Anda di halaman 1dari 8

Christ the Antidote Regarding Death


Part. 18.
''He drew me up out of a horrible pit [a pit of tumult of de!tru"tio#$% out of the mir& "la& 'froth
!lime(% !et m& feet upo# a ro")% !tead&i#* m& !tep! e!tabli!hi#* m& *oi#*!+'' Ps.40:2. Oh what a
wonderful glorious hoe we ha!e in su"h a wonderful #od $ %a!iour who is a"tuall& within' art of' $ in
truth when full& realised' a"tuall& (& own 'true identity'. )ow true are the words when the rohet said that
'Ma# i! fearfull& wo#derfull& made+' As we (o!e on in #od after )e has *rought us u out of the
horri*le it of our sin or our mistaken identity whi"h is the root of our 'tumult of de!tru"tio#' or the
thin+ing in the ter(s of our 'mir& "la&' whi"h reresents the mass or Adamic consciousness of the world
also des"ri*ed as our 'froth !lime' e,erien"e' whi"h in truth is also our 'mistaken identity'.
And &et these e,erien"es were $ are ne"essar&. Christ is the seed, '#ot !eed'! of ma#&' $ this seed in
e!er& one of us (ust *e lanted in the earth - our earth, our miry clay,- the Christ )i(self the .ORD
lanted hi(self in e!er& (an. /he natural seed that we lant in our garden' *efore it ger(inates (ust die in
that miry clay or froth & slime *efore it *egins to srout. .hen the s"riture tells us that ',hri!t wa! !lai#
from the fou#datio# of the world' Re!.10:8' it is (& "on!i"tion that there was an agree(ent in the
Godhead that The Christ, the Son, the WO! would lant )i(self in the earth of e!er& (an' e!er& hu(an
*eing' $ as the seed, that he die or slee - there is no dee"er death than i#norance & un$elief - in e!er&
hu(an *eing' $ then at a "ertain ti(e when we are at a stage of *eing tired of this flesh 'or horrible pit or
tumult of de!tru"tio#' e,erien"e $ are read& to "o(e A.A12 then Christ our 'true self or identity' sea+s
$ then the seed is ger(inated as it were $ then our feet are set uon the ROC1 of /R3/). /hen a new hase
*egins when m& !tep! m& *oi#*! are !teadied e!tabli!hed in the wa& of (& (a+er who does A44
/)56#% .244. /he "ru"ifi,ion at Cal!ar& was the "ul(ination of this death or slee7 then *egan a new
e,erien"e when fro( that ti(e )e Christ 'fi#i!hed put a# e#d to tra#!*re!!io#% !ealed up made full the
mea!ure of !i# brou*ht i# e.erla!ti#* ri*hteou!#e!!' Dan.8:24' $ fro( the ti(e of the resurre"tion' a
new ra"e of eole were *rought into *eing. 9ut alas the veil or our 'mistaken identity' has to date hidden
this fa"t fro( (ost of (an+ind' *ut than+ #od )e is now lifting that :254. .e are now no longer '/ud*ed
a""ordi#* to our i#i0uitie!' we are now realising the truth of our 'full !al.atio#' wherein we realise that
',hri!t ha.i#* bee# offered to ta)e upo# Him!elf bear a! a burde# the !i#! of 1 the % ma#& o#"e
o#"e for A22 will appear a !e"o#d time% #ot to "arr& a#& burde# of !i# #or to deal with !i#% but to bri#*
to 3U22 SA24ATION tho!e who are [ea*erl&% "o#!ta#tl&% patie#tl&$ waiti#* for e5pe"ti#* Him+'
)e*.8:28. 5n other words the full truth of what was esta*lished at the Cross $ resurre"tion will *e full&
re!ealed or (ade +nown. /his is when we *egin to 'full& i#herit that [fi#al$ 1 or full - !al.atio# that i!
read& to be re.ealed [for &ou$ i# the la!t time+' .hi"h is R5#)/ 6O.. 1Pet.1:;.
6e Are All Of The 2a!t Adam+
<urther(ore in realit& there are no (ore <5R%/ ADA=%' >esus Christ has re!ersed that. 6ow 5 want us to
"onsider !er& "arefull& what 5 a( now going to sa&. ??Thu! it i! writte#% The fir!t ma# Adam be"ame a
li.i#* bei#* 'a# i#di.idual per!o#alit&(7 the la!t Adam ',hri!t( be"ame a life-*i.i#* Spirit [re!tori#* the
dead to life$+'' 1Cor.1;:4;. /wo @uestions. Did the first Ada( refer to all (enA /he answer is of "ourse'
BesC .e all *elonged dece"ti&ely to the "ororate Ada(. 6ow the se"ond @uestion is. Did the last Ada(
refer to all (enA /he answer is ''A#d a! we ha.e bor#e the ima*e of the earth&% 'our mistaken identity' we
!hall al!o bear the ima*e of the hea.e#l&+'' 'our true identity' 1Cor.1;:48'22. 1>:. /his is an un"onditional
state(ent *a"+ed u *& :erse. 22'''3or a! i# Adam A22 die% e.e# !o i# ,hri!t !hall A22 be made ali.e+''
/o further solidif& this ''I will draw attra"t A22 me# to M&!elf+'' >n.12:02. And again ''3or a! b& o#e
ma#'! di!obedie#"e - the - ma#& were made !i##er!% !o b& the obedie#"e of o#e !hall - the - ma#& be
made ri*hteou!+'' Ro(.;:18.1>:. /hen again in Ro(.11:02. A(. ??3or God ha! "o#!i*#ed 'pe##ed up(
Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
A22 me# to di!obedie#"e% o#l& that He ma& ha.e mer"& o# them A22 [ali)e$+8 And one (ore found in
Ro(.14:11. 93or it i! writte#% A! I li.e% !a&! the 2ord% )#ee !hall bow to Me to#*ue !hall
"o#fe!! to God [a")#owled*e Him to Hi! ho#our to Hi! prai!e$+'' And the wonderful thing is that all of
this is to *e done through $ *& the ines"aa*le' irresisti*le' $ all owerful 4o!e of #od' who is the %irit
of truth7 .ho will *e wor+ing through )is (anifested sons' also +nown as )is (an-"hild: 6ot forgetting
the gra!e "lothe helers in >ohn 11 who are )is "hildren' who are at wor+ e!en now. Through & by the
cross & the resurrection, every last one o us are no! the 4A%/ ADA=. 9e"ause &ou or 5 at one ti(e
"ould not see this did not alter the fa"t of the truth of it. As with an& other truth?s that we ha!e seen o!er the
&ears our earlier ignoran"e of those things did not alter the !alidit& of the(. %o Christ is now lifting the lid
as it were or re(o!ing the !eil $ re!ealing to us that we are indeed now the last Adam $ that we are no
longer the first Adam $ this hidden or false or 'mistaken identity' is *eing shown u $ 'will be ta)e# out of
the wa&' - in our realisation - on"e $ for all' $ if we thin+ in the resent tense' this truth we are esousing
$ sharing is heling to do Dust that.
God Ha! 2eft A#&thi#* To ,ha#"e+
6othing in the lan of #od is left to )5/ $ =5%%. ''A#d He Him!elf e5i!ted before all thi#*!% i# Him all
thi#*! "o#!i!t '"ohere% are held to*ether(+8 9A#d God purpo!ed that throu*h 'b& the !er.i"e% the
i#ter.e#tio# of( Him [the So#$ all thi#*! !hould be "ompletel& re"o#"iled ba") to Him!elf% whether o#
earth or i# hea.e#% a! throu*h Him% [the 3ather$ made pea"e b& the mea#! of the blood of Hi! "ro!!+''
''6ho wor)! out* i# a*reeme#t with the "ou#!el de!i*# of Hi! ow# will+'' 2h.1:11*.
''6ho will ha.e all me# to be !a.ed% to "ome to to the )#owled*e of the truth+8 1>:. /he a(lified states
in the latter art of the sa(e !erse' 9to per"ei.e re"o*#i!e di!"er# )#ow pre"i!el& "orre"tl& the
[di.i#e$ Truth+'' 1/i(.2:4. /he !ish or !ill, fro( the #+' is FThelo, to wish' will' or (eanG. 5f &ou are
wondering a*out the word wish, 5 thin+ that #od is full& "aa*le of fulfilling )is own wish' *ut in the idio(
of the then language it did not ha!e the "onnotation of toda&?s understanding of wish. %o #od has urosed
that in )is ti(e that e!er& last one of )is "reation' will "o(e to a full )#owled*e re"o*#itio# of the
Truth+ 5 (ust "o((ent $ sa&' how trul& wonderfull& #loriousCC
God'! 6orld+
%o(e ha!e stated that this is not #od?s world. 5 would strongl& disagree. ''The :arth i! the 2ord'! the
full#e!! of it% the world the& who dwell i# it+'' Ps.24:1. ''All thi#*! are of God'' %o therefore 'God
wor)! all thi#*! to*ether for Hi! *lor&+' The whole of creation is to redound to the Glory of God.
/hen in the 8th Chater of He"h $ !erse 1*$ 8*-8'11-12' we read ''3or the 2ord ha! a# e&e upo#
ma#)i#d a! upo# all the tribe! of I!rael+8 8*. 93or #ow M& e&e! are upo# them+ 8. Re/oi"e *reatl&% O
;au*hter of <io#= Shout aloud% O ;au*hter of >eru!alem= ?ehold &our Ki#* "ome! to &ou7 He i!
[u#"ompromi!i#*l&$ /u!t ha.i#* !al.atio# [triumpha#t .i"toriou!$% patie#t% mee)% lowl&% ridi#* o#
a do#)e&% upo# a "olt% the foal of a do#)e&+ 11. A! for &ou al!o% be"au!e of for the !a)e of the
["o.e#a#t of the 2ord with Hi! people% whi"h wa! !ealed with !pri#)led$ "o.e#a#t blood% I ha.e relea!ed
!e#t forth &our impri!o#ed people out of the waterle!! pit+ 12. Retur# to the !tro#*hold [of !e"urit&
pro!perit&$% &ou pri!o#er! of hope7 e.e# toda& do I de"lare that I will re!tore double &our former
pro!perit& to &ou+''
A wonderfull& hidden rohe"& for us toda& ''3or m& e&e! are upo# them% the ;au*hter of <io# of
>eru!alem%'' e!en as it was uon the then 5srael. .h&A <or his eole 6O. are now the true siritual 5srael
''he that i! a >ew i! o#e i#wardl&% "ir"um"i!io# i! of the heart% i! #ot outwardl&''+ 6ow 5 +now full well
Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
that >ew $ 5srael does not ne"essaril& in so(e "ases (ean the sa(e thing' *ut the t&e or meta"hor 5
*elie!e in this "ase alies. 5n #od?s world toda& )e is la&ing )is hand on those who are listening' willing
$ read& $ *ringing the( out of a !aterless "it' water is indicati&e of the S"irit of God'. .e are *eing told
that (an who has *een i(risoned in this waterless state or "it for so long is now *eing released. ''Retur#
to the !tro#*hold - Christ in you, your true identity - &ou pri!o#er! of HOP:7''+++++ 5n Ro(.8:18-21.=offatt.
.e read' 9:.e# the "reatio# wait! with ea*er lo#*i#* for the !o#! of God to be re.ealed+ 3or "reatio#
wa! #ot re#dered futile b& it! ow# "hoi"e% but b& the will of Him who thu! made it !ub/e"t % the HOP:
bei#* that "reatio# a! well a! ma# would o#e da& be freed from it! thraldom to de"a& *ai# the *loriou!
freedom of the "hildre# of God+'' .e are also told in the a*o!e He"hariah !erse 12' /hat these ''pri!o#er!
of HOP: will al!o ha.e double their former pro!perit& 1 which was the Genesis One e'"erience %
re!tored to them'' this is (eaning for us' *eginning toda&. 6O.CC
; i! i# ,har*e'
/he Prohe"& of 2Ie+iel found in Chater 04' was a Dudge(ent against the sheherds of his da&' as well as
an indi"t(ent against (an& of the so "alled sheherds $ Pastors of toda&. 5t would *e good for &ou all to
read the whole "hater to understand the whole i"ture. 5n loo+ing at !erses 18-2J. ''A#d m& flo")% mu!t
the& feed o# what &our feet ha.e trodde# dri#) what &our feet ha.e fouled@ Therefore !a&! the 2ord
God to themA ?ehold% I% I M&!elf% will /ud*e betwee# the fat !heep impo.eri!hed !heep% or fat *oat!
lea# *oat!+ ?e"au!e &ou pu!h with !ide with !houlder thru!t with &our hor#! all tho!e that ha.e
be"ome wea) di!ea!ed% till &ou ha.e !"attered them abroad+ Therefore will I re!"ue M& flo")% the&
!hall be #o more a pre&7 I will /ud*e betwee# !heep !heep+ A#d I will rai!e up them ON:
SH:PH:R; He !hall feed them He !hall be their Shepherd+ A#d I the 2ord will be their God M&
Ser.a#t ; a Pri#"e amo#* them7 I the 2ord ha.e !po)e# it+ A#d I will "o#firm with them a "o.e#a#t
of pea"e will "au!e the bea!t! to "ea!e out of the la#d% a#d [M& people$ !hall dwell !afel& i# the
wilder#e!!% de!ert% or pa!ture-la#d !leep ["o#fide#tl&$ i# the wood!+ A#d I will ma)e them
the pla"e! rou#d about M& hill a ble!!i#*% I will "au!e the !hower! to "ome dow# i# their !ea!o#7
there !hall be !hower! of ble!!i#* [of *ood i#!ured b& God'! fa.our$+''
/here are (an& !erses in the O/ that sea+ a*out Da!id' regarding the son?s of #od. 5n the a*o!e we
realise that this is >esus Christ who was des"ri*ed as 'the Son of !a&id', *ut we (ust also realise that the
'Ta$ernacle of !a&id' whi"h was a"tuall& a orta*le tent' reresented us' the son?s of #od' #od?s now
"ororate' orta*le' walkin#, li&in# & mo&in# =ost )ol& Pla"e. /his is how #od is at the (o(ent re!"ui#*
Hi! flo")% that the& be #o more a pre& this is also how our <ather is raising u O62 %)2P)2RD not onl&
through Christ *ut through the t&e whi"h is M& !er.a#t ; 5f we do a sear"h we will find (an&' (an&
!erses "onsolidating this fa"t. 5n o*edien"e to the realisation of the truth of the Taber#a"le of ; we are
told ''I will "au!e the bea!t! to "ea!e out of the la#d M& people !hall dwell !afel& i# the
wilder#e!!++++++a#d I will "au!e the !hower! of ble!!i#* to "ome dow# i# their !ea!o#''+
5n A"ts 1;:1J-1E..e read' ''After thi! I will "ome ba")% will rebuild the hou!e 1 tent or ta$ernacle %
of ; whi"h ha! falle#7 I will rebuild it! [.er&$ rui#!% I will !et it up a*ai#+ So that the re!t of me#
ma& !ee) the 2ord% all the Ge#tile! upo# whom m& #ame ha! bee# i#.o)ed+''
''A#d ; M& !er.a#t !hall be Ki#* them% the& all !hall ha.e ON: Shepherd+ The& !hall al!o
wal) i# M& ordi#a#"e! heed M& !tatute! do them+'' 2Ie+iel.0E:24.
3or The& Shall I#herit The :arth+
=t.;:;. Ps.0E:11.
/his (a& surrise so(e' *ut (& ai( is that 5 a( not lanning to go an&where else than to sta& on this /erra-
Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
fir(a. #od?s true sons are lanning to "o(e into a New ;ime#!io#% (an& are lanning to li!e I#to the A*e+
=an& are "o(ing out of the 2nd real( of understanding (oly )lace into the 0rd real( of realisation' The
*ost (oly )lace. 5 a( not tr&ing to *oast' as there are (an&' (an& others who are of the sa(e (ind as
(&self who ha!e *een on this road' or wa& of thin+ing longer than what 5 ha!e.
--It a lot o courage to release the a/iliar an0 see/ingly secure, to e/brace the ne!& $ut
there is no real security in !hat is no longer /eaningul& There is /ore security in the a0venturous
an0 e1citing, or in /ove/ent there is lie, an0 in change there is "o!er&-- Alan Cohen&
I#to a New ;ime#!io#% I#to the A*e+
''>e!u! !aid to her% I am [M&!elf$ the re!urre"tio# the 2ife% belie.e! i# 'adhere! to% tru!t! i#%
relie! o#( Me% althou*h he ma& die% &et !hall he li.e7''
''A#d "o#ti#ue! to li.e belie.e! i# 'ha! faith i#% "lea.e! to% relie! o#( Me !hall
[a"tuall&$ die at all+ ;o &ou belie.e thi!+'' >n 11:2;-2J. A(..... )ere are now the sa(e two !erses fro(
the Con"ordant :ersion
''>e!u! !aid to her+ 9I am the re!urre"tio# the 2ife+ He who i! belie.i#* i# Me% e.e# if he !hould be
d&i#*% !hall be li.i#*+''
''A#d who i! li.i#* belie.i#* i# Me% !hould be b& #o mea#! d&i#* for the :ON+ Are &ou
belie.i#* thi!@''
5 wish to show &ou that if we "losel& s"rutinise these two !erses that there is a differen"e. :erse 2;'e@uates
to the 1st $ 2nd Real(s' Outer Court & Holy +lace& :erse 2J' e@uates to the 0rd Real( )ost Holy +lace or
Tabernacles, shall ne&er die at all A(' or should $e $y no means dyin# for the +O, Con"ordant. ??9& no
(eans d&ing for the EON&-- 2O6 also (eans for the a#e a eriod of ti(e or one thousand &ears.
/here is a differen"e in the "ondition *etween the two A(lified !erses7 :erse 2; tells us '
belie.e! i#' while !erse 2J it states ' ,ONTINU:S TO 2I4: belie.e! i#' /he differen"e is in the
"ondition. .ith the Con"ordant !erse 2; states 'He who i! belie.i#* i# Me' while !erse 2J renders 'who i!
2I4ING ?:2I:4ING i# Me'++++++5t is one thing to *elie!e' $ another thing to 45:2 $ *elie!e. /he
differen"e is in the 45:56#.
As we ha!e ointed out re!iousl& that there are 0 le!els of understanding to s"riture. 9I a!!ure &ou%
mo!t !olem#l& I tell &ou% if a#&o#e ob! er.e! M& tea"hi#* [li.e i# a""orda#"e with m& me!!a*e% )eep! M&
word$% he will b& #o mea#! !ee e5perie#"e death+8 >n.8:;1. /he #ree+ renders these last few words
li!ing into the A#e.
.e also read in 6u(.14:24' ''?ut m& !er.a#t ,aleb% be"au!e he ha! a differe#t !pirit ha! followed me
full&% will I bri#* i#to the la#d i#to whi"h he we#t% hi! de!"e#da#t! !hall po!!e!! it+'' /he land of "ourse
was the PRO=5%2D 4A6D' whi"h toda& reresents in"orruti*ilit&.
?ei#* ,au*ht Up+
.hen we read in Re! 12:;. .here the =an-"hild is '"au*ht up to God Hi! thro#e+' this is not referring
to a geograhi"al lo"ation' those in this !erse ha!e graduated into a !er& high s"iritual 0i/ension within
themsel&es, the throne is a la"e of ruler-shi first of their own li!es' within the(sel!es' $ then it will
graduate to others. /he sa(e alies to those who ha!e ''"ome are !at dow# be!ide Me o# M&
thro#e% a! I M&!elf"ame 'wa! .i"toriou!( !at dow# be!ide M& 3ather o# Hi! thro#e+'' Re!.0:24.
/his is not an a"tual seat or "hair set in so(e geograhi"al area other than within their or your &ery own
$ein#' in other words these ha!e trul& realised their true identity to the fullest' the :254 will ha!e *een
"o(letel& re(o!ed. 5n this o!er"o(ing as with our 2lder *rother who was $ is our erfe"t e,a(le $
attern. /his o!er"o(ing death in the resurre"tion' was of "ourse in"luded' $ also those who are set down
on the sa(e throne will ha!e also li+ewise o!er"o(e death throu#h the same Christ within us. .e are in no
wa& ad!o"ating that flesh will *e li!ing in it?s resent state. ''3or thi! peri!hable [part of u!$ mu!t put o#
Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
the imperi!hable [#ature$% thi! mortal [part of u!% thi! #ature that i! "apable of d&i#*$ mu!t put o#
immortalit& 'freedom from death(+'' 5 Cor.1;:;0.
=en $ wo(en are going to *egin to a!oid the gra!e. 5 did not sa& all' not for the (o(ent an&wa&. Do
not tell (e that it is i(ossi*le. *ou are too late it has haened in art alread&: Enoch & Eli2ah3 Praise
our (ost wonderful Creator $ %a!iour. 5n"identall& this is written to /hird real( *elie!ers $ those who
ha!e ear! to hear $ wish to asire to a higher real(.
Ruth Mi*rated 3rom Moab+
5n (igrating out of one "ountr& $ into another' there are a nu(*er of things in!ol!ed. <irst there is
dissatisfa"tion' a tiredness of that whi"h is un-fulfilling' a realisation that the resent state of things are non
rofita*le' a si"+ness of' $ a non-e,"ite(ent "aused *& a hoelessness of the (undane' $ e!en a +nowing
of a wrongness. /here is no goal' also an a""eting of the fa"t that things are going nowhere. 5f #od is
"alling &ou out of a =oa*' $ there is the un"o(forta*le feeling that &ou are not in the la"e where &ou
ought to *e' in other words &ou feel that &ou are a s-uare "e# in a round hole, &ou Dust do not fit7 Bou need
to (a+e a transition' &ou need to (igrate. .here will 5 goA Ruth followed her intuition' her '#ut feelin#, so
to s"eak.' 5s there a dee seated feeling within &ou that tells &ou that in"orruti*ilit& on this earth for (an is
right' is there a ring of truth in this sort of tal+' then &ou need to "onsider seriousl& =5#RA/5O6. Bou need
to follow &our 6ao(i ',ome out from amo#* them tou"h #ot the u#"lea# thi#*!' of =OA9. .hen
Ruth followed her 6ao(i she followed her all the wa& to her CO36/RB' her realisation of the things of
#od $ she e!entuall& found her 156%=A6 R2D22=2R to the fullest in her 2RA. /here is a la"e right
now where we "an find our 'ins/an Re0ee/er in a higher la"e than &ou ha!e e!er +nown )i( *efore'
right now' $ that is in the realisation that )e is within &ou as &our '&ery own identity' e!en in the 'ing0o/
o Go0 !hich is !ithin you& 5f Ruth had sta&ed in =oa* she would ha!e died as there was a fa(ine in the
land' as in (an& lands or li!es toda&. 5s there a fa(ine of the #or0 o Go0 where &ou are at' are &ou Dust
not *eing fedA Bou do not ha!e to "hange Chur"hes &ou need to "hange the la"e where &ou are feeding' we
need to "o(e dire"tl& to our =asters ta*le' whi"h is where he resides $ that is with the Christ !ho is
!ithin you& =oa* was a grandson of 4ot' the result of an in"estuous relationshi with his own K .ot's -
daughter. /he nation des"ended fro( =oa*. 6ot a good la"e to *e in. 9e"ause of "ir"u(stan"es' 6ao(i
found herself in =oa*' not the erfe"t la"e for an 5sraelite *ut she (ade good use of her ti(e $ in her
witness whi"h was e!ident in her life. .hen after (an& &ears 6ao(i de"ided to return to 9ethlehe( of
>udah for she had heard that there was no longer a fa(ine there' her two daughters in law de"ided to go
with her. 6ao(i ad!ised the( to return $ *lessed the(. /he& relied no' we want to return with &ou. )ere
"a(e the test of ersisten"e' the 4ord through 6ao(i (ade it hard' Turn bac. (& daughters' 5 a( too old
to ha!e an& (ore sons lus $ et". /heir ersisten"e was tested' this Dourne& was not $ is not for the faint
hearted' Orah left' *ut Ruth clung to her, 6ao(i on"e again urged Ruth to return. )ere is art of the
answer Ruth ga!e. ''ur*e me #ot to lea.e &ou or to tur# ba") from followi#* &ou7 for where &ou *o I will
*o% where &ou lod*e I will lod*e+ Bour people !hall be m& people &our God m& God+'' Ruth.1:1J. Ruth
was fun"tioning on faith alone' naturall& sea+ing she did not *elong to 6ao(i?s eole' she was a
=oa*?ite' not an 5sraelite' *ut wonderfull& so' she did not listen to her natural thoughts' her 'lower self, her
mistaken identity' she rea"hed out in faith $ o*e&ed her 'her hi#her self, her true identity, $ o*e&ed that
whi"h was within for she +new that 56 6ao(i she had seen the /R32 #OD. /han+ #od that )e is "alling
sons $ daughters to )i(self who are toda& going against the tide as it were $ are o*e&ing that whi"h is
within' as against their oosing =oa*?iti" "ir"u(stan"es $ as Ruth did the& are finding their 'ins/an
Re0ee/er in a wa& that the& ha!e ne!er +nown to date or e!en e,e"ted.'6ho i! o# the 2ord'! !ide' On"e
again this wal+ is not for the faint-hearted' &ou will *e tested as #od?s sons' &ou will *e tested e!en as their
forerunner' &es' e!en as &our 2lder *rother >esus Christ was tested' in the area or the fa"t that so(e of &our
for(er siritual "o(anions (a& thin+ that &ou are strange $ are a little off' a reetition of the earl& 1800s
when Pente"ost was *eing re!i!ed. 5 would li+e to insert here that so(e ha!e la*elled the Tabernacle
/essage as false do"trine whi"h has alwa&s *een the "ase with those who would follow "losel& their
Creator $ %a!iour' 5 no longer li+e to "all it do"trine' as e&ery Tom !ick & (arry claims to ha&e the true
Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
Doctrine in the sense that now to (an&' it has now *e"o(e a dirt& word. /R3/) is what we are now
ro(oting $ onl& &ou if &ou are trul& listening to &our hi#her self your true Christ self "an deter(ine what
/R3/) 5%CC 9eing led of the s"irit not A sirit for ''there are ma#& !pirit! *o#e out i#to thi! world+'' #od?s
true son?s will dis"ern $ +now )5% %P5R5/. Go0-s "eo"le are no! leaving )oab by the 0roves& =an& are
Ma)i#* Strai*ht Their Path!+
After Ruth had found her 'ins/an Re0ee/er he said to her' ''I ha.e bee# made full& aware of all that
&ou ha.e do#e+++++ how &ou ha.e left &our father mother the la#d of &our birth ha.e "ome to a
people u#)#ow# to &ou before '' Ruth.0:11. 5n other words #od is sa&ing to us here that )e is ta+ing into
"onsideration that *& faith &ou ha!e forsa+en all that &ou had to hold on to' ''&our father mother &our
la#d'' this was !isuall&' h&si"all&' $ e!en a alse s"iritual ho"e whi"h is all that &ou had' *ut *& faith $
faith alone &ou o*e&ed (& ro(tings $ ha!e (o!ed into a higher di(ension $ *& faith &ou ha!e "o(e to
a eole 'u#)#ow# to &ou before'++++++ ''>e!u! !aid% Trul& I tell &ou% there i! #o o#e who ha! *i.e# up
left hou!e or brother! or !i!ter! or mother or father or "hildre# or la#d! for m& !a)e for the Go!pel'!+
6ho will #ot re"ei.e a hu#dred time! a! mu"h #ow i# thi! time C hou!e! brother! !i!ter!
mother! "hildre# la#d!% with per!e"utio#! ---- i# the a*e to "ome eter#al life+'' =ar+.10:28-00.
5 tell &ou toda& saints that this sort of faith $ sa"rifi"e (o!es the heart of #od $ that erson' is a erson
that "an *e used of #od' 'deep "all! u#to deep' $ faith answers faith. And to ro!e what 5 a( sa&ing the
"onse@uen"e was that Ruth *e"a(e the great grand(other of Da!id $ in turn was an an"estor of our 4ord
>esus Christ. Does &our sirit "r& out )alleluDah' 5 sa& again saint of #od' whoe!er $ where!er &ou are
#od has great things reared for the( that will o*e& *& faith )is ro(tings.
/he 'in "art, #lass darkly, ho"e' to (an& toda& in the 1st $ 2nd real(s does not in"lude incorru"tibility
in!ading this earth' 'whi"h i! the redemptio# of our bodie!% from !e#!ualit& the *ra.e' Ro( 8:20.
So that 6e mi*ht feel after Him fi#d Him
3or he i! #ot far from a#& of u!+
''3or i# Him we li.e mo.e ha.e our bei#*7 a! e.e# !ome of &our [ow#$ poet! ha.e !aid% 3or we are
al!o Hi! off!pri#*+ Si#"e the# 6: are God'! O33SPRING% we ou*ht #ot to !uppo!e that ;:ITB 'the
Godhead( i! li)e *old or ! or !to#e% [of the #ature of $ a repre!e#tatio# b& huma# art ima*i#atio#%
or a#&thi#* "o#!tru"ted of i#.e#ted+'' A"ts.1E: 2E*-28.
.e are told that 56 'Him we li.e mo.e are ali.e'' that is our !er& "ons"iousness our e,isten"e is
#od whether we realise it on not. /he word offsring ste(s fro( a #ree+ word ghen?-os L genos' kin,
/man0 nation, offs"rin#, stock etc. %/RO6#% M 108;. .hat is the writer telling us hereA 'we ou*ht #ot to
!uppo!e that ;eit& i! li)e *old ! or !to#e' in other words )e is not to *e li+ened to an&thing else other
than s"iritual (an' or Christ in you, )is true offsring. 5 was alwa&s told that 5 was the dead s"it of (&
natural father $ in re"ent ti(es 5 ha!e loo+ed in the (irror $ ha!e *een @uite surrised at the rese(*lan"e'
what 5 a( sa&ing is if we wish to +now the what the arent is li+e we need to loo+ at the O<<%PR56#. 5f
we want to +now what #od is li+e we need to loo+ at the offsring' *ut not through our natural e&es' *ut
through the e&es of faith. 5 hear the state(ent ?A9%3RD? lease *ear with (e. #od is %P5R5/ so o*!iousl&
we need to loo+ a little deeer than the flesh. =an& of us ha!e not &et realised it *ut we ha!e all *een gi!en
si, senses' fi!e for the flesh $ one for the siritual' that O62 siritual sense e(*ra"es all the siritual
senses that we need' for it is <A5/). As with an& sense or attri*ute we ossess' to *e full& a"ti!e it (ust *e
e,er"ised otherwise it will di(inish' this is wh& >esus often said' ''?e"au!e ha.i#* the power of !eei#*%
the& do #ot !ee7 ha.i#* the power of heari#*% the& do #ot hear% #or do the& *ra!p u#der!ta#d+''
=t.12:10. Did we noti"e the i(li"ation' we )A:2 it *ut are not using it..... #ood 62.%C ''3or He ha!
Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
dealt to ma# the mea!ure of 3AITH+'' 6ow in this faith we ha!e *een gi!en lies the !er& nature of
#od )i(self. /his is also another roof that #od is within us' for faith is )is nature #od )5=%24<. 5n
=ar+.11:22. /he #ree+ tells us' 'Ha.e &ou faith of God' or we would sa& toda& Have the aith o Go0, in
other words a"ti!ate that
whi"h is of =&self that 5 ha!e alread& gi!en &ou. '?& faith we u#der!ta#d that the world! were framed+'
6ow as we *egin to understand that =A6 is the "arrier of #od' =A6 is the offsring of #od' =A6 is the
/a*erna"le or tent of #od 2Cor.;:4. =A6 is (ade in the 5(age of #od' =A6 is the AP2N of #od?s "reation.
6ow so(eone (ight sa& that the root word in this "ase is #enos $ not #ennao %/RO6#% M 1080' as found
in >ohn.0:0'4';'J'E'8. 5 a( well aware of the differen"e *ut 5 want to sa& this' that >esus Christ was as
)3=A6 A% BO3 $ 5' $ in one sense he did not ha&e the 1um" on an& one of us. /his if &ou "an hear
*ra!p it' is one of the wonderful reasons that )e "a(e to show us' that we are to "o(e to an understanding
of the fa"t' ''That the& all ma& be o#e% [/u!t$ a! Bou 3ather% are i# me I i# Bou% that the& al!o ma&be
o#e i# U!% !o that the world ma& belie.e be "o#.i#"ed that Bou ha.e !e#t Me+ I ha.e *i.e# to them the
*lor& ho#our whi"h Bou ha.e *i.e# Me that the& ma& be o#e [e.e#$ a! 6e are o#e+'' >ohn.1E:21-22.
6ow 5 want us all to +now that we are in no wa& e,alting our hu(anit&' *ut that within the shell of our
hu(anit& lie all the otential of #od $ the #odhead. 2!en though we (a& ha!e found #od whilst in our
hu(anit& there is &et (ore to the see+er' to the one who wishes to allow his faith to *e a"ti!ated '2ord
i#"rea!e our faith' was the "r& of the dis"iles. /he full otential whi"h is within us that Paul saw e!en in
)is da& is shown in 2h.4:10 ''Till we all "ome i# the u#it& of the faith of the )#owled*e of the So# of
God u#to a perfe"t ma#% u#to the mea!ure of the !tature of the full#e!! of ,hri!t+'' 1>:. /his stature of
the fullness is found in 1Cor.1;:48-;1.
''A#d /u!t a! we ha.e bor#e the ima*e [of the ma#$ of du!t% !o !hall we a#d !o let u! al!o bear the ima*e
[ of the Ma# $ of hea.e# + ?ut I tell &ou thi!% brethre#% fle!h a#d blood "a##ot [ be"ome parta)er! of
eter#al !al.atio# a#d $ i#herit or !hare i# the )i#*dom of God7 #or doe! the peri!hable 'that whi"h i!
de"a&i#*( i#herit or !hare i# the imperi!hable 'the immortal(+'' /he 1>: %a&s' 9That fle!h a#d blood
"a##ot i#herit the )i#*dom of God7 .e are de"laring the truth of the Pro(ised 4andCCC
There i! #o !a"rifi"e too *reat% to *ai# the PriDe of I#"orruptibilit&+
=& reader friend $ *rother $ sister' *e en"ouraged for this is (ore than Dust a ossi*ilit& to &ou. 5t is what
)e has ordained for those who will dare to *elie!e. <irst to the 'son's of God, the man-child', then the& are
(anifested' ''So that re!t of me# ma& !ee) the 2ord% a#d all the Ge#tile! upo# whom M& #ame ha! bee#
i#.o)ed+'' A"t 1;:1E.
Col.2:8-10. ''See to it that #o o#e "arrie! &ou off a! !poil or ma)e! &ou &our!el.e! "apti.e b& hi! !o
"alled philo!oph& a#d i#telle"tuali!m a#d .ai# de"eit 'idle fa#"ie! a#d plai# #o#!e#!e(% followi#* huma#
traditio# 'me#'! idea! of the material rather tha# the !piritual world(% /u!t "rude #otio#! followi#* the
rudime#tar& a#d eleme#tal tea"hi#*! of the!e a#d di!re*ardi#* [the tea"hi#*! of$ ,hri!t 'the
Me!!iah(+ 3or i# Him the whole full#e!! of ;eit& 'the Godhead( "o#ti#ue! to dwell i# bodil& form
[*i.i#* "omplete e5pre!!io# of the di.i#e #ature$+ A#d &ou are i# Him% made full a#d ha.i#* "ome to
full#e!! of life [ i# ,hri!t &ou too are filled with the Godhead --3ather% So# a#d Hol& Spirit--
a#d rea"h full !piritual !tature$+ A#d He i! the Head of all rule a#d authorit& [of a#*eli"
pri#"ipalit& a#d power$''++++++++ 5n"orruti*ilit& is art of the (ind of Christ. '2et thi! mi#d be i# &ou%
whi"h wa! al!o i# ,hri!t >e!u!A' Phil 2:;........ %o(eone said that age is a ro*le( of the (indC 5f that is so
then all we need to do is to chan#e our mind...... =an& true words ha!e *een so+en in DestCC
2et u! 2abour to e#ter that Re!t+
)e* 4:11. ''2et u! therefore be Dealou! a#d e5ert our!el.e! a#d !tri.e dili*e#tl& to e#ter that re!t [of
God% to )#ow a#d e5perie#"e it for our!el.e!$% that #o o#e ma& fall or peri!h b& the !ame )i#d of
Christ the Antidote Regarding Death
u#belief a#d di!obedie#"e [i#to whi"h tho!e i# the wilder#e!! fell$+''
/he R2%/ that we "a(e into in the e,erien"e of the 'The (oly )lace' or Pente"ost was the foretaste or
earnest or first instal(ent.
2Co 1:22 ''6ho hath al!o !ealed u!% a#d *i.e# the ear#e!t of the Spirit i# our heart!+''
2h 1:14 ''6hi"h i! the ear#e!t of our i#herita#"e u#til the redemptio# of the pur"ha!ed po!!e!!io#%
u#to the prai!e of hi! *lor&+''

/he word 2AR62%/ in O%/RO6#% Mg.E28. ar-hra*-ohn' arrha*on. Of )e*rew origin F)J1J27G a
ledge' that is art of the ur"hase (one& or roert& gi!en in ad!an"e as se"urit& for the rest :- earnest.P
/he fullness of the 2AR62%/ or ?first instal(ent? is gi!en at the "o(letion of the *ost (oly )lace
e,erien"e as shown in the te,t *elow.
5sa 11:8-10 ''The& !hall #ot hurt or de!tro& i# all M& hol& mou#tai#% for the earth !hall be full of the
)#owled*e of the 2ord a! the water! " the !ea+ A#d it !hall be i# that da& that the Root of >e!!e !hall
!ta#d a! a !i*#al for the people!7 of Him !hall the #atio#! i#0uire a#d !ee) )#owled*e% a#d Hi! dwelli#*
!hall be *lor& [Hi! re!t *loriou!$''= /his fulfil(ent will *e found on the other side of the >ordan that we are
now "rossing. 4et us not *e de"ei!ed' as (an& of us were into thin+ing that we had it all in Pente"ost. 5f we
are' then we will ne!er *other to *e ''be Dealou! a#d e5ert our!el.e! a#d !tri.e dili*e#tl& to e#ter that re!t
[of God% to )#ow a#d e5perie#"e it for our!el.e!$+'' )ear the words of Paul who after (an& &ears of
(inistr& did not "onsider that he had it all' $ that he +new that there was (ore ahead.
''I do #ot "o#!ider% brethre#% that I ha.e "aptured a#d made it m& ow# [&et$7 but o#e thi#* I do [it i! m&
o#e a!piratio#$A for*etti#* what lie! behi#d a#d !trai#i#* forward to what lie! ahead% I pre!! o# toward
the *oal to wi# the [!upreme a#d hea.e#l&$ priDe to whi"h God i# ,hri!t >e!u! i! "alli#* u! upward+ So
let tho!e [of u!$ who are !pirituall& mature a#d full-*row# ha.e thi! mi#d a#d hold the!e "o#.i"tio#!7
a#d if i# a#& re!pe"t &ou ha.e a differe#t attitude of mi#d% God will ma)e that "lear to &ou al!o+8 Phil
0:10-1;...... )e also (entioned the sa(e thing in )e* 8:28. 9,hri!t will appear a !e"o#d time% #ot to "arr&
a#& burde# of !i# #or to deal with !i#% but to bri#* to full !al.atio# tho!e who are [ea*erl&% "o#!ta#tl&%
a#d patie#tl&$ waiti#* for a#d e5pe"ti#* Him+'' ------ /his is surel&7
Ma)i#* Strai*ht Our Path!+
An e&e for an e&e (a+es the whole world *lind.Q #andhi.
#ritten by Ral"h 'no!les& August& 4565&

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