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Compensation Characteristics of the Combined System

of Shunt Passive and Series Active Filters

F.Z.Peng H.Akagi A.Nabae
Nagaoka University of Technology
Nagaoka, 940-21, Japan

Abstract- A combined system of shunt passive and small rated series active
fdters has already been proposed by the authors. The operating principle and steady
compensation characteristics have been presented as well. The combined system
can greatly reduce problems of using only shunt passive or shunt active filters and
is suitable for harmonic compensation for large VA rated loads in paver systems
because the required VA rating of the series active filter used is considerably smaller
than that of a conventional shunt active power filter.
In this paper, transient compensation characteristics and stability of the system
are discussed and analyzed theoretically and experimentally in detail. A new control

method is proposed, which enables application of the combined system to compen-
sation for cycloconverters. Some results obtained from the experimentalmodel using
the new control method are presented to demonstrate and confirm its validity.
5th 7th HP
Shunt Passive Filter
(10kVA )
A combined system of sliunt passive and small rated se-
ries active filters has already been proposed by the au-
thors[l]. the configuration of which is shown in Fig.1. Fig.1 System Configuration
The coiiibined filter system aims at eliminating problems Table1 Circuit Constants
of using only conventional shunt passive or conventional
shunt active filters. Its steady compensation character-
istics have been demonstrated and it has been verified
theoretically and experimentally that the combined sys-
tem has the following features[2].
0 Harmonic coinpelisation effect is not influenced by In this paper, focusing on transient states, stability and
tlic source inipedaiice of tlie ac power system. coinpensation characteristics of the combined system are
analyzed and discussed theoretically and experimentally
0 There is no antiresonance between the source h i - in detail. The stable and unstable regions of the com-
pedance and the shunt passive LC filter because the bined system and the problems faced when an attempt
series active filter is placed with the source. of improving transient compensation characteristics is
made are revealed. Then a new control method is pro-
0 Ambient harmonics generated elsewhere on the ac posed to improve transient characteristics of the system,
system, including harmonics of the ac source, do not and the validity is experimentally demonstrated.
sink into the LC filter. In the same time they are
isolated froin load harmonics by the series active fil- 2 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION A N D CONTROL SCHEME
Fig.1 shows the configuration of the combined system.
0 The required rating of tlie series active filter is con-
siderably smaller than that of a conventional active The shunt passive LC filter (lOkVA, the circuit constants
are listed in Table 1) is connected in parallel with a load
filter. Initial and running costs of the combined sys-
tem are as cheap as an usual shunt passive filter. just like a conventional shunt passive LC filter. Here
the load is a six-pulse thyristor rectifier (2OkVA). The
The papers [I] and [2] have described steady character- shunt passive filter consists of 5th- and 7th-tuned LC
istics of the combined system and the results obtained filters and a high pass filter, which are used to com-
we promising enough that the combined system is es- pensate for the load harmonics. The series active fil-
pecially suitable for harmonic compensation of large VA ter, the power circuit of which is three single-phase volt-
rated diode or thyristor rectifiers used in industrial ap- age source PWM inverters placed in series with the ac
plications because these loads vary slowly and can be source impedance through three current transformers,
considered as steady loads. However, some loads such as CT's (turns ratio=l:20), is used to improve compensa-
cycloconverters used for ac motor drives fluctuate with tion characteristics of the shunt passive filter. The rating
rapid speed and cannot be regarded as steady loads. It of the series active filter is 0.45kVA, which is 2.3% of that
is difficult for a conventional shunt passive filter to com- of the load.
pensate for these fluctuating loads because they gener- In principle, the series active filter is controlled to
ate variant frequency harmonics. Thus it is necessary present no impedance a t the fundamental frequency and
to discuss transient compensation characteristics of the a ' K ( 0 ) 'resistance to source and load harmonics. The
combined system when it is applied to compensate for 'K' resistance, much larger than the source impedance
fluctuating loads. and the equivalent impedance of the shunt passive filter,
89CH2792-0/89/059$01.00 @ 1989 IEEE


HPF G(s) 3.1 G ( s ) and Conxpen.sat.ion Cha~acte7.istics

From Figs.1 and 2, the whole system including the con-
trol circuit can be drawn as the block diagram shown
in Fig.3, where Z s ( = sLs)is the source impedance; ZF
is the equivalent impedance of the shunt passive filter;
A-lB is the equivalent transfer function of H P F G ( s )
F i g 2 Control Circuit transformed from pq synchronous frame to a0 fiame.
From Fig.3, the source current I ~ ( Yis) given by
results in no compensation effects due to variations in
the source impedance and the harmonic isolation effect,
i.e., no harmonic current flowing from the load side into
the source side or from the source side into the shunt pas-
sive filter. The series active filter also acts as a damping Therefore, the compensation characteristics to load can
resistance eliminating the antiresonance and harmonic be written as
sink problems inherent to the shunt passive filter.
Fig.2 shows the control circuit for the series active fil-
ter. It is clear that the ac output voltage reference of the
series active filter, U ; , should be given by v; = K ish
to control it to present no impedance a t the fundamen- where, I d s ) = [ h ( s ) ,IsP(s)]', IL(s) = [ I L ~ ( ~1)~. d 3 ) Y ;
tal frequency and a 'K(S2)'resistance to the harmonics, U = 2 x 2 identity matrices; A and B are 2 x 2 matrices
where i 5 h is the harmonic component of the source cur- determined by H P F G ( s ) for extraction of p S l land g S j L .
rent i 5 . ish is calculated by using the instantaneous real Provided that G ( s ) = M ( s ) / N ( s )where
, M ( s )and N ( s )
and imaginary powers p s and qs, which are powers that are polynomial expressions of s, then A and B are rep-
flow from the source into the load and the shunt passive resented respectively by (see Appendix for derivation)
filter. The harmonic components, pSh and qSh, of the
A(s) = N ( X )
source powers p s and qs are extracted by a high pass fil-
ter ( H P F G ( s ) )respectively. Then ish is calculated out II_[ -w1 ;I]

from psh and q S h . These relations shown in F i g 2 are (7)

represented by the following equations.
B(s) = M ( X )
IL[ -w, ]
where, w, is the angular frequency of the ac sonrce. For
the sake of simplicity, the compensation characteristics
to load represented in Eq.(G) are written as follows using
the symmetry in Eqs.(G) and (7):


where, a(s) and b ( s ) are determined by Eqs.(G) and

(4) (7). Their detail expressions are omitted here. Re-
placing s with j w , we can obtain the compensation
where, characteristics of the system. However, 1 5 , " ( j w )is re-
lated not only to ILo(jw) but also t o I ~ ~ ( j w )
b ( j w ) #O, and so is I s p ( j w ) . An obvious relationship be-
tween ls and lL cannot be obtained directly from Eq.(8)
because of the, coupling between a-,phase and 0-phase.
Transforming [lso(jw), I s s ( j w ) ]and [ I ~ , ( j w I) ~
, p ( j w )into
positive ,and negative sequences, [ I s p ( j w )157,(jw)]
, and
[ILp(jw), ILn(jw)], respectively with

Ps, Q s , PSh and QSh are Laplace transformations of

p s , gs, psh and q S h . ap frame is stationary, while p q
[ ] = [C] [ ],
where [ C ]= -

can be considered as synchronous (with the source fre- yields the following decoupled relationship:
quency w l ) variables. Therefore, G ( s ) is operated on the
synchronous frame.
From Fig.2, it is obvious t h a t only H P F G ( s ) and value
of K can be designed in advance. They predominate over
characteristics of t h e system. The reasons why the in-
stantaneous powers are used to calculate ish rather than
notch filters are the independence of the filtering perfor- Fig.4 shows the positive and negative sequence com-
mance from source frequency variations and its simple pensation characteristics, Isp/lLp and Is,,/lLnr with
implementation [1][3]. G(s)=s/(s+w,)(1st-order HPF) and Ls=2%, in the cases


Fig.3 Block Diagram of the System

10 -

10, , , - . . ~

-10 -

-20 - -20 -
-30 L -30
Fig.4 Coinpensation Characteristics

of K = O . K = 2 , f ,=250Hz.f, = 3 5 H ~illid f,=lHz. N o differ- Fig.5 Ch:iracteristics with 21id-orclcr H P F

eiices betwecm tlie positive and negutiue sequence charac-
teristics can be observed above 5th-harnionic frequency, collies larger. Therefore. it is iiecesmry to raisc cutoff
although there are differences nearby the fundamental frequency of G ( s ) ,fc, when tlie load fluctuates a t a liigh
frequency. Therefore, it is enough to discuss only tlie rate, to ensure the series active filter's safely operating
positive sequence characteristics for a symmetrical load. aiid obtain good transient compensation cliaractcristics.
However, it is obvious also that the aiitireaonaiicr cannot
Tlie case of K = O means only with the shunt passive be effectively eliiniiiated with a high cutoff freqiieiicy fc.
filter but without the series active filter. It is seen from Given that inagiiitude and freqiieiicy changes of the
Fig.4 that the antiresoiiaiice. that is, the parts beyond load curreiit are AIL, f A . respectively. wliicli arc raiised
OdB caii be greatly eliiiiiiiated with tlie series active fil- by load fluctuating. tlie niagiiitude chaiigc of U , iit fre-
ter. cspecially when f< is sinall. Note that the smaller quencies f l f f A . AV,. can be rcpreseiitrd by
fc. tlie niore strictly the series active filter acts as a pure

resistance to tlie harmonics. Unfortunately, transient

perforniaiice deteriorates if fc is sinall, because that sub-
and super-harmonics nearby tlie fiindamental frequency
A V - - ?!
c - ILP I v = d ,i 2 T f A
* AIL K - lG(.i41&2-,J (11)

The above-mentioned coiicliisioiis can be also illiistrated

f,(=50Hz) appear in the load and the source currents
by Eq.(ll). AV, should be ininiiiiized to rrducc tlie re-
wlieii the load fluctuates, which caii not be notched ef-
quired voltage rating of the series active filter. Raising
fectively by a low cutoff frequence H P F G ( s ) .Moreover,
cutoff frequency fc is one iiietliod to rediice A y . but a
as ii resiilt. the voltage applicd to the series active filter.
trade-off value of fc can only be selectrd to rliiiiinate tlie
U ,. b c ~ o i i i e s
large m i t l ill turii causes the CT's to saturate
antiresonance a t tlie saiiie tinie. It is clcar froiii Eq.( 11)
or cvcii tlie PWM iiivcrters to overvoltage and overcur-
that using a high order H P F G ( s )caii also reduce AV,-
rent, because tlie voltage rating is very sinal1 (equal to
effectively. Fig.5 shows tlie posiliae seqiicnce charac-
2.3% of the source voltage for this system). For exain-
teristics with Ls=2% and Ls=5.6% in tlie case of 2nd-
ple, sub-harmonic a t f l - f A =40Hz and super-harmoiiic
order Butterworth type H P F and tlie cutoff frequency
at f l + f-\ =GOHz nearby fl appear in the source and
fc=lOOHz. The characteristics nearby the fundamental
load currents when the load fluctuates with f n =10Hz.
frequency are excellent, that is, tlie transient cliaracter-
Tlie sub- and super-harmonics nearby the fundamental
istics are better. However. a larger antiresonance peak
frequeiicy f l , that is, harmonics a t frequencies f l f f A ,
occurs when K =lac2. To eliniinate tlie antiresonance a
correspoiid with low frequency (below the fundaniental
larger value of K should be used. Uiifortiiiiately. tlie
freqiieiicy f,)coniponeiits of p , and q s , the frequency of
system becoines unstable when K is too large. wliicli is
wliicli cqiials the fluctuation frequency of load, fd [3].
made clear in the following section.
In summary, the smaller the cutoff frequency fc, tlie
farther tlie coinpensation characteristics nearby the fun- 3.2 Stability of the S y s t e m
damental frequency fldeviate from the characteristics in It is obvious that K and G ( s ) doininate the stability of
the case of K =O (without the series active filter). This the system. The block diagram of the system sliowii
means that the transient characteristics become poorer in Fig.3 can be separated into the positive and negative
aiid the voltage applied to the series active filter, vc, be- sequence block diagrams. Then it is siniple to analyze
:, I of the series active filter. U,-,+=120V. Fig.S(a) and ( b )
_ I v

1 shows the simulation and experimental results respec-

-z-rG tively. The correspoiidence between tlie two proves the
precision of tlie simulation, and in turn coiifirnih the an-
I alytical results in Figs.7 and 8.


and q5,1.from ps and q $ . There is no trouble with the

stability of the system though, the transient cliaracter-
\ K= 1 istics are not good when 1st-order H P F G(a) is used to
extract prh and q r h . It is clear froni F i ~ . 4that thc peak
5o %+le region , y
0 Re
value of the antiresonance becomes larger than 3dB when
fc is higher than 35Hz. which is usually uiidtsirable.
0 For example, provided that tlie load current magnitude
fl 2 4
fluctuates from 20A to 80A with f~ =10Hz: G ( s ) = l s t -
order HPF, fc =35Hz; and K = 2 0 , the sub- and super-
Fig.7 Stable Rcy,ion Fig.8 Nyquist Loci
harmonic component of the voltage applied to t h r series
tlic stability of tlicb syktciii. active filter, AV, given by E q . ( l l ) , equals 18V (=11%of
Just like Eq.(8), A-'B call be represeiited as the source voltage), which is considerably larger than the
voltage rating ( ~ 2 . 3 % of
) tlie series active filter and may
cause the CT's to be saturated, the series active filter to
overcurrent or overvoltage. Fig.10 shows the. siiiiulation
waveforms under the same conditions, where assliming
where, a , ( s )and b , ( s ) are given by Eq.(7). Transforming
A-'B from ag frame to the positive and negative se-
that d'v is not limited to see the peak valllc of o, 111 .
Fig.10, the peak value of v c is approximately q u a l to
cluelice coiuponents with [ C ]yields the equivalent trans-
18V, consisting with the value cdculilted accordiiig to
fer fiiiiction of A - I B in positiae and negative sequence Eq.( 10). As mentioned earlier. another nietliotl to re-
~ ~follows:
c O ~ i ~ I ) ~ ) its (~~its
duce AV, is to use higher order H P F G ( x ) . However.
instability of the system is involved wlieii iisiiig 2nd- or
higher order HPF. Actually. tlierc are 110 va1iic.s of f(
and K which can make the system stable ant1 I>('ikkvalue
of tlie antiresonance below 3 ~ 4 d B a t tlic sanic tiin(' with
2nd-order HPF, referring to Figs.5 and 7. Using liiglicr
order HPF makes the stable region of the system iiiore
Usiiig Eq.(13), the block diagram shown in Fig.3 can be
narrow and is actually not feasible. Accordingly, a new
redrawii as tlie positiue and 7zegative sequence diagram
control method is introduced for iiiiI)roving tliv tr;uisieiit
sliowii i l l Fig.& The Nyquist criterion is applied to Fig.G
to aiiiilyzc the stability. Whcii G ( s )is a 1st-order HPF,
the system is stable for arbitrary values of K and fc, that 4.1 N e w Control Method
is. the system is always stable with 1st-order H P F G ( s ) . Fig.11 shows the block diagram of tlic. IICW control
Fig.7 shows analytical results of the stability in the case method. The shunt passive filter current i,: and tlic load
that G(s) is a 2nd-order Butterworth type HPF, in which current i L are detected, from which tlie powrrs flowing
tlie shaded area indicates t h e stable region. Fig.8 shows into the shunt passive filter and the load, p p , q p and pL,
an example of the Nyquist loci with fc =100Hz, K =1, q L , are calculated respectively. The harmonic compo-
K =1.3, K =2. The Nyquist loci indicates that K =1.3 IlelltS (p,Fh, Q F h , pLh, q L h ) are extracted by HPF'S G , ( 3 )
is tlie criterion point of the stability for fc =100Hz, and and G , ( s ) respectively. Here, G l ( s ) is a 1st-order H P F
the system enters the uiistable region when K is larger (the cutoff frequency= fc,) and G , ( s )is a 2nd-order But-
than 1.3. Therefore, tlie characteristic plotted in Fig.5 terworth type H P F ( t h e cutoff frequciicy= fc2). Given
with fc =100Hz, K =8 is meaningless because the system that A;'B1 and Ai'B.1 are the equivalent transfer func-
is in the unstable region. Fig.7 also shows simulation tions of H P F G , ( s )and G , ( s ) in a0 frame respectively,
results, in which " 0 " s indicate stable operating points the source current Is is written as
and "x"s unstable operating points. The simulation is
based on the main circuit shown in Fig.1 and the con- Is(s) = [ZFU + K(Ai'B1 - Ai'Bz)]
trol circuit shown in F i g 2 with a n approximation to the
[ ( Z S+ ZF)U + KA;'Bi]-' IL(s)
real six-pulse quasisquare wave line current drawn by the
load. To show the simulation precision, a comparison be- + [(ZS+ ZF)U + KA;'Bl]-' Vs(s) * (14)
tween the simulation and the experiment is performed
under the same conditions which are G ( s ) = 1st-order Comparing Eq.(14) with Eq.(5), it is evident that the
HPF, fc =35Hz, L S =2%, K =2f2 and the dc voltage new control method has the same characteristics to the

-100 E_


-20 t Stavted

Fig.S(a) Siiiiulatioii Results Fig.S(b) Experiiiieiital Results

-250 k
100 c is

-100 t

Fig.10 Simulation Results

20 k(dB' 'O
20 b"' 1

10 10

0 0

-10 -10

-20 -20
-3oL Ls=2% '
Fig.12 Compensation Characteristics of
Fig.11 New Control Circuit Fig.ll(f,,=%OHz, fc,=35Hz)


-1nn t

20: vc


-20 L

source Vs(s) as and different characteristics to the load loads.

IL(s) from the method shown in Fig.2. However, the
operating principle is quite the same as that in Fig.2,
i.e., the series active filter acts as As mentioned so far, the control circuit for the series
active filter determines predominantly the characteris-
0 no impedance a t the fundamental, because 1A;'BlJ
tics of the combined system. Besides, the dc voltage
= IAz'B21 = 0, vc =0, and
and dc capacity of the series active filter are important
0 K(f2) resistance for the harmonics, because IA;'B11 to the characteristics and design of the system. The dc
- (A,'B2( =1,wc = K ( i p h + i L h ) = KiSh. voltage should be high enough to output the reference
output voltage and not exceed the rated device voltage.
The sub- and super-harmonics nearby the fundamental Hence, the dc voltage regulation should be below a spe-
frequency in i~ can be effectively notched by 2nd-order cific value, that is, a certain capacity of the dc capacitor
HPF G,(s). Besides, the sub- and super-harmonics in is needed.
iF are very small as compared with those in i ~ so , that
the sub- and super-harmonic voltage, AVc, can be con- 5.1 Steady State
siderably reduced. It can be seen from Eq.(14) that the Given that the real power flowing into the series active
stability of the system is only dependent on G,(s) and K. filter, p c ( t ) , is a sine wave whose amplitude and angular
Therefore the system is inherently stable if G , ( s )is a 1st- frequency are Pcm and w , the dc capacitor Cd can be
order HPF and the stability is not dependent on G , ( s ) . represented as [3][6]:
Fig.12 shows the compensation characteristics (only pos-
itive sequence). Compared with Fig.4, it can be seen that
the new control method improves greatly the character-
istics nearby the fundamental frequency. Also, the peak where, v& is the mean dc voltage; E is the dc voltage
regulation. If a permissible value of E is given then the
values of the antiresonances are depressed below 4dB.
Fig.13 shows the simulation results under the same con- required capacity c d is obtained from Eq.(15). For this
ditions as in Fig.10. The sub- and super-harmonic volt- system, Pc, =2VcIs, Vc and I s are the RMS values of
age applied to the series active filter, AVC, is reduced vc and is. Given that VC =2.5V, I S =60A (depending
greatly, and good transient characteristics are obtained. on the power factor of the load), w =300.2a, VCd =120V
and the permissible dc voltage regulation E =1%, then
4.2 Ezperimental Results C, =1100pF according to Eq.(15). In Fig.14, dc volt-
To verify the validity of the new control method, some age change can be hardly read because Cd(=1600pF) is
experiments have been done with Ls =2%, fcl =20Hz, large. Fig.16 shows the experimental waveforms with
fu =35Hz, K =In,c d =1600pF, and VCd =120v. Fig.14 c d =190pF. In this case, the dc voltage change is equal
shows the steady characteristics before and after the se- to 15V, that is, E =6.3%, which is approximately equal to
ries active filter was started, which are almost the same the theoretical value by Eq.(15), 5.8%. When the load
as those in Fig.S(b). Fig.15 shows the transient charac- fluctuates, the power p c ( t ) includes the low frequency
teristics in the case that the load fluctuates with 10Hz. component, w is small, and consequentially the required
The sub- and super-harmonics in v c were reduced to the capacity becomes large. For example, when the load
rated voltage of the active filter, which confirms the va- fluctuates with lOHz the required capacity c d =3300pF
lidity of the new control method to high rate fluctuating even if let E =lo% under the Same conditions as above.
, ~:[..,,;aOuv ~

Fig.14 Experiiiieiital Results with N e w Control Circiiit(Steady State )

5.2 T ~ a m i e n State
t aiinlyzed aiid pointed out. A n e w coiitrol iiiot,liotl for
Provided that the source powers p s and qs cliaiige step- tlic systeiii has beeii proposccl itiicl its viilitlity for tlio
wk;O with Ap, aiid Aqs wlieii the load has a step cliaiige. transiciit cliitracteristics iiiiprovcwciit liiis 1 ) c . c ~ s11ow11
Tlio ro:d powor flowiiig iiito the scrics active filtcr duc: aii;tlyticiilly ;tiid rxperiiiieiitally.
to thc stc~pwisecliiuige. p r, ( t). caii he give11 froni Eqs.( 3) A s :I resiilt. the coiiilhctl systtwi riui lw c:oiisiclorcd
a l l t l (4)a s :

where. V;,,I = u ; ~ u ; ~ . For example, when G ( s ) =
S/(A +w ~ is) 1st-order HPF, p c ( t ) is R. E F E it): N c ES

F.Z.Pciig. et :11.. "A Novel Hiiriiioiik Powc~r Fi1tc.r".

IEEE/PESC. pp.1151. 1088.
tlic voltage of'tlie tlc capacitor U ,d rises from tlip initial
vallle U , A" to 0 , A x . where PI F.Z.Peng. et al.. "A New Apprn:icli to H:triiioiiic Coni-
pelisation in Power Systcins". IEEE/IAS A i ~ i i i dMcct-
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IEEE Trans. Irtd.Appl. Vol.IA-22. No.3. pp.460. 1086.
M.Takeda. et al.. "Himiioitic Ciirreiit Coiiipeiiaation
with Active Filter". IEEE/IAS Aiiiiiiiil Mectiiig. pp.808.
F'roiii Eel.( 18). tlir rcyiiircd capacity C d call be ohtailled
if tlic periiiissibk iiiaxiiiial viiliie of U, is given. For
A.Nalcajiii:i. et al.. "Developinclit of Active: Filter with
=120V,w, =35.27r,Cd =lGOOpF,K =252, [51
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tlieii uL-dX =1G9V.
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Focusing on coiiipeiisatioii for fluctuating loads, this pa-
per lias discussed the transient characteristics of the APPENDIX (Derivation of A-'B)
coiihiiied systeiii of sliuiit passive and series active fil-
ters previoiisly proposed by tlie authors. The relations Let H P F G ( s ) be G ( s ) = M ( s ) / N ( s :tiid
) substituting P
between the llariiionic current extraction circuit aiid the for s. E q . ( 2 ) in the text can be written AS
coiiipeiisatioii characteristics have been developed. The
stability and problems faced when an attempt of ini-
proving the transient characteristics is made, have beeii N(P) [ Pq S hh 1 = M(P) [; 1 (19)



f rF:lOOA

I '
Fig.15 Experimental Results with New Control Circuit(Transient State)

that is. A(s) = N ( X )

I*= [ I (24)
B(s) = M ( X )
IL [ 1
Provided that W F and
~ vpp are sin waves with angular from Eq.(23), we have
freclnency w,. we have

where, k = 0, 1,2, - a. Therefore, Eq.(20) becomes

I ' f ip:lOOA

that is,

j vc:2ov

_ _I ' Started

- f IJCd:2oov


1- i-
Substituting s for P and letting Fig.16 Experimental Results with C, =190pF

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