Anda di halaman 1dari 6

Ace of Spades Beta 0.

-added click+drag building with right-click
-player sprinting added (Shift, disables autoclimb/shooting)
-new masterserver with gamemode, map, and ports
-3rd-person team deathcamera added
-spectator team added
-wave respawning spawns players with teammates
-added ejected bullet casings
-weapon specific tracer effects
-better particle effects
-no more pixelation on turning or lookin up/down
-better accuracy model (weighted toward center)
-weapons now deal different block damage
-SMG block damage reduced
-rifle block damage increased
-spade block damage increased
-spade melee damage reduced
-minor shotgun/SMG improvements
-better connection error messages
-localization fixes (fixed translations and characters converted)
-less annoying respawn beeps
-grab block color is now mappable (default key: e)
-killed heavyweight library dependencies (faster load times)
-server auto-reconnects to masterserver

Ace of Spades Beta 0.70

-spade melee!
-headshots indicated
-shotgun tracers and tweaks
-translations for German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian
-removed enemy locations from map
-bullet tracers shown on map
-new HUD icons
-Serverlist now reports country
-better netcode for position/orientation updates
-more reload bug fixes
-better Territorial Control spawn logic
-client-side analytics implemented

Ace of Spades Beta 0.62

-shotgun buffs
-tweaked map icons
-use team colors for player icons
-desaturate player colors (less neon)
-respawn countdown displayed
-small network protocol changes
-increased respawn time in TC
-name entry has a cursor
-new audio effects

Ace of Spades Beta 0.61

-new game mode: Territorial Control
-front-end treatment (splash screen, name change, download progress, fonts)
-new map icons and HUD elements
-firing enemies and orientations shown on map
-customizable team names/colors
-more accurate hit indicator
Ace of Spades Beta 0.60
-SMG no longer sucks
-global killfeed
-configurable controls
-added windowed mode
-spade now has alt-fire (replaces pickaxe functionality)
-server can reset map or load new map without restarting
-map transfers now compressed
-wireframe block placement
-can now hear other players reload
-score page is now sorted
-out of ammo indicator
-clearer chat console
-better hit registration
-actual .ini files
-separate configs for client and server
-network protocol improvements

Ace of Spades Beta 0.58

-new weapon: shotgun
-rifle and SMG accuracy increased
-added player ping to TAB list
-added hit indicators
-kill messages report weapon used
-ability to add server admins
-in-game kick/ban ability for admins
-ability to permaban players
-chat flood prevention
-server-side fog color commands
-address/link generated by server
-fixed chat pausing reloads
-ESC now exits chat

Ace of Spades Beta 0.54

-new weapon - sub-machine gun
-new votekick system
-frame limiter bumped to 60fps
-much higher raycasting precision (no more radar rings)
-ironsight recoil implemented
-server-side physics and hit verification
-fixed packet queuing
-greater memory allocation for larger maps
-reduced CPU usage with the Sleep command

Ace of Spades Beta 0.52

-IP address lookup fixed
-better autoclimb smoothing on other players
-don't autoclimb when looking down
-fixed disconnects on map win

Ace of Spades Beta 0.51

-added autoclimb smoothing
-minimap zoomed out a bit
-performance optimizations
-server-side grenade ammo count fixed
-color palette fix
-3rd-person pickaxe animation fixed
-exposed map edge fixes
Ace of Spades Beta 0.5
-server IP range connection fix (thanks matpow2)
-color palette is more evenly distributed
-grenade world damage fix
-caplimit is now properly sent to clients
-timer precison increased
-climb speed reduced (more adjustments to come)

Ace of Spades Beta 0.49

-added anti-grief for all weapon types
-don't show self-kills as teamkills
-fixed health not shown with spade
-autoclimb disabled when crouched

Ace of Spades Beta 0.48

-added autoclimb for 1-block steps
-added brief friendly fire against diggers on your side of the map
-added mouse invert option to configuration
-added capture limits (check config file)
-added new ironsights
-ironsight image drawn behind HUD
-grenades are less bouncy
-fixed teamchat in caps
-only show HUD Weapons on switch
-another floating block detection fix
-increased frame limiter
-jump height increased
-floating blocks cleared on map initialization
-player points synced up with server
-server-side ammo sync fixes
-server-side range checks on digging

Ace of Spades Beta 0.47

-floating block fix
-unexposed map edge fix

Ace of Spades Beta 0.46

-fixed name bug
-fixed map generator missing voxels

Ace of Spades Beta 0.45

-added minimap
-new weapon/tool models with higher resolution and better lighting
-new ironsight png (allows scopes)
-increased grenade throw distance
-default resolution reduced to 800x600
-restored rifle block damage
-server-side ammo count fix
-fixed grenade damage after death
-volume now adjustable when dead
-fixed bug in floating block detection
-fixed occasional no respawn bug
-server-side sanity checks on map edits
-default install directory changed to avoid UAC issues
-getcube function now works properly
-reduced grenade bandwidth usage
-color of map grid changed
-map grid spacing is now even
-better handling of exposed map edges in-game
Ace of Spades Beta 0.42
-fixed map radar bug
-fixed image tearing on fast rotation (may fix potential crash)

Ace of Spades Beta 0.41

-vxl folder added to installer
-version fix test

Ace of Spades Beta 0.4

-added VOXED map editor
-servers can load custom maps
-F1 will save a map from in-game
-added map grid
-drop live grenades on death
-gunhit sould restored
-fixed chat with caps lock
-map loading done all in memory
-more bounds checking on array indices
-fixed queued up lag kills
-added more server-side cheat detection

Ace of Spades Beta 0.36

-fixed infinite ammo exploit
-moved more variables server-side
-added automatic banning for certain exploits
-changed command post restocking behavior
-temporarily disabled rifle block damage

Ace of Spades Beta 0.35

-votekicks and admin kicks include a temporary ban
-added more fun anti-cheat stuff
-reduced some unnecessary memory allocation
-jump doesn't repeat
-reuse temorary memory locations

Ace of Spades Beta 0.33

-fixed broken names

Ace of Spades Beta 0.32

-added download progress bar
-testing more dynamic bandwidth management
-slight optimization to map icon drawing

Ace of Spades Beta 0.31

-fixed connection issue from faulty player counts

Ace of Spades Beta 0.3

-using safer map memory allocation (should fix some server crashes)
-admins can now kick players (more controls coming)
-improved resolution and sight picture of ironsights
-using better map compression
-master server attempts to filter out misconfigured servers
-using ironsights improves accuracy
-only jumping will drop ironsights
-updated game fonts
-fixed bug in intel height determination
-positioned intel correctly on player
-modified HTTP IP request
-allchat messages shown in lighter color
-error message when trying to launch client without command args

Ace of Spades Beta 0.26

-using safer string copying functions

Ace of Spades Beta 0.25

-implemented votekicking (type /votekick id# in chat)
-added anticheat
-implemented data collection for future master ban list
-tried to minimize view sway
-added some connection tests before adding a server to list
-added latency times to serverlist
-server updates with master more frequently

Ace of Spades Beta 0.22

-added packet corruption checks to prevent crashes
-attempt to send map out in chunks
-implemented transfer window size limits
-reworded some error messages
-must be on rifle to reload
-fixed minor player model warping at some angles

Ace of Spades Beta 0.21

-added game version checks

Ace of Spades Beta 0.2

-tweaked terrain generation
-players now face the enemy side on spawn
-Resolution can now be set in Config file
-Default resolution changed to 1024x768
-fixed teamchange suicide button
-fixed disappearing intel on teamchange
-team scores now sent across network
-fixed occasional mini-spade or mini-pickaxe
-grenade pin sound is now positional
-other players now make spade dig sound
-occasional crouch animation corruption fixed
-enemy CP no longer shown on map
-potential HTTP IP Request fix
-ironsights now checksummed
-player models checked for correct dimensions
-fixed handling of client quit in entry screen

Ace of Spades Beta 0.1

-wrote fast player clipping with unstuck code
-added realistic player movement/crouching/jumping/sneaking
-fixed clock timer issues with friction and acceleration/velocity
-rewrote floating block detection with 6-connectivity and special case breaks
-added gravity and falling damage
-added block damage memory
-added pickaxe
-added spade
-added semi-auto rifle (with ironsights)
-added grenades
-added block placement
-added color palette and world color sampling (right-click!)
-added stance/movement dependent recoil for weapons
-removed png sky code (dynamic sprite skies coming soon!)
-general optimizations (precalculations and multiplies to bit shifts)
-added original game sounds
-added original game models
-added smooth animation system for player models
-disabled mousewheel smoothing (unnecessary and causes control issues)
-implemented efficient debris/grenade bouncing code (no estnorm() or cansee()
-added frame limiter (allows sound system breathe)
-time synced more events to framerate
-added zoom to sighted weapons
-added grenade priming
-more accurate grenade bouncing
-added grenade world/player damage
-implemented fast drawsquarefill()
-rewrote view frustrum culling within game code to cut down animation calcs
-implemented ammo counters and reloading (mining blocks gives you more)
-remove ammoless weapons from HUD
-reduced mapsizes to 512x512x64 (faster downloads, better gameplay)
-added real-time in-game map
-player/teamates/structures shown on map
-moved rendering code after game code (fixes some lag)
-lots of negative truncation fixes (including glpos.z)
-rewrote game movement/animation code with networking compatibility
-more accurate centroid calculation for floating pieces
-skip fog calculations for HUD elements
-added command posts that give health and ammo
-game is now always active (can't pause multiplayer)
-upgraded to Ken's latest winmain layer (evaldraw)
-enabled some optimizations (16-bit color and windowed modes are out)
-rewrote drawline2d without any floating point math
-position and orientation precision reduced to float (reduce network traffic)
-using cpu vars and functions from winmain
-adjusted DirectSound variables to game scale
-CTF gamemode added
-implemented efficent sprite hitscanning based on bounding boxes
-added vxl map wraparound
-handled case where unexposed vxls are visible on map edges
-added tracer rounds
-added more 3rd person-animations
-also blood
-rewrote setcolumn functions with optimizations and wrap-around
-added chat bar
-implemented dynamic terrain/player lighting based on ambient occlusion
-entire codebase converted strictly into C
-allocated more variables on the stack rather than heap (please report any stack
-settings stored/loaded in config file
-tighter memory allocation
-fixed boundary condition in circular arrays
-decoupled rendering code for server implementation
-restructered source so server and client share base code
-integrated with master server
-added installer
-disabled key commands when in chat mode
-server applies same color jitter as client now

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