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Redefining Expectations. Fulfilling Dreams.




UNIT 1 *Writing list of names and phone numbers * From Words to Sentences to Paragraphs
*What does a paragraph look like?
* What is a sentence?
*What does a sentence look like?
* Simple lesson about nouns and verbs
* The writing process
UNIT 2 *Writing the locations of objects *What should your paper look like?
Both paper and computer based
*Simple lessons about subject pronouns, simple present of
be and basic sentences patterns with be
*Rules for capitalization
* Steps in the writing process
UNIT 3 *Writing questions requesting personal * Topic sentences
information. * subjects of sentences, what makes a complete sentence?
* simple lesson about adjectives and simple present
* The writing process
UNIT 4 *Writing questions about what people are *Time order
wearing *Simple sentence patterns 1
*Adverbs of frequency
*Common verbs, using prepositions of time and titles
*The writing process
UNIT 5 *Writing Times of the day * Topic sentences and supporting sentences 1
*Simple sentences patterns II
* Simple lesson about present progressive and non-action
*The Writing Process
UNIT 6 *Your Hometown * Topic Sentences and supporting sentences II
* There is, There are, A, An and The
* Prepositions for describing location and prepositional
phrases in sentences
*The writing process
UNIT 7 *Writing about your dream home *Organizing your ideas
*Compound sentences and commas
*The simple past
*The writing process
UNIT 8 *Writing about jobs *Concluding sentences
*Past time expressions, before and after as prepositions
* Sentence with Past time clauses and sentence fragments
*The writing process
Redefining Expectations. Fulfilling Dreams.


UNIT 9 *writing questions about mealtime habits *Listing order and listing order words
* Expressing future time with going to and will
*Future time expressions
*sentences with future time clauses
*Run on sentences
*The writing process
UNIT 10 *Writing questions about sports *

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