj ran near the beginning of a period of Nirvana were the biggest rock
time, process, etc band in the early 1990s.

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e 8 earn v zaraditi to get money for doing work She earns more than 40,000 a

e 9 earthquake n potres a sudden movement of the Earth's A powerful earthquake struck

surface, often causing severe eastern Turkey last night.

e 3 easily adv lako with no difficulty This diary fits easily into my

e 16 educate v obrazovati to teach someone at a school or She was educated at the Perse
college School.

e 16 education n obrazovanje the process of teaching and More money should be spent on
learning in a school or college, or education.
the knowledge that you get from

e 6 elderly adj stariji a more polite word for 'old', used an elderly man
to describe people

e 12 electric guitar n elektrina gitara a guitar (=musical instrument with I want an electric guitar, so I can
strings that you pull or hit) which join a rock and roll band.
you play using electrical

e 12 electronic adj elektronski electronic equipment consists of My dad's always buying

things such as computers, electronic things he got a new
televisions, and radios DVD player last week

e 5 elevator n lift, dizalo a machine that carries people up I live on the 20th floor, so I
and down in tall buildings usually take the elevator

e 1 emigrate v iseliti se, emigrirati to leave your own country to go We're thinking of emigrating to
and live in another one New Zealand.

e 15 empire n carstvo, imperij a group of countries that is ruled The Roman Empire was
by one person or government enormous.

e 14 employee n djelatnik, zaposlenik someone who is paid to work for a How many employees does the
person or company firm have?

e 4 energy source n izvor energije something such as oil or wind In the future we will have more
which can be used to provide electricity from energy sources
power like wind and solar power.

e 16 entertain v zabavljati to keep someone interested and We hired a clown to entertain

help them to have an enjoyable the children.

e 16 entertainment n zabava shows, films, television, or other popular entertainment

performances or activities that
entertain people

e 4 environment n okoli the air, land, and water where I try to use products that are
people, animals, and plants live less damaging to the

e 16 equipment n oprema the things that are used for a kitchen/office equipment
particular activity or purpose

e 3 event n dogaaj something that happens, Local people have been

especially something important or shocked by recent events in the
unusual town.

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e 11 everyone svatko every person I've received a reply from
everyone now.

e 11 everything sve all things or each thing They lost everything in the fire.

e 11 everywhere svugdje in or to every place I've looked everywhere, but I

still can't find that letter.

e 16 evil adj zao very cruel, bad, or harmful an evil monster

e 7 examine v ispitivati, pregledati to look at someone or something She picked up the knife and
very carefully, especially to try to examined it closely.
discover something

e 3 excellent adj odlian very good, or of a very high quality That was an excellent meal.

e 8 excitement n uzbuenje when people feel very happy and The competition is causing a lot
enthusiastic of excitement.

e 3 exciting adj uzbudljiv making you feel very happy and an exciting football match

e 15 expedition n ekspedicija an organised journey, especially a Peary led the first expedition to
long one for a particular purpose the North Pole.

e 3 expensive adj skup costing a lot of money expensive jewellery

e 15 explanation n objanjenje the details or reasons that What's your explanation for the
someone gives to make something team's poor performance?
clear or easy to understand

e 1 explore v istraivati to go around a place where you The children love exploring.
have never been in order to find
out what is there

e 15 explorer n istraiva someone who travels to places My grandfather was an explorer

where no one has ever been in he discovered a new
order to find out what is there mountain in Brazil.

e 14 eyesight n vid the ability to see My eyesight is getting worse.

f 2 fabric n tkanina cloth a light/woollen fabric

f 7 face n lice the front part of the head where She's got a long, thin face.
the eyes, nose, and mouth are, or
the expression on this part

f 12 fan n oboavatelj someone who admires and More than 15,000 Liverpool fans
supports a famous person, sport, attended Saturday's game.
type of music, etc

f 7 fancy dress n otmjena odjea special clothes that people wear a fancy dress party
for a party, which make them look
like a different person

f 3 far adj dalek used to talk about how distant It's the first time I've been so far
something is away from home.

f 10 farm n farma an area of land with fields and a dairy farm

buildings that is used for growing
crops and keeping animals as a

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f 15 farmer n farmer someone who owns or looks after I'd like to live in the country and
a farm be a farmer

f 1 farmland n obradiva zemlja land which is used for or suitable I live in the country my house
for farming is in the middle of farmland.

f 2 fashionable adj moderan popular at a particular time fashionable clothes

f 3 fast adj brz moving, happening, or doing fast cars

something quickly

f 10 fence n ograda a wood, wire, or metal structure a garden/electric fence

that divides or goes around an

f 15 figure n figura, oblije, skulptura a model of a person She has various little china
figures on the shelf.

f 14 file n registar, dosje, datoteka a collection of information such as Do you want to download all
text, pictures, or computer these files?
programs stored together
electronically with a single name

f 8 film set n mjesto snimanja filma a place where a film is made I met Tom Cruise on the film set.

f 8 film star n filmska zvijezda a famous cinema actor or actress Russell Crowe is an Australian
film star.

f 1 fit adj u dobroj formi, zdrav healthy, especially because you He's very fit for his age he can
exercise regularly run 10km.

f 6 flag n zastava a piece of cloth with a special the French flag

design and colours, that is fixed to
a pole as the symbol of a country
or group

f 6 flame n plamen hot, bright, burning gas produced Smoke and flames were pouring
by something on fire out of the burning factory.

f 2 flared adj trapezastog oblika describes trousers which are wide flared jeans
below the knee

f 5 flat n stan a set of rooms to live in, with all a large block of flats
the rooms on one level of a

f 4 flood n poplava when a lot of water covers an area The flood destroyed thousands
that is usually dry, especially when of homes.
a river becomes too full

f 10 floor n pod, kat a surface that you walk on inside a a wooden/tiled floor; I work on
building; a particular level of a the first floor

f 3 fluent adj tekui, gladak, bez able to use a language naturally She is fluent in six languages.
potekoa without stopping or making

f 3 fluently adv tekue, glatko, bez using a language naturally, without He speaks Japanese fluently.
potekoa stopping or making mistakes

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f 12 flute n flauta a musical instrument in the shape I play the flute in our school
of a tube that is held out to the orchestra.
side and played by blowing across
a hole near one end

f 12 folk adj narodna glazba, folk- music written and played in a I don't like folk music I prefer
glazba traditional style Techno.

f 7 fool n budala a stupid person I was a fool to trust him.

f 15 footballer n nogometa someone who plays football, David Beckham is a famous

especially as their job footballer.

f 11 forget v zaboraviti to be unable to remember a fact, I've forgotten his name.

something that happened, or how
to do something

f 4 fragile adj lomljiv easily broken, damaged, or a fragile china cup


f 3 free diving n ronjenje na dah swimming underwater without Tanya Streeter is the world free
equipment diving champion.

f 10 friendly adj ljubazan behaving in a pleasant, kind way a friendly face/smile

towards someone

f 8 frightening adj zastraujui making you feel afraid or nervous a very frightening film

f 7 frown v namrtiti se to make your face show that you She frowned when I mentioned
are annoyed or worried by moving his name.
your eyebrows (=lines of hair
above your eyes)

f 1 frozen adj zamrznut turned into ice The pond was frozen and
people were skating on it.

f 4 fumes n ispuni plinovi strong, unpleasant, and often car exhaust fumes
dangerous gas or smoke

f 7 fun n zabava enjoyment or pleasure, or You'll like it it's good fun!

something that gives you
enjoyment or pleasure

f 7 funny adj smijean making you smile or laugh a funny story

g 10 garage n garaa a small building, often built next to We keep our car in the garage
a house, that you can put a car in next to our house.

g 10 garage n garage (vrsta glazbe) fast, electronic dance music with a I prefer Garage to Techno.
strong beat, keyboards and

g 5 garbage n smee things that you throw away Don't forget to take out the
because you do not want them garbage.

g 10 garden n dvorite, vrt an area of ground belonging to a the front/back garden

house, often containing grass,
flowers, or trees

g 7 Get a move on! Pokreni se! used to rudely ask someone to Come on, get a move on! We
hurry havent got all day.

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 13

g 2 get a surprise v iznenaditi se if you get a surprise something I got a nice surprise this
happens that you were not morning Peter rang.

g 2 get an idea v doi na ideju to suddenly think of a plan Where did you get the idea for
the painting?

g 2 get angry v naljutiti se to get a strong feeling against He wasnt listening to a word I
someone, making you want to was saying and I was getting
shout at them or hurt them really angry.

g 2 get close v zbliiti se to become nearer I saw Tom Cruise in the

supermarket, but I couldn't get
close to him.

g 2 get home v doi doma to arrive at the place where you I didnt get home till midnight.

g 6 get married v vjenati se, oeniti se, to begin a legal relationship with We got married last year.
udati se someone as their husband or wife

g 2 get old v ostarjeti to start to show that you have lived My dad's getting old his hair is
for a long time and are not now almost white!

g 9 get rid of me v rijeiti me se to make someone leave or stop Fred wants to get rid of his old
your relationship with someone Playstation.

g 2 get the answer v odgovoriti, imati odgovor to give the correct number or This maths question is really
information as a reply to a hard, but I think I've got the
question in a test answer.

g 2 get to school v doi u kolu to travel to and arrive at school How do you get to school?

g 8 get up v ustati to wake up and get out of bed What time do you get up in the

g 2 get wet v smoiti se to get water on some or all of your I didnt have an umbrella so I
body got really wet.

g 15 give it a go neto probati po prvi put to try something for the first time Id never been skiing before but
I thought Id give it a go.

g 7 glad adj sretan, radostan happy about something She's very glad that she left.

g 4 global warming n globalno zatopljenje when the air around the world They say that global warming is
becomes warmer because of caused by cars and factories.

g 2 go for a walk v ii u etnju, ii proetati to walk for pleasure We thought wed go for a walk
after dinner.

g 3 gold medal n zlatna medalja a small, round disc given to Kelly Holmes won two gold
someone for winning a race or medals at the Athens Olympics.

g 8 goldfish bowl n zdjela za zlatnu ribicu a bowl which is usually round and My pet goldfish lives in a
made of glass and is used for goldfish bowl in the kitchen.
keeping fish in, especially goldfish

g 15 good luck sretno something you say to someone Good luck with your English
when you hope they will be exam Maria!

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 14

g 10 good-humoured adj dobro raspoloen pleasant and friendly My friend Robert is very good-
humoured, always smiling.

g 11 grade n ocjena a number or letter that shows how Liam never studies, but he
good someone's work or always gets good grades.
performance is

g 6 grow v narasti, porasti to develop and become bigger or Children grow very quickly.
taller as time passes

g 1 gunshot n hitac (iz puke) when a gun is fired I heard a gunshot and rushed
into the street.

g 3 gymnastics n gimnastika a sport in which you do physical Gymnastics is my favourite

exercises on the floor and on event at the Olympic Games.
different pieces of equipment,
often in competitions

h 7 hairstyle n frizura the style in which someone Do you like my new hairstyle?
arranges their hair

h 13 hang on to v ne putati iz ruku, to keep someone or something I've got a new Playstation 2, but
zadrati and not get rid of them I'm going to hang on to my old

h 3 happily adv sretno in a happy way I thought he was happily


h 3 hard adj teak, tvrd, vrst difficult to do or understand; not It must be hard to study with all
easy to bend, cut or break this noise; There was a heavy
frost last night and the ground is
still hard.

h 8 hate v mrziti to dislike someone or something They've hated each other since
very much they were kids.

h 7 have a drink popiti pie to drink something I always have a drink of coffee
in the morning.

h 3 have a go at someone kritizirati nekoga to criticise someone He started having a go at me

because I thought I wasnt
paying attention.

h 7 have a good laugh zabavljati se to laugh a lot and enjoy yourself We had a really good laugh at
Marias last night.
h 7 have a good time dobro se provesti to enjoy yourself I always have a good time in
music lessons at school.

h 7 have fun zabaviti se to enjoy yourself Did you have fun at the party
last night?

h 13 headache n glavobolja pain inside your head I've got a really bad headache.

h 12 headphones n slualice a piece of equipment that you a pair of headphones

wear over your ears so that you
can listen to music without anyone
else hearing it

h 13 health n zdravlje the condition of your body to be in good/poor health

h 13 heart n srce the organ inside your chest that Isabel's heart was beating fast.
sends blood around your body

h 12 heavy metal n heayv metal (vrsta a type of very loud, modern music I love heavy metal The
glazbe) Darkness and Iron Maiden are
my favourite bands.

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h 1 helpful adj koristan, koji je od useful helpful advice/comments

h 13 herb n trava, biljka a plant that is used in cooking to I love herbs, especially mint and
add flavour to food or used in basil.

h 12 hi-fi n aparat za reproduciranje a set of electronic equipment for I've got a new Hi-Fi.
zvuka, glazbena linija playing music, consisting of a CD
player, radio, etc

h 3 high jump n skok uvis a sports event in which people try I'm good at the high jump I
to jump over a bar which gets can jump 1.5 metres.
higher and higher during the

h 9 hit v udariti to touch someone or something The car skidded and hit a wall.
quickly and with force, usually
causing injury or damage

h 9 hit n hit, uspjenica a very successful song, film, book, The film Titanic was a big hit.

h 3 Hold on! Stani! something that you say to show Hold on! You've forgotten your
that you are surprised or confused bag!
by something and want to think
about it for a short time

h 13 hole n rupa, otvor a hollow space in something, or an a bullet hole

opening in a surface

h 5 holiday n odmor a long visit to a place away from Were going on a skiing holiday
where you live, for pleasure next week.

h 1 hope v nadati se to want something to happen or be I hope the bus won't be late.

h 13 horrible adj uasan, grozan very unpleasant or bad What's that horrible smell?

h 8 horror film n film strave i uasa a film that entertains people by I don't like horror films I prefer
shocking or frightening them comedies.

h 16 horseshoe n potkova a U-shaped piece of metal that is I keep a horseshoe on my

nailed to a horse's foot bedroom door it brings me
good luck.

h 7 hospital n bolnica a place where ill or injured people He was in hospital for two
go to be treated by doctors and weeks.

h 8 housework n kuni poslovi the work that you do to keep your I can't stand doing housework.
house clean

h 10 housing estate n planski izgraena an area with a large number of I live on a big housing estate in
stambena etvrt houses that were built at the same New York.

h 9 huge adj ogroman extremely large a huge house

h 4 hurricane n estoka oluja, hurikan, a violent storm with very strong There was a terrible hurricane in
uragan winds Florida last week lots of
houses were destroyed.

h 13 hurt v povrijediti, boljeti to cause someone pain or to injure Simon hurt his knee playing
them; if a part of your body hurts, it football; My arm hurts when I
is painful write.

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h 4 hydro-electric dam n hidroelektrina brana A strong wall built across a river to A big new hydro-electric dam in
stop the water and make a lake, China will provide electricity for
which is used to produce electricity millions of people.

i 7 I see. Razumijem. said to mean you understand No, these files go in here.
Oh, I see.

i 11 I wonder Pitam se said when you want to know I wonder what hes cooking for
something or want to know the dinner.
reason for something

i 1 illness n bolest a disease of the body or mind a serious/terminal illness

i 3 I'm off! Ja idem! said when you are leaving Well, Im off. See you all
somewhere tomorrow.

i 8 image n slika, odraz a picture, especially on film or He showed me some black and
television or in a mirror white images from the film.

i 1 imagine v zamisliti to create an idea or picture of Imagine being able to do all

something in your mind your shopping from your

i 14 importance n vanost, znaaj how important someone or He emphasised the importance

something is of following safety procedures.

i 3 important adj vaan, znaajan valuable, useful, or necessary My family is very important to

i 16 improve v poboljati se, poboljati to get better or to make something Scott's behaviour has improved
better a lot lately.

i 16 improvement n poboljanje when something gets better or home improvements

when you make it better

i 4 increase n poveanje, porast when the number, size or amount a price/tax increase
of something gets bigger

i 4 increase v poveati se, porasti to get bigger or to make something Exports of computers have
bigger in size or amount increased by 15% since

i 14 independent adj neovisan not wanting or needing anyone She's a proud, independent
else to help you or do things for woman.

i 2 informal adj neformalan relaxed and friendly an informal discussion/meeting

i 16 information n informacije, obavijesti facts about a situation, person, a vital piece of information
event, etc

i 9 injure v ozlijediti, raniti to hurt a person, animal, or part of She injured her ankle when she
your body fell.

i 14 injuries n ozljede, rane damage to someones body in an The passenger in the car
accident or attack escaped with minor injuries.

i 2 ink n tinta a coloured liquid that you use for Oh no! I've got ink all over my
writing, printing, or drawing new trousers!

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 17

i 14 inspiration n inspiracija someone or something that gives Africa has long been a source of
you ideas for doing something inspiration for his painting.

i 11 intelligence n inteligencija the ability to learn, understand, She is a child of high

and think about things intelligence.

i 3 intelligent adj inteligentan, pametan able to learn and understand She is a highly intelligent young
things easily woman.

i 3 interesting adj zanimljiv someone or something that is Hes a really interesting person.
interesting keeps your attention
because they are unusual,
exciting, or have lots of ideas

i 11 interpersonal adj meuljudski connected with relationships interpersonal skills

between people

i 2 invent v izumiti to design or create something that We've invented a new game.
has never existed before

i 2 invention n izum something that has been designed A lot of great inventions have
or created for the first time come from America.

i 2 inventor n izumitelj someone who designs and makes John Logie Baird, from
new things Scotland, was the inventor of

i 4 island n otok an area of land that has water the Caribbean island of
around it Grenada

i 14 IT n infornacijska tehnologija information technology: the use of IT is my favourite subject at

computers and other electronic school. At the moment we're
equipment to store and send learning how to build web sites.

j 12 jazz n jazz (vrsta glazbe) music with a strong beat that is He plays the saxophone in a
often played without written music jazz band.

j 7 joke n ala, vic something which someone says to to tell/make a joke

make people laugh, usually a short
story with a funny ending

j 15 journalist n novinar someone whose job is writing My sister is a journalist. She

articles for newspapers, works for The New York Times.
magazines, television or radio

j 1 journey n putovanje when you travel from one place to a car/train journey

j 3 jump v skoiti to push your body up and away The children were jumping up
from the ground using your feet and down with excitement.
and legs

j 3 jump n skok when you push your body up into He won with a jump of 8.5
the air using your feet and legs metres.

j 10 jungle n dungla an area of land, usually in tropical I wouldn't like to live in the
countries, where trees and plants jungle there are too many
grow close together dangerous animals there.

j 5 just upravo, ba a very short time ago I've just been on a trip to

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 18

k 3 keyboard n tipkovnica a set of keys on a computer, which The keyboard on my computer
you press to make it work; an is broken; I play the keyboard in
electrical musical instrument our band.
similar to a piano

k 7 kid n dijete a child or young person school kids

k 15 kitten n mai, mae a young cat I've got a new kitten

k 9 knock down v sruiti to destroy something that has Theyve knocked down my old
been built school.

k 15 ladder n ljestve a piece of equipment which is I used a ladder to got onto the
used to reach high places, roof of our house.
consisting of short steps fixed
between two long sides

l 7 landlord n najmodavac a man from whom you rent a room The landlord of our house is
or house very nice.

l 14 laptop n laptop, prijenosno a computer that is small enough to I'd love a laptop, but they're too
raunalo be carried around and used where expensive.
you are sitting

l 2 laugh v smijati se to smile while making sounds with You never laugh at my jokes.
your voice that show you are
happy or think something is funny

l 7 laughter n smijeh the sound or act of laughing I heard the sound of laughter in
the room next door.

l 13 leech n pijavica a fat worm which lives in wet While I was walking through the
places and fastens itself onto the jungle, I found a leech on my
bodies of people and animals to leg.
take their blood

l 6 let v dopustiti to allow someone to do something, Let them play outside.

or to allow something to happen

l 6 liana n lijana, povijua the name given to the various Tarzan used lianas to swing
climbing and twining plants which through the forest.
abound in tropical forests

l 1 life n ivot the time between a person's birth I'm not sure I want to spend the
and their death rest of my life with him.

l 5 lift n lift, dizalo a machine that carries people up Shall we use the stairs or take
and down in tall buildings the lift?

l 14 link n veza a connection between documents Click on this link to visit our
or areas on the Internet online bookstore.

l 4 litter n otpaci, smee pieces of paper and other waste I hate seeing people drop litter.
that are left in public places

l 1 live adj uivo a live radio or television I saw U2 live in Boston.

programme or concert is seen or
heard as it happens

l 14 log on v prijaviti se raunalnom to connect a computer to a system There was a problem with my
sustavu unoenjem of computers by typing your name, computer and I couldn't log on.
razliitih identifikacijskih usually so that you can start
podataka working

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 19

l 11 logical adj logiki using reason a logical choice/conclusion

l 3 long jump n skok udalj a sports event in which people try I'm good at the long jump I
to jump as far as possible can jump 5 metres.

l 10 longboat n barkasa, veliki amac A type of boat used by the Vikings The Vikings invaded Britain in
thousands of longboats.

l 3 low adj nizak below the usual level a low income

l 2 low-waisted adj sa sputenim strukom describes trousers or skirts which Ive just bought some low-
cover very little of the stomach waisted jeans.

l 9 luckily adv sreom, nasreu used to say that it is good that Luckily he was late too.
something happened or happens
in a particular way

l 9 lucky adj sretan having good things happen to you "I'm going on holiday."
"Lucky you!"

l 16 lucky break trenutak sree an opportunity to do something Her lucky break came when she
that will make you very successful was spotted in a shampoo

l 8 luxury adj luksuzan very expensive Were staying in a luxury hotel.

l 12 lyrics n stihovi the words of a song She really loves Coldplay. She
knows the lyrics to all their

m 8 magazine n asopis a thin book published every week I usually buy a fashion
or month, that has shiny, colourful magazine every month.
pages with articles and pictures

m 7 make a fool of yourself napraviti budalu od sebe to behave in a silly or I got drunk and started singing
embarrassing way and making a fool of myself.

m 7 make a funny face kreveljiti se, raditi to make a silly expression with My little sister made a funny
grimase your face in order to make people face at her teacher.

m 7 make a mistake pogrijeiti to do something that is wrong I make a lot of mistakes when
Im speaking French.

m 5 make breakfast pripremiti doruak to prepare the meal that you eat in I was just making breakfast for
the morning the kids.

m 7 make fun of someone ismijavati nakoga to make a joke about someone in Theyre always making fun of
a way that is not kind their teacher.

m 7 make someone laugh nasmijati nekoga to say or do something that is He really makes me laugh.
funny and causes someone else to

m 16 manage v upravljati, rukovoditi to be in control of an office, shop, He used to manage the

team, etc bookshop on King Street.

m 16 management n upravljanje, voenje the people who are in control of an He cut hundreds of jobs in
office, shop, team, etc middle management.

m 16 manager n upravitelj, ravnatelj someone in control of an office, a sales manager

shop, team, etc

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 20

m 8 marriage n brak the legal relationship of a man and I think they have a happy
a woman being a husband and a marriage.

m 11 mates n prijatelji friends Ive asked a few of my mates


m 11 mathematical adj matematiki relating to mathematics a mathematical


m 10 meal n obrok when you eat, or the food that you a three-course meal
eat at that time

m 13 medical adj medicinski relating to medicine and different medical treatment

ways of curing illness

m 7 medicine n lijek, medicina a substance used to cure an cough medicine; hes studying
illness or injury; the science of medicine at university.
curing and preventing illness and

m 4 melt v otopiti se, topiti if something melts, it changes from The sun soon melted the ice on
a solid into a liquid because of the pond.
heat and if you melt something,
you heat it until it becomes liquid

m 13 member n lan a person who belongs to a group family/staff members

or an organisation

m 11 memorable adj znaajan, znamenit if an occasion is memorable, you a memorable performance

will remember it for a long time
because it is so good

m 11 memorise v zapamtiti, nauiti to learn something so that you I tried to memorise his address.
napamet remember it exactly

m 11 memory n pamenje your ability to remember John has an amazing memory

for historical facts.

m 3 messy adj neuredan untidy or dirty messy hair

m 13 Middle Ages n Srednji vijek the period in European history In the Middle Ages, most people
between the end of the Roman were very poor and had a lot of
Empire and the start of the diseases.

m 6 middle-aged adj sredovjean in the middle of your life before a middle-aged

you are old couple/man/woman

m 6 minimum adj najmanje, najmanji iznos the minimum amount of something How much is the minimum
is the smallest amount that is wage?
allowed, needed, or possible

m 16 mirror n ogledalo, zrcalo a piece of glass with a shiny a bathroom mirror

metallic material on one side
which produces an image of
anything that is in front of it

m 16 moon n Mjesec the round object that shines in the The moon is very beautiful
sky at night and moves around the tonight.

m 1 mountain n planina a very high hill to climb a mountain

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 21

m 14 mouse n mi a small piece of equipment The mouse on my computer's
connected to a computer that you broken, so I'll have to use the
move with your hand to control keyboard.
what the computer does

m 14 mouse pad n podloak za mi the flat piece of material on which I've got a Simpsons mouse pad
you move the mouse for your

m 8 movie n film a film Shall we go and watch a movie?

m 1 museum n muzej a building where you can look at a museum of modern art
important objects connected with
art, history, or science

m 6 music festival n glazbeni festival an organised set of musical There's a big music festival in
performances in one place, taking my town every summer.
place over several days

m 11 musical n glazbeni relating to music musical ability

m 12 musical instrument n glazbeni instrument an object that is used for playing The guitar is my favourite
music, for example a piano or a musical instrument.

m 12 musician n glazbenik someone who plays a musical a talented jazz/classical

instrument, often as a job musician

n 1 Native American n ameriki Indijanac a member of one of the races who The arrival of Europeans wasn't
were living in North and South good for the Native Americans.
American before Europeans

n 13 neck n vrat the part of the body between your He was wearing a gold chain
head and your shoulders around his neck.

n 3 nervous adj nervozan worried and anxious a nervous cough/laugh

n 3 nervously adv nervozno in a worried and anxious way She laughed nervously.

n 14 net n internet the Internet I was surfing the net.

n 11 Never mind! Nema veze! used to tell someone not to worry "Im afraid Ill be late."
about something "Never mind."

n 5 Nice one! Lijepo! used when you are pleased about "She says shell pick us up."
something "Oh, nice one, Josh."

n 8 nine-to-five job n posao od devet do pet a job in which you work the normal I don't want a nine-to-five job. I
hours of an office worker want something more exciting.

n 11 no one nitko no person There was no one I knew at the

party, so I went home.

n 3 noisy adj buan noisy people or things make a lot A crowd of noisy protesters
of noise gathered in the square.

n 7 note n natuknica words that you write down to help She studied her notes before
you remember something the exam.

n 11 nothing n nita not anything I've had nothing to eat since


n 11 nowhere n nigdje not anywhere The room was very crowded.

There was nowhere to sit.

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 22

n 9 nuclear bomb n atomska bomba a bomb which uses the power that I hope I never see nuclear
is produced when the nucleus of bombs being used
an atom is divided or joined to
another nucleus

n 4 nuclear energy n atomska energija energy which is produced when Nuclear energy is very cheap,
the nucleus of an atom is divided but some people don't like it.
or joined to another nucleus

n 7 nurse n medicinska sestra someone whose job is to care for Shes a nurse in the local
ill and injured people hospital.

o 1 ocean n ocean the sea to swim in the ocean

o 5 Off we go! Idemo! used to say that you are starting Time for school. Off we go!
something or leaving somewhere

o 8 offer v ponuditi to ask someone if they would like They offered me a job; John
something; to say that you are offered me a lift home because
willing to do something it was raining.

o 14 offline adj koji nije prikljuen na if a computer is offline it is not I can't check my email. The
internet ili neku slinu connected to a system, of computer's offline at the
raunalnu mreu computers, or not connected to the moment.

o 4 oil n ulje a thick liquid that comes from an oil company

under the Earth's surface that is
used as a fuel and for making
parts of machines move smoothly

o 14 online adj koji je prikljuen na connected to a system of online services

internet ili neku slinu computers, especially the Internet
raunalnu mreu

o 10 outdoor adj vanjski happening, used, or in a place that outdoor activities

is outside and not inside a building

o 15 owner n vlasnik someone who legally owns a property owner


p 13 pain n bol an unpleasant physical feeling chest/stomach pains

caused by an illness or injury

p 13 painful adj bolan causing physical pain Recovery from the operation is
a slow and painful process.

p 8 paparazzi n paparazzi, agresivni the photographers who follow We live next door to Shakira,
fotoreporteri koji nastoje famous people everywhere they and there are always paparazzi
snimiti poznate osobe u go in order to take photographs of outside our house.
senzacionalistikim them for newspapers and
situacijama za potrebe magazines

p 13 patient n pacijent someone who is being treated by a cancer patient

a doctor, nurse, etc

p 2 pattern n uzorak a design of lines, shapes, colours, I like the pattern on your shirt.

p 5 pavement n plonik a path by the side of a road that It's illegal to park on the
people walk on pavement.

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 23

p 13 penicillin n penicilin a type of medicine that kills Penicillin has saved millions of
bacteria and is used to treat illness lives.

p 6 pensioner n umirovljenik someone who receives a pension My grandfather is a pensioner,

so he doesn't have to work.

p 16 performance n predstava acting, singing, dancing, or playing a performance of

music to entertain people Shakespeare's Hamlet

p 6 permission n doputenje, dozvola when you allow someone to do She gave him permission
something without asking any questions.

p 12 personal stereo n mali prijenosni ureaj sa a small electronic machine that I've got a new personal stereo
slualicama najmijenjen plays music and which has it's an iPod.
sluanju radioprograma, headphones so that you can listen
glazbe itd. to music while you are doing other

p 15 photographer n fotograf someone whose job is to take a wedding photographer


p 8 photography n fotografija the activity or job of taking Hes doing a course in

photographs photography.

p 13 physics n fizika the scientific study of natural My favourite science is Physics.

forces, such as energy, heat, light,

p 12 piano n klavir a large wooden musical instrument I play the piano.

with strings inside and black and
white bars that produce sounds
when you press them

p 4 pick up v dignuti, pokupiti to lift someone or something by My mum picks me up from

using your hands school every day.

p 4 planet n planet a large, round object in space that Jupiter is the largest planet of
moves around the sun or another our solar system.

p 11 play from memory v svirati napamet to play a musical instrument I can't read music, so I play from
without looking at the music memory.

p 5 poem n pjesma a piece of writing, especially one love/war poems

that has short lines and uses
words that sound the same

p 5 poet n pjesnik someone who writes poems My older sister wants to be a


p 5 poetry n pjesnitvo poems in general, or the writing of I enjoy all kinds of poetry,
poetry especially love poetry.

p 4 pole n kolac, motka a long, thin stick made of wood or tent poles
metal, often used to hold
something up

p 4 pole n pol the parts of the Earth that are the North and South Poles
furthest north and south

p 9 police rescue service n policijska spasilaka police officers who try to save My brother's stuck up a tree
sluba people who are in dangerous call the Police Rescue Service!

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 24

p 4 pollute v zagaivati to make water, air, soil, etc dirty or We need a fuel that won't
harmful pollute the environment.

p 4 pollution n zagaivanje damage caused to water, air, etc The book shows simple things
by harmful substances or waste you can do to reduce pollution
from your car.
p 2 popular adj popularan liked by many people "Jack" was the most popular
boy's name last year.

p 5 population n stanovnitvo the number of people living in a What's the population of Brazil?
particular area

p 4 power station n elektrina centrala a place where electricity is There's a power station near our
produced house

p 7 practical joke n psina, pakost, podvala a trick using actions and not words to play a practical joke on
to make people laugh someone

p 3 practise v vjebati to repeat something regularly in How often do you practise?

order to improve your ability

p 8 prefer v vie voljeti, vie se to like someone or something I prefer dogs to cats.
sviati more than another person or thing

p 6 prepare v pripremiti to get someone or something I haven't prepared my speech

ready for something that will yet.
happen in the future

p 7 pretend v pretvarati se to behave as if something is true I can't pretend that I like him.
when it is not

p 3 pretty n zgodan, prilino attractive - especially for a woman Your sister is very pretty.
or girl

p 14 print v tampati, tiskati to produce books, newspapers, Fifty thousand booklets have
magazines, etc, usually in large been printed for the exhibition.
quantities, using machines

p 14 printer n tampa, pisa, printer a machine which is connected to a a laser printer

computer and which produces
writing or images on paper

p 15 professor n sveuilini profesor the highest rank of teacher in a Hes a professor of history at
British university, or a teacher in Oxford University.
an American university or college

p 14 program n (raunalni) program a set of instructions that you put to write a computer program
into a computer to make it do

p 14 project n projekt a piece of school work that We're doing a class project on
involves detailed study of a subject the environment.

p 8 promise v obeati to say that you will certainly do She promised to write to me
something or that something will every week.
certainly happen

p 9 protect v zatititi to keep someone or something It's important to protect your

safe from something dangerous or skin from the harmful effects of
bad the sun.

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 25

p 14 provide v pribaviti, opskrbiti to supply something to someone This booklet provides useful
information about local services.

p 14 provider n dobavlja, pribavlja someone who provides something an Internet service provider

p 14 psychological adj psiholoki relating to the human mind and I think Fred's got psychological
feelings problems.

p 14 publish v izdati, objaviti to make information available to We're going to publish a

the public magazine at my school.

p 12 punk n punk (vrsta gazbe i stila) a style of music and fashion in the I love punk. I've got green hair,
1970s which was wild, loud, and and Blink 182 are my favourite
violent band.

q 3 quickly adv brzo fast or in a short time I quickly shut the door.

q 3 quiet adj tih without much noise or activity Can you be quiet, please?
We're trying to work.

r 13 radioactive adj radioaktivan containing harmful radiation radioactive waste

(=energy from a nuclear reaction)

r 4 rainforest n prauma a forest with a lot of tall trees a tropical rainforest

where it rains a lot

r 12 rap n rap (vrsta glazbe) a type of music in which the words a rap artist
are spoken and there is a strong

r 12 rave n rave (dogaaj na kojem an event where people dance to My brother invited me to a rave.
se plee na modernu modern, electronic music
elektronsku glazbu)

r 2 receive v dobiti, primiti to get something that someone Occasionally, he receives letters
has given or sent to you from fans.

r 15 receptionist n recepcionar someone who works in a hotel or a hotel receptionist

office building, answering the
telephone and dealing with guests

r 12 recorded adj snimljen recorded music is music that is I prefer live music to recorded
stored on discs or tapes so that music.
people can listen to it at any time

r 1 recording contract n ugovor o snimanju an agreement with a company to Our band have got a recording
record your music on discs or contract it's so exciting.
tapes so that people can buy it

r 4 recycle v reciklirati to put used paper, glass, plastic, We recycle all our newspapers
etc through a process so that it and bottles.
can be used again

r 4 recycling n recikliranje, reciklaa when paper, glass, plastic, etc is We must find ways to
put through a process so that it encourage recycling.
can be used again

r 8 refuse v odbiti to say that you will not do or I asked him to leave but he
accept something refused.

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 26

r 12 reggae n reggae (vrsta glaze) a type of popular music from I love reggae Bob Marley is
Jamaica with a strong beat my favourite musician.

r 11 relax v opustiti se to become happy and comfortable I find it difficult to relax.

because nothing is worrying you,
or to make someone do this

r 10 relaxed adj oputen feeling happy and comfortable She seemed relaxed and in
because nothing is worrying you control of the situation.

r 14 rely on v osloniti se na, raunati to need someone or something in She relies on me to do her
na order to be successful, work homework for her.
correctly, etc.

r 1 remains n ostaci the parts of something, especially We went to see the remains of a
a building, that continue to exist Buddhist temple.
when the rest of it has been

r 11 remember v sjeati se, sjetiti se if you remember a fact or I can't remember his name.
something from the past, you keep
it in your mind; to not forget

r 11 remind v podsjetiti to make someone remember Every time we meet he reminds

something, or remember to do me about the money he lent me.

r 4 renewable adj koji se moe obnoviti a renewable form of energy can be Wind power is a renewable
produced as quickly as it is used source of energy.

r 7 rent n stanarina the amount of money that you pay They couldn't afford the rent.
to live in a building that someone
else owns

r 8 review n ponovno ispitivanje, the process of considering a review of teachers' pay; Troy
kritika, recenzija something again in order to make had really bad reviews.
changes to it; a report in a
newspaper, magazine, or
programme that gives an opinion
about a new book or a film etc.

r 11 revise v ponavljati to study a subject before you take I revised for weeks before my
a test English exam.

r 9 Richter scale n Richterova skala (sustav a system used to measure the An earthquake measuring 6.1
za mjerenje jaine strength of an earthquake on the Richter Scale has struck
potresa) London.

r 4 rise v dii se, popeti se to increase in level The temperature always rises in
the summer.

r 12 rock n' roll n rock n' roll (vrsta glazbe) a type of dance music that was I love rock 'n' roll especially
very popular in the 1950s Elvis Presley

r 8 romance n romanca a story about love I don't like horror films I prefer

r 8 romantic adj romantian relating to a story about love romantic fiction

r 10 roof n krov the surface that covers the top of a a flat/sloping roof
building or vehicle

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 27

r 6 rope n ue, konop very thick cord made from twisted Always take ropes if you are
thread climbing a mountain.

r 1 round here u okolici near this place Are there any cafes round here?

r 15 royal adj kraljevski relating to a queen or king and the Dutch royal family
their family

r 4 rubbish n otpad, smee things that you throw away Our rubbish gets collected on
because you do not want them Thursdays.

r 15 ruins n ruevine the broken parts that are left from We saw the ruins of an ancient
an old building or town Roman city when we were on

s 8 safe adj siguran not dangerous or likely to cause a safe driver; I always felt safe
harm; not harmed or damaged walking alone at night in Madrid.

s 15 sand n pijesak a substance that is found on a grain of sand

beaches and in deserts, which is
made from very small grains of

s 14 save v spasiti, sauvati, snimiti to stop someone or something He was badly injured, but the
from being killed or destroyed; to doctors saved his life; I forgot to
store work or information save my homework.
electronically on or from a

s 12 saxophone n saksofon a metal musical instrument that I play the saxophone in a jazz
you play by blowing into it and band.
pressing keys to produce different

s 9 scared adj prestraen, uplaen frightened or worried Robert's scared of heights.

s 8 scenery n kraj, krajobraz the attractive, natural things that The Grand Canyon is famous
you see in the countryside for its amazing scenery.

s 8 science fiction n znanstvena fantastika stories about life in the future or in I love science fiction books my
other parts of the universe favourite is 2001.

s 15 scientist n znanstvenik someone who studies science or Albert Einstein was a famous
works in science scientist.

s 3 score a goal v zabiti gol to get a point in a game by Beckham scored a fantastic
sending a ball into a special object goal on Saturday.
or area

s 8 screen n ekran the part of a television or computer I spend most of my day working
which shows images or writing in front of a computer screen.

s 8 script n scenarij the words in a film, play, etc He wrote a number of film

s 4 sea level n razina mora the level of the sea's surface, used The mountain is 5,000 metres
to measure the height of an area above sea level.
of land

s 14 search v traiti to try to find someone or I've searched my bedroom but I

something can't find my watch.

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 28

s 14 search engine n ureaj za pretraivanje a computer program which finds Google is the most popular
information on the Internet by search engine.
looking for words which you have
typed in

s 10 semi-detached adj naslonjen, koji ima a semi-detached house has one We live in a semi-detached
zajedniki zid samo s wall that is joined to another house house.
jednim susjedom

s 1 send v poslati to arrange for something to go or I sent him a letter last week.
be taken somewhere, especially
by post

s 1 settlement n naselje a town or village which people built a Jewish settlement

to live in after arriving from
somewhere else

s 1 settler n naseljenik someone who moves to a new The first European settlers
place where there were not many arrived in Virginia in 1607.
people before

s 3 shallow adj plitak not deep shallow water

s 9 She's got a point. Ona ima pravo. to have said something true or I mean shes got a point we
something that people should could have tried harder.
consider seriously

s 1 ship brod a large boat that carries people or a cruise ship

goods by sea

s 1 shipwreck n brodolom an accident in which a ship is There's a shipwreck of the

destroyed at sea coast.

s 16 shoeshine boy n ista cipela a boy who makes money by I worked as a shoeshine boy in
cleaning peoples shoes in public the summer.

s 16 shoulder n rame where your arm joins your body She looked over her shoulder.
next to your neck

s 5 sidewalk n plonik a path with a hard surface by the Let's sit on the sidewalk and
side of a road that people walk on have a coffee.

s 12 single n singl, singlica a record or CD which includes only I don't buy singles I download
(gramofonska ploa s po one main song MP3s from the Internet.
jednom skladbom na
svakoj strani)

s 1 sink v potonuti, potopiti to go down or make something go The Titanic sank after hitting an
down below the surface of water iceberg.
and not come back up

s 1 site n internetska stranica website (=an area on the Internet I'm building a website.
where information about a
particular subject, organisation, etc
can be found)

s 3 slim adj vitak someone who is slim is thin in an I'm slim because I eat healthy
attractive way food.

s 7 smile v smijeiti se to make a happy or friendly She smiled at me.

expression in which the corners of
your mouth curve up

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s 8 snake n zmija a long, thin creature with no legs I've got a pet snake.
that slides along the ground

s 3 snowboarding n vonja na snowboardu a sport in which you stand on a I prefer snowboarding to skiing.
large board and move over snow

s 13 software n softver programs that you use to make a educational software

computer do different things

s 4 solar energy n solarna energija energy from the sun I think we should use more solar
energy and less nuclear energy.

s 11 someone netko used to refer to a person when you There's someone at the door.
do not know who they are or when
it is not important who they are

s 11 something neto used to refer to a thing when you As soon as I walked in, I noticed
do not know what it is or when it is that something was missing.
not important what it is

s 11 somewhere negdje used to refer to a place when you They had difficulties finding
do not know exactly where it is or somewhere to live.
when it is not important exactly
where it is

s 3 soon skoro, uskoro after a short period of time I've got to leave quite soon.

s 13 sore adj bolan, upaljen painful, especially when touched a sore throat/knee

s 9 sort of nekakav used to describe a situation It's a sort of pale orange colour.

s 8 soundtrack n filmska glazba the music used in a film I bought the soundtrack to

s 8 special effects n specijalni efekti unusual pieces of action in a film The special effects were
or entertainment on stage, created fantastic.
by using special equipment

s 16 spill v proliti to pour liquid somewhere without Someone at the party spilled
intending to red wine on the carpet.

s 16 spirit n duh, sablast, prikaza something which people believe evil spirits
exists but does not have a
physical body, such as a ghost

s 15 square n trg an open area with buildings Trafalgar Square

around it, often in the centre of a

s 2 stage n pozornica the raised area in a theatre where He's on stage for most of the
actors perform play.

s 10 stairs n stube, stubite a set of steps from one level in a to go up/down the stairs
building to another

s 8 star n zvijezda a famous singer, actor, sports a pop star

person, etc

s 8 star v igrati glavnu ulogu if a film, play, etc stars someone, a film starring Nicole Kidman
or if someone stars in a film, play,
etc, they are the main person in it

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 30

s 14 start up v pokrenuti raunalo to switch on a computer so that My computer takes 10 minutes
you can start working on it to start up!

s 12 stereo n stereo, glazbena linija a piece of equipment for playing a car stereo
CDs, listening to the radio, etc that
has two speakers (=parts where
sound comes out)

s 10 stereotype n stereotip a fixed idea that people have racial stereotypes

about what a particular type of
person is like, especially an idea
that is wrong

s 2 stick v zalijepiti to become joined to something Anne stuck a picture of her

else or to make something boyfriend on the wall.
become joined to something else,
usually with a substance like glue

s 13 stomach ache n bol u elucu pain in your stomach I've got terrible stomach ache.

s 3 Stop it! Prestani! said to tell someone to stop saying Don't hurt your sister David.
or doing something Stop it!

s 8 storyline n pria the things that happen in a story The film was good, but the
storyline was quite simple

s 2 straight adj ravan not curved or bent a straight road

s 5 streetcar n tramvaj an electric vehicle for carrying I go to work by streetcar.

passengers, mostly in cities, which
runs along metal tracks in the road

s 11 stressed adj pod stresom worried and not able to relax Tanya's really stressed out
about her exams.

s 14 stressful adj stresan making you stressed a stressful job

s 2 strong adj jak, snaan a strong person or animal is Are you strong enough to lift this
physically powerful table on your own?

s 15 stuff n stvar, stvari used to refer to a substance or a There's some sticky stuff on the
group of things or ideas, etc carpet.
without saying exactly what they

s 8 stunt n akrobacija when someone does something He always does his own stunts.
dangerous that needs great skill,
usually in a film

s 8 stuntwoman n dublerica, kaskaderka a woman who is paid to perform My aunt Julia is a stuntwoman
stunts, especially instead of an in Hollywood.
actress in a film

s 2 style n stil a way of doing something that is a style of painting/writing

typical of a particular person,
group, place, or period; a way of
designing hair, clothes, furniture,

s 1 submarine n podmornica a boat that travels under water We live in a yellow submarine.

s 5 subway n podzemna eljeznica an American word for the system We can take the subway to
of trains that travel underground Grand Central Station.

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 31

s 14 success n uspjeh something that has a good result His first film was a great
or that is very popular success.

s 3 successful adj uspjean achieving what you want to If the operation is successful,
achieve she should be walking within a
few months.
s 13 suck v sisati to have something in your mouth to suck a sweet/lollipop
and use your tongue, lips, etc to
pull on it or to get liquid, air, etc out
of it

s 2 suddenly adv iznenada quickly and unexpectedly I suddenly realised who she

s 10 suntanned adj preplanuo having a brown skin after being in Emma was very suntanned
the sun when she got back from her
holiday in Jamaica.

s 16 superstition n praznovjerje when someone believes that I don't think the number 13 is
particular actions or objects are unlucky that's just a
lucky or unlucky superstition.

s 16 superstitious adj praznovjeran believing that particular objects or Are you superstitious about the
events are lucky or unlucky number 13?

s 5 Sure. Naravno. used to agree to something "Can I borrow your pen?"


s 14 surf v surfati (internetom ili po to look at information on the I surf the Net for at least an hour
valovima) Internet by moving from one page every day. I learned to surf in
to another using electronic links; to Australia.
ride on a wave in the sea using a
special board

s 2 surprise n iznenaenje an event that you did not expect to I didn't know that my parents
happen were coming. It was a lovely

s 10 swimming pool n bazen za plivanje an area of water that has been We have a swimming pool in the
made for people to swim in garden.

s 5 switch off v iskljuiti to turn a light, television, computer, My computer makes a funny
etc, off using a switch noise when I switch it off.

s 12 synthesiser n sintesajzer (elektroniki an electronic musical instrument I don't like music that uses
glazbeni instrument s that can copy the sounds made by synthesisers.
klavijaturom) other musical instruments

t 13 tablet n tableta, pilula a small, round object containing I had a headache, so I took a
medicine that you swallow tablet.

t 12 techno n techno (vrsta glazbe) a type of dance music with a fast They played Techno and Trance
beat and the rave.

t 6 teenager n tinejder (osoba od 13 someone who is between 13 and I love being a teenager it must
do 19 godina) 19 years old be boring to be an adult.

t 13 temperature n temperatura, poviena how hot or cold something is; The room's kept at a
tjelesna temperatura when you are hot because you temperature of around 20C. I
have a fever stayed in bed with a
temperature all weekend.

t 15 temple n hram a building where people in some a Buddhist/Hindu temple

religions go to pray or worship

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 32

t 10 tent n ator a structure made of metal poles It only took twenty minutes to
and cloth which is fixed to the put the tent up (=make it ready
ground with ropes and used as a to use)
cover or to sleep under

t 10 terraced adj terasast, povezan if a house is terraced, it is joined to We live in a terraced house.
zidovima sa susjedne two others houses along its side
dvije kue walls

t 15 terracotta n cigla hard, baked reddish-brown baked Our house has a terracotta roof.

t 8 terrifying adj zastraujui extremely frightening a terrifying experience

t 8 theatre n kazalite the work of writing, acting in, and I want to work in theatre.
producing plays

t 15 though iako, premda used to introduce a fact or opinion And though she's quite small,
that makes the other part of the she's very strong.
sentence seem surprising

t 8 thriller n knjiga ili film a book or film with an exciting I saw a film last night it was a
kriminalistikog story, often about crime thriller.
sadraja, krimi

t 13 throat n grlo the back part of your mouth and a sore throat
the passages inside your neck

t 4 thunderstorm n oluja, nevrijeme a storm that has thunder (=loud I hate thunderstorms they're
noise) and lightning (=sudden scary.
flashes of light in the sky)

t 11 tip n savjet a piece of useful advice gardening tips

t 7 to be honest biti iskren used to express your real opinion To be honest, I didn't really
enjoy the party.

t 6 toddler n dijete koje je tek a child who has just learned to My little brother is much
prohodalo, malo dijete walk younger than me he's still a

t 1 Too right! Vie nego tono! used to agree with something "That was a great concert."
someone has had "Too right!"

t 13 toothache n zubobolja a pain in one of your teeth I've got toothache, so I'm going
to the dentist tomorrow.

t 6 torch n baklja a long stick with material that Everyone in the procession was
burns tied to the top of it carrying a torch.

t 4 tornado n tornado, orkan an extremely strong and A tornado has destroyed 10

dangerous wind that blows in a houses in America.
circle and destroys buildings as it
moves along

t 16 touch v dodirnuti, dotaknuti to put your hand on something You can look at them but please
don't touch them.

t 2 tough adj tvrd, vrst not easily damaged, cut, etc Children's shoes have to be

t 6 tourist n turist someone who visits a place for We get a lot of tourists in my
pleasure and does not live there town every summer.

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 33

t 6 tower n toranj a very tall, narrow building, or part a church tower
of a building

t 4 traffic n promet the cars, trucks, etc using a road There is a lot of traffic on this
road in the mornings.

t 2 traffic light n semafor a set of red, green, and yellow Turn left at the traffic lights.
lights that is used to stop and start

t 1 trail n utrta staza, utrt put a route planned for a particular a nature trail

t 1 trainers n tenisice soft sports shoes I need some new trainers, but
theyre too expensive.

t 5 tram n tramvaj an electric vehicle for carrying I go to school on the tram every
passengers, mostly in cities, which day.
moves along metal lines in the

t 13 transplant n transplantacija, an operation in which a new organ a heart/kidney transplant

presaivanje organa is put into someone's body

t 4 transport n transport, prijevoz a vehicle or system of vehicles, He can't drive so he has to rely
such as buses, trains, aircraft, etc on public transport.
for getting from one place to

t 13 treat v lijeiti to give medical care to someone He's being treated for cancer at
for an illness or injury a hospital in Manchester.

t 13 treatment n ljeenje something which you do to try to She's receiving treatment for a
cure an illness or injury, especially lung infection.
something suggested or done by a

t 10 trek n pjeaenje a long, difficult journey that you They started out on the long
make by walking trek across the mountains.

t 10 tribe n pleme a group of people who live Native American tribes

together, usually in areas far away
from cities, and who share the
same culture and language and
still have a traditional way of life

t 15 tropical adj tropski from or in the hottest parts of the a tropical climate

t 7 trouble n nevolja, tekoa, briga problems, difficulties, or worries We had trouble finding
somewhere to park.

t 1 trousers n hlae a piece of clothing that covers the a pair of trousers

legs and has a separate part for
each leg

t 12 trumpet n truba a metal musical instrument that I play the trumpet in a jazz
you play by blowing into it and band.
pressing buttons to make different

t 1 try v pokuati, probati to attempt to do something I tried to open the window but

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 34

t 9 tsunami n tsunami (visoki morski an extremely large wave caused A tsunami has caused a lot of
val uzrokovan potresom) by movement of the earth under damage on the coast of Japan.
the sea

t 10 TV aerial n televizijska antena a piece of metal that is used for We need a new TV aerial.
receiving television signals

t 4 twister n pijavica, tornado tornado (=an extremely strong and A twister's coming! Run!
dangerous wind that blows in a

t 2 typewriter n pisai stroj a machine with keys that you Most people use computers
press to produce letters and instead of typewriters.
numbers on paper

u 5 underground n podzemna eljeznica a system of trains that is built the London Underground
under a city

u 1 underwater adj podvodni under the surface of water an underwater camera

u 1 useful adj koristan helping you to do or achieve useful information


u 14 user n korisnik someone who uses a product, drug users

machine, or service

v 5 vacation n odmor an American word for a period of We're taking a vacation in

time when you are not at home but Florida.
are staying somewhere else for
enjoyment (=holiday)

v 2 velcro n iak-traka material that consists of two My trainers have velcro.

pieces of cloth that stick together,
used to fasten clothes

v 11 verbal adj verbalan, govorni relating to words or the use of verbal ability/skills

v 12 violin n violina a wooden musical instrument that I play the violin my school
you hold against your neck and orchestra.
play by moving a bow (=special
stick) across strings

v 12 violinist n violinist someone who plays a violin I'm going to be a great violinist
one day.

v 10 visitor n posjetitelj someone who visits a person or The museum attracts large
place numbers of visitors.

v 11 visual adj vizualan, vidni relating to seeing The film has some powerful
visual effects.

v 12 voice n glas the sounds that you make when I could hear voices in the next
you speak or sing room.

v 9 volcano n vulkan a mountain with a large hole at the There's a volcano near my
top which sometimes explodes town.
and produces hot, melted rock and

v 6 vote v glasati, glasovati to show your choice or opinion in Who did you vote for?
an election or meeting by writing a
cross on an official piece of paper
or putting your hand up

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 35

w 1 wagon n zaprega a large vehicle with four large My grandfather travelled to
wheels pulled by horses California in a wagon.

w 9 warn v upozoriti to tell someone that something I warned you that it would be
bad may happen in the future, so cold but you still wouldn't wear a
that they can prevent it coat.

w 1 waste v rasipati, tratiti to use too much of something or I don't want to waste any more
use something badly when there is time so let's start.
a limited amount of it

w 1 waterfall n vodopad a stream of water that flows from a Angel Falls in Venezuela is the
high place, often to a pool below world's tallest waterfall.

w 4 wave n val a line of higher water that moves I could hear the waves crashing
across the surface of the sea or a against the rocks.

w 10 way of life n nain ivota the way that someone lives I think the Spanish have a very
relaxed way of life.

w 14 website n internetska stranica an area on the Web (=computer I use websites to help me learn
information system) where English.
information about a particular
subject, organisation, etc can be

w 3 well adv dobro, pa healthy; in a successful or to feel/look well; I thought they

satisfactory way; used at the played well;
beginning of a sentence to pause "You'll go, won't you?"
slightly or to express doubt or "Well, I'm not sure."

w 8 western n vestern, kaubojski film, a film or story that happens in the I watch westerns on TV every
roman o Divljem zapadu west of the US at the time when Sunday afternoon.
Europeans started living there

w 5 whale n kit a very large animal that looks like One day I'd like to swim with
a large fish, lives in the sea and whales.
breathes air through a hole at the
top of its head

w 7 What do you reckon? to misli? used to ask someones opinion I think Julia's very nice. What do
about something you reckon?

w 9 What's up with her? to joj je? used to ask why someone is Why's Christina so unhappy?
unhappy or angry What's up with her?

w 1 wheel n kota, kolo a circular object fixed under a My bike needs a new front
vehicle so that it moves smoothly wheel.
over the ground

w 4 whirlwind n vihor, zrana vijavica a strong wind that moves round A whirlwind has destroyed 3
and round very quickly houses in America.

w 5 Wicked! Odlino! said when you are very pleased Youre coming too tonight,
about something or like something Josie? Wicked!
very much

w 2 wig n vlasulja a covering of real or artificial hair She was wearing a blonde wig.
that you wear on your head

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 36

w 1 win v pobijediti to get the most points in a Barcelona won the game 60.
competition or game, or the most
votes in an election

w 4 wind energy n energija koju proizvodi energy that is created using wind Wind energy will become more
vjetar important in the 21st century.

w 15 window cleaner n pera prozora someone who is paid to clean My dad's a window cleaner.

w 9 winds n vjetrovi a natural, fast movement of air It's very cold the wind is
coming from Siberia.

w 16 witch n vjetica in stories, a woman who has I don't believe in witches.

magical powers that she uses to
do bad or strange things

w 14 work something out v shvatiti neto, razumjeti to understand something or decide I can't work out the answer to
neto something after thinking carefully this Maths question it's too

w 7 worry v brinuti se to think about problems or Don't worry she'll be all right.
unpleasant things that might
happen in a way that makes you
feel anxious

y 5 yet ve, dosad before now or before that time; Have you read his book yet?
now or as early as this time

y 13 You're kidding! ali se! said when you are surprised by "I saw the President on the bus
what someone has said this morning."
"You're kidding!"

abcdefghi English in Mind 2 Wordlist - POLISH 37

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