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School Psychology Quarterly 2013 American Psychological Association

2013, Vol. 28. No. 4. 374-390 1045-3830/13/$12.00 DOI: IO.1037/spq0OOO035

Improving Classroom Leaming Environments by Cultivating

Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE): Results of a
Randomized Controlled Trial

Patricia A. Jennings, Jennifer L. Frank, Karin E. Snowberg, Michael A. Coccia,

and Mark T. Greenberg
Pennsylvania State University

Cultivating Awareness and Resilience in Education (CARE for Teachers) is a mind-

fulness-based professional development program designed to reduce stress and improve
teachers' performance and classroom leaming environments. A randomized controlled
trial examined program efficacy and acceptability among a sample of 50 teachers
randomly assigned to CARE or waitlist control condition. Participants completed a
battery of self-report measures at pre- and postintervention to assess the impact of the
CARE program on general well-being, efficacy, burnout/time pressure, and mindful-
ness. Participants in the CARE group completed an evaluation of the program after
completing the intervention. ANCOVAs were computed between the CARE group and
control group for each outcome, and the pretest scores served as a covariate. Partici-
pation in the CARE program resulted in significant improvements in teacher well-
being, efficacy, bumout/time-related stress, and mindfulness compared with controls.
Evaluation data showed that teachers viewed CARE as a feasible, acceptable, and
effective method for reducing stress and improving performance. Results suggest that
the CARE program has promise to support teachers working in challenging settings and
consequently improve classroom environments.

Keywords: teacher stress, teacher efficacy, mindfulness, burnout, classroom climate

The U.S. policy agenda to improve student Emotional Leaming (CASEL) defines social
academic outcomes has begun to focus attention and emotional competence (SEC) as involving
on teacher quality (Wilson et al., 2008). Eur- five primary skills: self-awareness, self-
thermore, the public recognizes that a good ed- management, social awareness, relationship
ucation should enhance academic achievement skills, and responsible decision-making (Col-
and students' character, social-emotional com- laborative for Academic, Social and Emotional
petence, and civic engagement (MetLife, 2002; Leaming, 2003). Cultivating teachers' SEC and
Public Agenda, 2002; Rose & Gallup, 2000). well-being may be an important component in
The Collaborative for Academic Social and fulfilling this agenda (Jennings & Greenberg,
2009). However, little research has been de-
voted to exploring methods for promoting these
skills among teachers. Here we test the effec-
This article was published Online First September 9,2013. tiveness of the Cultivating Awareness and Re-
PatHcia A. lennings, Jennifer L. Frank, Kann E. Snow- . cj //-ADtjA j i f
berg, Michael A. Coccia, and Mark T. Greenberg, Preven- Slhence m Education (CARE) model of profes-
on Research Center, Pennsylvania State University. sional development on teacher's well-bemg.
Funds for the research reported in this article were pro- classrOOm efficacy, bumout. Stress, and health.
vided by a grant from the U. S. Department of Education -j^g prosocial classrOom theoretical model
Institute of Educational Sciences #R305A090179. Thanks ^ ^ ^asizes the significance of teachers' social
to the Garrison Institute for providing support for the de- >-"'t' ' " 6 o /^\ .i n
velopment of the CARE program. Also, special thanks to and emotional competence (SEC) and well-
Christa Turksma and Richard Brown, who developed being in the development and maintenance of
CARE with the corresponding author. supportive teacher-student relationships, effec-
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- ^ j ^ ^ classroom management, and social and
dressed to Patricia A. Jennings, Ph.D., Prevention Research . , , . ^,?I-T ^ rr
Center, Pennsylvania State University, 3O8B BBH Build- emotional leaming (SEL) program effective-
ing. University Park, PA 16802. E-mail: ness (Jennings & Greenberg, 2009). These fac-

tors, as well as teachers' classroom manage- previous research. An extensive review of the
ment and instructional skills contribute to cre- literature supporting the links in this model can
ating a classroom climate that is conducive to he found elsewhere (Jennings & Greenberg,
learning and that promotes positive develop- 2009). The following is a brief review of this
mental behavioral and academic outcomes research.
among students (see Figure 1). The model also The bidirectional relationship between class-
recognizes that teachers' well-being and SEC room improvement and student improvement
are also affected hy the school and community proposed in this model is well documented in
context. For example, supportive school culture, the literature (see Allen, Pianta, Gregory, Mi-
strong principal leadership and collegiality pre- kami, & Lun, 2011; Crosnoe et al., 2010; Kane
dict teachers' job satisfaction (Johnson, Kraft, & Staiger, 2008; Mashburn, Downer, Hamre,
& Papay, 2012). Although the model suggests Justice, & Pianta, 2010; Mashburn et al., 2008).
that well-being and social and emotional com- Furthermore, there is evidence that teacher-
petence should benefit teachers at every level, student relationships (Merritt, Wanless, Rimm-
effects on student outcomes may vary hy grade, Kaufman, Cameron, & Peugh, 2012; Wang,
due to differences in time students spend with Brinkworth, & Eccles, 2012), effective class-
one particular teacher. Because students at the room management (Marzano, Marzano, & Pick-
elementary level spend most of their day with ering, 2003), and the effective implementation
one teacher, the relationship between a teach- of social and emotional learning (SEL) pro-
er's well-being and SEC and student academic grams (Brock, Nishida, Chiong, Grimm, &
and behavioral outcomes may he stronger at the Rimm-Kaufman, 2008; Durlak, Weissberg,
elementary level than the secondary level. How- Dymnicki, Taylor, & Schellinger, 2011) are re-
ever, the model proposes that teachers' well- lated to both classroom climate and student
being and social and emotional competence are outcomes.
also important contributors to the quality of For example, supportive teacher-student re-
their performance that have been overlooked in lationships play an important role in students'

The Prosocial Classroom Model

Healthy Teacher/
Social/ Student
Emotional Effective Healttiy
Social, Emotiohai
Competence & Classroom Classroom
& Academic
Well-being Management Climate

Effective SEL

School/Community Context Factors

Eigure 1. A Model of Teacher Well-Being and Social and Emotional Competence, Support,
and Classroom and Student Outcomes. From Jennings, P. A., & Greenberg, M. T. (2009). The
prosocial classroom: Teacher social and emotional competence in relation to student and
classroom outcomes. Review of Educational Research, 79, 491-525. Reprinted with permis-
sion from SAGE Publications, Inc.

feelings of connectedness to school and both social interactions deteriorate and conicts es-
their academic and social-emotional outcomes calate, the demands on the teacher multiply,
(Abbott et al., 2002; Gambone, Klem, & Con- which can lead to a "bumout cascade" (Jennings
nell, 2002; McNeely, Nonnemaker, & Blum, & Greenherg, 2009, p. 492). Faced with these
2002; Osher et al., 2007). When teachers hold challenging classroom conditions, teachers may
positive attitudes toward students and huild a respond with hostility and enact punitive mea-
strong sense of community among their stu- sures, reactions that may dismpt student moti-
dents, problem behaviors decline and on-task vation and contribute to a self-sustaining cycle
behaviors increase (Battistich, Schaps, Watson, of classroom dismption. High levels of distress
Solomon, & Lewis, 1997; Solomon, Battistich, may lead to teacher humout (Tsouloupas, Car-
Watson, Schaps, & Lewis, 2000). Furthermore, son, Matthews, Grawitch, & Barber, 2010) and
evidence suggests that this link is bidirectional deteriorating teacher performance and student
(Houts, Caspi, Pianta, Arseneault, & Moffitt, behavior and achievement (Osher et al., 2007).
2010). Teachers who report high levels of humout
Research has also demonstrated links he- are at increased risk of physical and mental
tween teachers' psychosocial characteristics illness, resulting in higher levels of absenteeism
and the critical elements of the prosocial class- (Schonfeld, 2001), reduced quality of perfor-
room model. Several studies have found signif- mance, and frequent irritahle mood (Huberman,
icant relationships hetween teachers' psychoso- 1993). High rates of teacher bumout (Johnson et
cial characteristics and classroom climate. For al., 2005; Travers & Cooper, 1993) and the
example, in a study that examined 730 kinder- corresponding low overall quality of classroom
garten classrooms, teacher psychological vari- instmction (Blase, 1986; Pianta, Belsky, Houts,
ables were stronger predictors of classroom & Morrison, 2007; Travers, 2001) support the
quality than were teacher educational attain- need for specialized professional development
ment and experience (La Paro et al., 2009). that promotes teachers' SEC. Further, reducing
Furthermore, de Schipper, Riksen-Walraven, teacher stress should maximize their capacity to
Geurts, and Derksen (2008) reported that create and maintain optimal classroom organi-
teacher positive mood was positively related to zation and to provide emotional support to their
high quality caregiving among a sample of 238 students.
early childhood educators. In our previous
work, we found relationships among depressive Mindfulness-Based Approaches
symptoms and all three dimensions of the
CLASS measure of classroom climate (Pianta, There has been growing interest in applying a
La Paro, & Hamre, 2003) among a sample of 35 mindfulness-based approach to supporting
preschool teachers (Jennings & Snowberg, teachers' SEC and promoting prosocial class-
2009). Depressive symptomology was signifi- room outcomes (Jennings, Roeser, & Lantieri,
cantly negatively correlated with emotional 2012; Roeser, Skinner, Beers, & Jennings,
support, organization, and instmctional support. 2012). "Mindfulness" refers to a particular kind
Positive affect, self-compassion, depersonaliza- of attention characterized hy intentionally fo-
tion, teaching efficacy, and mindfulness were cusing on the present moment with a curious,
positively correlated with emotional climate. nonjudgmental attitude (Kahat-Zinn, 1994).
Other research has found support for the hidi- Mindfulness can be conceptualized as a way of
rectionality of this link (Byme, 1994). paying attention and as the practice of paying
attention in this way. The practice of mindful-
Teacher Stress ness typically involves directing and maintain-
ing attention on a specific target, such as the
Teachers must employ a high degree of SEC breath, hut there are numerous approaches
to successfully manage the social and emotional (Vago & Silbersweig, 2012). Research on the
dynamics of the classroom environment (Shul- effects of mindfulness training with adults has
man, 2005). When teachers have difficulties shown numerous positive effects including en-
relating to students and managing their class- hanced body awareness (Lazar et al., 2005),
room, both student hehavior and achievement improved attention, and working memory (Jha,
suffer (Marzano et al., 2003). As classroom Kropinger, & Baime, 2007; Jha, Stanley, Kiyo-

naga, Wong, & Gelfand, 2010; Tang et al., practice time to promote behavioral change
2009; van derHurk, Giommi, Gielen, Speckens, (Cullen, 2011).
& Barendregt, 2010; Zeidan, Johnson, Dia- The typical one day workshop approach to
mond, David, & Goolkasian, 2010). Other ben- in-service professional development has been
efits include increases in positive mood and criticized for lacking continuity and coherence
immune response (Davidson et al., 2003), em- and for failing to appreciate the challenges and
pathy (Block-Lemer, Adair, Plumb, Rhatigan, complexity of teachers' work (Parsad, Lewis,
& Orsillo, 2007), improved emotion regulation, Farris, & Breene, 2001; Selman, 2003). In con-
and reduced stress (Chiesa & Serreti, 2009; trast, the CARE program is a comprehensive,
Eberth & Sedlmeier, 2012; Jimenez, Niles, & well-specified, fully-developed professional de-
Park, 2010). velopment model grounded in theory and basic
For teachers, practicing mindfulness may be research, and aimed at strengthening teachers'
an effective means of reducing stress and pro- personal resources and their performance. It is
moting well-being and may also promote self- designed to give teachers the tools to engage in
awareness and self-regulationtwo important daily professional learning to better understand
intrapersonal social and emotional competen- themselves and their students within the class-
cies (Vago & Silbersweig, 2012). Regular room context and how best to support student
mindfulness practice may facilitate emotional learning (Fullan, Hill, & Crevola, 2006).
self-awareness (Brown & Ryan, 2003) and
thereby promote cognitive and emotional regu- The CARE Intervention Logic Model
lation by supporting deep reflective capacities
and perspective-taking (Zelazo & Cunningham, Figure 2 illustrates the CARE intervention
2007). Practicing mindfulness may also help logic model. K-12 teachers who participate in
teachers reappraise stressful situations more ef- the CARE intervention are introduced to
fectively. In this way, mindfulness-based inter- emotion skills instruction, mindful awareness
ventions may be ideally suited to promote the practices, and caring and compassion practices.
development of the "mental set" associated with These are hypothesized to produce the proximal
effective classroom management (Kounin, outcomes of teacher improvement (well-being,
1970; Marzano et al., 2003). efficacy, and mindfulness) and classroom im-
provement (organization and instructional and
social support). These proximal outcomes are
The CARE Program hypothesized to result in the distal outcomes of
student improvement (student/teacher relation-
The present study examines whether the Cul- ships, academic achievement, behavior). In ad-
tivating Awareness and Resilience in Education dition, we hypothesize that teachers' classroom
(CARE) professional development program can management and instructional skills may mod-
improve teachers' social-emotional competence erate the effects of the CARE intervention; that
(SEC) and well-being. CARE combines emotion is, teachers who are more skillful will demon-
skills instruction, mindful awareness practices, strate more gains in the proximal outcomes as a
and compassion building activities to provide result of participation in the training. However,
teachers with skills to reduce their emotional we anticipate that participation in CARE will
stress and to improve the social and emotional also promote these skills. In the current study
skills required to build supportive relationships we examine a limited and specific part of the
with their students, manage challenging student larger logic model focused on the impact of
behaviors, and provide modeling and direct in- CARE on teacher changes in well-being, class-
struction for effective social and emotional room efficacy, burnout, stress, and health. Next
learning. CARE is an intensive 30-hr program we describe the components of the program and
presented in four day-long sessions over 4 - 6 their rationale.
weeks, with intersession phone coaching and a
booster held approximately two months later. The CARE Program Components
Although this level of intensity is unusual for
teacher professional development, it is typical Following best practices in adult learning,
of mindfulness-based interventions that require CARE introduces material sequentially, utiliz-

Target Intervention OutcomM

Population Proximal

CARE Weii-being student
Program Efficacy
K-12 Emotion skills relationships
Teachers instruction Academic
MIndfui achievement
awareness Classroom Behavior
Caring and
Compassion Organization
Teachers' Practices Instructional
classroom support
management and Emotional support
instructional skills

Figure 2. The CARE Intervention Model.

ing a blend of didactic, experiential, and inter- emotional states and explore their habitual emo-
active leaming processes (Bash, 2005). CARE tional pattems and related cognitions (Ekman,
combines direct instruction in specific skills and 2003). Teachers leam how to practice self-
opportunities to practice these skills, individual induction of positive emotions to promote resil-
reflective writing activities, small and large ience and self-regulation (Cohn, Brown,
group discussion, and activities to complete at Fredrickson, Milkels, & Conway, 2009;
home or at work. These leaming activities in- Fredrickson & Losada, 2005). These practices
crease in difficulty over the course of the pro- are designed to help teachers to be more sensi-
gram. Table 1 contains examples of activities tive to students' needs, more aware of the class-
from each CARE component organized by level rooms' emotional climate, and more self-aware
of complexity. The program also includes a and less reactive when dealing with challenging
coaching component that typically takes place student behavior.
between program sessions. Each participant
meets by phone with a facilitator who reviews
their progress, answers questions, and helps ad- Mindfulness Practices
dress challenges that may arise. Program mate-
Mindfulness practices involve deliberate
rials include a CARE Facilitator's Manual, a
training of attention to cultivate present mo-
Participant Workbook containing presented in-
formation, exercises, and homework activities, ment awareness of experience, and, to pro-
a Participant CD containing guided activities mote insight, reflection, and concentration
for home practice, and a series of PowerPoint (Kabat-Zinn, 1994; Zajonc, 2006). Mindful-
slides that support the presentation of the didac- ness can be conceptualized as a trait and a
tic portions of the program. Next we describe state that can be developed with practice
each component of the CARE program. (Brown, Ryan, & Creswell, 2007). Mindful-
ness-based interventions (MBIs) are effective
Emotion Skills Instruction in reducing stress (Werner & Gross, 2009)
and improving psychological functioning
CARE introduces emotion skills instmction (Weinstein, Brown, & Ryan, 2009). Mindful
using a combination of didactic instruction and awareness practices promote a "nonelabora-
experiential activities (e.g., reflective practices tive, nonjudgmental, present-centered aware-
and role-plays), in order to support teachers' ness in which each thought, feeling, or sen-
understanding, recognition, and awareness of sation that arises in the attentional field is

Table 1
CARE Program Components
Mindfulness/Stress reduction
Emotion skills instruction practices Compassion practices
Approximately 40% Approximately 40% Approximately 20%
1. Introduction to emotions, purpose, 1. Body awareness reflection 1. "Caring practice" - A series of guided
universal expressions, relevant 2. Basic breath awareness practice reflections focused on caring for self,
brain research 3. Mindfulness of thoughts and loved one, colleague, challenging
2. How emotions affect teaching and emotion practice person
learning 4. Mindful movement practices 2. Mindful listening partner practices, one
3. Didactic information about (standing, walking, stretching, person reads a poem or talks about a
"uncomfortable" or negative centering) problem, partner listens mindfully
emotions (anger, fear, sadness) 9. Practice maintaining mindful practicing presence and acceptance
including physiology, cognitive awareness in front of a group
and behavioral responses 10. Role plays to practice
4. Didactic information about mindfulness in the context of a
"comfortable" or positive strong emotion related to a
emotions (joy, appreciation) challenging classroom situation
including physiology, cognitive
and behavioral responses
5. Exploring bodily awareness of
6. Exploring individual differences
in emotional experiences
(emotional profile, triggers &
8. Practice using mindful awareness
and reflection to recognize and
manage strong emotions

acknowledged and accepted as it is" (Bishop their interactions with students, parents, and
et al., 2004, p. 232). colleagues.
Mindfulness promotes self-regulation of at-
tention and metacognitive awareness of one's Compassion Practices
moment-to-moment experience. This en-
hanced attention and a nonjudgmental aware- To promote empathy and compassion,
ness (characterized by curiosity, openness, CARE introduces "caring practice" and
and acceptance) support emotional and cog- "mindful listening." Caring practice involves
nitive flexibility, self-awareness, and self- a guided reflection of "loving kindness" fo-
regulation (Jimenez, Niles, & Park, 2010) cused on generating feelings of care for self
with the goal of helping teachers be less re- and others by mentally offering well-being,
active and reduce the automatic appraisals of happiness, and peace (Hopkins, 2001). Re-
student behavior that contribute to emotional search has demonstrated that regular practice
exhaustion (Chang, 2009). of this activity produces increases in daily
CARE introduces a series of mindful experiences of positive emotions and de-
awareness practices, beginning with the basic creased illness and depressive symptoms
practice of focusing on the breath and extend- (Eredrickson, Coffey, Pek, Cohn, & Einkel,
ing to activities that promote a mindful ap- 2008; Hofmann, Grossman, & Hinton, 2011).
proach to daily activities such as standing, Mindful listening exercises are designed to
walking, being present in front of the class- promote the ability to simply listen to another
room, listening to others, and so forth. without judgment. The practice involves no-
Through practicing these activities, teachers ticing (without acting upon) emotional reac-
learn to bring greater nonjudgmental aware- tions such as urges to interrupt, offer advice,
ness to their classroom organization and to or judge while listening (Shapiro & Mariels,

2013). These exercises are designed to help from 1 to 36 years {M = 11.7 years). Partici-
teachers to listen more effectively to students pating teachers were representative of the gen-
and be more sensitive and responsive to their eral population of teachers in the metropolitan
needs, especially during conflict when a area with regards to years of teaching {M =
teacher's calm, supportive presence can facil- 11.9 years). However, the sample was more
itate conflict resolution. educated (area average is bachelor's degree
only) and more female {M = 73%) than the
Focus of the Present Study general population (Pennsylvania State Depart-
ment of Education, 2013). No data regarding
The present study involved a randomized racial characteristics of the area population of
controlled trial of CARE; results are reported teachers are available.
here. This study represents the culmination of Participants' instructional contexts and
a 2-year project funded by the U.S. Depart- training background were diverse. Thirty-
ment of Education, Institute of Educational three were regular education teachers, eight
Sciences (IES) Education Research Grants were in special education, six identified as
program under the project goal Development specialists (e.g., speech-language pathology),
and Innovation. Following from funding re- and three noncore instructional educators (e.
quirements, an iterative development process g., art education). A majority of participants
involved a cycle of program development, (47%; n = 25) taught at the elementary level.
implementation, observation, and revision The remaining teachers taught at the pre-
(see Jennings, Snowberg, Coccia, & Green- school (n = 3), middle (n = 3), or high school
berg [2011] for a first-year report on this (n = 6) levels or in mixed grade settings (n =
project). In the first year, two pilot cycles 16). Active consent was obtained in accor-
were performed, resulting in the final program dance with university Institutional Review
design tested here. Here we test the hypothe- Board procedures. No financial incentives
ses that compared with controls, teachers who were provided to participants.
received CARE would show improvements in
measures of general well-being (including re-
ductions in depressive and daily physical Procedure
symptoms), efficacy, burnout/time pressure, Participants were recruited from schools
and mindfulness. We also hypothesized that via flyers and group presentations during fac-
teachers would find the program to he feasi-
ulty meetings. After consent was provided,
ble, acceptable, socially valid, and beneficial.
participants were matched on age, years of
teaching experience, grade level, position,
Method and school environment (urban and subur-
ban); pairs were randomized to intervention
Sample or wait-list comparison condition.
Fifty-three participants were recruited from The CARE program was presented to two
urban and suburban public schools in two cohorts of teachers. Each program was facili-
school districts in a small northeast U.S. met- tated by two of the program's developers across
ropolitan area. Attrition was low at 5.6% (one five full-day sessions. The intervention began
from control, two from intervention). Eighty- with a 2-day weekend session (12 hours) fol-
nine percent of participants were female (n = lowed by a 1-day session 2 weeks later and a
47) and 11% were male (n = 6). Forty-seven fourth day 2 weeks after the third session (4
participants identified as White, two as African weeks after the initial sessions). Approximately
American, and two as Hispanic, and one partic- one month later, a 1-day booster session was
ipant identified as being of a mixed racial back- presented. Between sessions, participants re-
ground. One participant declined to provide ceived one coaching phone call by program
race-related information. Participants' ages facilitators. The intervention was delivered to
ranged from 22-60 years (mean age = 36 Cohort 1 between October 2010 and January
years). Seventy-two percent had a graduate de- 2011 and to Cohort 2 between January and
gree {n = 38). Participants had been teaching April 2011 (see Table 2).

Table 2
CARE Program Schedule
Intervention group wave 1

Fall 2010 2011
Oct. 23-24 Nov. 6 Nov. 20 Jan. 15
Session 1 Intersession Session 2 Intersession Session 3 Intersession Booster
2 continuous days 2 weeks of 1 day (6 2 weeks of 1 day (6 Local group 1 day (6
(12 hours total) individualized hours) individualized hours) support hours)
coaching by coaching by activities
phone (one phone (one
20- to 30- 20- to 30-
minute call minute call
between between
sessions) sessions)
Intervention group wave 2

Winter 2011 2011
Jan. 15-16 Jan. 29 Feb. 12 April 30
Session 1 Intersession Session 2 Intersession Session 3 Intersession Booster
2 continuous days 2 weeks of 1 day (6 2 weeks of 1 day (6 Local group 1 day (6
(12 hours total) individualized hours) individualized hours) support hours)
coaching by coaching hy activities
phone (one phone (one
20- to 30- 20- to 30-
minute call minute call
between between
sessions) sessions)

Each participant was assigned a facilitator/ General well-being. Four measures as-
coach. The teacher and facilitator held coaching sessed teachers' general well-being.
sessions by phone between CARE sessions. Positive and Negative Affect Schedule
These calls lasted approximately 20 minutes (PANAS; Watson, Clark, & Tellegen, 1988).
and were intended to support teachers' devel- The PANAS assesses positive and negative
opment of an at home mindfulness practice and affect. Participants were asked to rate how
the application of CARE skills and concepts to they "felt during the past few weeks" on 20
their teaching. Facilitators asked participants emotions (such as "hostile" and "enthusias-
about their use of practices, what they found tic") using a 5-point Likert-type scale (1 =
helpful or not, and whether they had any ques- very little or not at all to 5 = extremely).
tions or challenges for which they needed sup- Coefficient alphas for the positive and nega-
port. tive affect suhscales were 0.92 and 0.85,
Measures Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (Gross
& John, 2003). The ERQ is a 10-item as-
Participants completed an online battery of sessment of two emotion regulation strate-
self-report measures at pre and post to assess gies: cognitive reappraisal and expressive
general well-being, efficacy, hurnout/time suppression. Respondents reported on emo-
pressure, and mindfulness. Participants in the tional experience ("what you feel like inside")
CARE group also completed a postinterven- and emotional expression ("how you show
tion evaluation of program acceptability. your emotions in the way you talk, gesture, or

behave") on a 7-point Likert-type scale (1 = ers, as characterized by high levels of emotional

strongly disagree to 7 = strongly agree). exhaustion and depersonalization and low lev-
Coefficient alpha for the reappraisal subscale els of personal accomplishment. Coefficient al-
was 0.90 and suppression subscale was 0.67. phas for the emotional exhaustion subscale were
The Center for Epidemiologie Studies De- 0.89; depersonalization, 0.70; and personal ac-
pression Scale (CES-D-20; Radloff, 1977). complishment, 0.79.
On the CES-D, participants were asked to rate 20 The Time Urgency Scale (TUS; Landy, Ra-
depressive symptoms over the past week and then stegary, Thayer, & Colvin, 1991). The TUS
rank the frequency of these feelings using a Likert assesses the multidimensional construct of time
scale where 0 = rarely (less than one day) to 3 = pressure. The scale is composed of 33 Likert
most of thetime(5-7 days). The coefficient alpha for items; 24 are part of five subscales to measure
the CES-D was 0.87. speech pattems (five items such as "I talk more
The Daily Physical Symptoms (DPS; Larsen rapidly than most people"), eating behavior (five
& Kasimatis, 1997). The DPS is a physical items such as "I eat rapidly, even when there is
symptom checklist containing 27 items. Par- plenty of time"), competitiveness (six items such
ticipants were asked whether or not they ex- as "I go 'all out"'), task-related hurry (three items
perienced each particular symptom "today" such as "I often feel very pressed for time"), and
and, if so, to rate the severity on a 1-10 scale, general hurry (five items such as "I usually work
with 1 = very mild and 10 = very severe. fast"). The remaining nine items can be included
Symptoms included pain such as headache in the mean to create a total scale score. Respon-
and backache, gastrointestinal problems such dents are asked to indicate the extent to which
as nausea and diarrhea, cold and flu symp- various descriptors apply to them personally.
toms such as cough and sore throat, and other Items ranged from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 =
symptoms such as eye- and ear-related symp- strongly agree. Coefficient alphas for the speech
toms. The coefficient alpha for the DPS was pattems scale were as follows: 0.72; eating be-
0.77. havior, 0.92; competitiveness, 0.70; task-related
Efficacy. hurry, 0.84; and general hurry, 0.57.
Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Questionnaire Mindfulness.
(TSES; Tschannen-Moran & Woolfolk Hoy, The Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
2001). The TSES is a 24-item Likert measure (FFMQ; Baer, Smith, Hopkins, Krietemeyer,
of three dimensions of teaching efficacy: effi- & Toney, 2006). The FFMQ is a 39-item Lik-
cacy for instructional strategies ("How much ert instrument with a total score and five sub-
can you use a variety of assessment strate- scales: observing, describing, acting with
gies?"), efficacy for classroom management awareness, nonjudgmental, and nonreactive.
("How well can you keep a few problem stu- Respondents are asked to indicate the extent to
dents form ruining an entire lesson?"), and ef- which various mindfulness-related statements
ficacy for student engagement ("How much can are generally true for them. Items ranged from
you do to foster student creativity?"), and total 1 = never or rarely true to 5 = very often or
efficacy score. Items asked teachers to indicate always true. Coefficient alphas for the total score
"How much they can do" in response to various was .63 and for the subscales: observing = .85;
classroom and instructional challenges. Items describing = .92; acting with awareness = .90;
ranged from 1 = nothing to 9 = a great deal. nonjudgmental = .88; and nonreactive = .80.
Coefficient alphas were as follows: efficacy for Program evaluation. The CARE Accept-
instructional strategies = 0.89, efficacy for ability Questionnaire (CAQ) is alO-item self-
classroom management = 0.92, efficacy for stu- report Likert questionnaire that asked interven-
dent engagement = 0.88, and total efficacy = tion participants to assess their overall program
0.95. satisf^action, as well as specific aspects of the
Burnout and time pressure. Two mea- program (program content, facilitator skill, pro-
sures assessed burnout and time pressure. gram length, setting/atmosphere, program de-
Maslach Burnout Inventory (Educators' sign, communication received from facilitators
Survey)(MBI; Maslach, Jackson, & Leiter, and coaching calls; 1 = highly unsatisfied to
1997). The MBI is a 22-item Likert measure 5 = highly satisfied), likeliness to recommend
designed to assess burnout syndrome in teach- to a colleague (1 = highly unlikely to 5 = highly

likely), perceived effects on teaching effective- Well-being. ANCOVAs controlling for

ness and stress (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = baseline measures indicated significant effects
strongly agree), perceived effects on students' on some aspects of well-being (see Table 4).
prosocial, on-task behavior and academic per- Specifically, significant intervention effects
formance (1 = much worse to 5 = much better), were found on the reappraisal subscale of the
overall quality, and perceived impact on job ERQ, F(l, 47) = 10.9, p = .002; d = .80, and
performance (1 = much lower to 5 = much reports of Daily Physical Symptoms, E{1,47) =
higher) in comparison to other professional de- 10.2, p = .002; J = -.32.
velopment programs. Efficacy. Significant and positive interven-
Fidelity. The CARE program was delivered tion effects were found for multiple indicators
by two of the program's developers who manual- of teacher efficacy (see Table 5). Specifically,
ized the program content in the form of proce- significant effects were found for the total score
dures and scripts for each activity. For each ses- on the Teacher's Sense of Self-Efficacy mea-
sion a Facilitator's Record Sheet was created to sure: F(l, 47) = 10.6, p = .002; d = .60);
evaluate that session based upon the manualized efficacy in student engagement: E{\, 47) =
scripts; both facilitators and a trained observer 10.3, p = .002; d = .56; and sense of efficacy in
completed the sheet at the end of each session to instmction: F(l, 47) = 11.6,p = .001; i/ = .59.
evaluate the program fidelity. Because the facili- However, no significant intervention effects were
tators were working directly from the materials found on the efficacy in classroom management
they created, the program was delivered with a subscale, F(l, 47) = 2.3, p = .13; d = .24.
high degree of fidelity (100%). Burnout/time-pressure. With regard to
teacher burnout and sense of time pressure, sig-
Analyses nificant intervention effects were found on the
general hurry subscale of the Time Urgency
Prior to conducting analyses, data were in-
Scale, F(l, 47) = 5.4,^ = .025; d = -.42, and
spected and no significant departures from as-
the personal accomplishment subscale of the
sumptions were detected. Less than 5% of cases
MBI, E{1, 47) = 3.9, p = .05; d = .40. No
were missing data on any variable at pre or post.
significant effects were found for the remaining
Because of this listwise deletion was used to
address missing data. As individual teachers subscales (see Table 6).
were randomly assigned to the intervention or Mindfulness. Significant intervention ef-
comparison groups, and data were analyzed at fects were found for the observing, F(l, 47) = 9.8,
this level, we utilized single-level analyses ap- p = .003; d = .69, and nonreactive, F(l, 47) =
propriate for a person-randomized (vs. cluster 8.4, p = .006; d = .73, subscales of the FFMQ.
randomized) control trial. Prior to conducting Significant intervention effects were also found on
analyses, a series of independent t tests revealed the summary mindfulness score (average of all
no significant differences between intervention items), F(l, 47) = 4.29, p = .044, d = .56. No
and control groups on any baseline measures on significant intervention effects were found for the
any pretest measure. For all self-report mea- other subscales of the FFMQ (see Table 7).
sures, ANCOVAs were computed between the
CARE intervention group and comparison Program Evaluation
group for each outcome, and the pretest scores
served as a covariate. Effect sizes were calcu- CARE acceptability questionnaire.
lated as Cohen's d (Cohen, 1988). CARE was well received by the teachers. A
majority (87%) reported that they strongly
agreed or agreed that this type of program
Results should be integrated into preparation and in-
service training. Teachers reported that CARE
Self-Report improved their self-awareness (96%) and well-
being (92%). They also strongly agreed or
Unadjusted pre-/postintervention mean com- agreed that as a result of CARE they were
parisons for all outcomes are reported in Table "better able to manage classroom behaviors ef-
3. The results of the ANCOVAs follow and can fectively and compassionately" (77%) and "bet-
be found in Tables 4-7. ter able to establish and maintain supportive

Table 3
Unadjusted Postintervention Mean Comparison for all Outcomes
Control group M (SD) Intervention group M (SD)
Pre Post Pre Post
General Well-Being-Related Outcomes
PANAS Positive affect 3.35 (0.92) 3.26(0.81) 3.44 (0.65) 3.51 (0.71)
PANAS Negative affect 2.23(0.71) 2.27 (0.74) 2.05 (0.60) 1.94(0.52)
ERQReappraisal 4.37(1.10) 4.45 (0.98) 4.61 (1.26) 5.36 (.82)
ERQSuppression 2.85(1.07) 3.26(1.06) 3.16(1.32) 2.91 (1.50)
CES-Depression 14.61 (8.74) 17.82(11.53) 11.56(6.99) 11.30(6.88)
Daily physical symptoms 24.89 (20.97) 30.37 (25.48) 20.20(13.97) 13.13(10.82)
Teacher Efficacy-Related Outcomes
Total sense of self-efficacy 6.92(1.12) 6.78(1.04) 6.69(1.09) 7.13(1.05)
Instructional strategies 7.18(1.14) 7.01 (1.07) 6.84(1.15) 7.35(1.06)
Classroom management 6.98(1.28) 6.90(1.23) 6.74(1.32) 7.07(1.34)
Student engagement 6.60(1.28) 6.44(1.18) 6.54(1.11) 6.97(1.08)
Teacher Bumout and Time Pressure-Related Outcomes
Speech pattems 3.30 (0.75) 3.32 (0.76) 3.26 (0.78) 3.00 (0.70)
Eating behavior 2.96(1.10) 3.07(1.17) 3.25(1.16) 3.05(1.10)
Competitiveness 3.90 (0.66) 3.86 (0.57) 3.74 (0.48) 3.67 (0.65)
Task-related hurry 3.87 (0.79) 3.98 (0.73) 4.11 (0.72) 3.86(0.61)
General hurry 3.57 (0.53) 3.62 (0.47) 3.59 (0.65) 3.38 (0.68)
Emotional exhaustion 3.36(1.33) 3.49(1.32) 3.30(1.09) 3.43(1.10)
Depersonalization 2.07(1.38) 2.24(1.34) 1.69(1.06) 2.02(1.30)
Personal accomplishment 4.63 (0.83) 4.53 (0.76) 4.54 (0,76) 4.76 (0.62)
Mindfulness-Related Outcomes
Observing 3.08 (0.74) 3.13(0.66) 2.88 (0.83) 3.55 (0.69)
Describing 3.74 (0.65) 3.67 (0.60) 3.44 (0.84) 3.65 (0.78)
Acting with awareness 3.11 (0.69) 3.17(0.64) 3.49 (0.72) 3.35 (0.70)
Nonjudgmental 3.41 (0.75) 3.51 (0.85) 3.75 (0.75) 3.77 (0.59)
Nonreactive 2.89 (0.70) 2.82 (0.62) 2.91 (0.58) 3.25 (0.68)
Summary score 3.26 (0.47) 3.27 (0.44) 3.29 (0.52) 3.52 (0.43)

rf :lationshDs"
with the children thev taue ht Discussion
(83%). Einally, participants noticed improve-
ments in students' (much better or better) proso- The results reported here suggest that CARE
cial behavior (76%), on-task behavior (66%), had significant positive effects on teachers' gen-
and academic performance (57%). eral well-being, efficacy, bumout/time pressure,
and mindfulness. With regard to measures of
general well-being, CARE participants showed
Table 4 statistically significant improvements in the re-
Covariance Adjusted Postintervention Mean
Comparison of General Well-Being-Related
Table 5
M-CARE Covariance-Adjusted Postintervention Mean
M-ctrl (SD) (SD) d P Comparison of Teacher Efficacy-Related Outcomes
PANAS Positive
affect 3.31 (0.74) 3.46 (0.52) .24 .356
M-ctrl (SD) (SD) d p
PANAS Negative
affect 2.23(1.94) 1.99(0.53) -.16.130 Total sense of self-
ERQReappraisal 4.54 (0.98) 5.26 (0.82) .80 .002 efficacy 6.696(1.04) 7.232(1.05) .60 .002
ERQSuppression 3.35 (1.06) 2.80(1.50) -.43 .076 Efficacy instructional
CES-Depression 15.58(11.53) 12.61 (6.89) -.45 .154 strategies 6.887(1.07) 7.51 (1.06) .59 .001
Daily physical Efficacy in classroom
symptoms 20.61 (25.48) 14.16(10.82) -.32 .004 management 6.83(1.23) 7.14(1.34) .24 .133
Efficacy in student
Note. Negative effect size scores indicate higher scores in
engagement 6.41(1.18) 7.05(1.09) .56 ,002
the control group relative to intervention.

Table 6 tween teachers' cognitive functioning, self-

Covariance-Adjusted Postintervention Mean reported sense of efficacy, and emotion regula-
Comparison of Teacher Burnout and Time tion, the results of this study are promising.
Pressure-Related Outcomes With regard to burnout and time pressure,
M-ctrl (SD) M-CARE (SD) d P
significant intervention effects were found on
the general hurry subscale of the TUS and the
Speech patterns 3.25 (0.76) 3.08 (0.70) -.24 .115
Eating behavior 3.18(1.17)
personal accomplishment suhscale of the MBI.
2.92(1.10) -.23 .098
Competitiveness 3.80 (0.57) 3.74 (0.65) -.10 .536 CARE may help teachers better manage their
Task-related hurry 4.02 (0.73) 3.80(0.61) -.32 .207 time. The mindfulness-based interventions re-
General hurry 3.62 (0.47) 3.38 (0.68) -.42 .025 duce rumination (Jain et al., 2007). When teach-
Emotional ers spent less time ruminating about their "to-do
exhaustion 3.44(1.33) 3.49(1.10) .04 .866 list" they may have more time to focus on those
Depersonalization 2.10(1.34) 2.18(1.30) .06 .754
accomplishment 4.51 (0.76) 4.79 (0.62) .40 .054 The personal accomplishment subscale of the
MBI is very similar to measures of efficacy
(e.g., "I have accomplished many worthwhile
things in this job") so it is not surprising that
appraisal subscale of the ERQ and daily physi- CARE demonstrated effects on this subscale. It
cal symptoms compared with controls. is notable that the intervention did not demon-
The ability to reappraise a stressful situation strate effects on emotional exhaustion or deper-
plays an important role in successful self- sonalization. However, baseline levels of these
regulation of emotion (Gross, 2002). The two variables were relatively low possibly re-
CARE program is designed to help teachers sulting in ceiling effects.
regulate their emotional reactivity in provoca- With regard to mindfulness, compared with
tive situations hy applying mindful awareness controls, CARE teachers showed significant im-
to emotional experience: noticing the physical provement on the observing and nonreacting
sensations and cognitions associated with their subscales of the FFMQ. A large component of
reactions and when needed, taking a few deep the CARE program involves learning mindful
breaths. This practice is designed to help teach- self-observation and self-regulation. The de-
ers calm down, decenter, and reappraise provoc- scribing, acting with awareness, and nonjudging
ative situations. subscales showed no significant improvement.
Chronic stress can erode physical health Although these dimensions of mindfulness are
(McEwen, 2004) and the significant reduction also included in the CARE program, improve-
in teachers' reports of daily physical symptoms ments in these suhscales may take more time to
suggests that the CARE program may help re- appear. Further research involving a follow-up
duce stress, supporting teachers' resilience and collection period would be required to deter-
preventing stress-related illnesses. Future re- mine whether this is the case and whether the
search with a larger sample should provide an intervention effects found in this study are re-
opportunity to test whether CARE's effects on tained over a longer period of time.
physical symptoms are mediated by improve-
ments on other variables.
With regard to teacher efficacy, CARE teach-
ers showed improvement in the TSES total Table 7
score, compared with controls. Significant in- Covariance-Adjusted Postintervention Mean
tervention effects were also found on the in- Comparison of Mindfulness-Related Outcomes
structional strategies and student engagement M-ctr! (SD) M-CARE (SD) d P
subscales of the TSES. Helping teachers better
Observing 3.12(0.66) 3.58 (0.69) .69 .003
recognize and regulate their emotional reactiv-
Describing 3.56 (0.60) 3.78 (0.78) .32 .156
ity may improve their efficacy by preventing the Acting with
degradation to cognitive functioning that is awareness 3.30 (0.64) 3.21 (0.70) -.13 .562
provoked by the stress response (McEwen & Nonjudgmental 3.59 (0.85) 3.68 (0.59) .12 .605
Sapolsky, 1995). Although more research is Nonreactive 2.82 (0.62) 3.29 (0.66) .73 .006
required to fully examine the relationship be- Summary score 3.27 (0.44) 3.52 (0.43) .57 .044

Overall, participants reported high levels of effects on classroom and student outcomes to
satisfaction with the program. Results of the justify the time intensity of the program.
program satisfaction survey suggest that teach-
ers found the program improved their relation- Implications for Educational Psychology
ships with their students, their classroom and Policy
management, and their classroom climate. The
results provide preliminary support for the Teacher stress and humout is a pervasive
Prosocial Classroom Model. Improvements in problem in education today. Unfortunately, few
teachers' well-being, efficacy, burnout, and if any programs have addressed this issue.
mindfulness (all related to teachers' SEC) were School psychologists are increasingly heing
associated with teachers' reports of improve- called upon to provide support to teachers in the
ments in student and classroom outcomes. form of professional development and consul-
tation on matters related to and or associated
Limitations with teacher stress that impact performance.
CARE is a promising manualized program that
This study had several limitations. The sam- psychologists can use to address these issues.
ple size was relatively small and we relied on School psychologists are ideally suited to serve
self-report to determine program effects. Future as implementation agents, given their knowl-
research should employ larger samples and ex- edge in both the psychological and instmctional
amine the effects on classroom climate and stu- dimensions of the classroom context. CARE
dent outcomes. Furthermore, as data were col- can be deployed as a universal or targeted pre-
lected at pre- and postintervention only, further vention strategy at the school or district level.
follow-ups would he required to assess its long- This research has implications for future ed-
term effects. It is possible that some interven- ucational policy and programs in at least three
tion effects may take time to appear while oth- ways. First, CARE may reduce teacher stress
ers may dissipate over time. Because no active and bumout, which may reduce school district
control group was employed, it is possible that costs in terms of personnel health care costs,
the results may have occurred simply from absenteeism, and early resignation. Second,
teachers receiving an intensive amount of atten- CARE emphasizes the teacher's own develop-
tion and group support. Future research should ment which requires further attention in educa-
control for this possibility hy including an ac- tional policy and research. Third, CARE may
tive control comparison condition that includes help teachers establish supportive relationships
equivalent amounts of time and attention but with students at risk of school failure, thereby
does not included any active mindfulness- promoting school attachment and school cli-
related components (e.g., nondirected teacher mate. Further studies that involve assessment of
support group etc.). student outcomes will he required to test this
Another limitation of the present study was hypothesis. Finally, CARE may improve class-
that it did not assess CARE's effects on class- room climate which may result in improve-
room and student outcomes. Additional re- ments in students' academic achievement, thus,
search will be required to determine whether supporting initiatives and policy aimed at these
improvements in teacher outcomes also im- outcomes, especially those seeking to narrow
prove teachers' ability to develop and maintain the "achievement gap."
a well-managed leaming environment and pro- In summary, this study indicates the potential
vide optimal emotional support to their stu- of a mindfulness professional development pro-
dents. This will require a multisite randomized gram to reduce emotion reactivity and promote
trial focused on testing the direct effects of the well-being. Although further research is re-
CARE program on teacher, classroom, and stu- quired to obtain a more complete understanding
dent outcomes. Such a trial may also examine of C A R E ' S effects, these results suggest it is a
whether CARE is especially effective for teach- promising intervention to support teachers, es-
ers, classrooms, and students at highest risk, and pecially those working in challenging settings.
provide support for the Prosocial Classroom Thus, CARE may fill an important professional
model through tests of mediation. In any case, it development need that has been long over-
will be important for future research to show looked by the education research community; to

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