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Section 6: Teacher Candidate Teacher Interview Video


In the final section of my portfolio protract, I will give both an oral and visual representa-

tion of some of my teacher artefacts, background experiences as well as my newly developed

teaching skills through a mock interview conducted over Screencast-O-Mastic. By responding to

predetermined interview prompts, I will give evidence of my ability to conduct myself profes-

sionally and communicate my skillset to potential employers in an effective manner. I have high-

lighted, with the use of my Weebly Website (, such things as

preview work experiences, newly developed knowledge, the valuable lessons I have learned at

Medaille and the characteristics I possess that separate me from other teacher candidates. It is my

hope that my interview can help to establish a deeper sense of connection and more clear picture

of how I can become a valuable asset in an elementary school community.

Teacher Candidate Interview Questions

Briefly share a little about your background experiences that have led you to choose a ca-
reer in education?

I have been lucky enough to have any enriching experiences throughout my educational

and career journeys. I attended post-secondary school at the University of Guelph were I com-

pleted an Honour Bachelors in Arts, Social and Applied Human Sciences. Although my career

trajectory took a different turn after university, the completion of my degree and other work ex-

periences helped me to realize that I wanted to have a career where I was able to help and inter-

act with individuals daily. I was able to work at a camp for children and families affected by

childhood cancer during summers between school. Those experiences are something that I will

never forget as they had a direct impact on my future career choices. I have always been drawn

to opportunities with working with children and accordingly became working as an educational
assistant. My love for the field of teaching was ignited and I made it my goal to continue my

journey and go to teachers collage in the hopes that I could one day have my own classroom and

inspire kids to learn and grow each and every day. All of these factors and life experiences have

culminated in my attendance in the Masters of Elementary Education at Medaille University.

What have you learned in your teacher training program that will make you an excellent
classroom teacher and colleague?

Throughout my time at Medaille College I have gained an immense about of knowledge

in regards to life in the classroom and school community. I have ben provided with both practical

and theoretical knowledge that I will be able to reference and make use of as I move further into

my teaching career. I was able to learn about the emerging technology within the classroom and

and keep up to date on current trends. I have also been able to create structured and meaningful

lesson plans that are engaging, interactive and accommodating for the diverse populations that

exist within elementary classrooms. We were afforded opportunities to step outside of our own

classroom and into elementary classrooms and interact with read students and teachers. This

gave us real life experiences and the ability to gain a sense o how the world of education current-

ly operates. Additionally, I was able to learn about many educational theories and theorists, the

different aspects of special education, multiple forms of assessment as well as participate in dif-

ferent types of professional development.

Provide us with an example of a lesson you taught. How did you integrate it with other cur-
riculum areas, address the CCLS, technology, student engagement and motivation? What
were the results of the lesson?

One of the most memorable lessons I created while completing my student placements

was a 4th grade lesson that focused on determining importance in non-fiction texts. The lesson

was the first of the unit and was used to hook the students and help get them excited about how

unit of study. The students were asked to imagine that they were a part of contest where they had
to survive on a deserted island for one year only bringing with them 15 items. Throughout the

lesson the number of items needed to be cut down and then students ended up with 3. The stu-

dents were captivated and engage throughout the lesson and by the end were truly able to deter-

mine which items were important for survive and why they were so important. This knowledge

them transferred over to their learning and reading of non-fiction texts and assisted them consid-


I was able to find Common Core Curriculum and Ontario Standards for reading that ap-

plied to my lesson, as well as incorporate appropriate and effective technology as a way to keep

the students engaged. The lesson plan proved to be extremely successful because I was able to

plan with special consideration of all of my students and their different learned needs. It was a

lesson that I can feel confident about when carrying it from teachers collage into my full time


How will your knowledge of the current trends in education inform you as an educator in
our district/board/school?

There are always new trends developing and emerging in the field of education. I contin-

ue to strive to do my best to be informed by actively participating in professional development

whenever possible. To date, I have completed seminars and workshops that have given me addi-

tional knowledge and a more extensive skillset. Netzsmartz, NYS Violence and Abuse Work-

shop, DASA, STEM and math workshops are a all examples of professional development that I

have participated in. All of these workshops give evidence to my commitment to continual

learning and show that I am willing to continue that journey throughout my teaching career. I

believe that professional development is an essential experience for all teachers that helps to cre-

ate positive and substantial moments of growth in order to cope will all of the challenges and di-

versity hat come with each new year of teaching.


Why should we hire you instead of the other applicants we have interviewed?

As an new teacher, I have many of the same skills and talents that many potential teach-

ers have as they enter the world of education. There are, however, elements of my personality

and character that allow me to stand out from these other candidates. I have considerable experi-

ence in working with young people who have a variety of diverse needs and talents. I will bring

these experiences into the classroom with me everyday to help enhance the learning of each and

every one of my students. Additionally, I pride myself on my positively and the attitude that I

come to work with everyday. The classroom can often be an environment that is stressful and

overwhelming and I have the ability to manage both of these things effectively and with poise.

Another aspect of my personality is my creatively. Accordingly, my creatively along with my

attention to detail can be seen in the development of my lesson and unit plans. I am someone that

does not settle for the status quo and will do my best to continue to learn and grow as a teacher. I

want to continue to better myself in order to have a positive influence on my students for years to



It is my wish that this final section of the portfolio project has provided you with a well-

structured and complete image of what I have to offer as a teacher candidate. I hope that my in-

terview has given you confidence in my abilities and comfort in knowing that you are choosing a

candidate with passion and commitment. I have learned a great deal in my time at Medaille Col-

lege as well as in the time spent building this portfolio. I have worked hard to fulfill all of the

requirements needed to be an ideal teacher. Moving forward, I plan to strive for constant growth

and betterment and I hope to pass on some f the valuable knowledge I have gained to my future

students. [Back to Table of Contents]

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