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Career Planning: Social Worker

Veronica L. Trathen

Wilmington University

Twenty year ago, in June I got my first taste of working in the Human Services world. It

was purely by accident that I stumbled along a non-profit that just happen to have a job opening

that caught my interest. The truth is I was hooked from my first day. I did not have any formal

education or training just the drive to help and learn all I could to find my spot in an amazing

organization that was doing so many great things for people with disabilities. My first job at this

organization turned out to be that of an Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director.

Almost immediately thereafter I also started handling much more which I know now is typical of

the non-profit human services field. Before I knew it, I was providing direct care in the homes of

individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I also was asked to temporarily run

a direct service program which eventually became permanent. A few years later I was running 8

county direct service programs, dabbling in fundraising, program development and running an

overnight Camp.

Each opportunity helped me to try something new and with each new task it helped me to

branch off into just about anything I had an interest in exploring. For example, starting with the

Administration role really helped me to understand the operations and staff in the overall

organization. This was key to my foundational knowledge and a big part of how I got to where I

am today within this organization. As I started doing the direct services it allowed to me

experience working directly with people. This helped me to understand the needs of individuals

and at the same time see how I was the connective tissue to all the services the agency provided

to those the agency supported. Seeing the impact, I had on the family by providing them with

reliable and quality care to their loved me helped me to realize I found my passion. When I

started supervising these direct services it gave me such in site to what the direct staff

experience, how valued their roles were to growth and satisfaction of future services. As a

supervisor, the most excited part to me was hearing families and staff about changes they would

like to see and it empowered me to make recommendation for new and changing services. I

created statewide coffee socials for families. Participating in these socials helped me to start

several new services such as Saturday Recreation programs, day camps and after school services

that still exist today. My eyes were also opened to some greater detail as a supervisor I had never

been involved in before. Budgets, reporting, goals and strategic planning were among some of

new challenges I got to experience. I quickly learned their importance and how imperative they

all were to the future of the organizations sustainability.

I was not surprised at all by the results of what the Strength Finders activity revealed

about me. It confirmed for me some of my obvious natural talents and passions. Ironically, it

was also duplicative of how my co-workers and staff may also describe me. The top five themes

for me were achiever, arranger, individualization, relator and restorative. It did help me realize

that when I am experiencing discontent in my job it is because I am doing less of what comes

natural too me. I have a lot of flexibility and support at my current job and can make more of an

effort to be happier by incorporating more of more natural abilities into what I do every day. I

have a great team of people I have been working with for a long time and it helps to have a team

that is already aware of what comes naturally to me. At this organization, I have always been

encouraged to explore my interests and I feel I am very lucky to be able to be in such a position.

Prior to becoming a professional I would have described myself when I was a student

growing up with achiever theme. I was always looking to do better than I did before. It is the

power supply that causes me to set the pace and define the levels of productivity (Pg. 37) in

everything I do. I have also been told many times that I like to manage all the variables whether

it is in my professional or personal life. I guess it could be perceived as a bit controlling but it is


not about controlling people but looking for solutions because there might just be a better way.

(Pg. 53) I think my ability to observe individualization helps to take all the unique themes in

others to help to make things happen. This has been instrumental to me in building productive

teams. As a relator, I think it is true that I gravitate towards people I know. I feel like I tend to

get the most encouragement from people who know me best. I thrive in that encouragement and

it takes me to great places when I am trying to accomplish something. The friendships I have I

value greatly. I encourage and care for them like I would want to be encouraged and careful in

return. I am not sure if I seek out problems or if problems find me but I get excited at the ideas

of trying to fix - anything. I get a rush from helping someone through personal issues and at

work I love trying to find ways to make something work especially when others are struggling or

have given up.

The MAPP assessment was very different yet complimentary of that of the Strength

Finder. The MAPP focused on what motivates someone and what their preferences in a job

setting are where the Strength Finder is about your natural abilities. I dont think either

assessment is wrong and in fact I think the MAPP helps to develop and identify those natural

abilities and strengths you may not otherwise be aware. The areas of the MAPP that got my

attention the most are how I prefer to perform tasks, my expression of performing tasks and how

I relate to things in priority order. I pride myself on my ability to remember, find and use exact

details. I am also counted on by my peers for my abilities in this area. When it comes to my

expression of performing tasks it could not be more true that mathematics is not my area of

interest. However, I recognize its importance and have an adequate awareness to accomplish

what needs to get done. The most important to me of the MAPP assessment is how I relate to

priority order. I remain alert, interested and responsible throughout stead operational shifts. It is

common for me to monitor, weigh in and keep a group on task because have a priority order

helps to get the most important areas of focus accomplished on time and in a logistic chain of


After visiting the United States Bureau of Labor statistics, it was easy to zero in on a

career within the Human Service field that fits my assessment profile. The career I chose was

that of a Social Worker. I chose Social Worker because it is a career that is known to help people

which is an obvious choice for me. However, based on my natural abilities and what motivates

me it seemed like a good choice because it is a career that themes such as achiever, arranger and

especially individualism would be extremely useful in. As an achiever, I am naturally excited

about setting up challenging goals. When you are working with people it is not easy. It is also

not just enough to help them help themselves. It is about setting more demanding goals of

making sure not only do you assist them in helping themselves but set the bar to ever greater

possibilities. As an arranger in the social work field things will not always go as expected. You

must rise to the challenges and manage all the variables involved and try to figure out the best

way to get things done. I think it is extremely valuable for a social worker to realize

individualization. Each person has unique values and individual issues. Each person needs your

time and attention. By paying attention to their differences you may also discover what motivates

each person to make changes or want more for themselves. I generally like to be helpful and

empathetic which puts me in a good position to understand peoples needs and hurts. According

to the MAPP assessment, this is how I relate to people. It also points out that being stuck in a

machine-like job all day would not be ideal. Social worker is far from a machine type job and

would offer a job that would have variation and one I believe I would find very satisfying. The

MAPP assessment describes me operating in reality and with logic and this is necessary in social

work because you do not want to set people up for failure. Even if your goal is to help someone

it should be based realistic and what will really work for a person.

I have a lot to bring to the career of social work. I am organized in my thinking. I

prepare and research every step of what I am tasked to do. I work with people not for people and

seem to accomplish more by using this approach. I dont pretend to care I do. I realize we are

all born into different families and circumstances and some of those situations are easier than

others. However, regardless we all deserve a shot at making the most of what we have. I dont

give up easily and I am determined to find a way. I dont expect everything to go smoothly and

have a grasp on reality. I also always expect to work hard for what I am trying to accomplish. I

am not one to flounder on next steps. I am a doer and I like taking action. I have no problem

leading, delegating and doing my part to contribute so no family will be waiting on my watch. I

think people I support would find me a high communicator and they will feel they have the most

up to date information as possible when possible.

I am a qualified applicant because I have 20 years of working directly with families. My

role has varied but this has given me so much perspective and in site that I can use to be the best

social worker I can be. I have learned a lot of lessons over the years and I am not one to repeat

my mistakes. I use each opportunity as a learning opportunity so I can grow personally and

professional. I have also never been someone who worked a 9am to 5pm day. I make myself

available for those I support because peoples problems dont just happen during business hours.

I need to meet people where they are at. It is important to build a trusting relationship and you

do that by being available and knowledgeable about your field. If I dont know something I am

not afraid to ask. I will also go above and beyond to research or get the information needed to

get what I am looking for. I have served as a leader in several capacities and have found the

greatest success happen when I have a team I can trust and take their job as seriously as I do. I

think I have a knack for identifying peoples unique talents and having the ability to have that

work for a given task or project. For example, I recently worked with an individual that needed

assistance in multiple areas of their life. I knew there was some parts of this that were not in my

area of expertise and

When it comes to challenges or weakness for me in this professional I can see a few areas

that may be difficult but manageable. Though being available to people I support around the

clock has its positives it is important for me as a professional to have some boundaries between

work and my life. If I do not take care of myself, it is not possible to truly take care of someone

else. I also tend to have a lot of empathy and it will be important to not let that guide my ability

to support anyone. It also challenging to be in a helping role but realizing that if you do

everything for someone you may not really be solving anything. It is important to help people

help themselves in hopes that ideally, they wont need you again. Social Work is a layered

profession and with that comes lots of challenges. Almost simultaneously, you are looking to

help someone help themselves, strengthening the social fabric while hoping to help create a more

just society. That is a heavy lift by any standards so by understanding you can make your mark

you cant let your entire professional world come crashing down when you have your setbacks.


Rath, T., & Buckingham, M. (2007). StrengthsFinder 2.0. New York: Gallup Press.

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