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Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana

Marichyasana III



Prasarita Padottanasana

Ardha Matsyendrasana

Baddha Konasana

Asana for Shakti

For those of you who are certain you have Shakti active (either by my direct
transmission, through the acquisition of tummo or prior to coming to the Learning
Center) please start adding the following Asana to your daily routine.


Kasyapasana - The major benefit from this position is to help generate a specific
balance in the nervous system. It is not recommended for those who have not yet
activated Shakti. I realize that many people still use this (and many other asanas) all
the time, but this is because they really don't understand the energetic purpose of the
asanas in Yoga, they think they're nothing more than fun ways to stretch and relax.
However, Hatha Yoga is a science based on specific asanas that deliberately impact
energy in very specific ways.

Kasyapasana helps with

1. Making the areas around the sacrum more flexible

2. Opens the hip and shoulder
3. Flexibility in the Knees (ligaments/joints/tendons)
4. Improves blood flow in the digestive organs
5. Balances Manipura energies
6. Balances Nervous System (Main Channels)

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