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Alejandro Raphael Palacios Morales


July 09, 2013

Centro Boliviano Americano

Advertisement of cryonics for immortality

People among centuries have

tried to live forever this could be
your opportunity, in the future,
illnesses are going to be cured
more easily by new
technologies. Cryonics could be
the cure. However, it would give
you more, for example have you
ever want to meet at your
ancestor; this amazing invention
could give it to you. Another
amazing experience could be
know the future and share your
experience whit new
generations .on the other hand
Scientist predicted that
cryogenic would be been the key
of immortality. You watched
movies and you see those
people became alive again but
now this is your opportunity go
for it. Call at 901-LIFEFOREVER,
if you call now you will have a
30% off.

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