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Current Development

The role of blood gas and acid-base assessment in the

diagnosis of intrapartum fetal asphyxia
James A. Low, MD
Kingston, Ontario, Canada

The diagnosis of fetal asphyxia requires a blood gas and acid-base assessment demonstrating a
significant metabolic acidosis. However, the fetus may tolerate an asphyxia! insult without central nervous
system injury because of the fetal cardiovascular adaptation to hypoxemia. Prediction of the significance of
an asphyxia! insult to the fetus requires a measure of both the duration and degree of the asphyxia as well
as an expression of the fetal compensatory response to the asphyxia. (AM J OssrEr GvNECOL

Key words: Fetus, asphyxia, blood gas

Intrapartum fetal asphyxia is an important compli- acid-base measures must be recognized. This is most
cation in reproductive health care. However, there are striking in regard to oxygen. Fetal oxygen tension is
differences of opinion as to the magnitude of the prob- much lower than corresponding maternal levels, re-
lem. 1 A number of intrapartum deaths due to asphyxia sulting in the maternal-fetal oxygen gradient essential
are reported in most perinatal mortality studies. Al- for the transfer of oxygen across the placenta to the
though questioned by some, there is evidence to in- fetus. Oxygen content of fetal blood is adequate despite
dicate an association between intrapartum fetal as- the low oxygen tension, because there is increased oxy-
phyxia and motor and cognitive deficits in surviving gen affinity in fetal blood, with displacement of the fetal
children. 2 oxygen dissociation curve to the left and increased oxy-
This continuing confusion is due, in part, to the lack gen capacity.
of a precise diagnosis of fetal asphyxia. The diagnosis Fetal carbon dioxide tension closely parallels carbon
of asphyxia requires a blood gas and acid-base assess- dioxide tension in the normal adult. This is achieved
ment. This fact, widely accepted in the research labo- because of the fetal-maternal carbon dioxide gradient,
ratory and in adult clinical medicine, has been slowly which is due to the hypocapnia with decreased carbon
acknowledged in fetal medicine. This has been due, in dioxide tension that occurs in the normal obstetric
part, to the relative inaccessibility of the fetus in utero patient.
and the risks of blood sampling of the apparently com- Maternal arterial and venous pH is slightly alkaline
promised fetus. as a result of this modest respiratory alkalosis. The fetal
Fetal blood gas and acid-base assessment has been pH in the umbilical vein and artery is lower than the
available for 20 years. The objective of this review is to maternal pH, with a uterine vein-umbilical vein pH
demonstrate the importance of blood gas and acid-base gradient of 0.06 pH units.
assessment in the diagnosis of fetal asphyxia during Normal labor with a "clinically normal" fetus may
labor and delivery and to examine the factors that affect affect fetal blood gas and acid-base characteristics.
the significance of this diagnosis to the fetus. Bretscher and Saling' first described a small decrease
of pH late in the first stage and in the second stage of
Fetal blood gas and acid-base characteristics labor. This decrease of pH includes a mild metabolic
Tlw tmique characteristics of fetal blood gas and acidosis as indicated by an increase of the base deficit.
acid-lia,e measures in relation to adult blood gas and However, there is a spectrum of tissue oxygen debt in
the "clinically normal fetus" during labor. Some infants
From the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Queen's Uni- demonstrate no increase of lactate and pyruvate levels,
versity. whereas others exhibit a moderate increase in these
Reprint requests: James A. Lqw, MD, Department of Obstetrics and
Gynaecology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario K7L 3N6,
Canada. Blood gas and acid-base measures of umbilical vein

1236 Low November 1988
Am J Obstet Gynecol

Table I. Mean (SD) fetal blood gas and Some confirmation of the significance of this degree
acid-base measures in umbilical vein and of metabolic acidosis has been obtained from recent
artery blood in 4500 pregnancies follow-up studies. The incidence of neurodevelopmen-
tal deficits at 1 year of age increases as the umbilical
Umbilical vein Umbilical artery
artery buffer base decreases below 34 mmol/ L and par-
pH 7.340 0.065 7.262 0.070 ticularly below 20 mmol/L. 7 Examination of the nature
Pco 2 41.6 8.0 54.9 9.9
of the deficits indicates that beyond this critical thresh-
Po2 27.0 6.0 15.l 4.9
Buffer base 43.7 2.8 42.0 3.4 old of metabolic acidosis, there is an increased incidence
of both major and minor motor and cognitive deficits,
Pco2 , Carbon dioxide partial pressure; Po 2 , oxygen partial
suggesting a continuum of casualty in such surviving
newborn infants. 8 The assessment of the significance
of this degree of asphyxia with metabolic acidosis will
and artery blood at delivery represent a valuable ref- be strengthened as measures of less severe deficits are
erence point that can be obtained in all pregnancies developed.
without risk to the fetus or newborn. Such values have
been measured in "clinically normal" fetuses after nor- Clinical proxies for fetal asphyxia
mal labor and elective cesarean section. Such data have Clinical criteria have been used for the diagnosis of
been useful and have provided the preliminary nor- fetal asphyxia in much of the literature, in the absence
mative data in most centers. However, recognizing the of blood gas and acid-base measures. The commonly
variable effects of labor and delivery, an alternative is used criteria have been meconium in the amniotic fluid,
to obtain fetal blood gas and acid-base measures for a low Apgar scores with delayed onset of respiration, and
total population. Table I summarizes the measures ob- newborn encephalopathy.
tained at delivery from 4500 pregnancies in our center The relationship between fetal asphyxia, as ex-
between May 1984 and June 1987. This closely ap- pressed by umbilical artery blood gas and acid-base
proximates a total population with a slight bias toward measures, with meconium in the amniotic fluid and
so-called high-risk pregnancies. Apgar scores has been examined in 1773 pregnancies. 9
Fetal asphyxia, as expressed by an umbilical artery
Measures of fetal asphyxia . buffer base <34 mmol/L, was observed in 39 fetuses
Measures of a significant degree of fetal asphyxia (2.2%).
have not yet been established. Fetal hypoxia leads to a Moderate or severe meconium was observed in the
metabolic acidosis. Thus, metabolic acidosis is the best amniotic fluid of 262 patients (15%). Meconium was
indicator of the degree of tissue oxygen debt experi- present in 12 of the patients with significant metabolic
enced by the fetus. acidosis, a sensitivity of 32%. However, there were 250
We have established for our own center an umbilical patients with meconium in whom the fetus had normal
artery buffer base of <34 mmol/L as a criterion of blood gas and acid-base values, a false positive rate of
significant fetal asphyxia. This was based on two ob- 95%.
servations. An umbilical artery buffer base of 36 An Apgar score of 0 to 3 at 1 minute was recorded
mmol/L represented two standard deviations below the in 115 newborns (6%). An Apgar score of 0 to 3 at 1
mean in a study of "clinically normal" fetuses at deliv- minute was recorded in 18 of the newborns with sig-
ery.4 Lactate represents the principal fixed acid con- nificant metabolic acidosis, a sensitivity of 46%. How-
tributing to this metabolic acidosis, with a close corre- ever, an Apgar score ofO to 3 at 1 minute was recorded
lation between increasing lactate concentrations and in 97 newborns with normal blood gas and acid-base
decreasing buffer base. 5 However, an increase in lactate values, a false positive rate of 84%.
may be due to an increase of pyruvate as well as hy- An Apgar score of 0 to 3 at 5 minutes was recorded
poxia. Observations in the human fetus during labor in 11 newborns (l %). An Apgar score of 0 to 3 at 5
have demonstrated that one third of fetal lactate was minutes was recorded in three newborns with signifi-
due to increased pyruvate and two thirds was due to cant metabolic acidosis at delivery, a sensitivity of 8%.
hypoxia. 6 Therefore, the umbilical artery buffer base However, the same was recorded in eight newborns
was adjusted down to 34 mmol/L to serve as a measure with blood gas and acid-base values in the normal
of metabolic acidosis due to hypoxia. range, a false positive rate of 73%.
The results in the total population (Table I) with There is an association between meconium and low
regard to metabolic acidosis closely approximate the Apgar scores and fetal asphyxia. However, these mark-
results from these earlier studies. The incidence of a ers are not sensitive indicators of intrapartum fetal as-
metabolic acidosis with an umbilical artery buffer base phyxia. The large number of patients with meconium
<34 mmol/L is about 2%. and/ or newborns with low Apgar scores, in the absence
Volume 159 Diagnosis of intrapartum fetal asphyxia 1237
Number 5

of evidence of fetal asphyxia, emphasizes that a number a longer period. Severe hypoxemia may occur due to
of mechanisms account for these clinical markers. This maternal shock, placental separation, or cord prolapse.
experience is in keeping with the literature. 10 13 However, in general in labor, hypoxemia is relative in
Newborn encephalopathy, including abnormalities degree and intermittent in occurrence, with a gradual
of behavior and tone and seizures reflecting abnormal development of tissue oxygen debt.
central nervous system function, is a valuable predictor The duration of the fetal asphyxia is equally impor-
of subsequent deficits. The relationship of fetal as- tant. Studies in the fetal monkey have demonstrated
phyxia, as expressed by blood gas and acid-base mea- that total anoxia in excess of 10 to 12 minutes will result
sures, to newborn encephalopathy has been examined in a neuropathologic state. 16 However, partial hypoxia
in 303 high-risk newborn infants. 14 Fetal asphyxia with with metabolic acidosis must be present for at least 2
a significant metabolic acidosis was observed in 25 in- hours before neuropathologic damage can be antici-
fants (8.2~). pated.17 A precise measure of the duration of fetal as-
Severe newborn encephalopathy, characterized by phyxia in the human fetus is, generally, not available
abnormal tone, seizures, and/or recurrent apnea, was because of the periodic nature of fetal blood gas and
observed in 27 newborn infants (8.9%). Fetal asphyxia acid-base assessment and the intervention that abnor-
with metabolic acidosis was present in six newborns with mal blood gas and acid-base measurements now re-
severe encephalopathy (22%). However, blood gas and quire. However, the importance of the duration of fetal
acid-base values were within the normal range at de- asphyxia was implied in a study of 60 children with
livery in 21 newborns with severe encephalopathy biochemical evidence of intrapartum fetal asphyxia at
(78%). delivery. 7 Children with deficits had an episode of as-
Thus again there is evidence of an association be- phyxia that was more severe and prolonged than the
tween fetal asphyxia and newborn encephalopathy. children with normal motor and cognitive develop-
However, the large number of newborns with severe ment. The findings suggested that the duration of the
encephalopathy and with normal blood gas character- episode of hypoxia was usually in excess of 1 hour
istics emphasizes that asphyxia is only one of a number before the neuropathologic damage responsible for
of mechanisms contributing to this complication. The motor and cognitive deficits developed.
other mechanisms have as yet to be determined. How- The fetal response to hypoxemia is the key to the
ever, the significant relationship between severe new- effect of the degree and duration of fetal asphyxia.
born respiratory complications and severe newborn en- Fetal hypoxemia results in an increase in arterial pres-
cephalopathy suggests that asphyxia in the newborn sure due to increased vascular resistance. This is as-
period may be an important factor. sociated with a redistribution of cardiac output char-
acterized by reduced blood flow to the pulmonary, re-
Fetal response to asphyxia nal, and gastrointestinal circulations and the body, with
There are thos~ who question the value of a measure increased blood flow to the brain, heart, and adrenal
of fetal metabolic acidosis because of the apparently glands. 18 20 Umbilical placental blood flow is maintained
unpredictable association with early outcome measures, when fetal hypoxia is a result of maternal hypoxemia
such as Apgar scores, or late outcome measures, such or reduced maternal uteroplacental blood flow. 21 Fetal
as motor and cognitive deficits, in surviving children. hypoxia due to cord oclusion is associated with de-
Such conclusions fail to recognize the complexity of the creased umbilical-placental blood flow. However, blood
fetal response to asphyxia or to acknowledge the flow to the central circulation is maintained through
range of mechanisms that account for these outcome the ductus venosus, with a marked reduction of blood
measures. flow through the liver. 22
The severity of the metabolic acidosis reflects the The autonomic nervous system is principally respon-
degree of the fetal hypoxic insult. However, the effect sible for this increased vascular resistance and redis-
of asphyxia on the fetus is influenced by a number of tribution of cardiac output. There is evidence to indi-
additional factors, including the pattern of develop- cate that this response is initiated through arterial
ment and the duration of the asphyxia and the nature chemoreceptors23 and may be influenced by circulating
of the fetal response to the asphyxia. endogenous opiates. 24 Other factors may include in-
The degree of the asphyxia is relevant in regard to creased angiotensin activity 2' and the release of vaso-
outcome. Neuropathologic findings in the fetal monkey pressins. 26
in response to total anoxia are different from those Thus increased cerebral blood flow maintains the in-
after partial hypoxia." The human fetus in the clinical tegrity of the central nervous system. Variation of ar-
setting may develop ~ significant degree of metabolic terial pressures in the normoxic fetal lamb does not
acidosis because of severe hypoxemia acting over a affect cerebral blood flow. 27 However, in hypoxic fetal
short period or a milder degree of asphyxia acting over lambs, cerebral blood flow is pressure dependent due
1238 Low November 1988
Am J Obstet Gynecol

to the loss of cerebrovascular autoregulation.2 8 This of fetal ca put sampling is justified. Such assessment can
evidence of impaired autoregulation and pressure- exclude or confirm the diagnosis of fetal asphyxia at
dependent flow complements earlier observations in the time of sampling during labor.
sick human newborns.2 9 Recent studies in the fetal lamb A single blood gas and acid-base assessment during
indicate that normal cerebral oxygen consumption will labor or at delivery can confirm the diagnosis of as-
continue for some time in the presence of relative de- phyxia. However, with the exception of an occasional
grees of fetal hypoxemia. 30 case of very severe asphyxia (e.g., umbilical a~tery
This compensatory mechanism provides a "period of buffer base <20 mmol/L), it does not establish the sig-
protection" so that the fetus may experience an as- nificance of the asphyxia! episode to the fetus. A single
phyxia! insult without manifesting central nervous sys- measure does not indicate the pattern of development,
tem injury. Such compensation is time limited. Sus- the duration of the asphyxia, or the nature of the fetal
tained hypoxemia will ultimately lead to cerebral tissue response to the asphyxia.
oxygen debt. This combined with hypertension and loss Criteria to complement single or periodic blood gas
of cerebral autoregulation, particularly in the preterm and acid-base assessments are required to establish the
fetus, may lead to a germinal matrix hemorrhage. Per- significance of an asphyxia! episode to the fetus. Such
sistence of the asphyxia with cardiovascular decom- criteria cif fetal assessment in utero have not been de-
pensation and hypotension results in reduced cerebral veloped for routine clinical use. However, a number
blood flow. The resulting ischemia with hypoxia leads of int,eresting possibilities have been or are being ex-
to brain injury. amined.
The oxygen tension electrode 41 and pH electrode 42 43
Fetal blood gas and acid-base assessment can provide an accurate indication of the duration of
during labor the hypoxemia and the pattern of developing metabolic
The introduction of microelectrode blood gas sys- acidosis. Although interesting observations have been
tems with appropriate laboratory services dedicated to obtained, the limitations of current technology are such
the labor and delivery room has provided the oppor- that these options are not available for routine clinical
tunity for fetal blood gas and acid-base assessment dur- practice. Pulsed Doppler ultrasound can now assess fe-
ing labor and delivery. tal cerebral blood flow velocity in utero. 44 The value of
The first step was blood gas and acid-base assessment such observations to assess the fetal response to as-
of umbilical vein and artery blood at delivery. This phyxia has yet to be determined. Assessment of the
assessment can be obtained in all patients without risk metabolic effects of asphyxia is another option. Studies
to the fetus and newborn. A blood gas and acid-base in animals have demonstrated that central nervous sys-
assessment at this time can establish, in the presence of tem lactate levels can be a useful predictor of central
a significant degree of metabolic acidosis, that an epi- nervous system injury. 45 The further development of
sode of asphyxia has occurred during labor and deliv- such complementary observations in the clinical setting
ery. It confirms the diagnosis in the same manner that should permit a better prediction of the significance of
an elevated blood sugar estimation confirms the diag- an intrapartum episode of asphyxia.
nosis of diabetes. Prediction of significance of fetal asphyxia can be
However, there are limitations of fetal assessment augmented by newborn behavior. For example, a fetus
during labor. The relative inaccessibility of the fetus in with evidence of asphyxia and significant metabolic ac-
early labor and the risks of sampling in certain circum- idosis at delivery who has a low Apgar score at 5 minutes
stances are relevent constraints to caput sampling dur- and subesquently demonstrates evidence of severe new-
ing labor. This can be circumvented, in part, by con- born encephalopathy is at high risk for motor and cog-
tinuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring. There is nitive deficits. On the other hand, a fetus with a cor-
a substantial body of knowledge from animal stud- responding degree of asphyxia with metabolic acidosis
ies31-3 and studies of the human fetus 35-38 indicating a at delivery but with an Apgar score in the normal range
relationship between fetal hypoxemia and fetal heart at 5 minutes and no evidence of newborn encephalop-
rate behavior. This has led to a widely accepted con- athy is at much lower risk of such deficits.
sensus of the predictive value of electronic fetal heart Finally, prediction can be enhanced by the growing
rate monitoring. 39 The recent Dublin randomized con- number of imaging techniques that will identify new-
trol trial demonstrated an increased incidence of di- born neuropathologic signs. Ultrasound and comput-
agnosis of fetal asphyxia with the complementary use erized tomography are well established. Radionucleo-
of electronic fetal heart rate monitoring and fetal blood tide brain scanning can be of value.4 6 Nuclear magnetic
gas and acid-base assessment. 40 Thus fetal heart rate resonance imaging may represent the next important
monitoring can provide an indication of when the risk addition to this diagnostic armamentarium. 47
Volume 159 Diagnosis of intrapartum fetal asphyxia 1239
Number 5

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