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In todays world the everything is a important aspect and love is very important one.
This is the factor which enables to get connected with anything or anyone. This is the
base of any relation and when we love our self that too excessively that is narcissism.

NARCISSISM describes both a psychological and a cultural condition. On the individ

ual level, it denotes a personality disturbance characterized by an
exaggerated investment in ones image at the expense of the self. Narcissists are more
concerned with how they appear than what they feel. Indeed, they deny feelings
that contradict the image they seek. Acting without feeling, they tend to be
seductive and manipulative, striving for power and control. They are egotists,
focused on their own interests but lacking the true values of the selfnamely, self-
expression, self-possession, dignity, and integrity. Narcissists lack a sense of self
derived from body feelings. Without a solid sense of self, they experience life as
empty and meaningless. It is a desolate state.

Narcissism is widely considered as a negative aspect and is more popularly

associated with narcissistic personality disorder which gives us the characteristics of
extremeness of narcissism but in general case all the humans have narcissistic
behaviour just that differs in different people with relation to the level if narcissism
the poses and portray


Creativity is a constructive process which results in the production of essentially a

new product. Creativity is seeing or expressing new relationships. It is not limited to
the objects of everyday use, but it is an instrument for increasing knowledge. Its
possible in all areas of life like thinking, working, playing or social interaction.
creativity involves certain conditions such as

Production of a novel idea or a response,

this idea must solve a problem or accomplish some goal and

the original insights must be sustained and developed to the full.

Creativity plays a very crucial part in our life as it is the reason for all the
development that occurred over the mankind. The novelty of ideas have to emerge
from the cognitive abilty and that aspect is called creativity. The are two genral ways
to study the creativity in respect to a subjects performance which are verbal and non
verbal where each of which talk about different aspects of creative thinking.

In this study we tend to study the relation between narcissim and creativity. As
narcissism enbles a subject to perfrom better and achive more we can also study how
it effects the creative thinking as different focters tell us that narcissistic people are
more tend to imagine themselves in a better aspects and also that they tend to think
which are not in reality we can also study how all this have affected the level of
creativity they posses and novelty they example we can take steve jobs, the
man behind who is proved narcissitic and extremely creative which was a
big boon for the apple itself and there are many such examples which tend to provoke
a question wether narcissism and creativity has a relation or not.

Theortical review

Narcissism has a rich and complex history in the literature of clinical

psychoanalysis beginning with a strong focus on abnormal self-focused sexuality.

The first psychologist who used the term Narcissus-like clinically was Havelock
Ellis, who linked Ovids myth to the condition of auto-eroticism (i.e. self as own
sexual object) in one of his patients. similarly first used the terms ego-libido (self-
love) and narcissistic libido interchangeably in his Three Essays on the Theory of
Sexuality. Ellis and Freuds psychoanalytic narcissism both included an immature,
exclusively self-gratifying sexuality that is not necessarily a part of its clinical
definition today. A few years later the concept of narcissism began to include certain
characteristics more familiar to personality and social psychologists today. To my
knowledge Ernest Jones was the first to construe narcissism as a character trait
which he called the God-complex. He described people with the God-complex as
aloof, inaccessible, self-admiring, self-important, overconfident, auto-erotic, and
exhibitionistic, with fantasies of omnipotence and omniscience. He also observed
that these people had a high need for uniqueness and praise from others. This
description is remarkably close to the current conception of Narcissistic Personality

Narcissism refers to a set of egocentric traits including self-admiration, self-

centeredness, And self-regard. Individuals scoring high in narcissism have a strong
sense of entitlement and a constant need for attention and admiration. They
frequently use singular personal Pronouns (e.g., I, me) in speech and fail to listen
attentively to others. Narcissists report a lesser need for intimacy) and have little
empathy for their peers, even those in distress Perhaps more surprisingly, narcissists
tend to emerge as leaders, even at the highest levels of organizations.

Various theories given by

Sedikides, Rudich, Gregg, Kumashiro, & Rusbult, 2004
Bogart, Benotsch, and Pavlovic, 2004
Raskin & Shaw, 1998
Watson, Grisham, Trotter, & Biderman, 1984
Etc., have provided the information given above regarding narcissism.

There are many definitions of creativity. A number of them suggest that creativity is
the generation of imaginative new ideas, involving a radical newness innovation or
solution to a problem, and a radical reformulation of problems. Other definitions
propose that a creative solution can simply integrate existing knowledge in a
different way. A third set of definitions proposes that a creative solution, either new
or recombined, must have value. A novel idea is not a creative idea unless it is
valuable or it implies positive evaluation. Also, according to dt 4gilvie imagination,
which involves the generation of ideas not previously available as well as the
generation of different ways of seeing events, is important to achieve creative actions.
To combine this variety of definitions, we can say that creativity involves the
generation of new ideas or the recombination of known elements into something
new, providing valuable solutions to a problem. It also involves motivation and
emotion. Creativity is a fundamental feature of human intelligence in general. It is
grounded in everyday capacities such as the association of ideas, reminding,
perception, analogical thinking, searching a structured problem-space, and reflecting
self-criticism. It involves not only a cognitive dimension (the generation of new
ideas) but also motivation and emotion, and is closely linked to cultural context and
personality factors.

Various theories given by

Newell and Shaw 1972
Higgins 1999
Boden 1998
Etc., have provided the information given above regarding creativity.

There is no prominent theoretical literature found with respect to the relation of narcissism
and creativity

There had been multiple studies done in this aspect to study the relation between narcissism
and creativity. These studies had a contrast in the results and this can be called conflict of
research as few studies done have come to a conclusion that there is no significant relation
between these two aspects (narcissism and creativity) and other studies show a relation
between these. As there is no theoretical evidence to any aspect yet the question is still open
to debate and re study.

As the study done in 1980 by raskin has created a gateway saying that there is a
The study in 2010 by Goncalo, Flynn & Kim has contrasted the study done by
raskin and said that there is no correlation and also gave a analysis that
narcisissits are better in promoting their talent then non narcissisits.
Later agrain in 2010 a study by Nijstad, De Dreu, Rietzschel, & Baas which
was done with dual pathway where flexibility and persistence was considerd
as two different pathways

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