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College requires a lot of effort, time, and energy.

Many students work very hard to obtain

good grades. Some students who worry too much about their academic performance may result in

poor mental health. Their anxiety and stress could negatively affect their physical health as well.

As a college freshman, Katya often experiences severe anxiety before tests. Despite her hard work

and diligent study, she is concerned about her academic performance and fears not receiving a

good grade in tests. While the end of the semester is approaching, Katya has worse test anxiety

since the score of the chemistry exam would directly affect her qualifications for scholarship. Her

stress level is too high that she suffers from a panic attack this afternoon when she tries to study

for the chemistry exam that will take place two days later.

In my personal experience, I have figured that my female friends and I are often stressed

out before tests. Even though we may have paid attention in class, studied for a considerable

amount of time, and visited professors during their office hours, we are afraid that we would not

obtain a good grade. On the other hand, I have noticed that my male friends would not be concerned

about their tests as much even if they do not study intensively. When I suffer from anxiety and

stress, I face sleep problems. I would have difficulties to fall asleep as early as a week before

examinations. Sometimes, even if I fall asleep, I would have nightmares about being late to school,

missing the examination, and forgetting to bring important things like student ID, stationery, and

answer sheets. I would also have poor appetite due to stress and anxiety. I would recommend Katya

to relieve stress like I do such as taking a break from studies, treating herself some good food, and

playing musical instruments.

There are also scientific studies on how to relieve anxiety and stress. A study written by

Ahmed and Julius shows that that females experience more self-imposed stress than males (2015).

In addition, women are more likely to experience the physiological reactions such as sweating,
stuttering, or even having headaches (Ahmed and Julius, 2015). Thus, it is important for Katya to

understand that her increasing stress level and panic attack do not come from external factors, but

originates from herself. In other words, Katya has to know that the chemistry test would not be

more difficult as the day of examination approaches closer, but her self-imposed stress and stronger

physiological reactions would definitely weaken her performance. Once Katya overcomes her

internal conflicts and convinces herself not to overstress, she would have better academic

performance. Another way to reduce stress and anxiety is to have a good-quality sleep. A research

has shown that students with sleep disturbance experience greater anxiety than those without sleep

disturbance which includes over- or under- sleep, or disturbed sleep (Nyer et al., 2013). Katya

should maintain a regular sleep schedule in which she would go to bed and wake up at the same

time every day. She can listen to relaxing music and meditate before bed in order to fall asleep

easier. She should have seven to nine hours of sleep. Katya should also exercise more since another

research has stated that faster exercises that increase the metabolic rates help to reduce stress

(Morgan, 1979).

The above recommendations on how to relieve stress and anxiety are just for reference. If

I were in Katyas situation, I would seek professional help because school often offer free mental

health consultation. Besides, Katya may have depression or other mental disorders that are not

easily self-detectable. It is always better to hear profession advices on how to relieve ones stress

and anxiety regarding to ones particular circumstances. The good ways for Katya to form realistic

expectations before beginning each semester would be choosing classes that correspond to her

academic levels and capability, having an appropriate workload, and managing studying time. She

should not overwhelm herself by taking too many tough classes just to make her transcript more


Ahmed, Z., & Julius, S. H. (2015). The relationship between depression, anxiety and stress

among women college students. Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 6(12), 1232-

1234. Retrieved from


Morgan, W. P., M.D. (1979). Anxiety reduction following acute physical activity.Psychiatric

Annals, 9(3), 36-37,41-45. Retrieved from


Nyer, M., Farabaugh, A., Fehling, K., Soskin, D., Holt, D., Papakostas, G. I., Mischoulon, D.



Anxiety, 30(9), 10.1002/da.22064.

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