Anda di halaman 1dari 7

1.) Which structure prevents red blood cells and protein from being lost in the urine?

a) Glomerulus

b) Distal tubule

c) Loop of Henle

d) Bowmans capsule

2.) Of the four available dialyser membrane materials, which is the least biocompatible?

a) Cellulose

b) Modified cellulose

c) Cellulo-synthetic

d) Synthetic

d3.) What are the factors that can affect the permeability of a dialyser?

a) Pore size

b) Membrane thickness

c) Unstirred fluid layers

d) Method of sterilization

b4.) What dialysis machine alarm would not activate the venous line clamp?

a) Blood leak detector

b) Arterial pressure alarm

c) Venous pressure alarm

d) Transmembrane pressure alarm

5.) Which component of the dialysis concentrates prevents precipitation?

a) Calcium

b) Chloride

c) Magnesium

d) Acetic acid
6.) What is the purpose of using acetic acid 5% in the disinfection process?

a) To disinfect components

b) To remove precipitate from the flow path

c) To remove biofilm layer before heat disinfection

d) To reduce bacterial growth in the valves of the balancing chamber

7.) Which structure prevents red blood cells and protein from being lost in the urine?

a) Glomerulus

b) Distal tubule

c) Loop of Henle

d) Bowmans capsule

b8.) Under normal conditions, what substance is not contained in glomerular filtrate?

a) Proteins

b) Amino acids

c) Red blood cells

d) All of the above

9.) What is the normal glomerular filtration rate

a) 30 ml/min

b) 100 ml/min

c) 125 ml/min

d) 450 ml/min

d10.) How is the choice of exchange volume in peritoneal dialysis dictated?

a) The age of the patient

b) The size of the peritoneal cavity

c) The length of treatment required

d) The amount of ultrafiltration required

c11.) What causes rejection of a transplanted kidney?

a) Poor blood supply

b) Surgical wound infection

c) Inadequate antibiotic therapy

d) Sensitization to human leukocyte antigen

12.) Which of the following does not measure dialysis adequacy?

a) Kt/V

b) PRU (percentage reduction of urea)

c) PCR (protein catabolic rate)

d) BMI (body mass index)

13.) What is an advantage of a permanent central line over a temporary line?

a) There is less risk of thrombosis.

b) The line will never need to be replaced.

c) Blood flow matches that of a well-developed fistula.

d) Tissue growth around the cuff helps to prevent infection.

d14.) Why is low molecular weight heparin more beneficial than regular heparin?

a) It has a shorter half life.

b) It is less expensive to produce.

c) It is less likely to cause bleeding.

d) It has a greater effect on circulating proteins.

15.) Which protein is routinely lost in peritoneal dialysis?

a) Albumin

b) Fibrinogen

c) Immunoglobulin
d) Gamma globulin

16.) Which of the following is not part of the chain of infection?

a) Dormancy

b) Portal of exit

c) Source of infection

d) Mode of transmission

d17.) What is the principle mode of transmission of methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus in a

dialysis unit?

a) Direct contact

b) Needle stick injuries

c) Airborne transmission

d) All of the above

18.) What method is used when care is provided with the assumption at all patients are potentially

a) Laminar flow

b) Universal precautions

c) Adequate air exchange

d) Good housekeeping practices

19.) What is the imbalance in patients with CKD?

a) Metabolic Alkalosis

b) Metabolic Acidosis

c) Respiratory Alkalosis

d) Respiratory Acidosis
20.) What medication is usually prescribed related to the problem on number 19

a) Calcitriol

b) Calcium Carbonate

c) Sodium HCO3

d) Kayexalate

21.) Mumu is admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of acute renal failure. She is oliguric and has
proteinuria. She asks the nurse Rjbuts how long will it be until I start to make urine again?

a) 1-2 days

b) 3-7 days

c) 1-2 weeks

d) Never

22.) Nurse Rj is a newbee nurse at the HD clinic. Israel Daguiso has a left arm fistula is at risk for arterial
steal syndrome. Nurse Rj asked Maam Brenda what to assess this client for which of the following

a) Warmth, redness, and pain in the left hand

b) Pallor, diminished pulse, and pain in the left hand

c) Edema and reddish discoloration of left arm

d) Aching pain, pallor, and edema of the left arm

23.) Nurse Karen determined the effectiveness of the epoetin when the patient states that?

a) The injection was not painful

b) I feel less fatigue

c) I want to eat more food

d) I will control my intradialytic weight gain

24.) Nurse RJbuts is performing an assessment on a client who has returned from the dialysis unit
following HD. The client is complaining of headache and nausea and is extremely restless. Which is the
most appropriate nursing action?

a) Leave the patient to the charge nurse

b) Notify the physician

c) Continue monitoring of client

d) Give plasil to medicate patients nausea

abd25.) Nurse Mumu identifies the s/sx of Uremic Neuropathy (SATA)

a) Restless leg

b) Tingling/Painful burning sensations of the feet

c) Paralysis

d) Loss of sensation

b26.) Nurse Rjbuts found an unconscious client lying outside the dialysis facility, the client has no
relatives around. What should Nurse Rjbuts do?

a) Ignore and continue to monitor other patient

b) Activate EMS

c) Assess for airway

d) Start chest compressions

27.) The most fatal cardiac rhythm disturbance?

a) Torsades de Powta

b) Ventricular Tachycardia

c) Ventricular Fibrillation

d) Atrial Flutter
28.) Water can pass through this filter, but most particles above a certain size are trapped.

a) Multi Media Filter

b) Water softener

c) UV lights

d) Carbon Tanks

29.) This water treatment system contains granular activated charcoal that adsorbs low molecular
weight particles from water, mush as a magnet attract iron fillings.

a) Multi Media Filter

b) Water softener

c) UV lights

d) Carbon Tanks

30.) This water treatment takes out some of the calcium and magnesium that form scale. It works by
ions-exchange of calcium ang magnesium for sodium ions which form sodium chloride.

a) Multi Media Filter

b) Water softener

c) Sediment Filtration

d) Carbon Tanks

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