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Potential Role of Exercise

in Retinal Health
Machelle T. Pardue*,, Micah A. Chrenek*, Robin H. Schmidt*,
John M. Nickerson*, Jeffrey H. Boatright*,,1
*Department of Ophthalmology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Center for Visual and Neurocognitive Rehabilitation, Atlanta VA Medical Center, Decatur, Georgia, USA
Corresponding author: e-mail address:

1. Exercise Is Neuroprotective in Humans and Animals 492
2. Exercise May Be Beneficial to Retina and Vision 492
3. Exercise Protects Retina and Vision in Animal Models of Retinal Disease 493
4. Mechanisms That May Mediate Effects of Exercise on Retina and Vision 493
5. BDNF Mediates Effects of Exercise in Human and Animal Models 494
6. The Possible Role of BDNF in Exercise and Retinal Neuroprotection 495
7. From Muscle to Retina: Systemic and Local Pathways? 496
Acknowledgments 497
References 498

For many patients suffering vision loss due to retinal degeneration, the potential exists
for therapeutic intervention to halt or delay disease progression. Proposed molecular,
pharmacological, and surgical treatments are expensive and complicated. Finding low-
cost interventions to sustain vision and thereby quality of life is vitally important. This
chapter reviews findings from animal model and human subject studies indicating that
physical exercise has direct, beneficial effects on regions of the central nervous system
and is protective against neurodegenerative disease, including recent data from animal
models showing similar effects for retina and vision. Potential local and systemic mech-
anistic pathways for exercise-induced retinal neuroprotection are discussed.

Globally over 8 million people are blind or significantly visually impaired

due to retinal degenerative (RD) diseases such as age-related macular degen-
eration (AMD)1 and inherited retinal degenerations such as retinitis
pigmentosa.2,3 Only a small percentage of these patients are predicted to
develop complete blindness (no light perception).13 Thus, in the majority
of retinal degeneration patients, the potential exists for therapeutic

Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science # 2015 Elsevier Inc. 491
ISSN 1877-1173 All rights reserved.

492 Machelle T. Pardue et al.

intervention to halt disease progression. Clinical trials suggest that these

patients may respond to molecular, pharmacological, and surgical
approaches. However, outcomes have been modest and variable, and these
treatments remain expensive, experimental, or complicated.4,5 Finding low-
cost interventions to sustain vision and thereby quality of life is vitally impor-
tant. Numerous animal models and human subject studies demonstrate that
physical exercise can have direct, beneficial effects on regions of the central
nervous system (CNS) and is protective against neurodegenerative disease
(reviewed in Refs. 610). As the retina is an organ of the CNS, the question
arises: Might physical exercise, a low-cost, noninvasive intervention, benefit retina
and vision?


In humans, physical exercise is protective and rehabilitative for many
neuronal functions and structures (reviewed in Ref. 6). Treadmill training
and other exercise regimens improve or maintain motor and nonmotor
functions in Alzheimers disease (AD),11 Parkinsons disease (PD),12,13
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; Lou Gehrigs disease),7 and stroke.1420
Exercise also benefits cognitive function in healthy aged and young
individuals, suggesting a role in maintenance of neuronal structures.21,22
Thus, exercise is beneficial in disease and health, affecting several functions
associated with disparate neuronal structures (e.g., substantia nigra in PD, cer-
ebellum in stroke, cortex and spinal cord in ALS, cortex and other brain struc-
tures in AD) in both young and aged people. Often these beneficial outcomes
are accompanied by increased levels of circulating brain-derived neurotrophic
factor (BDNF; reviewed in Ref. 23). Treadmill running greatly enhances
recovery from peripheral nerve injury in mice and rats, an effect mediated
by BDNF.2429 Centrally, the rehabilitative effects of exercise are well docu-
mented in models that span stroke to PD to normal aging,710 including in
CNS structures that are not considered regenerative, such as substantia nigra
and basal ganglia,3032 corticostriatal synapses,33 and cerebellum.34


Reports on the beneficial effects of exercise to the visual system in
humans are limited to epidemiology studies. Lower incident AMD risk

Potential Role of Exercise in Retinal Health 493

is associated with higher levels of vigorous exercise (running) for middle-

aged adults35 and moderate exercise (walking) in people over 75 (but not
younger).36 Increased activity and exercise are associated with better visual
outcomes in patients who have ongoing AMD,37 whereas decreased activ-
ity is associated with AMD precursors.38 Thus, clinical data suggest that
exercise may have preventive and rehabilitative effects on visual outcomes.
How this may occur is unknown. As to clinical relevance, studies reveal
that patients are highly complaint to tailored exercise regimens (mean
age of 703943) and that RD patients are nearly 100% compliant in follow-
ing tailored prescriptions from retina specialists.41 This suggests that RD
patients may benefit more from exercise than other patient groups as they
may adhere to exercise prescriptions.


Animal studies indicate that exercise has direct benefits to retina and
vision. While enriched environment testing paradigms that include volun-
tary exercise (e.g., running wheels) inhibit vision function loss and retinal
degeneration in the rd10 mouse,44,45 we recently reported that modest
treadmill exercise alone protects retinas of mice undergoing light-induced
retinal degeneration (LIRD), preserving retinal morphology and function.46
Similarly, swimming protects mouse retinal ganglion cells following
elevated intraocular pressure, a model of glaucoma.47 Treadmill exercise also
protects cells of the inner nuclear layer in streptozotocin-injected rats,
a model of diabetic retinopathy.48 In both of these latter studies, exercise
suppresses neuroinflammation and apoptotic pathway constituents in retina
tissue, including markers for mitochondrial stress.47,48


How does the retina respond to a whole-body activity that can be
stressful and beneficial to systemic physiology? It seems reasonable to
suppose that exercise may have protective effects on visual outcomes in
disease and during healthy aging through biological and molecular mech-
anisms that are similar to those observed in the brain in response to

494 Machelle T. Pardue et al.

exercise. Here, we discuss the potential role for exercise effects on mito-
chondria and trophic factors.


Often beneficial effects of exercise in CNS and PNS structures are
accompanied by increased levels of circulating BDNF (reviewed in Ref.
23). Treadmill running greatly enhances recovery from peripheral nerve
injury in mice and rats, an effect mediated by BDNF.2429 Numerous stud-
ies, both animal and human, indicate that the effects of aerobic exercise are
mediated by BDNF acting via TrkB receptor activation, and that, indeed,
it may be the major neurotrophic mediator of the effects of exercise in
substantia nigra, cortex, hippocampus, neuromuscular junctions, and other
neuronal structures (for reviews, see Refs. 49,50). The most recent system-
atic, critical review of the clinical research literature indicates that aerobic
exercise, whether long-term endurance training or short-term acute exer-
cise, increases circulating BDNF levels in healthy and chronically ill
humans and that strength training does not have this effect (reviewed
in Ref. 51). Assessment of arterial-to-internal jugular venous differences
in BDNF levels demonstrates that the brain is the predominant source
of this BDNF.52
Animal studies provide a much more detailed exploration of the role of
BDNF in mediating the effects of exercise. In particular, animal studies show
that aerobic exercise increases BDNF levels in many neuronal structures, not
just in the hippocampus (where it is arguably most studied), and that in addi-
tion to localized elevation of BDNF, several of these studies demonstrate
that suppression of BDNF expression or blockade of BDNF receptor acti-
vation and transduction precludes the beneficial effects of exercise. For
example, aerobic exercise is protective in stroke models, and this is accom-
panied by elevated BDNF in cortex, hippocampus, and striatum.53 Sciatic
nerve regeneration is prevented if endogenous BDNF is bound by anti-
bodies.54 Suppression of BDNF levels in amygdala by siRNA or suppression
of BDNF signal transduction by kinase inhibitors prevents the beneficial
effects of treadmill and wheel running on learning and memory tasks in
mice.55 Aged rodents also respond to exercise. For instance, stress-induced
BDNF induction in the hippocampus is impaired in aging, leading to
decreased synaptic plasticity and memory and cognition deficits in rats.5659

Potential Role of Exercise in Retinal Health 495

Voluntary or involuntary exercise in aged (24-month-old) rats completely

reverses this, with restored or preserved BDNF induction and memory


Endogenous BDNF is one of the several trophic factors released in ret-
ina upon injury61 and is elevated in retinas from AMD patients,62 suggesting
that BDNF is an important player in the natural response to stress and disease
in retina. The same enhanced environment paradigm described above that
includes wheel running and that is so protective in the rd10 mouse model of
retinal degeneration44,45 results in elevated BDNF levels in retina.63,64 Cer-
tainly providing BDNF to the retina is beneficial to retinal photoreceptors
and neurons since treatment with locally delivered, exogenous
BDNF61,6567 or transgenically overexpressed BDNF68 is protective in rat
and mouse models of chronic and acute vision loss. Systemic treatment with
small molecule agonists of the BDNF TrkB receptor is protective in the
LIRD model of retinal degeneration.69,70 Similarly, intravitreal injection
of agonistic TrkB antibodies protects retinal ganglion cells in rodent models
of glaucoma.71,72 Thus, it appears that BDNF or its agonists would be excel-
lent candidates for retinal therapeutics. However, the major drawback to
BDNF as a therapeutic compound is its short half-life of as little as 3 h in
neuronal tissues.68,73 Interventions that chronically elevate endogenous
BDNF, such as exercise, should avoid this shortcoming and so provide ben-
efit. It is of note in this regard that our work demonstrating that treadmill
running protects against retinal degeneration and vision loss in mice exposed
to toxic light indicates a role for BDNF.46 Exercise increased BDNF levels in
serum, hippocampus, and retina.46 Critically, treatment of mice with ANA-
12, a TrkB antagonist specifically designed to cross the bloodbrain
barrier,74 prevented the protective effects of exercise. These data demon-
strate that exercise protects retina and vision function via a mechanism that
requires BDNF TrkB signal transduction.46 How BDNF mediates exercise-
induced photoreceptor cell protection remains to be elucidated. The mech-
anistic pathway may involve multiple retinal cell types as BDNF and TrkB
localize to subpopulations of photoreceptor cells, Muller cells, ganglion cells,
and amacrine cells.66,75,76

496 Machelle T. Pardue et al.


Aside from mechanistic pathways within the retina (or other brain
regions), it remains unclear how whole-body exercise benefits specific
CNS targets such as photoreceptor cells. Indeed, similar lack of detail exists
in the more-studied effects of exercise on cognition, learning, and other
CNS functions and neuroprotection associated with various brain regions.
Though circulating levels of BDNF increase following exercise,46,77 BDNF
probably does not cross the bloodbrain barrier,78 and hence probably does
not cross the bloodretina barrier. Thus, it seems likely that the protective
effects of exercise are in some way mediated by systemic signaling that results
in local upregulation of BDNF. Wrann and colleagues recently reported data
that suggest such a mechanism. They found that mice allowed to run on
wheels for 30 days had elevated levels of hippocampal BDNF and FNDC5,
a protein that is also upregulated in muscle before being cleaved and secreted
into the circulation as irisin following endurance exercise.79,80 In vivo,
peripheral delivery of FNDC5 increased blood irisin and increased hippo-
campal Bdnf expression.79 In cultured neurons, overexpression of FNDC5
increased Bdnf gene expression and increased cell viability, whereas RNAi-
mediated suppression of FNDC5 had opposite effects.79 Neuronal culture
experiments also revealed that overexpression of Pgc1alpha upregulated
Fndc5, whereas shRNA-mediated suppression of ERRalpha (a Pgc1alpha
cofactor) blocked this effect. RNAi-mediated suppression of Pgc1alpha
resulted in decreased Fndc5 expression,79 suggesting that Fndc5 gene
expression is regulated by a Pgc1alpha/ERRalpha complex.80
These data suggest to the authors and others80 local and systemic path-
ways (represented in Fig. 1) whereby exercise induces Pgc1alpha expression
with subsequent upregulation of Fndc5 that is then cleaved and secreted as
irisin into the extracellular space (autocrine model) and into the circulation
(systemic model). Though the experimental data are not complete enough
to definitely exclude additional extracellular and circulating exercise
factors,80 the findings that peripheral delivery of FNDC5 is sufficient to
induce CNS expression of Bdnf suggest that a circulating form of FNDC5,
possibly irisin, travels to CNS targets (including BDNF-producing retina
cells) and in a Pgc1alpha-dependent manner, directly and in addition with
local FNDC5 pathway, enhances BDNF production with subsequent TrkB
activation. It may be that similar pathways (Fig. 1) mediate exercise-induced
retinal neuroprotection that we46 and others47,48 observe.

Potential Role of Exercise in Retinal Health 497

Figure 1 Pathways mediating exercise-induced retinal neuroprotection. Figure repre-

sents possible local and systemic pathways whereby exercise induces Pgc1alpha
expression with subsequent upregulation of Fndc5 that is then cleaved and secreted
as irisin into the extracellular space (autocrine, retinal cell model) and into the circula-
tion (systemic model that includes muscle, circulation, and retinal cell). Though the
experimental data are not complete enough to definitely exclude additional extracel-
lular and circulating exercise factors (EFs),80 the findings that peripheral delivery of
FNDC5 is sufficient to induce CNS expression of Bdnf suggest that a circulating form
of FNDC5, possibly irisin, might travel to retina targets (including BDNF-producing retina
cells) and in a Pgc1alpha-dependent manner, directly and in addition with local FNDC5
pathway, enhance BDNF production. The elevated BDNF activates TrkB receptors on
photoreceptor cells (shown), Muller cells, ganglion cells, or amacrine cells,66,75,76
resulting in retinal neuroprotection. Figure modified from Xu et al.80

Note added in proof: The identification of irisin as a circulating form of

FNDC5 that mediates the effects of exercise on CNS targets is controversial.81

This work was supported by NIH R01EY016470, R01EY021592, R01EY014026,
P30EY06360; The Abraham and Phyllis Katz Foundation, an unrestricted award to the

498 Machelle T. Pardue et al.

Department of Ophthalmology, Emory University from Research to Prevent Blindness, Inc.;

Rehabilitation Research and Development Service Veterans Affairs Research Career
Scientist Award; and Atlanta Veterans Administration Center of Excellence in Vision and
Neurocognitive Rehabilitation. Parts of this work were presented at ARVO May 2013
and 2014.

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