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Sub Febris Fever: Term used to express the warm body. if you feel your body
shivered. the temperature below 37,5-38 C.

Malaise: The feeling are not good from the inconvenience (feel unhealthy)

Infection disease: disorder by organism such as bacteria, viruses, fungi.

A disease transmitted by a spesific kind of contact.

Preventive: a proccess for the prevention of a disease. To control the factor the
cause (ex: immunitation).

Symptoms: a physical or mental manifestation that indicates the presence of

condition or illness.

Sensation or Body change in body function that experienced by patient and

associated with particular disease.

Home visit: visit to home for the survey.

Visit to patients physicians to provide knowledge about a disease.

Promotive: the way to increase health to individual, family, community, and


To persuade the patient for the healthy life style.

Effort to promote health (ex: seminar to improve the health status)

Coughing: body reflect from foreign object in respiratory track.


Infectious disease

1. What is the factors caused of coughing?

2. What is the definition of infectious disease?
3. What kind of infectious disease ?
4. What is the caused of infectious disease?
5. Transmission of infectious disease (cara penularan)
6. Treatment of Infectious disease
7. How to prevent infectious disease?
8. Why infectious disease can influence another people?
9. What are the caused and symptoms of sub febris fever ?
10.How to keep the environment safe from infectious disease ?
11.What are the characteristic of people that can be infected by infectious
12.What are the advantage from home visit?
13.When the doctor doing home visit ?
14.How is the mechanism of infectious disease ?


1. What is the factors caused of coughing?

- Foreign objects in respiratory track
- Choke (tersedak)
- Allergy
2. What is the definition of infectious disease? (kontaknya seperti apa,
bagaimana mekanisme gangguannya)
3. What kind of infectious disease ?
- Clostridium tetani : tetanus
- Mycobacterium tuberculosis : TBC
- Influenza virus : flu
- Salmonella typhi : tifus
4. What is the caused of infectious disease?
- Bacteria
- Virus
- Fungi
- Parasit
5. Transmission of infectious disease (cara penularan)
- Directly transmission : direct contact with patient
- Indirectly transmission : air, patients clothes, foods, vector
(mosquito, fly, cat (toksoplasma), dog (rabies), mouse (pes))
6. How is the mechanism of infectious disease ? (step of infectious disease)
1. Sistem imun turun
2. Kuman masuk ke dalam tubuh melalui udara yang terkontaminasi
lewat pernafasan
3. Imun tubuh tidak bisa melawan virus yang masuk
4. Gejala timbul karena
7. Treatment of Infectious disease
- Bactery : Antibiotic
- Virus : Anti virus
- Jamur : Anti jamur
- Parasit :
8. How to prevent infectious disease?
- Keep the body clean
- Makan makanan yang bergizi
- Olahraga teratur
- Mengonsumsi vitamin
- Imunisasi
- Istirahat yang cukup
9. How to keep the environment safe from infectious disease ?
10.How come people get infectious disease?
- Low of immunity system
- Not keep the body clean
11.What are the advantage from home visit?
12.When the doctor doing home visit ?
13.What is the natural history of disease ?
14.What are the caused and symptoms of sub febris fever ?
15.Definition of primer prevention, secunder prevention, and tersier

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