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The Planter, Kuala Lumpur, 87 (1024): 515-526 (2011)

Ganoderma boninense in Oil Palm Plantations:

Current Thinking on Epidemiology, Resistance
and Pathology*

This review addresses some key current issues concerning Ganoderma boninense, causal agent of basal
stem rot (BSR) and upper stem rot (USR), as a continuing limiting factor in palm oil production. Spread
and infection can occur through roots, yet genetic evidence shows considerable isolate diversity and
reveals the major input of airborne basidiospores to spread and infection. This has implications for control
measures, screening for resistance and choice and deployment of resistance. Where infective heterokaryotic
mycelium resulting from spore matings establishes or infects is not understood, because Ganoderma is a
weak saprophytic competitor in soil and palm debris. Spores do germinate on cut fronds (and on other
wounded surfaces, as revealed by cryo-scanning electron microscopy) and are pulled into xylem vessels
under negative tension and may colonise from that protected niche. Improved screening for resistance by
attaching small inoculum to roots, along with shading seedlings to mimic canopy cover are described.
Pathogenicity mechanisms of G. boninense revealed by light and transmission electron microscopy involves
an initial biotrophic phase in root cortex and lower stem, rapid starch depletion then extensive, simultaneous
host cell wall breakdown by its array of lignases and polysaccharidases.
Suggestions for future research are outlined.

Keywords: Basidiospores, white rot, tetrapolar mating, DNA markers, cell wall degradation, hemibiotrophy,
root infection, starch degradation, resistance.

Basal stem rot (BSR) incidence caused by the Africa, Papua New Guinea and Thailand (Idris
basidiomycete, white rot, fungal pathogen et al., 2004). Lim et al. (1992) recorded in
Ganoderma boninense continues to increase Malaysian coastal areas an average of 50 per
in oil palm plantings, and is to be expected with cent yield losses from 80 per cent of 13-year-
such large scale monoculture (Turner, 1981). old plantings. However, diseased palms as
Basal stem rot (BSR) involves decay of the young as 12-24 months after planting can occur
lower stem and sometimes the root system, (Singh, 1991). Although the disease is well
leading to severe symptoms such as flattening established in Malaysian coastal areas, Rao et
of the crown and unopened spear leaves al. (2003) reported typical levels of disease
(Figure 1). Most severe losses from BSR incidence of 30 per cent on 13-year-old palms
occur in mature stands in Indonesia and in both inland and peat soils. In North Sumatra,
Malaysia with lower incidences recorded in the location of the fieldwork described herein,
Department of Biology and Biochemistry, University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, BA2 7AY,
United Kingdom.
CABI Europe-UK, Bakeham Lane, Egham Surrey, TW20 9AY, United Kingdom.
* Paper presented at the seminar/dialogue titled Sustainable Agriculture - An Insight into Ganoderma
held on 24 February 2011 in Kuala Lumpur organised by Agrinos Sdn Bhd.

Ganoderma boninense in oil palm plantations: current thinking on epidemiology, resistance and pathology

on average was 0.16 tonnes per hectare fresh

fruit bunch (FFB) for every palm lost, and
when the stand had declined by 50 per cent
mean losses were c. 35 per cent (Subagio &
Foster, 2003).
Young palms, once infected usually die
within 6-24 months after the first appearance
of symptoms, whereas mature palms survive
for 2-3 years or more. Initial disease can be
difficult to diagnose, and the pathogen can be
present in symptomless, naturally infected
mature trees (Corley & Tinker, 2003). One
definitive diagnostic feature of the disease in
standing palms is the presence of characteristic
basidiocarps on the stems of infected palms
(Figure 2). Basal stem rot, which manifests
as a decay of the bole leading ultimately to the
toppling of the palm, is the most frequently
Figure 1 Symptoms of Ganoderma with
observed G. boninense infection. The
BSR in Sumatra
occurrence of upper stem rot (USR) where
at the time of replanting (25 years) 40-50 per decay occurs higher up the stem (above 1-
cent of palms are lost with the majority of 1.5 metres) and can cause palms to break in
standing palms showing disease symptoms. two, is much less frequent. The two symptoms
Losses begin to have a financial effect once are usually physically separated and the result
the disease affects more than 10 per cent of of different infection events. In severe
the stand (Hasan & Turner, 1998). Yield decline infections, stem fracture can result (Hasan et

Figure 2 Left to right: Typical basidiocarps of G. boninense from a BSR affected palm; we detected 14,000
spores/min from one fruiting body of 10 cm2. Diurnal fluctuation of aerial basidiospore numbers
in a 17 year old plot in N Sumatra. Error bars are SD of 4 replicate samples

The Planter, Vol. 87, No. 1024, July 2011

al., 2005; Pilotti, 2005; Rees et al., 2007). clearly showed that controlled root infection
Ganoderma exists in the field as mycelium leads to typical symptoms. Numerous infection
colonising palm tissue, as abundant fruiting trials using oil palm seedlings and often large
bodies (basidiocarps) and as myriad mono- Ganoderma-colonised rubberwood blocks
karyotic basidiospores. Monokaryotic mycelium have provided data supporting this view
from basidiospores can colonise palm wood but (Navaratnam & Chee, 1965; Lim et al., 1992;
is non-infective (Hasan & Flood, 2003; Rees Sariah et al., 1994; Hasan & Turner, 1998; Lim
et al., 2007); anastomosis with a compatible & Fong, 2005; Breton et al., 2006). Rees et
mating type is required to form the potentially al. (2007) showed that by attaching
invasive and faster growing heterokaryon. Ganoderma-infested wood blocks to roots
This overview will focus on a few current much smaller inoculum can be used, allowing
aspects of Ganoderma stem rots. Control infection to occur through unwounded roots and
strategies are dealt with in an accompanying progression and rate of invasion to be followed.
paper. Other evidence indicating root infection
from the field comes from Rees et al. (2007)
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION who showed multiple, natural infections of
different roots in a single palm (Figure 3).
Mode of infection and epidemiology
Infection of seedlings resulted from nearby
Elucidating the route of infection and extent of colonised oil palm, with those seedlings nearer
pathogen diversity is crucial in order to enable to the colonised trunks becoming diseased more
development of successful management quickly (Flood et al., 2005). Hasan and Turner
practices for disease control. This remains a (1998) also showed seedlings become infected
controversial area and one that needs careful when planted near infected stumps (from the
resolution. previous planting). Infection resulting from
colonised debris or from windrows remaining
Root infection in the field at replanting is suggested by the
BSR can result from root infection, presumably reduced infection observed in subsequent
following root contact with soil inoculum or replantings following fallowing and various
other infected roots. Rees et al. (2007; 2009) windrow treatments (Virdiana et al., 2010).

Figure 3 Left to right: natural infection of multiple palm roots. Roots have been excised to show the many
necrotic lesions at the base of the bole. Inoculation of a seedling palm root by attaching a 3x3x3
cm rubber wood block colonized by G. boninense. Stem lesion developing from two inoculated

Ganoderma boninense in oil palm plantations: current thinking on epidemiology, resistance and pathology

Additionally, increased incidence of infection debris found in the axils of frond bases, and
is seen following poor land preparation at that for BSR infection to occur, palm roots need
replanting time with infected boles left in the to contact inoculum rather than mycelium of
ground (H. Foster, pers. comm.). Oil palm roots G. boninense actively contacting host roots.
from mature palms can extend up to four
Role of basidiospores
planting rows, so root contact will be frequent
(Miller et al., 1999). Root infection occurs by In contrast to the mode of infection described
several other root-infecting basidiomycete above, others have questioned the involvement
diseases of trees and perennial crops, which of root infection (Ariffin et al., 1996; Miller et
are spread by vegetative growth, often as a al. 1999; Pilotti et al., 2003). Genetic studies
single genet, such as Heterobasidion annosum of G. boninense from infected palms in Papua
and Armillaria mellea (Woodward et al., New Guinea (PNG) and Malaysia reveal
1998). considerable diversity in oil palm plantations
Rees et al. (2009) showed colonisation by according to mitochondrial DNA markers,
G. boninense can occur through unwounded mating alleles and somatic (or vegetative)
roots then progresses mainly through the inner, compatability (Miller et al., 1999; Pilotti et al.,
thin-walled cortex. In contrast to previous work, 2004; Pilotti, 2005). Different genotypes must
no initial colonisation was observed in the have arisen through sexual recombination then
vascular tissue, or lacunae (lacunae are wide, dispersal via spread of basidiospores. Pilotti et
long, axially orientated cylindrical spaces al. (2000) using Random Amplification of
surrounded by thin-walled cells) and prima Polymorphic DNA (RAPDs) revealed
facie offer an ideal route for longitudinal spread, considerable diversity in monokaryons, such
but these channels were not exploited. that each showed a unique RAPD genotype.
Crucially, we found that Ganoderma Also, outbreaks of BSR in new plantations
required intimate contact with palm roots in where G. boninense inoculum is not present
order to infect. This probably reflects two key in debris or soil, implies introduction by spores
aspects of its biology. Firstly, it is a relatively (Sanderson et al., 2000). Outcrossing is
weak pathogen requiring a very large inoculum favoured because G. boninense is heterothallic
to launch an attack. Secondly, it is a poor and tetrapolar with multiple alleles at both mating
competitor against other saprotrophic type loci (Pilotti et al., 2002).
microflora. This was evident by its virtual Recently the study of G. boninense genetic
inability to spread as mycelium from a nutrient diversity by molecular characterisation, using
base in plantation soil or in the organic debris randomly amplified microsatellites (RAMS) as
that accumulates at frond bases. Growth did nuclear DNA markers, of isolates from BSR
occur once these substrates had first been and USR infections and from isolates taken
sterilised (Rees et al., 2007). This weak ability from fallen palms (those killed and left within
to compete would preclude the possibility established plantations) was extended in five
of sufficient build-up of saprotrophic locations in North Sumatra (Rees et al., 2011).
G. boninense inoculum in soil or frond debris Sumatra potentially offers a different pathogen
to initiate infections or growth away from a population from Malaysia and PNG. Also for
diseased root. Therefore it seems unlikely that the first time, we determined quantitatively
upper stem rot arises from colonisation of the basidiospores in plantation air.

The Planter, Vol. 87, No. 1024, July 2011

Basidiospores were produced in prolific and none of the band patterns was shared
numbers (2-11,000 /m3) throughout the 24 hour between isolates obtained from adjacent fallen
sampling periods, with maximal release in the palms.
evening (Figure 2). Clearly there will be Nevertheless, analysis of isolates from
constant potential inoculum to colonise wounds within two adjacent BSR palms did have
and palm debris throughout the plantation. identical profiles. Likewise Miller et al. (2000)
RAMS data largely agree with the high found adjacent BSR palms contained isolates
isolate diversity in BSR (Figure 4). Thus three with the same mtDNA RFLP band pattern and
of seven affected palms contained more than Pilotti (2005) found 2 of 15 isolates from
one genotype of G. boninense. Miller et al. adjacent palms with the same somatic
(1999) similarly showed showed six out of eight compatability. Therefore vegetative spread of
BSR infected palms in Malaysia yielded isolates the pathogen does occur.
with different somatic compatibilities and Cluster analysis conducted on the binary
mtDNA RFLP profiles. Pilotti (2005) also found matrix produced from banding patterns showed
multiple isolates in single palms. These results that isolates from a single plot often did not
clearly show predominantly multiple infections cluster together more than those from different
rather than clonal spread. However, clonal plantings or even from a different estate
colonisation can occur, as revealed by all seven >20 km distant (Rees et al., 2011). These data
isolates from a single BSR infected palm with agree with the high genetic variability observed
an identical RAMS profile (Rees et al., 2011). within oil palm cropping systems in Malaysia
Evidence for mycelial spread of the disease and PNG (Miller et al.1999; Pilotti et al. 2003).
between fallen palms or BSR palms was not Migration of spores from outside planting areas
evident in our study. No RAMS profiles linked presumably explains how new alleles are being
BSR infected trees to neighbouring fallen palms detected every year (Pilotti, 2005).

Figure 4 Typical RAMS fingerprints of isolates from USR affected

palm and from fallen palms. Each lane results from a PCR
amplification. 100bp ladder to calculated band sizes is
shown on left & right side of the gel. Note variability
between isolates

Ganoderma boninense in oil palm plantations: current thinking on epidemiology, resistance and pathology

The role of spores in infection would also (Figure 5). Here, basidiospores would be
be suggested by random distribution of disease, relatively protected from microbial competition,
rather than expanding clustered patterns of dehydration and solar radiation. Anastomosis
spread as would be predicted from root to root was apparent in situ from our cryo-scanning
spread. Recent GPS positioning of BSR in electron microscopy images concurring with
plantations in Sabah shows mostly random the observation that in vitro spores readily mate
distribution of BSR in several estates (N. (Pilotti, 2005). Formation of a resulting
Hisham, pers. comm.). There are no reports heterokaryon, a prerequisite for formation of
other than from Singh (1991) on clustering, infective mycelium, could conceivably result in
although some field observations might suggest colonisation of vascular tissues extending into
otherwise (G S Thind, pers. comm.). the palm trunk.
Extensive wound sites are created by Infection via wounded surfaces of fronds
routine harvesting (severing the fruit bunch was initially suggested by Thompson (1931).
peduncle) and pruning (of frond base to free Sanderson and Pilotti (1997) cut back the rachis
the fruit bunch), so the potential for spore of decayed frond bases and followed lesions
infection is very considerable. Also trunk into the stem base. They suggested that when
wounds are more likely in older palms as the palm expands, this initial infection would
harvesting becomes more difficult at greater appear to have originated near the centre of
height. Other vulnerable sites could be created the palm base, even though it arose from
by mechanical damage from invertebrate pests the rachis possibly via connecting vascular
such as Oryctes rhinoceros and rats. Rees et bundles. Infection of wounded frond surfaces
al. (2011) show for the first time that can occur according to Lim et al. (1992), but
basidiospores can germinate abundantly on cut G. boninense-colonised wheat-oat grain
surfaces (fronds, peduncles, stem) under medium was used as the inoculum source. In
plantation conditions. Spores contaminating the contrast, Hasan et al. (2005) failed to reproduce
surface of cut fronds are withdrawn up to USR, using spores and even Ganoderma-
10 cm into xylem as a result of negative tension infested rubberwood.
within functional vessels (Cooper, 1981) Overall the data show a genetically variable

Figure 5 Cryo-scanning electron microscopy (left) showing basidiospore germination within

frond xylem vessels. Spores were applied to newly cut frond bases under plantation
conditions. Germinating pigmented basidiospores by light microscopy (right)

The Planter, Vol. 87, No. 1024, July 2011

population in North Sumatra, Malaysia and than African material (Durand-Gasselin et al.,
PNG and the importance of basidiospores in 2005), and other trials have revealed differences
spread and infection. However there are some in susceptibility, indicating possible genetic
anomalies that need addressing. resistance within host populations (Idris et al.,
2004; Breton et al., 2006; Durand-Gasselin,
pers. comm., 2011)
All attempts to infect mature palms and Use of a robust (reproducible, statistically
seedlings with basidiospores have failed (Hasan valid) and facile screening system for
et al., 2005; Idris pers. comm; Thompson, evaluating performance of oil palm genotypes
1931; Turner, 1981; Yeong, 1972 cited in Miller is crucial. The methods using Ganoderma-
et al., 2000). This presumably reflects the infested wood block inoculum were detailed
relatively low aggressiveness of G. boninense by Rees et al. (2007). In summary, rubber-
and the requirement for a substantial source wood is superior to palm wood and direct
of inoculum, as discussed by Rees et al. (2007). contact with inoculum gives faster and more
Also as previously described, Rees et al. (2007) reliable infection and allows use of smaller
revealed the very weak, competitive inoculum, saving time and space (Figure 6).
saprotrophic ability of G. boninense in soil and There is current investigation to source an
in organic debris. Therefore the question arises alternative to rubberwood as it is currently less
as to where a heterokaryon might form and available.
flourish to create a sufficient inoculum. It was shown by Rees et al. (2007) that
shading has a dramatic effect on disease, with
Resistance and screening for resistance much earlier symptoms and significantly higher
levels of infection in shaded seedlings compared
Resistant varieties hold the greatest hope for to exposed palms (Figure 6). Shading is now
future control of BSR in oil palm in South East used routinely by many organisations. Flood et
Asia. Field observations in North Sumatra al. (1993-unpublished) uncovered a similar
revealed E. guineensis of deli origin from situation in Zaire (DRC) when screening for
Malaysia and Indonesia was more susceptible resistance to Fusarium wilt. Soil temperatures

Figure 6 Effect of shading on artificial infection of oil palm seedlings (left). Effect of temperature on
growth of G. boninense on agar (right); note that no growth would have occurred in the
temperatures attained in non-shaded soil of e 40 C

Ganoderma boninense in oil palm plantations: current thinking on epidemiology, resistance and pathology

in exposed palms regularly exceeded 40C but not known and will await the availability of palm
in vitro fungal growth was severely impaired lines with effective resistance. Typical defence
above 35C (growth optimum is c. 28C) and responses of woody tissues, such as reinforce-
two days exposure to 45C (the maximum ment of cell walls by suberinisation and/or
recorded) was lethal (Rees et al., 2007) lignification or periderm formation were not
(Figure 6). This effect of temperature is likely evident ultrastructurally in roots or stems (Rees
to explain the late appearance of G. boninense et al., 2009). Various preliminary molecular
infections in plantations. Losses in young studies have investigated up-regulation of
plantings are typically low, with field symptoms defence-related genes, but these are typical of
only becoming apparent after about 10-12 years most plant species.
and becoming financially significant after about
15 years (Rao et al., 2003). BSR has Pathogenicity
incorrectly been described as a disease of
senescing palms. Ambient temperatures at soil Root infection by G. boninense appears to
level would only favour build-up of active involve developmental switches (Rees et al.,
G. boninense inoculum after the canopy was 2009). There was an initial apparent biotrophic
fully formed. It is probable that older palms phase in infection of both root cortex and stem
are not especially susceptible to G. boninense- base, involving mainly intracellular colonisation
infection, but rather altered environmental by wide hyphae in host cells which still
conditions following canopy closure favour possessed fully intact cell walls and in some
BSR development. Routine artificial infection cases contained recognisable cytoplasm
of seedlings makes clear that infection can (Figure 7). This mode of invasion is
occur throughout the growth cycle. reminiscent of the well-characterised
The genetics and nature of resistance or hemibiotrophic phase of some ascomycetes
tolerance shown by palms to Ganoderma is such as Colletotrichum spp. (Perfect et al.,

Figure 7 Nectrotrophic growth in root cortex with extensive host cell wall
destruction (left). Subtle intracellular growth by wide hyphae within
host cells in lower stem (right); this was followed by necrosis and wall
breakdown. Transmission electron microscopy.

The Planter, Vol. 87, No. 1024, July 2011

1999). The biotrophic phase of invasion was laccases can contribute to melanin formation,
followed by an aggressive necrotrophic stage as occurs in pseudo-sclerotia (Johansson et al.,
associated with extensive host cell wall 1999).
degradation (Figure 7). A possible third phase Starch represents another major
was the formation of melanised mycelium both polysaccharide that appears to be utilised as a
within host tissues (possibly in response to host significant source of carbon during BSR. The
defences) and on a much larger scale external very high starch content of oil palm seedlings
to roots in the form of very tough pseudo- was rapidly depleted during early infection
sclerotia. (Rees, 2006) and was confirmed by
For successful penetration and degradation transmission electron microscopy of bole
of intact roots, production of an array of cell tissues. G. boninense readily utilises insoluble
wall-degrading enzymes (CWDE) (Cooper, starch in vitro.
1984) is likely to be required in order to penetrate Analysis of putative pathogenicity factors
the outermost tissues, comprising the in this poorly understood and difficult
recalcitrant polymers cellulose, lignin and pathosystem should benefit from the targeted
suberin. Enzyme activities from G. boninense inoculum method described by Rees et al.
corresponding to lignin and all other major (2007) which allowed for temporal microscopic,
structural cell wall polymers were detected biochemical and molecular studies of early host-
together with their effect on host wall pathogen interactions. The method should also
composition during G. boninense infection enable a study equivalent to that described by
(Rees, 2006). One month after inoculation Karlsson et al. (2003) for H. annosum. In
bleaching on roots was evident beneath this research more than 900 expression
adhering mycelium probably reflecting the sequence tags (ESTs) from total ribonucleic
oxidative breakdown of lignin and the white acid (RNA) from mycelium during early
rot status ascribed to this genus (Adaskaveg infection of Scots pine roots were obtained.
et al., 1990; Paterson, 2007). Invasion of root Such an analysis with Ganoderma would be
cortex and stem parenchyma resulted in enhanced by the existing genome sequence
development of holes through all cell wall layers from the lignocellulose-degrading basidio-
indicative of simultaneous cell wall attack, as mycete Phanerochaete chrysosporium
described for some other wood-degrading fungi (Martinez et al., 2004) and the forthcoming
(see Rees et al., 2009). This contrasts with genome sequence of G. boninense itself.
selective lignin degradation, evident ultra-
structurally by the loss of electron density from CONCLUSIONS AND QUESTIONS
the middle lamella, with less degradation of the
polysaccharide components of the S1 and S2 It is clear that there is a long way to go before
cell wall layers (Agosin et al., 1990). Cell wall we understand enough of this complex disease
attack was sometimes not adjacent to in order to contain it effectively. Funding for
G. boninense hyphae as is often associated targeted research should be given priority.
with the oxidative nature of lignin degradation Researchers need to avoid polarisation of views
(Kirk, 1987). Manganese peroxidase (MnP) and consider the likely various ways that
and laccase production have been reported for Ganoderma operates as a pathogen. Disease
G. lucidum by dSouza et al. (1996). Also resistance, if it proves to be effective and

Ganoderma boninense in oil palm plantations: current thinking on epidemiology, resistance and pathology

durable, is the key solution. Molecular serious constraint and USR incidence is
technologies, such as marker assisted selection increasing, but the removal of basidiocarps in
and linked resistance gene analogues with these second and third generation estates might
quantitative trait loci (QTL) for resistance, can in some areas be impracticable.
be linked in once resistance to G. boninense is There are some outstanding questions
clearly shown. As stated earlier, a reliable, which should be addressed.
robust and realistic method of inoculation for Can spores infect directly? Are cut fronds
screening is fundamental. In the meantime, the the main infection site? What is the distance
other control practices to reduce inoculum at that viable basidiospores can be carried in air
replanting, as outlined in another paper in June currents to establish new infections? What
issue of The Planter (Cooper, 2011) should be substrates in plantations can heterokaryons
followed. colonise from mated spores to form an inoculum
Biological control, such as using sufficient to achieve infection? Why does
Trichoderma spp. has not been considered in Ganoderma infection vary considerably
this paper for reasons of space. However, I between regions? Are some soils suppressive?
will add the cautionary note, that screening such Will the enormous diversity of G. boninense
microbial agents in vitro on agar for antagonism isolates prove to be a problem once resistant
vs Ganoderma has limited value. More robust or tolerant palm lines begin to be used on a
information can be achieved using substrates large scale? Will the resistance being reported
such as palm wood (unpublished data). currently at seedling level translate into mature
Persistence in soil is another critical criterion, palms under plantation conditions? How will it
but arguably most important of all is persistence operate? Will it express as resistance or
in the rhizosphere and especially actual tolerance to G. boninense?
colonisation of the root cortex, which some
Trichoderma isolates can achieve. From this ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
location Trichoderma can potentially limit root
infection by Ganoderma and prime host We wish to acknowledge funding from Biology
defences and possibly continually colonise & Biotechnology Science Research Council
newly formed and elongating palm roots. (BBSRC) for an Industrial CASE studentship
Without these attributes, protection is unlikely with CABI to R W Rees along with P T P P
to extend beyond the seedling stage. London Sumatra Indonesia Tbk (Lonsum).
Based on various studies on G. boninense We wish particularly to thank Hugh Foster
diversity, which implicate basidiospores directly and Steven Nelson for their unfailing support
and indirectly in stem rots, it seems clear that and advice and for providing the facilities at
management strategies should consider routine Bah Lias Research Station (BLRS), Sumatra.
removal of basidiocarps. This procedure is Also we acknowledge the assistance of the
already in place in PNG (Hunt & Pilotti, 2004); support staff at BLRS, including Yonnes
Ganoderma stem rot has yet to become a Hassan and Oslan Efendi
major problem in PNG, making this task more Thanks to Ursula Potter, Centre for
achievable. However reduction of inoculum Electron Optical Studies, University of Bath,
and pathogen variation is also desirable in for excellent technical advice with cryo-SEM
Malaysia and Indonesia where BSR is a and TEM.

The Planter, Vol. 87, No. 1024, July 2011


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