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8/21/2017 Adverbial Clauses Of Condition

Adverbial Clauses Of Condition

This test comes from - the site to learn English (test n79667)

Complete the sentences.


1) __________________ you want my advice, I will be in my room.

[ ]only if
[ ]even if
[ ]in case

2) You have to apologize to your sister __________________ you want to do it or not.

[ ]provided that
[ ]unless
[ ]whether

3) __________________ your room is cleaned, you won't be punished.

[ ]provided that
[ ]unless
[ ]whether

4) You can use your father's car __________________ you drive carefully.
[ ]even if
[ ]unless
[ ]as long as

5) You will never understand this grammar __________________ Yvonne helps you.
[ ]whether
[ ]unless
[ ]only if

6) __________________ they have enough money they are happy.

[ ]even if
[ ]unless
[ ]as long as

7) __________________ he earns a lot, he won't buy this house. 1/3
8/21/2017 Adverbial Clauses Of Condition

[ ]whether
[ ]only if
[ ]even if

8) __________________ your wife leaves you, what will you do?

[ ]only if
[ ]provided that
[ ]supposing that

9) You are not allowed to go out __________________ you have done your homework.
[ ]whether
[ ]provided that
[ ]unless

10) __________________ I am with you I am happy doing nothing.

[ ]in the event
[ ]as long as
[ ]whether


1) in case
2) whether
3) provided that
4) as long as
5) unless
6) as long as
7) even if
8) supposing that
9) unless
10) as long as 2/3
8/21/2017 Adverbial Clauses Of Condition

This test comes from - the site to learn English (test n79667) - Copyright - All rights
reserved - It is forbidden to reproduce, republish, redistribute, resell or translate any materials from this site in either machine-readable
form or any other form. 3/3

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