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I) Calculation for maximum flood discharge by Ryvey's formula

Q = CM
Where, Q = Discharge in cumecs.
M = Catchment area in Km2= 0.251

M 0.251

C = Ryves Constant = 15.00 ( Pg No.205 of Engineers Hand Book ).

Q = 15.00 x 0.251 ^ 2/3

= 5.97
Say Q= 6.00 Cumecs

II) Calculation for maximum flood discharge by Area- Velosity Method:-

Where, Q = Discharge in cumecs.
A = Area in Sq mt
V =Velosity in mt/sec

n = Co efficent of roughness= 0.033

R = Hydraulic Radian = A/P
A= C/s 14.160 Sqm
A= Average cross section
Depth of flow

P= Wetted Perimeter= 15.210

S= U/S Nala Bed Leve 100.210
D/S Nala Bed Leve 100.174
Difference Length 75
Existing Bed Slope = 0.00048 2083.3
R = Hydraulic Radian = A/P
R= 0.931
V= (1/0.033) x 0.931 x 0.022
V= 30.30 x 0.931 x 0.022
V= 0.62 Mtr/sec
Q= 14.16 x 0.62
Q= 8.75 Cumecs
Say Q
Say Q=92
Compare with above two cases , consider Maximum Discharge Q= 9.00 Cumecs
III) To Find Length of check Dam
Discharge over weir when top width is < 0.90m.
Q =1.84 L H
Where,Q = Discharge in cumecs.
L = Length of Check Dam in mtrs
H = Spillage over weir= 0.60 mts
9.00 1.84 x L x1.40
L= 10.5244
Say L= 11.00 mtr
As per site condition consider Length of weir L= 11.00 mt
IV) Design of Weir Wall
Discharge over weir when top width is < 0.90m.
Q =1.84 L H3/2
Where,Q = Discharge in cumecs.
L = Length of Check Dam in mtrs= 11.00 Mtr
H = Spillage over weir in mtrs
H =. 0.58

V) Maximum Flood Discharge :-

Check Dam considered as a Submerged Type , Accordingly Maximum Discharge as
shown below
Q = 2/3 XCd1 X L X Squrt (2g) X (h1- h2) + Cd2 X L X h2 X Sqrt (2g(h1-h2))

Where h1 = Height of Water Upstream side above crest 0.58

h2 = Height of Water Downstream side above crest 0.3
L = Length of Weir
Cd1 = 0.577 (As per Civil Engineer HANDBOOK By Sri Vazarani Page NO 437)
Cd2 = 0.80
=( 0.67 x 0.577 X 11.00 X 4.429 X 0.15
+ 0.8 x 11.00 X 0.300 X 2.355 )
Q= 9.05 Cumecs is > 9.00 Cumecs
There fore design structure is safe
V) Calculation of maximum Scour depth
Regime Scour Depth, Ds = 0.473 (Q/ Ksf) 1/3
Where, Q = Flood Discharge = 9.00 Cumecs.

Ksf = Lacys Silt factor = 2.00 ( for Heavy sand as the type of Bed material, Pg No.197 of
EngineersHand book)
Therefore, Ds = 0.473 x [ 9.00 /2.00 ] 1.5/3
Ds = 0.78 Mt

Maximum Scour depth = 1.5 x Scour depth ( For Moderate Bend - Pg No.197 of Engineers Hand Book ).
Dm = 1.5 X Ds.
Dm = 1.5 X 0.78
Dm = 1.17 Mt
Actual Foundation Level = HFL Dm
= 501.58 - 1.17
= 500.41
Which is below the lowest Nala Bed Level 500.08
Required Foundation Level = 500.080 - -0.33
= 499.11
So Provide 1.00 Mt Foundation below Nala Bed
There Fore the required foundation level is below than the Nala bed level, Hence OK.
Height of check dam = 2.5 m
V) Design of Bodywall:-
Top Width of the Weir m( Assumed ). 0.80 m
Bottom width of Weir = 0.80 x h + Top width.
2.0 mts
Surface area for steel= 2.47 3.60 6.07
Steel required= 333.60 kgs
C) Abut ments :
Height of Abutment= 3.0 M

Surface area for steel= 3.08 0.37 3.52 6.97

Steel required= 1756.10 kgs
F) U/S Cutoff Wall
U/S Scour Depth =1.5 d = 1.90 mtr
Height of Cutoff Wall = 501.58 1.90 499.68
0.40 say 1.00 m
G) D/S Cutoff Wall
U/S Scour Depth =2.00 d = 2.53 mtr
Height of Cutoff Wall = 501.58 2.53 499.05
1.03 say 1.10 m
Where as we provide 2.00mts
VI) Design of Stilling Basin and Aprons:-
Calculation of Creep Length:
Creep Length L= C*HL
= Bligh's Creep Co-efficent , For Coarse sand (south Indian rivers)=12
Where, C

HL =Maximum Head Loss, i.e Height of weir above low water

The Length of creep required including creep along cutt-off
= 12.00 x 0.58
L= 6.991 m
Length of downstream floor is
L2= 2.21* C *Sqrty (HL/13)
= 2.21 x 12 x 0.2117
= 5.61 m
But actually we provide 5.00 mt Length Solid cushion
To calculate Head over the weir when High Flood discharge is passing
q= 1.70 (H) 3/2
Where, q = Flood Discharge = 9.00 Cumecs.
L= Length of Weir= 11.00 m
q= Q/L
= 0.82

Then 0.82 = 1.7 x H 3/2

H= 0.61 m
Head over the crest 0.61 mt
Crest level= 500.08
U/S HFL (assuming Nala Bed Level is 592.265 and crest level
Total Height = 1.88 m

Ksf = Lacys Silt factor = 1.35 ( for Medium sand as the type of Bed material, Pg No.197 of
EngineersHand book)
Therefore, Ds = 1.35 x [q / f ] 1/3

Where, f=1 ( from Text Book of Irrigation and Hydraulic structures by S.K Garge
page 554)
Ds = 1.35 x [q2 / f ]
= 1.35 x (=/1)^0.33
= 1.26 mt

Ds = 1.26 Mt
Maximum Scour depth = 1.5 x Scour depth ( For Moderate Bend - Pg No.197 of Engineers Hand Book ).
Dm = 1.5 X Ds.
Dm = 1.5 X 1.26
Dm = 1.90 Mt
Level of Bottom of U/s cut off wall = 500.69 - 1.90
= 498.80 mt

Now, Total Creep Length except U/S floor

= 6.38 Mtr
L1= Creep Length -Total Creep Length provided except U/S floor
= 6.991 - 6.38
L1= 0.61 mt
So provide 0.30 mt
Total Creep Length provided = 6.38 + 0.30
= 6.69 mt
Provide Length is More Than Creep Length
L2+L3= 18 *C* SQRT( (HL/13)*(Q/75))
Where L3 = Length of Loose Talus in D/S
L2+L3= 18 x 12 sqrt ((1.24/13)*(2.425/75))
= 4.90
But L2 5.61 mt
L3 = 4.90 - 5.61
L3 = -0.71 mt
AS Per site codition the solid apron is 3.0 m
And Provide Loose talus in U/s -14.21 say 1.5 m
Total Length of creep provided= L1+L2 +L3 +L4
= 10.42 mt

VII) Thickness of Apron:-

Rate of Change of Uplift Pressure = = 0.35 kscm
(a) Uplift Pressure at A = 1.76 0.88
Thickness of Concrete Required = 0.37 m
However Provide 0.40 m
However 0.40 mtr. th. M15 and 0.20mtr. th. M20 for cushion bed.
(b) Uplift Pressure at B = 0.89 0.44
Thickness of Concrete Required = . 0.19
However Provide 0.2 m
Provide 0.20 m thick M-15cc and 0.20m thick M-20cc
Condition 1 When the water level is upto FTL

DATA:----- Height of Body wall(in mts):--- 2.47 m

Bottom width of body wall(in mts):----- 2.03 m
Top width of body wall(in mts):----- 0.80 m
Density of material used for wall(in Kg/m3):---- 2400 Kg/m

Density of soil(in Kg/m3):---- 2080 Kg/m


Thickness of Padding concrete (m) 0.30 m

Padding concrete offset (m) 0.15 m

0.80 m

4 2 2.5 m

1 0.30 m
2.0 m

SL. Particulars V H LA M+ M-
1 padding concrete 2.03 X 0.15 X 2300 701.30 1.016 712.8
2 concrete 0.80 X 2.47 X 2400 4733.76 1.483 7019.0
3 concrete 0.5 X 0.93 X 2.47 X 2400 2759.64 0.772 2130.0
4 water+silt 0.15 X 2.47 X 1925 711.91 1.958 1393.7
5 uplift 0.5 x 0.5 X 2.03 X 2.77 X 1000 -1405.39 1.355 1904.5
6 Water + silt Pressure 0.5 X 2.77 X 2.47 X 1360 4636.47 0.922 4274.1
6799.9 4636.5 0.642 10542.7 6178.6

S M 4364.1
X = = = 0.642 m
S V 6799.9

b 2.03 But b
e = - X = - 0.642 = 0.375 m = 0.339 m
2 2 6
ie., e < Hence o.k.

Pmax S V 1 6 X e
= +
(or) Pmin b b

6799.9 1 6 X 0.375
= +
2.03 2.03

Pmax = 7044 Kg/m2 Both are compressive. Hence o.k.

Pmin = -353 Kg/m2

Satbility against Sliding

(w-u) Tan + C * A
= F Fc
w = Total mass of dam A = Area under consideration for cohesion
u = uplift pressure F = Partial factor of safety against friction
Tan = corff. Of internal friction of the material Fc = Partial factor of safety in respect of cohesion
c = cohesion of the material at the plane considered P = total horizontal force

6.8 x 0.6 50 x 2.03 x 1

F= 1.5 3.5

F= 6.85 > 1
Condition 2 When the water level is upto HFL

DATA:----- Height of Body wall(in mts):--- 3.22 m

Bottom width of body wall(in mts):----- 3.30 m
Top width of body wall(in mts):----- 0.80 m
Density of material used for wall(in Kg/m3):---- 2400 Kg/m

Density of soil(in Kg/m3):---- 2080 Kg/m


Thickness of Padding concrete (m) 0.30 m

Padding concrete offset (m) 0.15 m

0.80 m

4 2 3.2 m

1 0.30 m
3.30 m

SL. Particulars V H LA M+ M-
1 padding concrete 3.30 X 0.15 X 2300 1138.50 1.650 1878.5
2 concrete 0.80 X 3.22 X 2400 6173.76 2.750 16977.8
3 concrete 0.5 X 2.20 X 3.22 X 2400 8488.92 1.617 13723.8
4 water+silt 0.15 X 3.22 X 1925 928.48 3.225 2994.3
5 uplift 0.5 x 0.5 X 3.30 X 3.52 X 1000 -2900.29 2.200 6380.6
6 Water + silt Pressure 0.5 X 3.52 X 3.22 X 1360 7686.78 1.172 9007.6
12690.9 7686.8 1.443 33695.9 15388.3

S M 18307.7
X = = = 1.443 m
S V 12690.9

b 3.30 But b
e = - X = - 1.443 = 0.207 m = 0.550 m
2 2 6
ie., e < Hence o.k.

Pmax S V 1 6 X e
= +
(or) Pmin b b

12690.9 1 6 X 0.207
= +
3.30 3.30

Pmax = 5296 Kg/m2 Both are compressive. Hence o.k.

Pmin = 2395 Kg/m2

Satbility against Sliding

(w-u) Tan + C * A
= F Fc
w = Total mass of dam A = Area under consideration for cohesion
u = uplift pressure F = Partial factor of safety against friction
Tan = corff. Of internal friction of the material Fc = Partial factor of safety in respect of cohesion
c = cohesion of the material at the plane considered P = total horizontal force

12.7 x 0.6 50 x 3.30 x 1

F= 1.5 3.5

F= 6.79 > 1
DATA:----- Height of Abutment:--- 3.05 m
Bottom width of Abutment:----- 2.31 m
Top width of Abutment:----- 0.50 m
Density of material used for wall(in Kg/m3):---- 2400 Kg/m

Density of soil(in Kg/m3):---- 2080 Kg/m


Thickness of Padding concrete (m) 0.30 m

Padding concrete offset (m) 0.15 m

0.50 m

4 5

2 3.0 m
3 8
9 6
1 0.3 m
-0.17 A
2.3 m


SL. Particulars V H LA M+ M-
1 padding concrete 2.31 X 0.15 X 2300 798.33 1.157 923.7
2 concrete 0.50 X 3.05 X 2400 3657.70 2.991 10939.7
3 concrete 0.50 X 2.59 X 3.05 X 2400 9476.60 1.877 17789.9
4 weight of earth 0.50 X 2.59 X 3.05 X 2080 8213.06 1.014 8324.9
5 weight of earth 0.15 X 3.05 X 2080 951.00 0.075 71.32505943
6 weight of Concrete 0.50 X -0.17 X -0.33 X 2400 67.13 3.185 213.83
7 weight of earth 0.50 X -0.17 X -0.33 X 2080 58.18 3.129 182.08
8 Earth pressure 0.50 X 3.05 X 3.05 X 2080 9662.42 1.016 9817.3
9 Earth pressure 0.50 X -0.33 X -0.33 X 2080 116.37 -0.111 -12.97
23222.0 9546.1 1.232 38432.45 9817.3

S M 28615.2
X = = = 1.232 m
S V 23222.0

b 2.31 But b
e = - X = - 1.232 = ### m = 0.386 m
2 2 6
ie., e < Hence o.k.

Pmax S V 1 6 X e
= +
(or) Pmin b b

23222.0 1 6 X -0.075
= +
2.31 2.31

Pmax = 8078 Kg/m2 Both are compressive. Hence o.k.

Pmin = 11993 Kg/m2

Satbility against Sliding

(w-u) Tan + C * A
= F Fc
w = Total mass of dam A = Area under consideration for cohesion
u = uplift pressure F = Partial factor of safety against friction
Tan = corff. Of internal friction of the material Fc = Partial factor of safety in respect of cohesion
c = cohesion of the material at the plane considered P = total horizontal force

23.2 x 0.6 50 x 2.31 x 1

F= 1.5 3.5

F= 4.44 > 1
Surface area for steel = -0.05 2 2.04
total steel required=

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