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The idea of introducing a pentavalent vaccine to prevent 5 diseases at the same time has been marked

as impractical by the Government.

Should our business come to a halt, we wouldnt be able to keep up with the repayments, which would
lead to our foreclosure.

The mealy-mouthed must have done something wrong, thats why he kept beating about the bushes in
front of the President.

In case of war, we would be faced with the problem of keeping the non-combatant safe.

The report this morning was ill-prepared and extemporaneous

To let off steam after a hard day at work, I usually make earthenware pots.

The killing between the armed forces and the innocent was an extrajudicial execution which the
Government refused to be held responsible.

Soon, when you get older, you will notice the therapeutic effect of yoga.

Biocapacity is the area of productive land available to produce resources or absorb carbon dioxide
waste, given current management practices, which is measured in standard units called global hectares.

It is a lesser-known fact that the famous film star used to be a nondescript student in his early

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