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Wheatmore High School: Mathematical Writing to Inform Rubric

Criteria Score Point 4 Score Point 3 Score Point 2 Score Point 1

well developed and fairly well developed little development little written
correct informs reader minimal information confusing or
Information about thoroughly informs about about inaccurate
Problem/ Mathematical reader about problem/process problem/process
Process problem/process mathematical mathematical
mathematical process clearly process not clearly
process clearly presented w/ presented w/ little
presented w/lots of mathematical mathematical
mathematical support support

plenty of specific some specific numerical details numerical details not

numerical details mathematical details given, but either given
Mathematical Details that completely that adequately wrong details or do
explain topic explain topic not help explain

lots of mathematical mathematical some mathematical no mathematical

terminology terminology terminology, but not terminology
correctly used correctly used correctly used
no attempt to
Connections to Math reasoning thoroughly reasoning connected did not correctly connect reasoning to
Knowledge and connected to to mathematical connect reasoning to mathematical
Terminology mathematical knowledge mathematical knowledge
knowledge (definitions, laws, knowledge
(definitions, laws, properties, etc.)
properties, etc.)

Created by Joanne Clarke, Charles Cooper, Nina Heal & Dan MacLeod. Adapted from Writing to Inform Rubric by Cam Miller

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