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Language is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of

the use of words in a structured and conventional way. It can also be defined as the system of
communication used by a particular community or country. It is not easy for human to try to
learn a new language because there are new rules of grammar which come with many
exceptions, new sounds that are hard to make and endless lists of vocabulary to commit to
memory. Foppoli (n.d) stated that language learning as seen today is not communicative. It is
the result of direct instruction in the rules of language and it certainly is not an age-appropriate
activity for the young learners and as it is not for adults either. In language learning, students
have conscious knowledge of the new language and can talk about that knowledge.

There are many theories of language learning which are behaviorism, cognitivism,
social constructivism and humanism. I have chosen the social constructivism theory proposed
by Lev Vygotsky in the language learning. Social learning theory helps us to understand how
people learn in social contexts and informs us on how we, as teachers, construct active learning
communities. Lev Vygotsky (1962) first stated that we learn through our interactions and
communications with others. He examined how our social environments influence the learning
process and suggested that learning takes place through the interactions students have with
their peers, teachers, and other experts. Consequently, teachers can create a learning
environment that maximizes the learner's ability to interact with each other through discussion,
collaboration, and feedback. Moreover, Vygotsky (1962) argues that culture is the primary
determining factor for knowledge construction. We learn through this cultural lens by interacting
with others and following the rules, skills, and abilities shaped by our culture.

There are many approaches, methods or techniques that can be used for teaching the
language in the classroom. The two suitable approaches that I have chosen for the theory of
social constructivism are the Task-based Learning and the Community Language Learning.
Task-based learning is an approach which offers students opportunities to actively engage in
communication in order to achieve a goal or complete a task. This approach seeks to develop
students language through providing a task and then using language to solve it. This approach
was first developed by N. Prabhu and he believed that students may learn more effectively
when their minds are focused on the task, rather than on the language they are using (Gulek,
One of the rationales that I can give for choosing this Task-based approach is because
this approach is recognized as an effective means of developing students language output and
interaction. The learning environment for this approach is more towards student-centered and it
helps learners exercise greater flexibility in using language, the development of linguistic fluency
and allows for meaningful communication. This approach has fulfill the principles of the social
constructivism theory proposed by Lev Vygotsky as in his theory, he stated that an important
concept for social constructivists is that of scaffolding which is a process of guiding the learner
from what is presently known to what is to be known (Murphy, 1997). In Task-based approach,
the teacher is available for the students to ask for advice to clear up any language questions
they may have. This theory also encourages collaborative learning method and it meets the
requirement for the task-based learning approach which needs the collaboration of the learners
to interact and communicate with each other to produce the language.

The next approach, method and technique that I think is suitable to be used in social
constructivism theory proposed by Lev Vygotsky is the Community Language Learning. It is a
language-teaching method in which students work together to develop what aspects of a
language they would like to learn. It is based on the Counselling-approach in which the teacher
acts as a counselor and a paraphraser, while the learner is seen as a client and collaborator. It
is a method that is based on English for communication and is extremely learner-focused. In this
approach, native language is permitted among students. The translation will also be provided by
the teacher and this approach also is specially created for adult learner who might fear to
appear foolish.

The activity in this approach is first of all is the translation where students will form a
circle and then they will speak out their mother tongue with the help from the teacher to
translate it into the target language. Then, the students will repeat the chunks in the targeted
language and only the targeted language production are recorded. Lastly, the teacher will take
time after carry out various activities and students are allowed to express how they feel about
the activities. The rationale for choosing this approach is because the learners will appreciate
the autonomy this approach offers them and thrive on analyzing their own conversations. This
Community Language Learning also works especially well with the lower levels who are
struggling to produce spoken English (Bertrand, 2005).

This approach also has fulfills the principle of the theory that I have chosen which is the
social constructivism theory by Lev Vygotsky. When using this approach in the classroom, the
students will become much more aware of their peers, their strengths and weaknesses and
want to work as a team. It meets the requirement of the constructivist learning that emphasizes
the collaborative and cooperative learning in the classroom. The teachers also guide and
monitor the students in this approach which fulfill one of the characteristic of the theory which is
scaffolding. In social constructivism theory, scaffolding is facilitated to help students perform just
beyond the limits of their ability.

From what have been discussed above, I strongly believed that the Task-based learning
and Community Language learning approaches are the most suitable methods and techniques
to be used in Lev Vygotskys theory of social constructivism. The teachers should monitor,
facilitate and guide the students in mastering the language using the approaches that have
been discussed above to ensure that the teaching and the learning session will be well-

Bertrand, J. (2005). Community Language Learning. Retrieved March 29, 2017, from

Essays, UK. (November 2013). Task Based Approach To Language Learning Education Essay.
Retrieved from

Foppoli, J. (n.d.). Language Acquisition vs Language Learning. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from

Murphy, E. (1997). Characteristics of Constructivist Learning & Teaching. Retrieved March 28,
2017, from

Vygotsky, L.S. (1962). Thought and Language. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

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