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Smart Controller es un equipo electrnico de Samsung que se utiliza en domtica para el control y

supervisin de distintas acciones en el hogar, la tecnologa de Smart Controller nos da

prestaciones en trminos de confort, seguridad y ahorro energtico, comunicacin audio/video y
control local inalmbrico.

Posee una pantalla tctil para accionar todas las funciones domticas de la casa

1.Permite controlar la apertura y cierre automatico de las persianas.

2. Hace mas segura y protegida la casa, aun cuando no hay nadie en ella,detecta presencia de
instrusos, alertas de fuga de gas

3. Aplicacin para el monitoreo en tiempo real de los niveles de consumo de agua, gas y

3.Permite controlar y graduar la temperatura del ambiente

4. Es posible disfrutar de la msica con calidad Hi-Fi en cualquier lugar de la casa u oficina

5. Permite controlar el apagado y encendido de luces, as como a comparacin con el equipo de

LG. Permite activar escenarios automticos

Este equipo es tan eficiente como el equipo de LG, adems ofrece supervisin de cmaras de
seguridad y control de persianas para cierre automticos.

6.A diferencia con LG , sansung brinda un 30% ms de ahorro en consumo.

El Smart controller no es caro como el Smart controller de LG

Finalmente Sorprende a tus invitados con el control de ambientes. Nadie sabr cmo cambi la
iluminacin, la temperatura o el sonido; t controlas todo con un solo dedo, los dems slo tienen
que disfrutar. Crea el ambiente perfecto con la ms alta tecnologa.

Smart controller

Smart Controller is an electronic device of Samsung is used in home automation for control and
monitoring of various activities at home.

Smart Controller technology gives us benefits in terms of comfort, safety and energy saving, audio
/ video wireless communication and local control.

It has a touch screen to operate all the home automation functions house

1.It allows automatic control opening and closing of the shutters.

2. the house becomes more secure and protected, even when no one is in it, detects the presence
of intruders

3. Application for real-time monitoring of the levels of consumption of water, gas and electricity.

3. Allows controlling and adjusting the temperature of the environment

4. You can enjoy music with Hi-Fi quality anywhere in the home or office

5. Control the lights off and on, as well as compared to the LG team. Enable automatic settings

This team is as efficient as the LG team also provides oversight of security cameras and automatic
control of blinds closed.

6. A difference with LG, samsung provides a 30% saving in consumption.

Smart controller is not expensive as the controller of LG Smart

It is convenient because it makes life easy or more comfortable, also is durable, practical and
portable you can carry it from one place to another.

Finally Surprise your guests with the control environments. No one will know how it changed the
lighting, temperature or sound; you control everything with just one finger, others just have to
enjoy. Set the mood with the highest technology.

Smart controller

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