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Pt Akash ( BE Electronics )( Jyotish Shiromani )
Nakshatra Jyotish Ratna Kendra
Vedic and Krishnamurti Paddhati Astrologer
Mob: 9827374626 , 9329265779

Success in Examination -3

Om Gan Ganapataye Namah

Time and again Krishnamurti Paddhati proved that it is scientific and logical . When
one applies it correctly one will surely get the accurate result. Although timing the
events is very difficult even in KP Astrology but getting an answer without opting for
Mantra Jaap , Grah Shanti and Remedies , is indeed great . Sometimes things don’t
go according to the wish of the client even then performing any remedies won’t
change the equation. Hence KP Astrology is great .
One MBA student came to me on 16-03-2010 . He had appeared in exam and was
skeptical about his result in one paper . Let us find out how I applied KP Astrology to
get the right answers without opting for any shanti and jaap.

Query : Result in examination paper 1

Horary No : 27
( 1 –249)
Date : 16-03-2010
Time : 12:04:00
Place : Nakshatra Jyotish 77E27 , 23N07 ( Geocentric )
Ayanamsa : KP Original 23:54:34

According to Nakshatra Chintamani if the sublord of the 4th cusp be significator of
4th ( Education , preparation for examinations , academic qualifications , regular
attendence in school or college ) , 9th ( Deep Study and higher education ) and 11th
house , the house of Success and fulfillment of desires , One will surely suceed in
examination . It shouldn’t be connected to 3rd house as this house is negation to 4th


Before proceeding to solve the query one must check out the position of Moon and
Ascendant Sublord , So that the houses under consideration must be signifying the
relevant houses related to the query. Moon is placed in the 11th house with Venus
Mercury and Sun being placed in same house. Sun is the lord of 5th house , Moon
itself is lord of 4th house . Moon is the sole significator of 4th house . So Moon
strongly signifies 4th and 11th house. Let us take a look at ascendant sublord which is
Ketu , it is placed in the sign of Mercury which is conjoined with Moon in the 11th
house. Hence Ketu also signifies the houses under consideration. So now we can
proceed further.
4th Cusp : Cancer 23:17:55 – ( Moon – Mercury – Moon )

Moon which is lord of 4th house is placed in 11th house , being lord of 4th house and
Sublord of 4th house . It is placed with Mercury , Sun and Venus . Moon is in the star
of Saturn which is placed in 6th house , the house of success in competition. So
Moon is strongly signifying 6th house and 11th house.

9th Cusp : Sagitarius 27:18:10 – ( Jupiter – Sun- Sun )

Sun which is placed in the 11th house , it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in
10th house . Hence Sun strongly signifies 10th house and 11th house . So it has
connection to 11th house , the house of fulfilment of desires.

11th Cusp : Aquarius 24:06:28 – ( Saturn – Jupiter – Mercury )

Mercury is placed in the 11th house , it is in the star of Jupiter which is placed in 10th
house. So Mercury is strongly signifying 10th and 11th house. So it is connected to 11th

As Moon is in the star of Saturn at the time of judgement , running Mahadasha was of
Saturn and Running Antardasha ( Bhukti) was of Mercury which as analysed before is
signifying 11th house . Saturn being lord of 10th house and 11th house is in the star of
Sun which is placed in the 11th house . Hence Saturn is also signifying 11th house
strongly . So both Mahadasha and Bhukti Lord is signifying 11th house.

As per the analyses shown above I told the client that he would surely get the desired
result i.e pass the examination.
By the grace of Guruji and Lord Ganesha , the client called me in last week of April
and told me about his success in examination .

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