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Nur Yani Agustina Manullang, 210210059, Description of Students

Level of Knowledge, Attitude, and Action at the Faculty of Medicine,
University of Methodist Indonesia on Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) Vaccine, in

Thesis. Faculty of Medicine, University of Methodist Indonesia, Medan

Background: Cervix cancer is a type of cancer which attacks many women. Today, it
ranks the second in the world in cancer diseases which attacks women and the first in
the developing countries. Generally, it can be primarily, secondarily, and tertiarly
prevented. One of the primary preventions is by vaccination. HPV vaccination can
reduce Human Papilloma Virus infection since it has >90% of protection.

Method: The research used descriptive analysis with questionnaires in order to find
out the description of the students level of knowledge, attitude, and action at the
Faculty of Medicine, University of Methodist Indonesia on HPV vaccine. The
population was all 553 students in the academic year of 2010 2011, and 84 of them
were used as the samples.

Result: The result of the research showed that 59 respondents (70.2%) had good
knowledge, 15 of them (17.9%) had moderate knowledge, and 10 of them (11.9%)
had bad knowledge. 68 (81.0%) respondents had good attitude, seven of them (8.3%)
had moderate attitude, and nine of them (10.7%) had bad attitude. 70 respondents
(83.4%) had good action, six of them (7.1%) had moderate action, and eight of them
(9.5%) had bad action.

Conclusion: Based on the result of the research, it could be concluded that 70.2% of
the respondents had moderate level of knowledge, 81.0% of them had good attitude,
and 83.4% of them had good action.

Keywords: Human Papilloma Virus, Knowledge, Attitude, Action


Nuseni Yabez Kafiar, Std. ID Number: 210 210 016

Description of Titer, Using Widal Test in Child Patients Suffered from Typhoid
Fever at RSUD Dr. Pirngadi, Medan, in the Period of 2010-2012

Thesis. Faculty of Medicine, University of Methodist Indonesia, Medan

Ii xii, 53 pages, 9 tables, 3 pictures, 11 appendices

Background: Typhoid fever is an illness which is related to personal hygiene. In

Indonesia, child patients who suffered from this illness are usually above one year
old. There are 410 cases of typhoid fever at RSUD Dr. Pirngadi, Medan. The
diagnosis of typhoid fever is based on the existence of Salmonella in blood through
culture because isolating Salmonella is difficult and relatively takes a long time.
Therefore, Widal serology test is usually used to detect O and H antigens as an
alternative. The objective of the research was to find out the description of titer by
using Widal test in child patients who suffered from typhoid fever at RSUD Dr.
Pirngadi, Medan, in the period of 2010-2012.
Method: The research used descriptive analysis with cross sectional approach which
was aimed to explain the description of titer, using Widal test in children under five
year-old patients, the description of titer using Widal test in child patients, and the
description of titer, using Widal test in teenager patients. The population was all
inpatients suffered from typhoid fever at RSUD Pirngadi, Medan, and 81 of them
were used as the samples. The data were used by using an SPSS (Statistical Product
and Service Solution) software program, and Frequencies test was used in the
statistic test.
Result. The result of the statistic test showed that O and H titers (1/320) were more
dominant than the other titers. The variables of O titer and H titer, using Widal test in
children under five year-old, were 30.8% and 53.8%, the variables of O titer and H
titer, using Widal test in children, were 29.2% and 37.5%, and the variables of O titer
and H titer, using Widal test in teenagers, were 29.6% and 32.1%.
Conclusion: Based on the result of the research, it could be concluded that titer with
Widal test in child patients who suffered from typhoid fever at RSUD Pirngadi,
Medan, was 1/320 O titer (19.6%) and H titer (32.1%).
Keywords: Titer, Widal Test, Children, Typhoid Fever, Salmonella typhi

Heri Prawitno Marpaung, NPM. 210210018

The Characteristics of the Adolescent Patients with Typhoid Fever at Dr.

Pirngadi General Hospital Medan within the period of January 1, 2011 to
December 31, 2012.

Thesis. Faculty of Medicine, Methodist University of Indonesia, Medan.

Background: Typoid fever is worldwide in nature but it can be found more in the
developing countries, such as Indonesia, compared to the developed countries. In
Indonesia, typoid fever is one of the endemic diseases. In Sumatera Utara, typoid
fever ranked second in terms of its incidence rate in 2008. The main causal factor of
the incidence of typoid fever is the lack of environmental and individual hygiene. The
purpose of this study was to find out the characteristics of the adoles centpatients
with typhoid fever at Dr. Pirngadi General Hospital Medan within the period of
January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2012.
Method: This descriptive study used retrospective secondary data to find out the
characteristics of the adolescent patients (age, gender, education, occupation) with
typoid fever. The population of this study was all of the 250 adolescent patients with
typoid fever who came to this hospital for treatment from 2011 to 2012 and 154 of
them were selected to be the samples for this study through purposive sampling
technique. The data obtained were processed through SPSS program and interpreted
in the form of table.
Result: Statistically, the result of this study showed that most of the adolescent
patients with typoid fever were those of 18 21 years old (43.5%), female (50.6%)
and male (49.4%) and SMA (High School) graduates (49.4%). In terms of
occupation, most of them belonged to school group (90.9%).
Conclusion: Based on the result of this study, the conclusion is that the characteristic
of the adolescent patients with typoid fever was that most of them was of 18 21
years old, female, SMA graduates, and students.

Keywords: Typoid Fever, Salmonella Typhi, Adolescent Patient

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