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COMPANION Be Wg .< 0) gb) 3B UN oN: Black Book Companion: State-of-the-Art Improvised Munitions Copyright © 1995 by Paladin Press ISBN 0.87364-577-4 Priated in the United States of America Published by Paladin Press, a division of Paladin Enterprises, Inc., P.O. Bax 1307, Boulder, Colorado 80306, USA, (303) 443-7254) Direct inquiries and/or orders to the above address. All rights reserved. Except for use in a review, no portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of the publisher. Neither the author nor the publisher assumes uny responsibility for the use or misuse of information contained in this bock. Contents Preface 2 ee Vii Qeacd Nitrate . 00... 1 Lead Azide 22. oe 4 Starch Nitrate 2000 eee 18 Optimized Process for RDX Manutacture ........ 20 Mydrogen Azide 20 ee ee 33 ‘Ethylene Glycol Dinitrate 02.0. 05 20.00.0005... 38 astable Impact-Sensitive Explosive 2... ......- ‘Ko@pper-slug Charge... ee 47 Shotshell Antipersonnel Mine ......... ae 54 Canister Grenade... 000000000 Canister Grenade Launcher 2... ..0.0..0.0..0,.4-.. 62 ounterforce Charges 6 0 5 Det-cord 55-gallon-drum Charge... 2... ..000-- 68 Offensive Hand Grenade .. 2.0 2-0 ee 70 Poison-filled Holowhead Ammunition ©... 0.0... . 72 : FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY HC Smoke 2 ee Simplified Compound Detonators 2.2... 0.000002. Furning Sulfuric Acid (Oleum) 2... Potassium Cyanide .. 2.2... ee Hydrogen-cyanide Grenade 0000000... Chlorine Generator oe Appendix A: Amendments 2... 0. Appendix B: Chemicals 2.2... .0.0000000000,4. Appendix C: Primary and Secondary Explosives Preface Black Book Companion is written to amend and add to the information covered in Black Book, volumes 1, 2, and ft can be used by itself or in conjunction with the Black Books and other books of the same nature. The authors Rave compiled a mass of information, added their awn eas, and have organized it all into the easy-to-use Black Book fermat. We at G&T are constantly on the lockout for new ideas atid information. We would greatly appreciate receiving any new ideas or comments about our work. Please keep a capy for yourself, as we will not be able to return anything sent us. Send correspondence to: GE&T Black Book Companion % Paladin Press PO. Box 1307 Boulder, CO 80306 Warning The procedures in this manual, the inherent toxicity of the materials, and the resulting end preduct are extremely dangerous. Whenever dealing with high explosives and po- tentially harmful chemicals, special precautions must be followed in accardance with industry standards for ex- perimentation and production. Failure to strictly follow such industry standards may result in harm to life and limb. Furthermore, the manufacture of the products in this manual is illegal and will result in stiff legal penalties to the offender. Therefore, the author and publisher disclaim any liability from any damages or injuries of any type that a reader or user of information contained within this manual may en- counter from the use of said information. Use this manual and any end product or by-product at your own risk. This manual is for information purposes anly! FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY Section | No. 40 LEAD NIFRATE .Lead nitrate is used in the manufacture of lead azide, aad can be used as a strong oxidizer, MATERIALS Lead metal pieces, lead shot, or pellets , , Nitric acid Glass or ceramic jars lass stirring rod Heat source Paper towels PROCEDURE FAll jar half full with nitric eid. Place jar on hot plate and heat gently (do not ring to summer), CAUTION: Acid will ., destroy clothing and burn ') &kin. any is spilled, wash it away with a large - Quantity of water. Da not “ Wihiale fumes. SOURCES Sporting goods outlel, small lead scrap Field grade (Sec. I, Ne. 4) Hot plate, ete. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 2, When outside of jar is warm to the touch, slowly add lead pieces while stirring. 3. Continue to add metal while stirring until ne more dissolves, Increase heat but do not allow liquid to boil. Continue to add the Sead. ~ unreacted metal, FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 4, When metal no longer dissolves, take jar off of heat and allow to cool, Let it rest at least 6 hours. 5, Filter liquid through paper towel into a glass gentainer and discard “The liquid can be used make lead azide, oritcan :@vaporated to obtain ead-nitrate crystals, To Zz ) ke crystals, put solution warm (200°F) oven until ! quid is gone. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY Section I ‘PROCEDURE No. 41 “tf LEAD AZIDE ~ 4Put2 cups ofthe lead- [4 siitrate solution in the bow! ( Lead azide is a powerful primary explosive that is well and add a teaspoon of the suited for improvised detonators because it is relatively sodium hydroxide. Heat * easy to make and is the second most effective initiating gently to 50-60°C, explosive for improvisation (next to DDNP, Sec. 1. No. 19). However, lead azide is not very flame-sensitive, especially when compressed. Therefore, it is necessary to add to the lead azide a smail amount (a Vs to “1e-inch layer) of another . flame-sensitive primary explosive or sugar-chlorate igniter we mix to insure ignition. : MATEREALS SOURCES Lead nitrate Improvised (Sec. L No. 40) or chemical supply store Sodium azide Chemical supply or photegraphy supply store Sodium hydroxide Crystal drain opener Dextrin or corn starch Chemical supply or grocery store Large jar Large Pyrex bow! 2. Iferystalline lead nitrate is used, dilute 40 grams of the crystal in 2 cups of warm water. Water Paper towel ‘Thermometer Container FOR INPORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 4.1n the jar, dissolve 20 grams of the sodium azide into 1 cup of warm water. Set asicie. 3. Dissolve 2 grams of the dextrin ar cornstarch into the leadd-nitrate solution, - Heat contents of bow! to ec while stirring nstanily. ETION: Filter out all ra-lead before geeding to step &. Pure dxwill explode on niact with sodium azide. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 6. While stirring vigorously, add contents ofjar. A white crystal will precipitate out. DAUTION: At this point the minature is a primary explosive. Keep away from flame. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 3. Slowly add 2.5 parts 3 Section | sulfuric acid while stirring é 2 No, 43 vigorously. = SULFURIC ACID (his process was covered briefly throughout Black Book, fumes 1,2, and 3. Here it is given in more detail so that ne: final product is sure te be suitable for improvised weaponry use. 4, Cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. After at least 24 hours, remove and let stand at room temperature for 6 hours. SOURCES attery acidorotherdilute Auto or chemical supply erm i(25 percent! ofsulfuric — store 5. Filler through paper towel and collect crystals. 6. Let crystals dry and store in an airtight jar. Large Pyrex container ‘The product is a lame-sensitive primary explosive that has feat source Hot plate, etc. about the same power as acetone peroxide and HMTD, ve glass or plastic Nete: Detonators made with this explosive should be used tainer (for storage} within a week of their manufacture, as the explosive tends to react with the other chemicals present in the detonator isecondary explosive, casing, fuze, etc.!. Hermometer (at least PC) Note: Mekap’s shelf life as well as power can be improved by the addition of a small amount (20% by weighti of potas- sium chlorate to the explosive. tattery acid is about % “furic acid, se start out ith four times as much atiery acid as you will eed concentrated acid. If BU-are using something Her than 25-percent ength, adjust amount of ‘Starting acid accordingly. io 1 FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY Allow acid to cool to mi temperature (27°C) d transfer to storage ntainer. Close tightly. acid readily absorhs ture from the air, and will dilute rapidly if left covered. 2. Pour desired amount of acid in Pyrex container and place on high heat. 3. Heat acid to 100°C and allow water to boil off. As the water boils off, the temperature will rise. At about 300°C, dense white furnes will be generated. Remove immediately from heal source. CAUTION: Acid will destroy clathing and burn skin. Ifany is spilled, wash Ht away with a large quantity of water, Do not inhale fumes. FOR INFORMATION PLUBPOSES ONLY Section I No. 44 EXPLOSIVE "D” Explosive “D" (amamonium picrate) exists in two forms: yellow (stable), which is very insensitive and needs a com- pound detonator to initiate it, and red (metastable), which is more sensitive and can be detonated with a No. & blasting cap. Both will be covered. MATERIALS SOURCES Picric acid Sec, L No. 21 Aqueous ammonia Household ammonia from fammonium hydroxide) grocery store Glass saucepan Stirring rod Pan Sailwater/ice mix Paper towels PROCEDURE 1. Add % cup picric acid to 1 pint boiling water and stir vigorously. |Picric acid will not dissolve completely.) FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 9 abtain yellow form: ‘amimora, 4 leaspoon time, while stirring all crystals have alved. Go to step 3. Hain red form: While yw, add 2 cups of quia all at once. When tals have dissolved, go aice mix and cool ner for about 30 ies, 4, Filter through paper towel and allow crystals to dry. Store covered in a cool, dry place until ready tor use. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY Section | No. 45 STARCH NITRATE Starch nitrate is a stable explosive thal can be used by self, or small quantities of it can be mixed into other high explosives to increase their volume without significantly decreasing their power. MATERIALS SOURCES Potato starch orcornstarch = Grocery store Nitric acid Field grade iSec. b, No.4: or 90-percent concentrated Sulfurie acid Sec. i, No. 43 or chemical supply store Household arnmonia Grocery store Several glass jars Glass thermometer Deep aluminum tray Large bow! Saltwatervice Mix Cloth PiHow case, etc. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY CEDURE WOR? Nitric and Yeo acids will destroy ing and burn skin. if sid is spilled, wash it with large amounts of arefully mix 2 cups of uric acid and 1 cup of acid ina jar. Place the nthe aluminum tray of aterfice mix, 2. When the acid mix cools down to 20°C, slowly add ¥2 Cup of starch while stirring. Bo not allow the acid temperature to exceed 30°C. a” r Shs FF Otasrennet j FOR ENFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 3. When all the starch has been added, stir for 5 minutes, then let the mixture stand for 36 minutes. 4. Pour the acicstarch nitrate mix into the bowl containing fresh cold water and stir for 5 minutes. §. Filter the acicd/starch nitrate/cold water mix through the cloth and discard the liquid. 18 FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY atedly wash the nitrate with old arnrmonia, then ¢ with fresh cold 0 remove the excess omnia. ave the starch nitrate air dry. ‘To store, im an airtight jer, preferably while ym the dry starch nitrate into an iron or steel pipe -end cap on one end. Place the detonalor just be- 49 FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY Section ! No. 46 OPTIMIZED PROCESS FOR RDX MANUFACTURE This process produces twice as much RYX as the prace- dure oulined in Sec. L Na. 38. This product also contains larger amounts of the high explosive HMX than the simple nitric acidvhexamine process. MA'PFERIALS Ammoniim nitrate Acetic anbryciride Formaldehyde or (preferably) para- formaldehyde Acetone Glass or ceramic comainer Thermometer Pan Salt/watervice mix Paper towel Heat source PROCEDURE 1. Mix 260 milliliters of acelic anhvdricde with 106 grams of ammonium nitrale and place in a pan of boiling water. Adow temperature to reach and remain at 90°C. SOURCES Garden or chemical supply store Chemical supply store Pharmacy or chemical supply store Hardware store 438 grams of -gtirring constantly. ff 40-percent aldehyde solution, use Ta . TON: AL this point, farnable fumes are eased. Avoid inhalation gentact with exposed yee all the Idehyde mix has added, remove irom ane allow to cocl to temperature (27°C) nH cool further by @ in a pan of salt’ fice mix. iter through paper save liquid, and aly wash the ing crystals with f.-Dump the liquid agallon of cold walter. “crystals will ate out. Filter these discard the liquid, and bho with clean waler. xplosive can be usec ‘ar purified: maldetyde to the ure, 2 teaspoon al a a) FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY &. Dump crystals inio a quart of 50°C acetone. Cool in sallwatervice bath and filter oud crvstais thal preciptate out of the solution, 6. Store the crystals in a coal, dry place in a covered container. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY Section | iowily add 1 ib. No. 47 aerythritol while PETN ing gently, not allowing yermperature to go PETN can be used to manufacture explosive paper (dec. 7 23°C. H it does, stop I, No. 37) or anywhere else that a powerful, sensitive explo- flow of pentaerythritol sive is desirable. stir the solution gently ‘the temperature MATERIALS SOURCES 5. Resume flow. Nitric acid Field grade (Sec. |, No.4} or ag-percent concentrated Pentaerythritol Chemical supply store ~ Lye Crystal drain opener - > Acetone Hardware store Sen § OSS (Glass or ceramic container hy Tas rj a ‘Thermometer ola ARS £ Pan f Saltowater/ice mix milinue to stir for 20 Cleth Mates more, keeping the perature at 23°C, Buckels Bawls PROCEDURE 1. Place 1,400 millilwers of nitric acid in the how! and cool to 18°C with the salt/ Walerice mmiEx. a2 aa FOR ENFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY §. Filter precipitated crystals through cloth and wash them with 10 liters of water with 2 oz. of lye mixed in. Wash again with water. 6. Heat 3 liters of acetone to 50°C by very carefully placing a bowl ofit in a hot water bath. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 7. Add crystals to acetone while stirring until all the crystals have been dissolved, If necessary, heat the acetone further until all the crystals dissolve. ir'the acetone mix Oliters of water; PETN will precipitate fer through cloth. op nipple assembly. . . - Lo¢ CO, canister(s! Sporting goods store (CO, oth ° canisters are also used in GROUND ‘ a COUPLER yr holding pliers pressurized seltzer bottles) § ware slore & BOLT AW Hardware store 4 ing cap and/or fuze HOW TO USE Bury the shotshell mine in the ground up to the top of: the nipple, as shown in the Hlustration. Make sure the plug. anger wire or heavy is resting on a hard surface. Note: To increase the effectiveness of this weapon, remove the shot, wadding, and powder as outlined in Sec. HI, No.. 3, and replace the powder with an equal volume of flash, , powder or a primary explosive. Replace the wadding and | shecis shot and recrimp the shell as shown in Sec. HI, No. 3 : ypper tf licguid Hive is used) Gen dowel explosive (liquid or lar) ; Although any explosive can be used in canister gre- 8, a high explosive, such as starch nitrate (Sec. 1, No. r'RDX (Sec. 1, No. 46) will provide much grealer power 356 FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY than a low explosive such as black powder, flash powder or sugar-chiorate explosive. These less-powerful explosives can be used, but grenades made with therm will generalhy. do less damage and their shrapnel will have Jess range,” — PROCEDURE 1. Cut the iop off an empty CO, canister so that the fuze and/or blasting cap will Gtit snugly. (A smaller hole will result in a more powerful grenade.) 58 FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 2. Place canister lengthwise int the vise. Lising a hacksaw, cut shallow ino more than Me of an inch) grooves into the canister along its length and width. FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY FOR INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY 3. Stand canister, open end up, in vise and fill with explosive. I a plastic or granular explosive is used, pack it firmly with a wooden dowel. If a liquict explosive is used, use an eyedropper to load the canister, W TO USE j-order 10 creale maximum damege, throw the grenade a yard of the target. Any farther away decreases the abability that fragments will hit. Even if high explosives sect as a filler, the grenace has a limited blast effect ghort ranges. 4. Once the canister is fled, insert the blasting cap or fuze in the hole and seal around the base with epoxy of a similar cement that will nat be damaged by the explosive you are using. 60 61 fa

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