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Running head: COMMUNICATION 1





The second amendments empower each American citizen to own a gun. Therefore, any

efforts to change these provisions must include a plebiscite. The United States has a history of

gun violence, and efforts have been suggested to improve public safety (Nakamura & Eilperin,

2016). The shooting in Inland Research Center San Bernardino where over 26 civilians infuriated

President Obama and offered the opportunity for him to push for tighter gun control. The

president suggested issuing executive orders that called for tighter control in the gun acquisition,

including expanded background search on buyers (Nakamura & Eilperin, 2016). The suggestions

by the president met a lot of resistance and criticism, especially from groups such as the National

Rifle Association (NRA), Republicans among others. The paper will discuss the critique of

President Obama speech on gun violence following shootings at San Bernardino.

One natural right that cannot be taken away from any individual is the freedom to self-

preservation. The stressing point here is that humans have a right to take steps that secure their

families and properties. The framers of the constitution especially the enactment of the second

amendments had the idea of self-preservation in mind. Therefore, they made it a right for every

citizen of the United States to bear arms. Obama executive order and the suggested expanded

background search would simply stifle the provisions of the second amendments and constrain

the rights of the citizens (Nakamura & Eilperin, 2016). By all consideration, the legality of such

an order should only be determined through a referendum. In other words, Americans should be

allowed to vote on whether they want to retain the right to bear arm or not. Such freedoms can

never be the discretion of the president.

Norway citizens are far more armed than the Americans. The citizens carry even military

grade assault rifle, yet the rate of gun violence is insignificant compared to America. The trigger

point for the President threat on the executive order was the shooting at San Bernardino, which

was determined to be terrorists in nature. Therefore, it would look like the president was

suggesting the country could fight the terrorists better by disarming the public. Perhaps at this

point, it is important to look at Republican candidate for the presidency (Donald Trump) asked.

What if the victims at the time of the attack were armed? (Nakamura & Eilperin, 2016). Probably

they could have defended themselves and stopped the carnage. The point makes sense, the initial

repulse of the assault could have held back the attacker until the law enforcement officers


Restraining the rights of the Americans to own guns through the executive order would

not address the problem of gun violence at all. For example, the participants in the San

Bernardino shootings were apparently inspired by terrorist ideologies. Therefore, the efforts of

the government should be geared towards reducing the radicalization of the youths. Unless such

steps are taken, withdrawing guns from the civilians will just be superficial to the problem at

hand (Nakamura & Eilperin, 2016). Criminals such as religious terrorists will still find a way to

violate the law and access the guns. The poignant point here is that Obama policies should be

focused on eliminating terrorists radical ideas from American Muslim youths.

Gun violence expands beyond the terrorist attacks such as San Bernardino. The

neighborhoods in areas such as Brooklyn are very unsafe due to gangs. In fact, gangs in the

American cities constitutes a bigger danger when it comes to gun violence than the terrorists.

Police have over the years failed to eliminate gangs in towns. Mostly, the African Americans

and Latinos are assumed to either be in drug dealings or gangs. The result of this presumption is

that African Americans and the Latinos have been unfairly targeted in the fight against gangs.

Statistics shows that majority of the people in prison and are blacks and Latinos. However,

despite the high incarceration rate, gangs have not been wiped from the neighborhoods

(Nakamura & Eilperin, 2016). The President should focus on giving opportunities to the black

American so that they can fathom a life outside gangs that mean, increasing the high school and

college graduation rates among the minority groups. Eventually, by empowering these minority

groups, the incidences of the guns violence committed by gangs could significantly drop. A

better approach compared snatching guns from the Americans is essential.

What I Felt Regarding the Speech

I believe Obamas speech was a big relief to American citizens. Gang attacks arouse

untold fear and disrupt freedom in a given state. However, it is evident that president Obama

speech on gun violence following the shootings at San Bernardino is driven by emotions rather

than the constitution. It is understandable that the president was infuriated by the senseless loss

of lives and the injuries that were caused (Nakamura & Eilperin, 2016). However, it is upon the

president to uphold and respect the Constitution. Therefore, despite the understandable anger, his

executive order must adhere to the constitution. I perceive that failure to comply with the

provisions of the law could have set the grounds for his impeachment.

In conclusion, America has experienced many gun violence cases some involving injuries

and death of the minors. However, the provision of the constitution should be followed. I feel

that the president should not use the executive order to take away the rights of the Americans to

bear arms. Instead, security agencies should just do more to protect the Americans from criminal



Nakamura, D. & Eilperin, J. (2016). Obama details executive action on gun restrictions. The

Washington Post. Retrieved from:



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