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YEAR 2 (2017)

By Maya Diana

Focus: Listening and Speaking REFLECTION

Theme: World of self, family and friends
Unit 2: Greetings Attendance:__ /___
Sunday Content Standard:
5 Feb 2017 1.3By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will ___/___ of the pupils
be able to listen ,understand and respond in a variety of able to achieve the
Subject contexts. objectives
Learning Standard:
Class ___/___ of the pupils
1.3. 2 talk about a stimulus by (i) responding to Wh-
Year 1 Cekal able to answer the
questions correctly
Time Objectives:
8.00 9.00 am By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
(60 minutes) 1. Listen to and exchange greetings. ___/___ of LINUS pupils
2. Role-play and practice the dialogues. able to achieve today's
3. Introduce themselves with guidance. lesson

1. Teacher greets and introduces herself to the Teachers action:
2. Teacher displays bubble dialogues/word cards.
Pupils follow teachers guides and say together.
a) Hello / Hi
b) What is your name? / My name is Siti.
c) How old are you? / I am seven years old.
3. The teacher asks pupils to introduce themselves *Todays lesson will be
to their friends one by one. carried forward due to
4. Pupils role-play in group and pair.
5. Teacher guides the pupils to introduce
6. Pupils complete the exercise on AB with
7. Class discussion.

Teaching Aids: word cards

Teaching and learning Strategies:
Added Value: cooperation, identifying
Assessment: Pupils able to greet their friends.

Focus: Reading REFLECTION

Theme: World of self, family and friends
Unit 2: Greetings Attendance:__ /___
Monday Content Standard:
6 Feb 2017 2.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will ___/___ of the pupils
be able to demonstrate understanding of a variety of able to achieve the
linear and non-linear texts in the form of print and objectives
Subject non-print materials using a range of strategies to
English construct meaning.
___/___ of the pupils
Class Learning Standard: able to answer the
Year 1 2.2.1 apply word recognition skills questions correctly

Time Objectives:
7.30-9.00 am By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: ___/___ of LINUS pupils
(90 minutes) 1. Read and trace the greetings. able to achieve today's
2. Match the greetings to pictures. lesson
3. Fill in the blanks correctly.

Activities: Teachers action:

1. Teacher sing/displays video clip - good
morning song.
2. Teacher displays word cards and asks the
pupils to read and say aloud .
3. Teacher refers to the tb page 10. Read and
recognize the greetings.
4. Divide pupils into groups , pupils match the *Todays lesson will be
greetings to the pictures. carried forward due to
5. Identify and group words. Phonemic
Phonic activities
Group words 6. Teacher guides and check each group to
according to their relate words to meaning.
7. Teacher asks the pupils to open the activity
(a) Initial sound book.
/s/ - sun, sit, sad 8. Pupils complete exercise on AB /worksheet
(b) Medial sound with guidance.
// - bag, hat, cat,
(c) Final sound 9. Class discussion.
/p/ - top, sap, hip,
Teaching Aids: flash cards, word cards
Teaching and learning Strategies: identifying
Added Value: cooperation
Assessment: Pupils able to read the words and
recognize the greetings.

Focus: Writing REFLECTION

Theme: World of self, family and friends
Unit 2: Greetings Attendance:__ /___
Tuesday Content Standard:
7 Feb 2017 3.1By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will ___/___ of the pupils
be able to form letters and words in neat legible print able to achieve the
including cursive writing. objectives
English Learning Standard: ___/___ of the pupils
3.1.3 write in neat legible print with correct spelling
Class (i) words able to answer the
Year 1 Cekal questions correctly
Time By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
11.30 1.00 1. Form letters. ___/___ of LINUS pupils
pm 2. Write neatly able to achieve today's
(90 minutes) 3. Say the greetings correctly. lesson

1. Teacher displays some sentences and asks Teachers action:
pupils to rearrange correctly.
2. Pupils read aloud after teacher.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to introduce
themselves using the sample sentences.
4. Pupils complete exercise on AB with
5. Class discussion / play language games . *Todays lesson will be
carried forward due to

Teaching Aids: flash cards, word cards,worksheet

T&l Strategies: identifying,
Added Value: cooperation
Assessment: Pupils able to fill in the blanks and
recognize the words.

Focus: Language Art REFLECTION

Theme: World of self, family and friends
Unit 2: Greetings Attendance:__ /___
Wednesday Content Standard:
4.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will ___/___ of the pupils
be able to enjoy and appreciate rhymes, poems and able to achieve the
Subject songs objectives
Learning Standard: ___/___ of the pupils
Class 4.1.2 recite rhymes or poems, and sing with correct
Year 1 able to answer the
pronunciation, rhythm and intonation: (iii) action songs
questions correctly
Time Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. Listen to and identify the greetings. ___/___ of LINUS pupils
2. Sing the song. able to achieve today's
3. Say the words correctly. lesson

1. Teacher plays video clip .Pupils follow Teachers action:
after teacher.
2. Pupils sing the song together
3. Teacher distributes word cards and asks
the pupils to show the correct greetings
card while singing the song.
4. Pupils complete the rhyme in the AB with
guidance. *Todays lesson will be
5. Class discussion. carried forward due to

Teaching Aids: flash cards, word cards

Teaching and learning Strategies:
Added Value: cooperation
Assessment: Pupils able to sing the song and recognize
the greetings.

Focus: Writing REFLECTION

Theme: World of self, family and friends
Thursday Unit 2: Greetings Attendance:__ /___
Content Standard:
3.1By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will ___/___ of the pupils
be able to form letters and words in neat legible able to achieve the
Subject print including cursive writing. objectives
Learning Standard:
Class ___/___ of the pupils
3.1.1 demonstrate psychomotor skills:
Year 1 (ii) shape discrimination to distinguish letters able to answer the
questions correctly
Time Objectives:
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
1. write the words neatly. ___/___ of LINUS pupils
2. Identify the letters correctly. able to achieve today's
1. Teacher asks pupils to sing ABC song.
2. Pupils answer to teachers questions Teachers action:
on previous lessons.
3. Teacher displays greetings words.
4. Teacher distributes worksheets. Pupils
trace and write neatly.
5. Pupils complete exercise on AB with
6. Class discussion. *Todays lesson will be
carried forward due to
Teaching Aids: flash cards, word cards,worksheet
T&l Strategies: identifying,
Added Value: cooperation
Assessment: Pupils able to write nearly and recognize
the greetings.

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