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200 More Years

of engageMent with
the United KingdoM ! ! !
AFTER cElEbRATing 200 yEARs oF oFFiciAl FRiEndship lAsT yEAR, bAhRAin And ThE UK ARE woRKing TowARds dEEpER coopERATion, FRom TRAdE And invEsTmEnT To sEcURiTy
And dEFEncE. momEnTUm is bUilding As ThE Two nATions woRK in concERT To shoUldER ThEiR shAREd chAllEngEs And ExploRE nEw oppoRTUniTiEs

he Bahraini-British re- Queen elizabeth ii at the races in
lationship is one of the Bahrain in 1979 (inset). British Prime
oldest and closest in Minister theresa May (left) visited
the Gulf, spanning two cen- Bahrain in december 2016,
turies of mutually supportive following the Prince of wales
ties in trade, military coop- trip to the Kingdom a month
eration and investment.Treaty prior (bottom, left)
relations date back to 1816,
when the then British political
resident William Bruce signed
a pact with Sheikh Al Khalifa
guaranteeing British neutral-
ity in the ongoing conflict
between Bahrain and Oman.
This established formal rela-
tions between both countries
and was followed in 1861 with
a Perpetual Truce of Peace
and Friendship, which ce-
mented Britains diplomatic,
political and economic links
with the Gulf kingdom.
Since then, each nation has
been an important part of the
others development across
economic, political, and cul-
tural spheres and, while re-
flecting on past achievements
in a multitude of bilateral Wales, it is the first major and foreign businesses have tutional, says Simon Martin, focused on building effective just about business. We have
meetings, their leaders are naval base opened by Britain drawn numerous major UK British ambassador to Bah- and accountable institutions, about 10,000 British residents
looking forward to what can in the east of the Suez Canal firms to its shores, such as rain, pointing to recent invest- strengthening the rule of law here, which is by far the larg- bahraini-british relations
be achieved in the next two since 1971, and represents HSBC, National Express and ments into companies such as and police and justice reform. est Western expatriate com-
centuries of partnership. a recognition by the UK of Standard Chartered. Envirogen in the UK, and suc- Beneficiaries of the UKs sup- munity. Many of the British of more than 200 years are
Bahraini-British relations the regions growing global British investments are al- cessful Bahraini ownership in port include independent hu- people in Bahrain have lived deep-rooted and characterised
of more than 200 years are importance. Indeed, the ways welcome in the Kingdom companies like McLaren. man rights and oversight insti- here for decades, with their
deep-rooted and character- Maritime Component Com- of Bahrain amid its available Bahraini investment also tutions such as the National children brought up and edu- by their specificity due to the
ised by their specificity due mand (UKMCC) houses the opportunities and promising helps London to achieve its Institution of Human Rights, cated here, and therefore the strong cooperation, outstanding
to the strong cooperation, largest concentration of the sectors for that, said Bahraini aim to remain the worlds Ministry of Interior Ombuds- British community is woven
outstanding relations and Royal Navy outside British Prime Minister Prince Khalifa leading financial centre post- man, Prisoners and Detain- into the fabric of Bahrain, relations and mutual
mutual understanding and waters, with over a dozen bin Salman Al Khalifa. Brexit. It is clear that Bah- ees Rights Commission and he adds. understanding
coordination regarding vari- ships and 1,200 personnel, [Bahrain] has a very pro- raini businesses do realize the Special Investigations Unit, These ties bind the two
ous regional and international which will work to further the business regulatory environ- importance of the UK. If the which provide independent societies together, facilitating hM King haMad Bin isa aL KhaLifa
issues, said HM King Hamad two countries joint agenda ment, which should encour- confidence in London as the oversight of police behaviour initiatives in education and
bin Isa Al Khalifa during a bi- in combatting terrorism, ex- age numerous major UK firms hub of Gulf business in Europe and detention standards.The science. For example, the
lateral meeting with British tremism and intolerance in to set themselves up in the was not so strong, we would Gulf states progressive con- British Council, which has
Deputy Foreign Secretary the region. kingdom, says Khalid Rashid be seeing people looking to stitution now enshrines the had a strong presence in the Prince of Wales himself when Secretary Boris Johnson told
Sir Alan Duncan. During the December 2016 Al Zayani OBE, Chairman of take the opportunity to move freedoms and rights of all Kingdom since 1959, counts it came to the design. the gathered audience that
Speaking on board the HMS Gulf Cooperation Council, the Bahrain British Business elsewhere. But we are see- faiths and ethnicities, and Bah- 2,000 students per term at For the ambassador, the Britain has been part of your
Defender at the start of the British Prime Minister The- Forum. Formed in 1995, the ing quite the opposite, says rain has made great strides in its Manama teaching centre, closeness between the UK story for the last 200 years,
bicentenary celebrations, resa May reiterated the in- Forum promotes Bahrain as Ambassador Martin. empowering women. and holds community events and Bahrain is rarely matched and we will be with you for
First Deputy Prime Minister creasing importance of ties the regional centre to con- Commerce between the While British-Bahraini eco- to encourage reading. Mean- elsewhere. To many Bahrai- the centuries to come. Today,
Crown Prince Salman bin between the UK and the Gulf duct business throughout the two kingdoms is growing at nomic, political and trade co- while, the British College of nis, the UK is more than just as the two countries respond
Hamad Al Khalifa said that the States.I think that Gulf pros- Middle East.UK firms should breakneck speed, with bilat- operation continues to grow, Bahrain, the result of a part- a study or holiday destina- to the fast-changing global
British-Bahraini friendship is perity and Gulf security is our not see Bahrain as a single eral trade between Bahrain it is the people-to-people ties nership with the countrys tion it is a home away from landscape, with the UK map-
a relationship committed to prosperity and security, she market but an entry point for and the UK generating 432 between both societies which royal family and the University home. And for many Britons ping out its new post-Brexit,
mutual respect and a shared said, adding that the Gulf is a the rest of the GCC, adds Mr million in 2015 alone, an in- make this relationship so of Salford expects to enrol born and raised here over international trade and in-
pursuit of safety, stability and special market for the United Al Zayani. crease of 35 per cent on the special. Many Bahrainis have a first cohort of up to 100 generations, Bahrain is equally vestment trajectory; Bahrain
prosperity for our peoples, KingdomI am determined So far, Bahrain counts previous year. Meanwhile, in been to the UK to study and students in September 2017. home. He also believes that building on its longstanding
adding that It is particularly that we should do everything 500 British brands, 90 Brit- the political sphere, Britain work, and some see the UK Today, British-educated Bah- there is direct value to be had status as the gateway to the
apt that we begin our celebra- possible to build on this and ish company branches, and has been arguably the most as their second home. The rainis are making their mark. from the quality of the ties be- GCCs rapidly expanding
tions aboard the impressive elevate our trade and invest- 350 Bahraini-British business consistent state in support- latest figures that we have The new mosque in Galali tween the Bahraini and British market; and the two nations
HMS Defender, as strong na- ment to an even more ambi- partnerships in its banking, ing Bahrains reform process. show there are around 14,000 has a female designer, which royal families, as evidenced by working in concert to combat
val ties have underpinned our tious level. accounting, retail, transport, In 2011, former assistant Bahraini students in UK uni- is quite unusual in terms of initiatives such as the Prince the extremist and terrorist
200-year relationship. But it is not just Bahrains industry and legal sectors, commissioner of the Met- versities at the moment. I mosque designs anywhere in of Wales Foundation for threats that are felt particu-
These naval ties are once strategic geographic position but investment flows go the ropolitan Police John Yates, calculated that roughly one the world, says Ambassador Building Community, which is larly strongly across the Gulf
again in focus following the which makes it the UKs part- other way, too. It is hard to travelled to Bahrain to reform in 500 of the entire Bahraini Martin. She graduated from contributing to changing the States, a window of oppor-
November 2016 opening of ner of choice.The Kingdoms overstate the level of invest- its police force, and in 2012, population is currently at uni- the Princes School of Tradi- way in which public housing tunity has opened for these
the 30 million British HMS pro-business regulatory en- ment in the London property the UKs package of techni- versity in the UK, which is an tional Art in London, founded is designed in Bahrain. historical partners to engage
Juffair Naval Base in Manama. vironment and initiatives for market by Bahraini investors, cal assistance to support extraordinary figure, says by HRH The Prince of Wales, Speaking in Manama in De- in an ever closer relationship
Inaugurated by the Prince of facilitating inward investment both private as well as insti- reform began. Much of it has Ambassador Martin. Its not and was also inspired by the cember 2016, British Foreign for the centuries to come.

An independent advertising supplement distributed in the Telegraph on behalf of The Worldfolio, who take sole responsibility for its contents.
Project Team: Gemma Gutierrez, Regional Director; Pablo Dabrio, Editorial Director; Ara Roberts, Editorial Director; Anouk Hummel, Project Director; Alexis Amitrano, Business Analyst

Reforms to shift role of vision 2030: at the

public sector from driver forefront of Bahrains
of growth to regulator transformation
BahRain undeRgoes RefoRms that will allow the pRivate sectoR to Become the Kingdom aspiRes to shift fRom an economy Built on oil wealth to a pRoductive, gloBally
main dRiveR of economic gRowth and employment competitive economy, all undeR the umBRella of an amBitious vision 2030

n recent years, Bahrains ment requires a proactive ap- ith economic per- For him, Vision 2030 contin-
economic reforms hailed proach from the public sector. formance over ues to inform every aspect of
as the most ambitious in the Therefore, the government the last two dec- the Kingdoms path of achiev-
Gulf have delivered higher has committed to increasing ades following a comfortable, ing prosperity. Speaking dur-
standards of living, reduced employment opportunities upward trajectory, Bahrain ing his visits to the Majlises of
the economys dependence and facilitating an economic has prospered.This has come Shaikh Mohammed bin Khalifa
on oil, and laid the foundations environment conducive to thanks to strong oil revenues, Al Khalifa of Dubai and the Al
for the Kingdoms sustainable sustained economic growth, a thriving financial sector and Arayedh family in summer last
development plan. As a result, and is keen to position Bah- a regional economic boom, year, he highlighted the need
the country today boasts a rain as a centre of excellence as well as foreign direct in- for extensive collaboration be-
fast-growing financial sector for public sector reforms. vestment pouring into al- tween the public and private
and an increasingly diversified The international com- most every economic sector. sectors to help accelerate
economy. munity should be properly in- Consequently, indicators on growth in the face of a difficult
But as it enters its next formed about the Kingdoms health, social progress and liv- international economic back-
phase of growth, the Kingdom success stories, which reflect ing standards have improved drop, pointing to the recent
still has work to do to make the outstanding ability of the dramatically, with life expec- enactment of wide-ranging
sure every Bahraini has the Bahraini people to achieve tancy climbing from 71.4 years laws which directly support
opportunity to reap the re- progress within a stimulating in 1990 to 75.8 today. the development of the pri-
wards of its canny economic environment, says the prime It is easy to become com- vate sector.
policy, and the Bahraini gov- minister. placent given such a conducive The principles of Bah-
ernment, led by Prime Minis- Improving access to op- environment to growth. In- rains Economic Vision 2030,
ter Prince Khalifa bin Salman
these include reforming the
portunities and forming deed, while countries world- we aspire to shift from an sustainability, competitiveness
Al Khalifa, is now working to strong institutional struc- wide have on average raised and fairness, are key pillars of
implement new regulatory role of the public sector from tures, as well as building their labour productivity by economy built on oil wealth to the countrys next develop-
frameworks which encour-
age investment and inclusive the central driver of growth
human capacities, have been
identified as target areas of
21 per cent over the past 25
years, Bahrains improvement
a productive, globally compet- ment phase. It will guarantee
high-quality opportunity and
growth across key economic to one that serves as a regula- work by the government. has been just 17 per cent. Al- itive economy, shaped by the prosperity for all, added the
These include reforming tor and active partner with
However, it takes a prag-
matic approach to achiev-
though the country has been
able to ensure high employ-
government and driven by a Crown Prince.
Today, every government
the role of the public sector
the private sector, supporting ing these goals, recognising ment rates by redistributing pioneering private sector an agency is working with re-
from the central driver of
growth to one that serves as innovation to stimulate com-
the need to join forces with
the private sector and lev-
oil revenues and offering citi-
zens jobs in the public sector,
economy that raises a broad newed vigour in order to
meet its objectives.This new
a regulator and active partner
petitiveness, and investing erage its expertise through it is low-wage jobs that have middle class of Bahrainis who drive will help Bahrain meet
with the private sector, sup-
porting innovation to stimu- in citizens futures to further
public-private partnerships.
Indeed, the steady growth
been created, and the island
ingdom is now facing a short-
enjoy good living standards Economic Vision 2030s core
goal of long term sustainable
late competitiveness, and
improve their living standards of Bahrains non-oil sector, age of both quality employ- through increased productiv- development, said King Ham-
investing in citizens futures
to further improve their liv-
which now accounts for
more than 80 per cent of
ment and appropriate skills
as a result.
ity and high-wage jobs ad bin Isa Al Khalifa, speaking
after the first Government
HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa,
ing standards, says the prime Prime Minister the Kingdoms thriving econ- In 2008, conscious of the HRH Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Forum held in September last
minister. omy,serves to demonstrate ramifications of allowing this First Deputy Prime Minister year. Tamkeen, Bahrains na-
A national Government Fo- the importance of facilitating situation to continue un- tional labour fund, is investing
rum, launched in September public-private partnerships, checked, King Hamad bin Isa in improving Bahrainis skills
last year, plans to do exactly raising production efficiency points out the prime minister. said First Deputy Prime Min- Al Khalifa launched the am- The composition of Bah- facilities to build a new incu- through training programmes
that. Centred on Bahrains in the public sector, has begun Already seen as the freest ister Crown Prince Salman bitious Vision 2030, a devel- rains economy, once dominat- bator specifically for women. designed to enhance the com-
continued efforts to deliver a follow-up project to develop economy in the Middle East bin Hamad Al Khalifa, speak- opment programme which ed by oil, has become signifi- There have, of course, been petitiveness and prosperity of
a modern and dynamic public and improve service provision it ranks top among MENA ing to Bahrain News Agency. recognised the necessity to cantly more diverse. Standout challenges, namely the global local people, and has so far
sector, it brings together min- capabilities. countries in the Index of Eco- The government is also lev- speed up reforms in order to performance from the tourism economic crisis of 2008/2009 invested an enormous BHD
isters and officials from across The Kingdom of Bah- nomic Freedom, published by eraging upon its international capitalise on the opportunities sector, driven by events such and the regional unrest brought 800 million (1.7 billion) into
government to explore ways rain is resolved to continue The Wall Street Journal and relationships to improve so- that regional growth offers. It as the Bahrain Grand Prix and about by the 2011 Arab Spring. helping 35,000 businesses and
in which even greater sus- its pioneering development The Heritage Foundation cial conditions for its growing laid out a blueprint for national the nomination of Manama by Bahrains future prosperity 95,000 Bahrainis.
tainable diversification and progress towards achieving Bahrains growth and pros- middle class, by ensuring the development based on the UNESCO as Capital of Arab depends on whether it can Meanwhile, the Economic
economic prosperity can be the welfare of its citizens perity has come about in large availability of modern and af- guiding principles of sustain- Culture in 2012, has driven change to keep pace with the Development Board, the first
delivered. and coming generations, says part as a result of its trans- fordable housing across the ability, competitiveness and jobs growth in the hospitality world around it. Therefore, port of call for investors to the
The interior ministry, the King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. parent regulatory system and Kingdom. In its current ac- fairness in a way that would sector, while small business in its National Development country, is encouraging invest-
Ministry of Transportation In practice, this means care- ease of doing business, helping tion plan, the government has ensure that every household in growth schemes introduced Strategy 2015-2018, the latest ment in selected sectors beyond
and Communication and the fully calibrating public sector it to attract swathes of foreign pledged to deliver an unprec- the country had at least twice by the government as well iteration of a regularly updated the financial sector to diversify
Central Bank of Bahrain were reforms to the new economic investors. edented 25,000 housing units, as much disposable income in as loans made by the Bahrain action-plan that will turn the non-oil economic growth and
among some of the public- reality in formerly oil-reliant The government relies on and construction has begun real terms by 2030. Development Bank have cata- Vision into reality, the Bahraini promote export-oriented sec-
sector entities praised dur- Bahrain, further developing industrial investment, which in the southern governorate Almost a decade later, the lysed home-grown entrepre- government has underscored tors. We aim to create the
ing the inaugural forum for the economy and diversifying represents one of the viable on a modern residential area progress made by the nation neurship. the importance of adapting to optimum business environ-
their contributions to the revenues in light of the fiscal tools to diversify the sourc- in collaboration with the is palpable.The Bahraini econ- As part of the governments the new economic and politi- ment for Bahrain, to ensure
effective and efficient devel- challenges the region faces es of revenues and generate Prince of Wales Foundation omy has grown by 28 per cent new role as economic facilita- cal realities around it to forge the country attracts investment
opment of state institutions, due to the global decline in jobs, says the prime minis- for Building Community. since 2008, while international tor, state bodies such as the a clear path forward. from abroad, as well as encour-
and the Bahraini government oil prices.If the development ter, adding that the current By fostering opportunities investments into the Kingdom Telecommunications Regula- We aspire to shift from an aging the strong development of
now aims to ramp up public programmes and plans do not economic challenges require to allow its citizens to achieve rose threefold from 2009 tory Authority have trans- economy built on oil wealth to home-grown companies, said
service provision to support succeed in improving citizens more industrial investments, their aspirations, Bahrains to 2014. According to First formed former monopolies a productive, globally competi- the Crown Prince.
the Kingdoms future growth lives and the quality of the as a strategic alternative to public sector reforms will en- Deputy Prime Minister,Crown into dynamic clusters. In keep- tive economy, shaped by the With 13 years to go until
further both in economic services provided for them, achieve sustainable develop- able the country to complete Prince Salman bin Hamad Al ing with Vision 2030s stated government and driven by a Vision 2030s target date, the
and social terms. they have to be modified and ment for the GCC nations. its transformation from an Khalifa, all of the accomplish- aims of fairness, efforts have pioneering private sector an country is well on its way to
To ensure that discussion re-directed towards meeting While economic liberalisa- economy built on oil wealth ments thus far have directly re- been made to boost economic economy that raises a broad reaching its stated aim of be-
outcomes translate into ac- the citizens expectations and tion has meant a gradual re- to a productive, competitive sulted in increasing the average inclusion for everyone. For ex- middle class of Bahrainis who coming a meritocracy where
tion, the Civil Service Bureau, fulfilling the aspirations of His duction of state involvement and inclusive economy that income of a Bahraini family by ample, the Bahrain Business enjoy good living standards hard work and talent are re-
which supervises human re- Majesty King Hamad bin Isa in running the economy, trans- raises a broad middle class 47 per cent since 2008 no Incubator Centre, set up by through increased productiv- warded with success, trans-
sources across government Al Khalifa for ensuring pros- lating economic growth into of Bahrainis with good living mean feat in the context of a Bahrain Development Bank in ity and high-wage jobs, says forming it from a regional
entities and is tasked with perous lives for all Bahrainis, inclusive, sustainable develop- standards. slowing global economy. 2003, has since expanded its the Crown Prince. pioneer to a global contender.

amendments to institutions, unprecedented

step to protect human rights
Recent Revisions to the law on the national institution foR human Rights have positioned it as a Role model acRoss the gcc and the aRaB woRld, By gRanting
wideR poweRs and cleaR legal ResponsiBilities to impRove the human Rights situation in the countRy

ahrains journey toward look into the incidents that the process is not a minor Constitution; there is freedom far, it emphasises that there is
greater human rights occurred during the period issue. We have been able to of expression and formation of still work to be done, particu-
protections began in of unrest, setting it a tight human rights are an open strengthen awareness, pro- political societies. In Bahrain, larly with regard to freedom
1999, when King Hamad bin
Isa Al Khalifa ascended to the
timetable to complete its task.
BICI, made up of human rights
issue; it is not only about deal- tection and implement our
overall strategy. We do that
there are more than 600 civil
societies.There are more than
of speech and expression and
peaceful assembly. Speaking in
throne, implementing major specialists and international ju- ing with political rights or civ- in the NIHR through vari- eight NGOs with relations Geneva in March this year, Bah-
changes towards fostering
democracy, entrenching the
rists, investigated and reported
on human rights violations by
il rights, it is about economic ous targeted campaigns, and
through training, establishing
only to human rights.Then you
have the political societies and
rains assistant foreign minister,
Abdullah bin Faisal bin Jabr Al
foundations of the state of law, the security forces, including rights, social rights, culture and redefining standards and political rights. Bahrain is the Dossari, pointed out that Bah-
and building an integrated leg-
islative and legal system.
unlawful killings and torture.
The report it produced said
rights and so forth. tolerance protective procedures, she
says, adding that the NIHR
only country in the region that
has political societies, and is
rain was making progress in
the face of substantial chal-
In 2009, the establishment that measures were needed is part of Bahrains culture works closely with the police structured as political parties. lenges including foreign in-
of the National Institution
for Human Rights (NIHR),
to address the serious human
rights violations committed
and part of our human rights ombudsman and with NGOs
and legislation either through
Bahrain is a culturally, eth-
nically, and religiously diverse
terference and increasing acts
of violence, terrorism and vi-
an independent body tasked during the 2011 uprising and Dr Abdulaziz Hassan Abul, the countrys Shura Council or country where people live cious extremism.
with monitoring human rights hold those suspected to be Chairman, National Institution for Human Rights the parliament. freely in a tolerant and hos- Today, with a focus on build-
conditions in Bahrain, was a responsible to account. For Abdulla Ahmed Isa Ald- pitable environment, adds ing effective and accountable
further step toward cement- In response, and to wide- erazi,Vice-Chairperson of the Shaikha Mai bint Mohammed institutions while encourag-
ing Bahrains leading position spread international approval, place to ensure accountability. that time open to everybody. The revamped NIHR now NIHR, humane treatment of Al Khalifa, President of the ing moderate voices to take a
in the GCC in areas such as the King accepted the BICIs The creation of new institu- I dont think anybody in Bah- has a broad mandate to pro- others runs deep in Bahraini Bahrain Authority For Culture greater role within civil society,
religious tolerance and pro- findings, committing the gov- tions represented a new peak rain at that time could imagine tect, uphold, develop and pro- society. If you remember the and Antiquities. the two countries continue to
gressive gender norms. Bah- ernment to full implementa- in Bahrains trajectory of hu- all that has been achieved in mote human rights, and has the Arab-Israeli war in 1948, we While the UK Foreign and work closely to build on Bah-
rain will remain the country tion of its recommendations. man rights reform. terms of human rights. Human power to review draft and ex- had Jews here, and Bahrainis Commonwealth Office has rains progress towards meet-
of moderation and openness The countrys penal code was In 2014,the government took rights are an open issue; it is isting legislation as well as col- gave shelter to the Jewish lauded Bahrains progress thus ing its human rights obligations.
to the world in its cultural and amended to bring its definition a further step, by overhauling not only about dealing with lect and investigate complaints. families to protect them.They
religious diversity, said King of torture in line with that of the NIHR in order to make political rights or civil rights, The Kingdom of Bahrain, wouldnt accept that anybody
Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. the UN Convention against it more effective and to con- it is about economic rights, so- through the NIHR, has been was harmed; they would pro-
Following the uprising of Torture, a code of conduct form with the so-called Paris cial rights, culture rights and able to reshape its human vide them with food and shel-
2011, which came about as for police officers was devel- Principles, which relate to the so forth. Tolerance is part of rights landscape, says Maria ter for weeks.
part of the region-wide Arab oped, a new law was enacted status of national institutions. Bahrains culture and part of Khoury, head of the NIHRs Looking back over the last
Spring, King Hamad set up the to regulate the treatment of The Arab Spring started in our human rights, says Dr Ab- Complaints Monitoring and decade, he highlights that many
Bahrain Independent Com- prisoners and detainees, and 2011, however Bahrain started dulaziz Hassan Abul, Chairman Follow-up Committee. I use advances have taken place.
mission of Inquiry (BICI) to new mechanisms were put in its progress in 1999 and was by of the NIHR. the word landscape because Torture is prohibited by the

diversification efforts propel non-oil sector,

which now accounts for more than 80% of Gdp
Bahrains coMMitMent to diversifyinG its econoMy has Been fundaMental in MakinG the country resilient aGainst the challenGes caused By the drop in oil prices

s the first Gulf state a hospital, says Mr. Alzayani, the next three years, says the number of their Bahraini 2010.Ten per cent of the com-
to discover oil in 1932, adding, we started looking at Minister Alzayani. employees, says Dr Janahi. panys stock is now publically
Bahrains fortunes have the individual as financial in- To drive export activ- By promoting and encourag- owned. Another key example
long been tied to those of vestors, rather than technical ity among manufacturers, the ing entrepreneurial spirit,Tam- is Gulf Air, which reduced
hydrocarbons. But with lim- experts capable of running the ministry has teamed up with keen aims to motivate young losses by 62 per cent thanks
ited reserves compared to its operations. Whats more, the the Economic Development Bahrainis to innovate and take to a restructuring programme
neighbours, it also grasped the ministrys recently-launched Board (EDB),Tamkeen a na- part in diversifying the private implemented by Mumtakalat
need to diversify its economy online portal, Sijilat, means a tional organisation tasked with sector while creating new job last year.
beyond the black stuff far ear- company eyeing Bahrain can developing the private sector opportunities, he adds. Mumtakalat partners with
lier than most. submit its application to the and Bahrain Development While these institutions companies and investors seek-
Bahrain is a different story government from anywhere in Bank (BDI) to create an ex- work hard to broaden eco- ing an active investment part-
in comparison to other GCC the world. port development centre. In nomic activity within Bahrain, ner with a long-term perspec-
countries that are still heavily Investors will also be guar- addition, the government has the Kingdoms investment arm, tive. We look at investment
reliant on the oil sector for anteed utilities availability, implemented a range of meas- Mumtalakat, is playing its own opportunities that are com-
GDP contribution, says Zayed thanks to the expansion of ures to cut the time to export role in boosting the non-oil mercially viable. Mumtalakats
R. Alzayani, Minister of Indus- the LNG terminal, due by goods to Saudi Arabia via the sector. Sovereign wealth typical approach to such in-
try, Commerce and Tourism. 2019, that the ministry says King Fahd Causeway.Expand- funds in the GCC have been vestments is to establish a sig-
We are the most diversified will solve electricity supply is- ing exports is a strategic ne- pivotal in the diversification nificant minority interest in the
economy in the region. sues and provide constant and cessity for our government efforts of regional govern- equity of the company and to
Developing the non-oil consistent power for industry. and part of an essential busi- ments. In fact, you find very secure board representation
sector has been a government As well as the LNG termi- ness strategy for the Bahraini few funds investing in the oil and appropriate shareholder
priority for decades and much nal, Bahrain has an impressive private sector. Exports will Bahrain Mumtakalat By pro- sector. Rather, they have been rights, says Mr. Alkooheji.
of the growth in this segment
has come down to creating
pipeline of large-scale infra-
structure projects which will
boost the economic sector
and give products of Bahraini
is a differ- partners with moting and investing regionally or interna-
tionally in a variety of sectors
Today, the myriad of govern-
ment initiatives to diversify the
a business-friendly environ- help other, smaller sectors to companies more exposure in ent story investors encourag- away from oil and gas, says economy are bearing fruit.
grow. One of these is the 900 global markets. We want to Mahmood Hashim Alkooheji,
With oil prices touching million airport modernisation change our youth from job
in com- seeking an ing entre- Mumtakalats chief executive
We are proud of what has
been achieved during 2016.
multi-year lows, the govern- programme which will go some seekers to job providers, says parison to active invest- preneurial officer. This allows for two Our success in doubling the
ments need to spur invest- way to help the government Minister Alzayani. forms of diversification: geo- investments during last year
ment into non-oil sectors is reach its target of 15.8 million For Dr Ebrahim Mohammed other Gcc ment partner spirit, tam- graphical diversification and comes as a result of unify-
more pressing than ever. By inbound tourists by 2018.The Janahi, Chief Executive of Tam- countries with a long- keen aims sector diversification. ing our efforts with various
bringing in a raft of measures ministry, via the Bahrain Tour- keen, the key to developing Strategic investments by government bodies to ensure
to make life easier for busi- ism and Exhibition Author- and diversifying the economy that are term perspec- to motivate Mumtakalat have had a major Bahrain is truly business-
nesses, Bahraini officials hope ity (BTEA), is spearheading a is in supporting Bahraini citi- still heavily tive. We look young Bah- impact on the Bahraini econ- friendly, says CEO of EDB,
to accelerate non-oil sector robust marketing campaign zens to become employees of omy. For example, in 2008 the Khalid Al Rumaihi, who points
activity to minimise any ex- to promote the sector, which choice and empowering the reliant on at investment rainis to in- sovereign wealth fund took out five priority sectors for
ternal shocks from the volatile is already seeing results. We private sector, turning into a the oil sec- opportuni- novate and ownership of Aluminium investors: financial services,
commodity.In commerce, we have witnessed a steady rise in key driver of sustainable eco- Bahrain (ALBA) one of the logistics, tourism, manufac-
overhauled the company reg- hotel occupancy rates, which nomic development. Thus far, tor for Gdp ties that are take part in largest aluminium smelters in turing and ICT.
istration process, changing the
company registration laws.We
were at 45 per cent in 2013,
before slowly climbing up to 50
Tamkeen has launched 60 ini-
tiatives to support more than
contribu- commercially diversify- the world and an industrial
powerhouse that generates
We now believe we have
competitive positioning and
removed minimum capital re- per cent in 2014 and reaching 38,000 private sector enter- tion viable ing millions in export revenue good value proposition in
quirements for companies and 52 per cent in 2015. Moreover, prises, a whopping 46 per cent for the Kingdom. It put ALBA these five identified sectors
Zayed R. Alzayani, Mahmood Hashim Dr Ebrahim Moham-
the requirement to have mini- the current average expendi- of all active registered com- Minister of Industry, med Janahi, Chief
through a restructuring pro- that would allow us to reach
Alkooheji, CEO,
mum qualifications; meaning ture of a tourist is BD120.6 panies in the Kingdom. With Commerce and Tourism Mumtakalat Executive, Tamkeen cess that enabled a successful the kind of volumes we are
for example that you do not (258.95) and we aim to in- Tamkeens help, 55 per cent IPO on both the London and aspiring for (around $500
need to be a doctor to open crease it to BD136 (292.01) of business owners increased Bahrain stock exchanges in million).

Modernisation of the healthcare sector to

further attract private investment
Bahrain sees healthcare as paraMount in the evolution to a service-oriented econoMy, and has strived to BecoMe one of the Best healthcare providers in the Gulf reGion

oasting one of the oldest First and foremost, we rec- more, outlines Dr Al-Jalahma. into the market, and will be a
healthcare systems in the ommend looking into health Bahrain should be a re- window of transparency for
Gulf, Bahrain is today a While healthcare sector insurance and also specialised gional hub, being geographi- the sector.
regional industry leader hav-
ing made impressive progress
growth was before mainly services. Demand for special-
ised centres of excellence
cally well positioned and hav-
ing strong human resources,
The introduction of the
scheme involves two stages.
in terms of its infrastructure driven by Gcc governments, (CoEs) is also growing rapidly we should be seen as a centre The first phase, which began
and World Health Organisa-
tion (WHO) indicators over
we are now seeing an in- as the burden of disease shifts
from the public sector to the
that can serve the rest of the
last year, was to study the
health insurance industry.
the past three decades. creased participation by pri- private sector.
National Health
This included a comprehen-
Since opening the Gulfs first
modern hospital, established
vate players A substantial number of
patients are also seeking Insurance Scheme
sive study by the World Bank
on the prevailing situation and
by American missionaries in Dr Mariam Adhbi Al-Jalahma, CEO, specialised treatment abroad, Bahrains proposed National the options available to set up
1902, the country has gone National Health Regulatory Authority explains the NHRA CEO, so Health Insurance Scheme, as the health insurance system,
onto develop a comprehen- developing more CoEs in highlighted by Dr Al-Jalahma, based on international best
sive and modernised health Bahrain would help meet will be particularly trans- practices.An operational plan
sector, which includes four in order to attract greater pand rapidly to create capacity not only local demand but formative for the industry. will then be selected, involv-
state-sponsored hospitals, 14 private sector participation for their growing markets. also regional. Expected to be implemented ing the formation of working
private institutions and a large to the sector. And so today, numerous It is a unique opportunity by the beginning of 2019, the groups and workshops with
number of clinics and mater- In the GCC, given the de- new facilities are planned all that can reduce the need to programme will not only re- the participation of stake-
nity hospitals across the island, mand for health care amidst over the region, making the travel overseas for treatment. quire introducing insurance holders.
as well as more doctors, nurses an ageing population and healthcare sector a vital allo- Developing more CoEs would plans, but overhauling the The second phase involves
and dentists per population eases like diabetes and heart vision is becoming increasingly prevalence of lifestyle diseas- cation for many institutional also bring in more medical whole healthcare system. drafting a health insurance
than any other nation in the disease, higher medical costs more important, stresses the es, the healthcare sector is investors in their overall in- tourists to Bahrain as well as It needs to happen very law in coordination with dif-
Gulf Cooperation Council and a greater number of age- minister. fast developing into a robust vestment strategy. attracting and retaining high- gradually, by building confi- ferent government agencies,
(GCC) area. ing inhabitants, by introducing Indeed, this is a trend be- system, explains Dr Mariam But what kind of opportu- ly qualified and experienced dence and introducing trust- and collecting feedback from
Initially modernised through greater private sector invest- ing seen throughout the Gulf, Adhbi Al-Jalahma, Chief Exec- nities are there for investors clinical talent. worthy independent bodies stakeholders. While the gov-
a large injection of funds during ment. where countries like Bahrain utive Officer of the National in Bahrains healthcare sector We are also looking into and so on, affirms Dr Al- ernment will fund the con-
the 1970s oil boom, Bahrain While health care offers are entering a new phase in Health Regulatory Authority specifically? long term rehabilitation cen- Jalahma, and that includes the tributions for all Bahrainis
has continued to spend heav- opportunities for industry ex- their demographic and eco- (NHRA); the body created in We have genuine interest tres, alternative medicine NHRA itself, she says. towards the mandatory basic
ily on healthcare, consistently pansion, it also has a broader nomic development. Due 2009 under the governments from the private sector and facilities (that we recently With the upcoming plans health insurance plan, employ-
recording one of the regions part to play in the Kingdoms to these new demands, the Vision 2030 strategy in order they are talking to us about introduced regulatory frame- to introduce the National ers will do so for expatriate
highest levels of expenditure longer-term plans for growth, healthcare sector is likely to to oversee the liberation of the which key areas have strong work for), specialised clinics Health Insurance Scheme, residents. In addition, a Na-
in the sector, resulting in the explains Bahrains Minister of receive the highest volume of healthcare industry. demand or growth, says Dr for women and children, re- NHRA will play a key role in tional Health Insurance fund
country to rank among the Health, Faeqa bint Saeed Al non-oil investment in 2017 While healthcare sector Al-Jalahma. habilitation facilities, and lots accommodating new entrants will be set up.
healthiest Gulf nations. Salah. With this, the Bahraini across the GCC, according growth was before mainly driv-
However, with changes of government is implementing to a new study by the CFA en by GCC governments, we
lifestyle and an ever-growing regulatory reforms for the Institute, a global association are now seeing an increased
population to contend with private sector to take on a of investment professionals. participation by private play-
(both knock-on effects of Bah- more central role within the In this context, most GCC ers, she continues. With
rains huge economic boom in healthcare industry. countries are passing reforms programs, such as mandatory
recent times), now the govern- As government resources in their health industries, mov- insurance (the National Health
ment is seeking to meet new continue to be directed to- ing towards a system where Insurance Scheme), there is an
challenges, such as higher rates wards other sectors, private health ministries act solely as increasing reliance on the pri-
of non-communicable dis- investment in health care pro- policy makers and regulators vate healthcare sector to ex-

Regional leader backed by 40 years of

banking tradition, with a sterling reputation
for its regulatory environment
As the leAding finAnciAl seRvices cen- Noteworthy of the Bah- ceived and accepted as invest-
raini situation is the large cash ment professionals.
tRe in the gulf, BAhRAin hAs pRoved liquidity and strong capital Indeed, in a region where
reserves possessed by our expatriates are the dominant
to Be Resilient in the fAce of liquidity
banks. labour force in just about
chAllenges posed By low oil pRices And As in the rest of the region, every sector of the national
Bahraini banks had liquidity economies and governments
AusteRity, with RepoRted totAl BAnking issues in 2015 when the full are forced to put a cap on
effects of the oil price crisis foreign hires, an estimated
Assets ReAching ARound 157 Billion As were felt. However, accord- 65 per cent of Bahrains fi-
of septemBeR 2016 ing to the latest quarterly nancial industry workforce
reports all institutions are is composed of locals and
making good progress and these highly-trained financial

ahrain has enjoyed a In order to discern the the country remains an at- experts are eagerly snapped
proud record as the strength of the banking indus- tractive foreign investment up by institutions in the sec-
Gulf regions financial try in Bahrain, it is enough to destination. tor, both private and public,
capital over the past 40 years, point out that the contribu- This is due not only to the throughout the region.
leading the Middle East in a tion of the sector to the GDP banking system but also to the And this human element
range of sectors from bank- of $31.1 billion (25 billion) countrys pride of place as the in banking practices extends
ing and insurance to asset amounted to 17 per cent, Gulfs most liberal market with to helping Bahrainis not only
management and Sharia-based which places it second after free movement of capital, 100 prosper as employees but to
Islamic finance with a sterling the petroleum industry, says per cent foreign ownership, also enjoy such basic needs
reputation for its regulatory Dr Waheed Al Qassim, the no corporate taxes or restric- as housing, as in the case of
environment, coupled with CEO of the Bahrain Associa- volume segment assets the banking industry in tions on repatriation of capi- Eskan Bank which works with
political and economic stabil-
ity, a bustling economy and a
tion of Banks (BAB).
Volume segment assets
reached $192.7 (157 billion) Bahrain has come a long tal, profits or dividends and a
well-established and solid legal
the government to finance
homes for citizens, accord-
perfect place to invest. reached $192.7 (157 billion) last september and out of way over the last few dec- framework that matches inter- ing to General Manager Dr
The banking industry in
Bahrain has come a long way
last September and out of 404
financial institutions operating
404 financial institutions ades. segments such as national best practice.
Because of the strong
Khalid Abdulla.
Our bank has been in-
over the last few decades, in the Bahraini sector, there operating in the Bahraini commercial, retail, invest- regulatory framework in Bah- strumental in developing and
notes Khalid Hamad, the Ex-
ecutive Director of Banking
were 113 offering banking
services, including 26 retail
sector, there were 113 offer- ments and islamic banking rain thanks to the CBB, the
independence and the qual-
shaping the evolving Bahraini
mortgage market over the
Supervision at the Central banks, 15 branches of foreign ing banking services, includ- have made great inroads in ity of the legal system here, past five decades and our
Bank of Bahrain (CBB). Seg-
ments such as commercial,
banks and eight representative
offices like JP Morgan Chase,
ing 26 retail banks and 15 the industry investors find the Kingdom a
safe destination for their in-
top priority is to help deliv-
er homes to Bahraini citizens
retail, investments and Islamic HSBC, BNP Paribas, Standard branches of foreign banks Khalid Hamad, Executive Director vestments, says Hisham Al which are comfortable to live
banking have made great in- Chartered and a number of of Banking Supervision, Rayes, CEO of Gulf Finance in, economically maintained
roads in the industry. Middle Eastern banks. Dr Waheed Al Qassim, CEO, Central Bank of Bahrain House (GFH). and attractively priced, he
Bahrain Association of Banks
And despite the plunge in One bank with deep inter- In addition, Bahrain is ad- says, citing this as yet another
the price of oil which Bahrain national connections is Ku- vanced in terms of its human way for the banking sector to
and the Gulf states rely on wait Finance House-Bahrain, capital, qualified individuals work with the public sector
for most of their revenue, the a wholly-owned subsidiary of enced considerable growth in Germany, Bahrain, Saudi Ara- ence raising financing rates, banking standards and other who serve at various levels for the benefit of all.
Kingdoms banking industry KFH-Kuwait which enjoys a recent years.We increasingly bia and other countries with enhancing competitiveness, factors. within the financial sectors According to BABs Dr Al
goes from strength to strength reputation as a performance- deal with mobile, regional and expertise in different asset boosting knowledge transfer These mergers aim to across different levels with Qassim, local banks will be
with robust growth expected driven, results-oriented insti- global customers with local classes, our group is strate- and providing more opportu- strengthen Bahrains bank- organisations, he adds. further involved in major pro-
to continue, not only regard- tution combining global in- needs focused on Bahrain, gically equipped to cater to nities in the sector. ing sector and increase its This had been reflected in jects, not just funding social
ing the size of the sector but vestment strategies with the explains KFH-Bahrains Man- the needs of our diverse cus- At the same time, there ability to compete on a re- our institutions own success projects like housing but also
also in providing more Islamic provision of popular retail aging Director & CEO Abdul- tomer base. has been a surge in bank- gional level, especially with as we understand the culture things like energy projects.All
banking services, the latest fi- products and services. hakeem Y. Alkhayyat. Dr Al Qassim of BAB sees ing mergers and acquisitions the trend in mergers among of the region and hence the of this opens up opportuni-
nancial technology, innovative KFH-Bahrain has made With its growing presence an expanding role for for- taking place among local and small and medium-sized Bahrainis, including those ties for our banks to work,
products and much more. major advances and experi- in Kuwait, Turkey, Malaysia, eign banks with their pres- regional banks fuelled by new banks, he explains. from GFH, are very well re- achieve growth and profit.

Bahrains Islamic finance

sector sets the tone
for the rest of the world
WIth one of the Worlds longest tradItIons In IslamIc BankIng and a dIverse offerIng of retaIl and Wholesale sharIa-
complIant lenders, BahraIn Is seen as a leadIng centre of one of the fastest-groWIng gloBal fInancIal segments

slamic finance, a concept rate to make a profit. In Islam- for Islamic financial institu-
largely unknown in the West ic banking thats not allowed tions and the industry.
just a few decades ago, is the
base for the rapidly expanding
so for example under Islamic
mortgage finance, the bank
Other such organizations
here include the General
one of the principal ob-
global Islamic economy which shares with the customer in Council for Islamic Banks jectives of Islamic finan-
experts predict will surge in
value to a staggering $5.8
purchasing a property so they
become joint owners.
and Financial Institutions, De-
loittes Islamic Finance Knowl-
cial institutions is to be a
trillion before the end of the In order to own the entire edge Centre and the Islamic key pillar for developing
Experts predict this will
property, the customer then
purchases the banks share
International Rating Agency.
So, it comes as no surprise
economies and to be a ma-
be fuelled by a surge in the over time and also pays the that more than 30 countries jor contributor to society
number of Muslims who are rent for using that share and have sought Bahrains assis-
expected to reach 2.8 billion eventually ends up owning it tance in setting up their own Abdulhakeem Y. Alkhayyat, Managing Director and
CEO, Kuwait Finance House-Bahrain
people by 2050, double the all, he explains. Islamic financial structures.
average global population This means that the whole We are at the forefront of
growth, to account for nearly risk is not carried only by the the Islamic finance sector, are
a third of the worlds total in- customer but also shared by the point of reference around University which highlighted stitutions means that we both
habitants. the lending institution so if the world and have been for overwhelming evidence that have contributed jointly to the
If current trends in the Is- there is a crash in the proper- a very long time, says Yousif a change from Western to growth of the Islamic finance
lamic economy are anything ty market, both parties stand Abdulla Taqi, the Director and Islamic banking practices in- segment of the industry, ar-
to go by, more and more to lose and the bank does not Group CEO of Al Salam Bank cluded a long-term enhance- gues Dr Khalid Abdulla, the
Muslims, from Morocco in reclaim the property and de- Bahrain. ment in liquidity as well as General Manager of Eskan
the west to Indonesia in the
east, will insist on using Is-
london is one of the most important and mand the borrower pay back
full interest as a conventional
It is also important to
remember that when some
other improvements.
With Bahrain as a world
Europe has realised the
lamic financial institutions and significant world financial centres and its bank would do. countries began introducing centre for Islamic finance, the benefits of Islamic instru-
services for their banking, in-
surance, securities and other
links with Bahraini institutions means that Bahrain has been a centre
of Islamic finance and banking
Islamic finance as an alterna-
tive to conventional banking,
countrys strong ties to the
United Kingdom and its global
ments and I believe that this
is an area where we can come
financial needs. And with its we both have contributed jointly to the for decades and its prestige wed been practicing it for financial institutions bode well together combining the over-
long and respected experi-
ence in this sector, Bahrain
growth of the Islamic finance segment of in this regard is reflected in
the fact that the Kingdom
decades and it is a key compo-
nent to our competitiveness
for stepped up cooperation as
the sector grows well beyond
all expertise that London can
provide with the insight into
will remain a leading and the industry hosts the International Is- thanks in part to our very its main market in the Middle the Islamic finance market
highly trusted player thanks lamic Financial Market which strong base of human capital. East, bankers say. that Bahrain can contribute.
to a number of contributing Dr Khalid Abdulla, General Manager, Eskan Bank sets standards for the global Conventional banks have I think London is one of This is something that can
factors, bankers say. Islamic financial services sec- taken note of the advantages the most important and signif- work very well for both na-
Bahrain has ranked first tor with the participation of of Islamic finance, the CEO icant world financial centres tions and our financial ser-
in the world in terms of gov- $26 billion (21 billion), or or activities considered harm- tutions is to be a key pillar foreign government financial explains. and its links with Bahraini in- vices sectors.
ernance due to the environ- 13 percent of the Kingdoms ful to the public good. for developing economies and institutions from Dubai, In- The credit crunch resulted
ment of regulatory, legislation, total banking assets. Instead, the IMF says,the to be a major contributor to donesia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, in their customers losing con-
Islamic finance institutes law According to the Interna- parties must share the risks society, says Abdulhakeem Y. Brunei, Pakistan, Sudan and fidence in the conventional
and Islamic asset manage- tional Monetary Fund, Islamic and rewards of a business Alkhayyat, the Managing Di- others. banking system and as a result
ment, explains Bahrain As- finance is the provision of transaction and the transac- rector and CEO of Kuwait The Kingdom is also the some Western financial insti-
sociation of Banks CEO Dr financial services in accord- tion should have a real eco- Finance House-Bahrain. home of the Accounting and tutions changed into Islamic
Waheed Al Qassim. ance with Sharia Islamic law, nomic purpose without undue Its not purely about the Auditing Organization for Is- banks as the latter were able
Among the 113 financial principles and rules, Islamic speculation, and not involve money. A traditional bank lamic Financial Institutions, a to better deal with the after-
institutions operating here, finance rejects common prac- exploitation of either party. makes revenue from borrow- non-profit that prepares ac- math of the crisis, he says.
there are 25 Islamic banks tices in Western finance such One of the principal objec- ing money from its clients and counting, auditing, governance, Mr Taqi points to a re-
with total assets of almost as interest, risky investments tives of Islamic financial insti- then lending it with an interest ethics and Sharia standards cent study by Birmingham

into regional
fintech leader
BahraIn aspIres to Become the face of InnovatIon In fInance In the mIddle
east and a pIoneer of fInancIal technology (fIntech) In the regIon

s a regional leader in for banks and business cli- ideas and services for the able to meet the size, scale
banking and financial ents, B2C for SMEs and B2C sector. and resource requirements
services punching for retail consumers. With Lastly, the fund would to compete.
well above its weight and as advances across platforms channel access to devel- At the same time, con-
one of the longest-operating these users will become opment capital for the en- sumers are reluctant to
and most admired Islamic fi- increasingly and seamlessly trepreneurs operating in trust their financial re-
nance hubs on a global scale, linked. Bahrain. sources to start-ups and
it is no surprise that tiny And Bahrains financial And bankers in the region are much more comfort-
Bahrain is planning to take sector and regulatory bod- point out that because of able dealing with the tried-
on its next big challenge in ies are carefully studying its experience with Sharia and-true larger institutions
the sector: becoming a ma- FinTech to ensure that the compliant financial services, which they know.
jor player in financial tech- country is at the forefront, Bahrain would be an excel- Bahrain banks, however,
nology, or FinTech, in the both regionally and globally, are willing to give FinTech
coming years. of this phenomenon. a go.
And it is easy to see why as Banking is a very regi- The future of banking
FinTech is the emerging dis- mental industry, Central there are will be online and I envi-
ruptor in the banking and Bank of Bahrain Governor sion that in 20 or 30 years
financial services industry. Rasheed Mohammed Al three re- time, deposits will be a thing
Fintech is the future of Maraj told a recent gath-
ering of GCC banking and
quirements: of the past and if you want
to compete these new in-
finance. Over 1,000 com-
panies with $105 billion in finance officials, adding that a regulatory novations are the way to
funding and $870 billion in
market capitalisation are en-
Bahrain will introduce state-
of-the-art technology in the
sandbox, go, says Kuwait Finance
House-Bahrain Managing
gaged in FinTech activities sector. a physical Director & CEO Abdulha-
globally, a sector expert
told a recent conference
But in order for Bahrain
to reach its FinTech goal,
fintech hub keem Y. Alkhayyat.
Another banker, Dr Khalid
of Central Bank of Bahrain experts say there are three for entre- Abdulla, General Manager of
Financial technology can
requirements: a regulatory
sandbox, a physical Fin-
preneurs Eskan Bank, explains that
his institution invests gen-
apply to any innovation in Tech hub for entrepreneurs and the es- erously in new technology,
how business is transacted
and the term was once used
and the establishment of a
FinTech fund in the King-
tablishment primarily to allow the bank
to handle more customers.
to refer to computer tech- dom. of a fintech Central Bank of Bahrain
nology applied to the back
offices of banks and other
A consortium from Singa-
pore, which is considered a
fund in the Executive Director for Bank-
ing Supervision, Khalid Ham-
financial institutions. leader in FinTech operations kingdom ad, has said new regulations
But since the advent of in Asia, has been brought in covering the technology are
digital technology, FinTech to advise on the regulatory under study and should be
now covers such once- sandbox that will enable introduced this year.
futuristic sector activities FinTech businesses to test lent choice as an Islamic Were heading into a
as mobile banking, mobile innovative financial services FinTech centre as there are new era of banking, one
commodities trading, peer- without facing the costs of none yet in the Middle East that will transform the
to-peer lending, cloud fund- regulatory licensing and will despite efforts by Qatar and way banks operated and
ing digital wallets, financial reduce the time to get their the UAE. will usher in a new dawn
advisory and robo-advisor services to market. But there are challenges. for Bahrains financial sec-
sites, all-in-one money man- A FinTech hub would Larger, hidebound financial tor.And these new rules will
agement applications and in- consist of an incubator or institutions can struggle create new revenue for the
surance telematics. co-working space for start- with the digital-first culture government through invest-
Broadly speaking, there ups that will provide entre- that is needed for FinTech ments channelled into the
are four FinTech catego- preneurs with a place to innovation, while smaller nascent but fast-growing
ries: B2B for banks, B2C develop and test innovative operators are not always FinTech industry.

developer confidence boosted by

growing demand from retail and tourism
with the construction industry recording 4.5 Per cent year-on-year growth and the infLux of 12.3 miLLion
tourists in 2016, sPurring demand for residentiaL, hosPitaLity and retaiL ProPerty sectors, bahrain boLsters the guLf
rePutation as a reaL estate safe haven for internationaL investors

ahrains fast-expanding
population, high spend-
ing power and quality of
life on offer, provide a great
framework for the real es- between the public and the
tate industry to thrive and private sector, explains Mr
are factors that have seen a there is a Hejres. This is for the first
surge in projects, such as the
springing up of new malls,
big demand time in Bahrain, and its open
for everybody. The process is
luxury hospitality offerings for real es- open to all developers, who
and the recovery of mixed- can go to the ministry and
use developments previously tate in bah- apply for these public-private
put on hold. rain backed partnerships.
A recent surge in tourism, One of the largest social and
motivated by a local drive to by big affordable housing construc-
further Bahrains attractive- companies tion contracts awarded to a
ness as an exciting, all-en- private real estate company is
compassing destination for and main the Diyar Al Muharraq mixed-
regional and international banks such use project, a vast option of
visitors, has particularly given residential projects that offers
a great boost to the countrys as Kuwait opportunities for a number of
real estate industry. finance different social groups.
Such development comes in With rising wages and higher spending forecast alongside the growing tourism revenues, the outlook for the retail sub-sector is broadly positive The project involves over
the face of slowing economic house 3,000 houses which include
conditions which have ham-
pered the property market in
practice policies relating to
the industry.
banks such as Kuwait Finance
House (KFH), Al Salam Bank
ments coming from Kuwait
and Saudi Arabia, mainly be-
Plaza), and IsaTown Retail Strip.
Edamah, the real estate arm
way for future developments
in strategic locations.
(Kfh), al social and affordable hous-
ing, explains Dr Maher Al
Bahrain recently. And in the Real Estate (in Bahrain) and Ithmaar Bank. cause there are reasonable of Bahrain Mumtalakat Hold- However, perhaps the big- salam bank Shaer, CEO of Diyar Al Mu-
second half of 2016 there was
a marked stabilisation across
started 15 years ago, but has
become more active in the
The good thing about
Bahrain, stresses the BaPDA
processes and real demand.
We see a lot of progression
ing Company (Mumtalakat),
affirmed that these projects
gest challenge facing the Bah-
raini real estate industry going
and ith- harraq.The social housing will
be controlled and distributed
most real estate sectors, a past 10 years, says Mr Hejres. chairman, is that that projects in this market, and thats why would positively impact the forward is in the residential maar bank to Bahrainis by the Ministry
trend expected to continue We see a lot of development. in the country are based on we started BaPDA. commercial and tourism sec- sub-sector, with the country of Housing, and the affordable
Aaref Hejres,
in 2017, according to interna- And real estate companies real demand, which makes it On the back of the popula- tors, and contribute to the facing a huge shortfall in social Chairman, Bahrain
will be targeted to locals not
tional real estate consultancy, now: previously, there were a a safe haven for foreign in- tions growing affluence, with development of the Bahraini housing capacity. Property eligible for social housing.
Cluttons. lot of small groups of people vestors. rising wages and higher spend- economy. Although the government Development Our idea as one of the
The sector is highly asso- doing different projects, but We have 24 of the biggest ing forecast alongside the grow- Furthermore, in February has pledged to provide thou- Association main developers in Bahrain
ciated with other industries, now there is a big demand for development companies in ing tourism revenues, the out- 2017, Bin Faqeeh, a leading sands of new units for its is to deliver 40,000 to 50,000
so when it booms you have real estate in Bahrain backed our association. In addition, look for the retail sub-sector is Bahrain-based privately- citizens, the housing backlog houses within the next five
another 16 industries fol- by big companies and main there are several invest- broadly positive. For instance, a owned real estate investment stands at over 54,000 applica- for 16,000 new homes in a bid years, he says, with the first
lowing the trend, explains number of high-profile projects company, said it would start tions, and long-term demand to ease the affordable hous- phase of the project scheduled
Aaref Hejres, Chairman of have been announced recently, delivering 220 million worth is expected to outstrip supply, ing shortfall), the sector has for completion in February
Bahrain Property Develop- such as five major develop- of real estate development especially as the sector works also been opened up to the 2018.
ment Association (BaPDA), there are promising op- ments unveiled by Bahrain Real projects in the first quarter to surmount infrastructure private sector with the gov- On the Bahraini real estate
a non-profit organization portunities in bahrain, a lot Estate Investment (Edamah) in of this year, providing yet and land allocation limitations. ernment signing a multitude of sector in general, Dr Al Shaer
established in 2010 to fos- October 2016. more strong momentum for While state-funded hous- construction contracts within who highlights entertainment
ter infrastructure services, of opportunities, which real These include Saada, a 98 the sector. ing projects are likely to the social housing segment in and attractions, along with
cooperation, fair trade prac- estate developers should million waterfront develop- Meanwhile,reforms aimed at continue to drive growth in recent years. social and affordable housing
tices and integrity among its ment in Muharraq; a 765 mil- diversifying the economy away the Kingdoms construction Previously, the government stresses,There are promis-
members, while also provid- take advantage of now lion North Hawar eco-friendly from oil are likely to continue industry (in December 2012 was 100 per cent responsible ing opportunities in Bahrain, a
ing a platform for coopera- Dr Maher Al Shaer, CEO, Diyar Al Muharraq
development, a key multi-sto- benefitting the industrial real the government announced for providing social housing, lot of opportunities, which real
tion with the government rey car park in Adliya, a French- estate sector, with infrastruc- that it would allocate up to but in recent years we man- estate developers should take
authorities in forming best themed cultural hub (Versaille ture improvements paving the BD580 million (1.2 billion) aged to create a good marriage advantage of now.

Poised to become a major aviation hub

Large-scaLe investments by bahrain internationaL airPort and nationaL fLag carrier guLf air wiLL
Position bahrain as a major aviation hub in the coming years

ast year, ground work of the airports aviation in- another level, says Mohamed showed that more than 85 While the improvements national carriers. CEO Maher
was laid for infrastruc- frastructure, but will also up- Yousif Al Binfalah, CEO of per cent of flights left and to BIA will most certainly Salman Al Musallam, however,
ture Bahrain hopes will grade ancillary services and Bahrain Airport Company arrived BIA in less than 15 boost its already strong com- has forged a path towards the
help its position as a regional facilities to ensure they are in (BAC). minutes of their scheduled petitiveness, hopes are that it airlines first profit in two dec-
aviation hub take flight. The line with leading international Bahrain is already a region- time. No other airport in the will also act as a catalyst for ades, thanks in part to the ad-
900 million expansion of the standards. al aviation leader. As Mr Al- Middle East made it to the wider socio-economic devel- dition of high-value routes to
Bahrain International Airport By 2019, I can assure you Binfalah states, BIA ranked top 20 in any of the catego- opment. The BIA project will Europe, India and the Middle
(BIA) will increase capacity that this will be one of the among the most punctual ries. Bahrains national car- strengthen Bahrains trans- East, and a strategic shift away
to 14 million passengers and most efficient airports in the airports in the Middle East rier, Gulf Air, ranked ninth of port connectivity with other from low-value transit traffic.
enable the airport to handle region. BAC has been named and ninth globally among the 10 most punctual airlines destinations in the region, By 2014, he had brought the
the next generation of mod- one of the most punctual air- medium-sized aviation ter- in Europe, Middle East and and complement a $10 bil- airline nearly back in the black
ern fleets coming on stream. ports in the world by OAG, minals in a report issued by Africa, while none of the oth- lion investment in road and and Gulf Air was posting pas-
The expansion not only
targets the modernisation
and we have huge potential
to take this achievement to
UK-based aviation analysts
OAG earlier this year, which
er Middle East-based airlines
made it to any of the lists.
rail links to Saudi Arabia. A
new causeway to Saudi Ara-
senger revenues up 15.4 per
cent year-on-year.
bahrains role as a stra-
bia, scheduled for completion Now, the national carrier is tegic aviation hub in the
in 2022, will connect Bahrain
to the rest of the $200 billion
poised to see a major increase
in capacity. It has purchased
mena region is reinforced
GCC rail network. around 6 billion worth of by its deep-rooted aviation
Logistics will play a key role,
then, in Bahrains economic
new Airbus and Boeing air-
craft, including 12 A320 neo
heritage and this is deeply
development, says Mr Al- and 17 A321 neo jets and 16 linked to gulf airs history
Binfalah. BIA is estimated to
increase the air cargo volumes
787-9 Dreamliners to add to its
existing fleet of 28 Airbus jets.
and heritage
to one million metric tonnes The first planes in the new fleet Maher Salman Al Musallam, CEO, Gulf Air
per year once the expansion are expected to arrive in 2018.
project is completed in 2020. A 10-year strategic and
Now, more than ever, we are holistic plan for the airline is
clear on what we want to do being implemented that will
with logistics and cargo. The shape Gulf Airs future trajec-
airport is a platform for de- tory, incorporating planned fu-
velopment, it is an enabler. It ture fleet and network growth
needs partners, and to posi- and schedule enhancement
tion itself to attract FDI that with greater frequencies to
can also leverage the liberal select destinations, explains
economic environment here, Mr Al Musallam. Our fleet
as well as our ICT infrastruc- was a primary focal point in
ture and ease of setting up our strategy. Gulf Air serves all
business, he says. its destinations with a combi-
We realize that we are a nation wide and narrow body
small market but we want to fleet, connecting Bahrain
be an efficient small market. and the GCC region to the
To do that, the airport must world.The new aircraft arrival
have the right infrastructure will herald a new era for Gulf
to allow somebody to plug Air and we are preparing for
and play, providing utilities this and looking forward to a
and licensing. I think we are promising future.
creating a value proposition BIAs expansion will serve
that is quite competitive. Gulf Air and the aviation sec-
tor as a whole, adds the CEO.
Gulf Air to benefit The ease, efficiency and con- by 2019, i can assure you
It goes without saying that venience of procedures within
BIAs expansion will provide the airport make transit that this will be one of the
a major boost to Gulf Air. through the Kingdom highly most efficient airports in
Ongoing restructuring has attractive. Bahrains role as a
led to steady improvements strategic aviation hub in the the region. bac has been
for the airline recently after MENA region is reinforced named one of the most
several years of heavy losses, by its deep-rooted aviation
which reached $559 million in heritage and this is deeply punctual airports in the
2011. Once owned by four of linked to Gulf Airs history world by oag
the GCC states, Gulf Air had and heritage. Today we col-
been struggling to perform lectively represent conveni- Mohamed Yousif Al Binfalah,
since Oman, Abu Dhabi and ence, efficiency and hospitality, CEO, Bahrain Airport Company
Qatar left to form their own a unique proposition.

58bn of works in pipeline to sustain

Bahrains growth projections
ture to support development of the logistics sector. An ini- worlds top 20 most attrac-
Efforts arE in Bahrain. As per the objec- tial set of large-scale projects tive special economic zones
undErway to position tives of the Bahrain Economic is already underway, several the Ministry of works for foreign direct investment.
Vision 2030, the government
thE kingdoM as a kEy has constructed a number of
multibillion-dollar develop-
ments are on track to be fin-
has achieved a lot in the This privileged position is set
to be further enhanced by a
causeways, flyovers and tun- ished in the next four years, roads, sanitary and strate- recent agreement between
Entry point to thE nels over the past 10 years,
all of which have contributed
and others like the $3 billion
King Hamad Causeway, the
gic projects sectors, with KBSP and Bahrain Logistics
Zone to develop new logis-
widEr rEgion to create an efficient roads second causeway connecting more successes in the pro- tics facilities and warehouses
network that has managed to Bahrain to Saudi Arabia, will be at the port.
jects that aim to provide
ahrains steely determi- enhance the economic, urban completed within the coming Minister of Transportation
nation to push forward and commercial boom in the decade.This one project alone modern infrastructure to and Telecommunications Ka-
an infrastructure agenda Kingdom. is expected to lower import mal bin Ahmed Mohammed
that will secure its position To date, 17 causeways costs by up to 50 per cent. support development in comments, The partnership
as the premier logistics hub and tunnels have been con- Like Hong Kongs logisti- Bahrain represents a major achieve-
in the northern Gulf contin- structed, including the North cal relationship with China, ment for the Bahrain Logistics
ues unabated. Slicing neatly Manama Causeway connect- Bahrain is leveraging its Essam Bin Abdulla Khalaf, Zone and will support logistics
through swathes of time, ing the capital Manama to in- proximity to Saudi Arabia to Minister of Works services in Bahrain as a regional
financing and the pitfalls of vestment and economic pro- position itself as the regions station for transhipment. Bah-
vagaries, the government has jects located in the north, a premier logistics hub. It is an rain Logistics Zones many ben-
demonstrated a single-minded project for which Bahrain was increasingly important transit in 1986, the causeway is improving freight flow, and Bahrains roads will also ing peak times and journey du- efits and facilities include com-
cohesion that has cut to the recognised with 2014 Best route for its larger neighbour, Bahrains most strategically is expected to carry an es- increase their capacity over ration from 40 minutes to 18 petitive pricing and world-class
quick of focused action. All Causeway Project in the Mid- and with recent investments important international link timated 143,000 containers the next three years thanks minutes, explains the works services in import, export, and
eyes are on the 2030 goal dle East. Indeed, a reflection in port, air, public infrastruc- and sees on average 29,000 in its first year of operations, to new infrastructure invest- minister. re-export operations, including
in Bahrain: the creation of a of the intense activity taking ture and land transport, its vehicles cross it each day, car- scaling up to 343,000 per year ment. The Ministry has dou- Other noteworthy projects reduced time required for un-
highly efficient, state-of-the- place in transport and logistics role in regional logistics will rying approximately 65,000 by 2030 and 602,000 by 2050. bled its efforts to improve include the Muharraq Ring loading and re-shipping, and it
art regional centre of cargo can be found in the sectors expand steadily, strengthen- passengers. The GCC rail network pro- roads and infrastructure Road, which includes a fourth is in close vicinity to the high-
transit, and the thriving light rise in GDP contribution. It ing its bid as the entry point The new King Hamad ject, which will allow uninter- services in line with our eco- bridge between Muharraq and tech Khalifa bin Salman Port.
industries to load it. grew three percentage points for the GCC. Causeway, scheduled for 2023 rupted rail travel from Kuwait nomic vision. An example is Manama and will enhance traf- All of these facilities position
Much has already been ac- between 2013 and 2015. The only causeway cur- completion, will comprise City to the Omani port of the revamp of Sheikh Isa bin fic flows between the airport the region as a destination for
complished, says Minister of But this has not stemmed rently connecting the island both a roadway and mixed- Salalah on the Indian Ocean, Salman Highway to support and the port. The revamp of companies seeking to access
Works Essam Bin Abdulla the tide of new projects in nation to Saudi Arabia, and traffic standard-gauge railway, also envisions a new cause- trade and transport by pro- the Alba and Nuwaidrat Inter- the Gulf region.We are confi-
Khalaf.The Ministry of Works the country. The government its only terrestrial connection and is set to tie in with the way between Qatar and Bah- viding free non-stop traffic on change will improve transit dent that the partnership will
has achieved a lot in the roads, is now investing over 58 bil- with the Arabian Peninsula, is wider GCC regional rail net- rain.That causeway would be all interchanges of the highway between the Sifra refinery and allow us to meet the growing
sanitary and strategic projects lion more in a raft of major the 25-kilometre King Fahd work, which will begin initial the longest in the world and from Khalifa bin Salman Port other industrial areas to KBSP. demand for specialised logis-
sectors, with more successes industrial and infrastructure Causeway, also undergoing operations in 2018. The rail provide Bahrain with direct (KBSP) in the east to King In 2012, FDI Magazine ranked tics services in the Gulf market,
in the projects that aim to initiatives that will support expansion to increase lanes link with Saudi Arabia will access to one of the GCCs Fahad Causeway in the west. KBSP and Bahrain Interna- which is estimated in the tril-
provide modern infrastruc- the continued development from 17 to 45. Inaugurated have a significant impact on fastest-growing economies. This has contributed to reduc- tional Airport as among the lions of dollars.

Most connected country in the Middle East, at the

forefront of the liberalisation of telecoms sector
Bahrain is known as thE Most coMpEtitivE and productivE tElEcoMMunications MarkEt in thE rEgion which has rEspEctivEly hElpEd it gain gloBal rEcognition

ahrains telecom sec- Batelco Bahrain CEO, thanks to the governments to experience streamlined optic cable links to the rest
tor revenues hit the Ms Muna Al Hashemi com- forward-thinking regula- and seamless connectivity of the Gulf.
$1 billion mark in ments, Over the past ten tory framework, progres- around the clock. We have Looking forward, many
2015, a milestone that was years, Arab Gulf states have sive policymaking and lib- already launched the regions new opportunities are aris-
a clear reiteration of what made it an explicit aim to eral, supportive business first digital solutions rooted ing in government-led pro-
many in the region already transform their economies environment. The leaders in that very insightto con- curement in fields such as
knew: the island nations ICT into knowledge economies. of Bahrain have positioned nect all aspects of life un- transport and infrastructure
sector is the most diverse In the World Economic Fo- the country as the Middle der one network, be it your projects, e-government, and
and advanced telecommu- rums latest Global Network Easts most liberal informa- home, your cars, your health health and education. Bah-
nications market within the Readiness report, Bahrain tion, communications and and even your kids. rains financial services is
GCC. Current subscriber was ranked 28th out of 139 technology market, making Bahrain is well placed to also a major consumer of IT
rates indicate a penetration countries in terms of overall it the perfect business envi- become the tech hub of the services, and will continue
level of over 200 per cent, network readiness in 2016. ronment that offers a stra- region. The telecommunica- to offer tech companies new
which means Bahrainis are With 92.7 per cent of its tegic geographic position at tions sector currently em- opportunities. Bahrain cur-
carrying more than one de- population of over 1.3 mil- the heart of the Gulf, he ploys 3,200 people, with rently leads the Arab world
vice, and the Kingdom was lion having an internet con- comments. Bahrainis representing 68 for business-to-consumer
ranked 11th in the world in nection, Bahrain is the most Moving forward, we be- per cent. Bahrain offers an e-commerce, and the sec-
2016 on the United Nations connected country in the lieve that this era is one that ideal location for technol- tor is yet another potential
e-government development Middle East. requires high levels of cross ogy companies to access the opportunity for companies.
index. Now, with the recent The fourth NTP contains industry collaboration. Sec- fast-growing Middle East and The sector is expected to
unveiling of a fourth national the guidelines for the tele- tors such as telecom, bank- GCC markets. Its location in grow in the GCC by 40 per
telecommunications plan communications sector over ing, health and education the centre of the region, with cent over the next three
(NTP), the sky is the limit. the next three years, and is must collaborate together a direct road link to Saudi years, to reach an estimated
The fourth NTP aims to based on eight main themes. and push one another to Arabia, the regions largest value of around 33 billion.
build on this position of In addition to the high-speed new heights. We are contin- market, offers companies a In the MENA region as a
strength and firmly estab- broadband, these themes in- such as the 2012 partner- Mr Al Wetaid adds that uously exploring new ways base in a liberal, supportive whole, the sectors value
lish Bahrain as one of the clude consolidating sustain- ship between US tech group VIVA has experienced phe- to improve our offerings and business environment. Bah- is expected to increase
most developed countries
in the world in the ICT
able competition in mobile
telecommunications and
Moving Thinspace and local firm
Mantech to deploy cloud-
nomenal growth in record-
breaking time in Bahrain,
provide technologies which
would allow our customers
rain boasts a deregulated
telecoms market, with fibre
to around 165 billion by
field. It involves the roll out developing networks and forward, computing technology to
of a national broadband
network with high-speed
systems to deliver the best
services. The plan also aims
we believe business clients in the region
are helping to advance the
fibre-optic services to each to strengthen cyber security, that this era countrys goal of becoming
home, school and business in
the country within the next
improve international con-
nectivity, facilitate access
is one that the premier ICT hub.
Others include the 2014
three to five years. to internet applications and requires alliance between Kalaam Tel-
The broadband network is
just another example on a long
services and keep regula-
tions at par with those in
high levels ecom and Indian telecoms gi-
ant Bharti Airtel to establish
list of ICT firsts in which Bah- place internationally. of cross in- a direct interconnection with
rain has led the region. In 1962,
it became the first country in
Since liberalisation, the
development of telecom-
dustry col- Airtels point-of-presence
in the UK and access to its
the Middle East to install a munications services has laboration. network, and the 2015 ven-
mainframe computer. In 1969,
it was the first to install a satel-
seen rapid growth in Bah-
rain, and is now a major
sectors ture between the UKs BT
Group and VIVA, a subsidiary
lite station and in 1992, it was component of the national such as tel- of Saudi Telecom, to launch
one of the first countries in the economy, says Telecom- a global internet protocol
world with complete digitisa- munications Regulatory ecom, bank- exchange interoperability
tion of its national and inter- Authority (TRA) Gen- ing, health hub in Bahrain. Using an IP-
national telephone switches. In eral Director Mohammed based network-to-network
1995, it was the first country Bubashait. Under the new and educa- interface, this technology al-
in the region to launch an in- plan, TRA will ensure that tion must lows for separate mobile and
ternet service. a suitable regulatory frame- fixed networks to exchange
More recently, a 2014 work and systems are in collaborate traffic and will enhance the
World Bank study examin- place in order to facilitate together services of mobile and fixed
ing the competitive environ- the evolution of environ- providers across the region.
ments in the Middle East and ment-friendly wireless net- and push It should also lead to signifi-
North Africa (MENA) region works that continuously one anoth- cantly lower prices for 4G
services. The deployment of
noted Bahrain was at the support the future services
forefront of the liberalisa- and respond to the needs of er to new the IP exchange in Bahrain
tion of the telecom sec-
tor among Arab countries.
consumers and investors.
Mr Bubashait says the sec-
heights made it just the fourth host
in the world, along with Mi-
Bahrain was also the only tor registered a compound ami, London and Singapore.
country in the region to have annual growth rate of 4.6 Ulaiyan M. Al Wetaid, Ulaiyan M.Al Wetaid, CEO
CEO, VIVA Bahrain
adopted a market structure per cent between 2010 of Viva Bahrain, says, Bah-
and regulatory model simi- and 2015. This growth is rain is known as the most
lar to the European Union, expected to continue with competitive and productive
and to have reached the the implementation of the rains role as a regional hub telecommunications mar-
mature stage in fixed and fourth NTP, which aims to for information and commu- ket in the region which has
mobile broadband market enhance the ability of the nication technology, similar respectively helped it gain
development. The report kingdom and its citizens to to its current status as a global recognition. It is a
also stated that regulatory achieve a range of societal financial centre. There are three-layer market that has
obligations that had been growth and economic diver- already over 200 ICT firms been aggressively deploying
dropped against Batelco, sification objectives. in the country, ranging from the latest technologies to
the national telecommunica- multinational giants such as ensure customers can access
tions provider, had resulted Evolving as the regions Cisco, Zain, HP, Microsoft and experience the worlds
in significant enhancements ICT powerhouse and Tata Consultancy Servic- emerging ICT developments
to DSL broadband offers in Ultimately, the fourth NTP es to niche service provid- and take part in the digital
Bahrain. envisions consolidating Bah- ers and start-ups. Initiatives evolution.

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