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Jason Upton.

Sobre la roca constru
I built my house upon a stone
En ella es raro construir
A stone so rarely built upon
Me siento ingenuo e infantil
I feel quite foolish and naive
Aprendo a guiarme por Jess
I learned to lead from God's own son
Su pueblo a l lo rechaz
A man rejected by his own
Su trono fue cruz de dolor
His only throne a cross of shame
Jess, Jess
Jesus, Jesus

Al Cordero que
To the lamb of God
Conoce quien yo soy
Who knows me by my name
Toda Gloria
All the glory
Toda Honra
All the honor
Y adoracin
All the praise
En el cual mi vida espera con pasin
To the one my future hope Depends upon
Yo confo en Ti
I am trusting you
Yo confo en Ti mi Dios
I am trusting You my God

Mi historia es loca de verdad
My story's crazy but it's true
Comienza andando en confusin
It started out confusing too
Y con el tiempo es an peor
And just gets stranger by the day
Y eso est bien
And, that's ok
He sido el ciego por sanar
I've been the blind man on the road
Prdigo que vuelve al hogar
I've been the boy coming back home
He sido santo y pecador
I've been the sinner and the saint
Mas Su gran Amor, Nunca cambi
But the love of God has never changed

//Al Cordero que
To the lamb of God
Conoce quien yo soy
Who knows me by my name
Toda Gloria
All the glory
Toda Honra
All the honor
Y adoracin
All the praise
En el cual mi vida espera con pasin
To the one my future hope Depends upon
Yo confo en Ti
I am trusting you
Yo confo en Ti mi Dios//
I am trusting You my God

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