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Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais) hanrais@gmail.


Module for Conducting Group Counseling and Training Guidelines

Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Group Work
Processing Group Content & Process
Leadership Reflection

Haniza Rais PhD, KB, PA
Dept of Educational Psychology & Counseling
Institute of Education (INSTED)IIUM

Haniza Rais (2013). Unpublished Module for Conducting Group Counseling and Training Guidelines
Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Group Work. Kuala Lumpur: DEPC INSTED IIUM

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

Topic Coverage:
Weeks Core Component Pelajar menguasai kandungan berikut dan boleh rujukan
membincangkan tajuk berikut dengan jelas:

Dapat Membezakan kaunseling individu vs. Corey Ch 1-3

Introduction to Group Counseling kaunselingkelompok
1-4 Definitions of Group Counseling Dapat Membezakan jenis jenis kelompok, fungsi dan ciri-
Various types of groups; ciri
Groups and Norms
Tahu tanggungjawab etika sebagai ketua kaunselor
Ethical Issues in Group Memberships
kelompok apabila isu berikut timbul:
o Psychological risks
Legal safeguards for group practitioners
o Limit of confidentiality
Ethical Guidelines for Group Counselors
o Freedom to Withdraw
Association for Specialist in Group Work (ASGW
1989) Group Process
The Group Counselor: Person vs. Professional Code of Ethics/Kod Etika kelompok
Group Counselor as Professional: Badan professional yang mengeluarkan kod etika
Competence and Training kelompok kaunseling
Association for Specialist in Group Work ASGW

Kepimpinan Kelompok Group Leaderships

5 Tahu tanggungjawab seorang ketua kelompok
Group Leadership
Dapat membezakan ketua yang efektif dari ketua yang
Stages of Leadership Development
tidak berfungsi (Dysfunctional)
Leadership-related Theories
Ahli Kelompok Group Members
Basic functions of leaders
Berhadapan dengan ahli kelompok yang sukar
difficult/resistance members
Buat keputusan untuk melakukan intervensi yang sesuai
apabila keadaan memerlukan sewaktu proses kelompok

o Membincangkan therapeutics forces dalam kelompok Yalom

6 Essential Properties to a Group o Mengenalpasti situasi bila therapeutics forces berlaku dalam
Therapeutic Forces kelompok

Corey Stages of Development:

o Memilih tajuk kelompok yang sesuai memenuhi keperluan

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

7 Forming Group semasa kelompok sasaran Corey Ch 4

Group Proposal o Tahu rasional menganjurkan kelompok
Announcement, o Mengenalpasti isi kandungan (content) untuk dibincangkan
bersesuaian dengan objectif dikenalpasti
o Membentuk aktiviti aktiviti yang kreatif untuk
menyampaikan isi kandungan bagi memenuhi objektif
Group membership, kelompok
Screening and selecting members o Merancang (plan) satu kertas kerja cadangan (proposal) yang
lengkap untuk dijalankan (conduct) dan dinilai (evaluate)
keberkesanannya (outcome)
o Membentuk satu iklan untuk mempromosi kelompok
tersebut pada kelompok sasaran
o Melakukan penapisan (screeing) dan pemilihan (selecting)
untuk mendapatkan ahli yang layak untuk kelompok

Peringkat Perkembangan Kelompok

o Tahu: Opening
o Ciri ciri Peringkat Kelompok Awal
o Fungsi ketua kelompok & ahli kelompok script for
o Reaksi unik ahli di setiap peringkan your group
Corey Stages of Development:
o Perkara yang ketua patut ambiltahu (consideration)
Initial Stage
o Tugas ketua membawa kelompok ke peringkat Corey Ch 5
Guidelines for Opening group sessions
Group Norms
o Boleh membuat pembukaan (opening) dalam penstrukturan
Group Cohesion
awal meliputi
o informed concerns
o confidentiality
o ground rules,

8 Peringkat Perkembangan Kelompok

o Tahu:
o Ciri ciri Peringkat Kelompok Transisi Corey Ch 6
Corey Stages of Development:
o Fungsi ketua kelompok & ahli kelompok
Transition Group
o Perkara yang sering berlaku (normal) diperingkat ini
Trust, Fears, defensive & reluctant, behaviors, conflict,
o Kesukaran yang ahli lalui di peringkat ini (truggles)
Difficult members,
o Punca situasi tersebut
Transference & counter transference
o Bagaimana membina kepercayaan (trust)
o Apa yang kelompok patut lakukan bila situasi konflik

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

Peringkat Perkembangan Kelompok Corey Ch 7

o Tahu:
Corey Stages of Development:
o Ciri ciri Peringkat Kelompok Working
Working Group
o Fungsi ketua kelompok & ahli kelompok
Working vs. non working group
o Perkara yang sering berlaku (normal) diperingkat ini
Giving feedback
o Apa yang dialami oleh ahli pada peringkat ini?
Willingness to take the risks to trust
o Apa yang ketua lihat kepimpinan mereka di peringkat
o Bagaimana anda tahu anda berada di tahap working
o Bagaimana konfrontasi dilihat pada peringkat ini?

Peringkat Perkembangan Kelompok Corey Ch 8

o Tahu:
Corey Stages of Development:
o Ciri ciri Peringkat Kelompok Akhir
Ending Group
o Fungsi ketua kelompok & ahli kelompok
Guidelines for Closing group sessions
o Perkara yang sering berlaku (normal) diperingkat ini
Unfinished business
o Bagaimana ketua akhiri kelompok
Preparing behavior changes
o Apa yang mesti dibertahu sebelum kelompok ditutup?
Feeling of separations
o Prosedur penutup (termination)
Processing the Experience
o Persedian pada ahli utk berpisah (prepare members to
Post group
o closing remarks
o Melakukan kesimpulan & penutup yang baik
content & process
o Mengenalpasti & membezakan content & process semasa
mencerap kelompok (observing)
9 o Perkara(item) yang dilihat sewaktu mencerap kelompok
Observing Group Process
o Mengenalpasti kelompok yang efektif berbanding dgn yang
Content vs. Process
Group Observation:
o Tahu sebab apabila mengkritik kelompok yang dicerap
Critiques & analysis
samana positif atau negative
o Memberi alternative atau cadangan apabila kesalahan
dikenalpasti dari cerapan anda

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

Skills here-and-now
Important Skills in Group Counseling o Tahu menggunakan kemahiran here-and-now Corey Ch 13
Here-and-Now Skills o Tahu bila melakukan intervensi menggunakan kemahiran Yalom
Treating Silence - when to intervene. tertentu Ch.5 6
Self-disclosure - when it is appropriate Silence
Skills of Giving Feedback o Tahu punca silence
o Tahu tindakan apabila silence berlaku dalam kelompok
o Tahu melakukan self-disclosure yang sesuai dan diperlukan
o Tahu fungsi self-disclosure
o Boleh memberi feedback yang sesuai pada situasi tertentu
8-14 Group in session
o Konsep Kelompok dalam Islam
o Tanggungjawap individu dalam kelompok
o Batasan, Adab dalam kelompok social (social circle)
11 o Cohesiveness & norms dalam Islam
Group in Islam
o Kerahsian berkaitan kelompok dalam Islam
o Tanggungjawap Ketua & ahli kelompok dalam Islam
o Cerita sejarah nabi dan sahabat berkaitan kelompok

Group Practice for different Populations o Apakah isu kerap dihadapi populasi ini Corey
Groups for: o Apakah yang unik dihadapi kelompok populasi ini Ch 9 12
1. children, o Apakah perkara yang perlu diambilkira apabila membentuk
2. adolescents, kertas kerja & kelompok untuk kelompok ini
3. adults
4. elderly

13-14 Processing the Experiences


Corey, M. S. & Corey, G. (2004). Groups: Process and practice, 6th ed. Pacific Groove, CA Brooks/Cole
Mitchel, M. (1997-98) Unpublished Study Package for Group Counseling, Indiana University
Yalom, I. D. (1995). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy, 4th ed. New York: Basic Book/HarperCollins Pub

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

Things to Prepare Prior to Conducting Observation Checklist.

Checklist Things to include when writing Critiques to your
recorded group counseling
Complete you proposal?
Follow the format q Time keeper: 40 min - 10 min; 5 min; wrap-up (1
Know your target clients & their needs min);
Clear objectives consistent with content & q Socio gram
activities q Members check list
Ample Knowledge of the content q List all participants
Creative activities that encourage q Check columns
participation q Leaders checklist
Support by research articles q Tasks, maintenance, dysfunctional)
Discuss with partner aware of each others q Contribution Frequency Patterns
stance/values q IIII IIII
Attach all forms/advert/evaluation/opening q Sequence of exchanges
scripts, etc q L1 > all
Discuss with & Approved by supervisor? q L2 -> all
Membership recruitment q L1 -> P1 (siti)
Inclusion vs exclusion criteria q P2 (siti) -> P5 (lin)
Advertise your approved /certified posters q Content (Example: Group on Stress)
Ready with screening procedure/intake interview? q Source of stress shared
Pre-group q Assignment/work load
Intake form/demographic date q Lecturers expectation
Informed consent/video taping q Coping styles
Ground rules q Jogging
Evaluation q Relaxation techniques
Booking for Recording session q Journaling
Other logistics: Setting & Participants

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

The experience you should gain.

To make short and concise Opening scripts/ statement Leadership Reflection & Critiques ~
Structuring: Purpose of group, duration, what to Process Diarytype yr response & compiled
expect happen in group (should be short & brief)
Briefly explain PRE
Informed consent that they have signed
What scared you most in conducting the group
Limit of confidentiality
Psychological risks
What are your biggest concerns?
Ground rules respect each others values opinions & What kinds of people probably will make you struggle in
views, use proper language, etc. your leadership? (Resistant clients)
Taaruf/introduction integrate topic right away How do I rate my preparation?
Ex. You are given one small card, write your name and How much time you spend preparing for the group?
behind the card draw one object represent your anger. POST
Choose crayon color that describe you when you think Write the 2nd entry immediately after conducting
of the stress How do I feel now, after completed the task
Go round quickly; Tell your name & one word to What went can I do better
describe your stress.
What were my strengths? Did I use them to the fullest?
Encourage equal participations
Intervene when appropriate How different the actual from the planned one?
Aware of members verbal & non-verbal reactions How have my preparation helped me
Adjust the plan to meet the immediate needs of members What do I need to do to improve my leadership in
To use appropriate micro skills conducting group?
Use Clear & concise Opening introduction On the topic
Reflect content & emotion when ever necessary Is my preparation sufficient?
Acknowledge contributions Rate your knowledge of content & ability (1-10)
Respond to Non-verbal reactions & silence On the micro skills (reflection of content, emotion,
Here and Now skills silence, self-disclosure, etc)
Relate content/emotion to each other
On Working with Partner
Summarize & paraphrase
Respect partner & members abide my the ground rules How have the course helped you in conducting the group
Conclude the session and summarize the process Suggestion to improve
Prepare members for ending/closure
Remind limit of confidentiality Critiques also include:
Connect with outside world v Feelings before and after
Mention your availability to assist should issues v Strengths and Weaknesses
surface v Likes and Dislikes
Unfinished business v Comments and Suggestions
Preparing behavior changes v Go into specifics
Feeling of separations

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

Topic Coverage:
Week Topics (CORE COMPONENT) Students must have acquired the following content and able Task
discuss the topic (within and beyond)

To Know the differences between individual vs. group Corey Ch 1-3

1-4 Introduction to Group Counseling
To distinguish the different types of Groups: their functions
Definitions of Group Counseling
& characteristics
Various types of groups; Groups and Norms
To be aware of ones ethical responsibilities of a group
Ethical Issues in Group Memberships
counselors and aware of The potential ethical issues such as:
Psychological risks
Legal safeguards for group practitioners
Limit of confidentiality
Ethical Guidelines for Group Counselors
Freedom to Withdraw
Association for Specialist in Group Work (ASGW
Group Process
The Group Counselor: Person vs. Professional
Code of Ethics
Group Counselor as Professional:
The Association that produce the Code of Ethics for group
Competence and Training

Group Leadership Leaderships

5 Stages of Leadership Development To know the roles of a leader in group work
Leadership-related Theories To distinguish between the dysfunctional and effective
Basic functions of leaders leadership
To deal with difficult members in groups
To decide on appropriate interventions in group process

Essential Properties to a Group To explain therapeutics forces in group work Yalom

Therapeutic Forces To identify /provide situations when therapeutic forces are in
action in groups
Corey Stages of Development:
7 To choose an appropriate topic that meet the needs of the Corey Ch 4
Forming Group target participants.
Group Proposal To know the rationale of conducting such group
Announcement, To identify contents of group discussion consistent with the

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

To create activities appropriate to deliver the content and

meet the group objectives
Group membership, To plan a complete group counseling proposal, conduct the
Screening and selecting members group and evaluate the outcomes
To create advertisement to promote the programme
To screen and select appropriate participants for the group.

Characteristics of this stage, Opening script for

Leader & members functions your group
Corey Stages of Development:
Imagine members reactions to the group
Initial Stage
What should the leader be aware of at this stage? Corey Ch 5
Guidelines for Opening group sessions
What could a leader do in order to move up to the next
Group Norms
Group Cohesion
Able to make proper opening covering informed concerns,
confidentiality, ground rules,

8 Characteristics of this stage,

Leader & members functions Corey Ch 6
Corey Stages of Development:
What normally happens at this stage?
Transition Group
What are the struggles members could be experiencing?
Trust, Fears, defensive & reluctant, behaviors, conflict,
What causes these situations
Difficult members,
How to develop trust?
Transference & counter transference
What can the leader do about it

Corey Stages of Development: Characteristics of this stage, Corey Ch 7

Working Group Leader & members functions
Working vs. non working group Recall the stage..
Giving feedback What are the members experiencing?
Willingness to take the risks to trust How does the leader find his/her leadership at this point?
Self-disclosure How do you know you are in the working stage?
Commitment How Confrontation is viewed at this stage?

Corey Stages of Development:

Ending Group Characteristics of this stage, Corey Ch 8
Guidelines for Closing group sessions Leader & members functions
Unfinished business How does a leader end the group?
Preparing behavior changes What should be said and finalized before closing the group?

Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

Feeling of separations Termination procedure/guidelines

Processing the Experience How do you help prepare members to depart?
Post group Sample closing remarks
Able to make proper conclusion

Know the differences between content and process
Observing Group Process Able to identify and distinguish them when observing
Content vs. Process What to look for in observing group process
9 Group Observation: Able to identify situations that lead to ineffective group or
Critiques & analysis vice versa
Know the reasons for positive critiques
Provide alternatives when wrong things were observed

Able to:
Important Skills in Group Counseling Know when to use the skills here-and-now Corey Ch 13
Here-and-Now Skills Know when to intervene using which skills Yalom
Treating Silence - when to intervene. identify reasons for silence Ch.5 6
Self-disclosure - when it is appropriate Know how to react to silent/resistant clients
Skills of Giving Feedback Know When self-disclosure necessary/not
Know Functions of self-disclosure
Give feedback based on the situations

8-14 Group in session

The concept of groups in Islam
The role of individual in a group
The boundary, the Adab in social circle
11 Cohesiveness and norms
Group in Islam
Confidentiality in relation to group in Islam
Roles of Leaders and members in Islam
Stories reflect important of group in Islam

Group Practice for different Populations What are the issues facing this populations Corey
Groups for: What are the unique consideration when conducting group Ch 9 12
5. children, for this particular group of people.
6. adolescents,
7. adults &
8. elderly
13-14 Processing the Experiences

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Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

Video: Group Counseling Observation

Is the introduction properly done?

What are the strengths of the group leaders?

What are the leaders reactions or behaviors that hinder the group process?

What can the leader do to have a better group?

Have the group reached the level of cohesiveness? How can you tell?

Are there any behaviors of the members that hinder the group process? Which one?

From your observations, what stage is the group experiencing?

From your reading, what can you see the group is demonstrating?

How does the group leader evaluate the group?

Group Proposal Format

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Module Review Group Counseling (Instructor: Dr Haniza Rais)

F1 (BI) Group Counseling Proposal Format

Group composition: Age, form, gender
Group size: Number of participants expected
Frequency & Duration of meetings
Length of Programme
Time & Place of meeting
Open versus closed group
Type of Programme: prevention, development, remediation, psycho-educational etc.
Voluntary vs. required
PROGRAM ASSUMPTIONS/CHARACTERISTICS cite any literature/previous research
1. Introduction & Introduce yourself 1. members pick one colored marbles Colored marbles 10
TAARUF and introduce themselves
2. Definition of What is Stress to you choose one word that define stress OR Blank paper & 15
Stress pick a colored paper that symbolizes marker
stress Pieces of colored
3. Sign of Stress How do you know you are stressed- Members share the experiences Notes:
out? Symptom of stress
Pycho-education: physical,
emotional, cognitive symptoms
REFERENCE ( internet, books, articles on groups or related topics, etc)
Content identified/notes
Related Articles

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